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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/23/2012 4:15:23 PM
Romney said it all in one sentence early in the debate:

"Attacking me is not an agenda."

THAT should be the logo of every election cycle from now on!
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/23/2012 7:44:45 PM
October 23, 2012 By Matt Barber
Did you vote for Barack Obama in 2008? A lot of people did – obviously.

What a time. There’s still room for improvement, but what a testimony to just how far we as a nation have come in terms of racial harmony, tolerance, and diversity.

Only decades earlier, a man like Barack Obama – a black man – couldn’t even drink from the same water fountain as a white man, let alone become president of the United States. A hundred years prior to that, and he may well have been counted another man’s property.

On Nov. 4, 2008, millions gathered at the ballot box to prove, once and for all, that, in large measure, we as a nation have healed from our disgraceful, self-inflicted wounds of racial abuse, bias, and division.

That we could elect an African-American to lead the free world is indeed a very good thing.

We just happened to elect the wrong African-American.

In life, we sometimes find that the idea of a thing is far better than the thing itself. As a boy, I once ordered, from a comic book, a pair of X-ray glasses that promised to allow me to see the bones beneath my hand (my motives were a bit more ignoble). The two weeks it took for the glasses to arrive seemed like an eternity.

Once they did arrive, I ripped into the package and put them on, darting my head to-and-fro. It’s difficult to express my level of disappointment. As I quickly discovered, the glasses merely formed a halo effect around objects, creating the illusion of transparency. I felt embarrassed. I got took.

Barack Obama’s presidency has been a halo effect. Like I did so many years ago, in 2008, America fell victim to false advertising. As the past four years have demonstrated beyond any serious debate, the idea of President Obama was far better than the reality of President Obama. We were promised the world. We were promised transparency; but we were sold an illusion. We got took.

Indeed, during the 2008 campaign, a then-Sen. Barack Obama promised us that, if elected, we would look back upon the moment he took office and “tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth.”

That was the idea of President Obama. That was what many good, well-meaning people voted for. That was the hope offered and the change promised.

That was not what we got.

Though it’s certainly not a comprehensive analysis, during the second presidential debate, Mitt Romney, in response to Mr. Obama’s attempts to gloss over his mounting leadership failures, summarized a few of the big ones. While addressing an audience member who, perhaps like you, voted for Obama in 2008, Romney observed, in part, the following:

“I think you know better. I think you know that these last four years haven’t been so good as the president just described and that you don’t feel like you’re confident that the next four years are going to be much better either. …

“He said that, by now, we’d have unemployment at 5.4 percent. The difference between where it is and 5.4 percent is 9 million Americans without work. …

“He said he would have, by now, put forward a plan to reform Medicare and Social Security because he pointed out they’re on the road to bankruptcy. He would reform them. He’d get that done. He hasn’t even made a proposal on either one.

“He said in his first year he’d put out an immigration plan that would deal with our immigration challenges. Didn’t even file it.

“This is a president who has not been able to do what he said he’d do. He said that he’d cut in half the deficit. He hasn’t done that either. In fact, he doubled it.

“He said that by now, middle-income families would have a reduction in their health insurance premiums by $2,500 a year. It’s gone up by $2,500 a year. And if Obamacare is … implemented fully, it’ll be another $2,500. …

“The middle class is getting crushed under the policies of a president who has not understood what it takes to get the economy working again. … [T]he number of people who are still looking for work is still 23 million Americans.

“There are more people in poverty, one out of six people in poverty.

“How about food stamps? When he took office, 32 million people were on food stamps. Today, 47 million people are on food stamps. How about the growth of the economy? It’s growing more slowly this year than last year – and more slowly last year than the year before. …”

The president has tried, but his policies haven’t worked.

Recently, my wife and I attended an outdoor festival in central Virginia. Although the event was not political, there were people from both the Obama and Romney camps handing out campaign stickers and other items. I suspect that if a poll were taken, liberals outnumbered conservatives by about two-to-one.

That’s why I was so taken aback. Although we saw dozens of people wearing Romney stickers, we only saw one man wearing an Obama sticker.

We walked up to a fellow with a gray pony tail, John Lennon glasses, and Birkenstocks. He was wearing a Romney sticker.

Mind if I ask why you’re voting for Mitt Romney?” I asked. “I assume you are.”

His reply – and these were his words, not mine – was short and to the point: “Because I refuse to be that stupid twice.”

Changing one’s mind doesn’t always reveal a tendency toward indecision. Sometimes, changing one’s mind reveals a tendency toward wisdom.

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/24/2012 1:41:13 PM
Hi Evelyn,

Excellent article and thanks for posting it. The only problem is that we're reading it instead of the addicted entitlement and freebie lovers. They can't be bothered and truths mean nothing to them.



October 23, 2012 By Matt Barber
Did you vote for Barack Obama in 2008? A lot of people did – obviously.

What a time. There’s still room for improvement, but what a testimony to just how far we as a nation have come in terms of racial harmony, tolerance, and diversity.

Only decades earlier, a man like Barack Obama – a black man – couldn’t even drink from the same water fountain as a white man, let alone become president of the United States. A hundred years prior to that, and he may well have been counted another man’s property.

On Nov. 4, 2008, millions gathered at the ballot box to prove, once and for all, that, in large measure, we as a nation have healed from our disgraceful, self-inflicted wounds of racial abuse, bias, and division.

That we could elect an African-American to lead the free world is indeed a very good thing.

We just happened to elect the wrong African-American.

In life, we sometimes find that the idea of a thing is far better than the thing itself. As a boy, I once ordered, from a comic book, a pair of X-ray glasses that promised to allow me to see the bones beneath my hand (my motives were a bit more ignoble). The two weeks it took for the glasses to arrive seemed like an eternity.

Once they did arrive, I ripped into the package and put them on, darting my head to-and-fro. It’s difficult to express my level of disappointment. As I quickly discovered, the glasses merely formed a halo effect around objects, creating the illusion of transparency. I felt embarrassed. I got took.

Barack Obama’s presidency has been a halo effect. Like I did so many years ago, in 2008, America fell victim to false advertising. As the past four years have demonstrated beyond any serious debate, the idea of President Obama was far better than the reality of President Obama. We were promised the world. We were promised transparency; but we were sold an illusion. We got took.

Indeed, during the 2008 campaign, a then-Sen. Barack Obama promised us that, if elected, we would look back upon the moment he took office and “tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth.”

That was the idea of President Obama. That was what many good, well-meaning people voted for. That was the hope offered and the change promised.

That was not what we got.

Though it’s certainly not a comprehensive analysis, during the second presidential debate, Mitt Romney, in response to Mr. Obama’s attempts to gloss over his mounting leadership failures, summarized a few of the big ones. While addressing an audience member who, perhaps like you, voted for Obama in 2008, Romney observed, in part, the following:

“I think you know better. I think you know that these last four years haven’t been so good as the president just described and that you don’t feel like you’re confident that the next four years are going to be much better either. …

“He said that, by now, we’d have unemployment at 5.4 percent. The difference between where it is and 5.4 percent is 9 million Americans without work. …

“He said he would have, by now, put forward a plan to reform Medicare and Social Security because he pointed out they’re on the road to bankruptcy. He would reform them. He’d get that done. He hasn’t even made a proposal on either one.

“He said in his first year he’d put out an immigration plan that would deal with our immigration challenges. Didn’t even file it.

“This is a president who has not been able to do what he said he’d do. He said that he’d cut in half the deficit. He hasn’t done that either. In fact, he doubled it.

“He said that by now, middle-income families would have a reduction in their health insurance premiums by $2,500 a year. It’s gone up by $2,500 a year. And if Obamacare is … implemented fully, it’ll be another $2,500. …

“The middle class is getting crushed under the policies of a president who has not understood what it takes to get the economy working again. … [T]he number of people who are still looking for work is still 23 million Americans.

“There are more people in poverty, one out of six people in poverty.

“How about food stamps? When he took office, 32 million people were on food stamps. Today, 47 million people are on food stamps. How about the growth of the economy? It’s growing more slowly this year than last year – and more slowly last year than the year before. …”

The president has tried, but his policies haven’t worked.

Recently, my wife and I attended an outdoor festival in central Virginia. Although the event was not political, there were people from both the Obama and Romney camps handing out campaign stickers and other items. I suspect that if a poll were taken, liberals outnumbered conservatives by about two-to-one.

That’s why I was so taken aback. Although we saw dozens of people wearing Romney stickers, we only saw one man wearing an Obama sticker.

We walked up to a fellow with a gray pony tail, John Lennon glasses, and Birkenstocks. He was wearing a Romney sticker.

Mind if I ask why you’re voting for Mitt Romney?” I asked. “I assume you are.”

His reply – and these were his words, not mine – was short and to the point: “Because I refuse to be that stupid twice.”

Changing one’s mind doesn’t always reveal a tendency toward indecision. Sometimes, changing one’s mind reveals a tendency toward wisdom.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/24/2012 1:42:34 PM
Hello Friends,

Judi McLeod wrote an excellent post about Bob Shieiffer's calling B Hussein Obama Bin Laden. Aside from the article it just goes to show that even the
progressive liberal Marxist MSM is aware that B Hussein is pro islam and wouldn't object to a sharia compliant US.

The fact that he lied throughout the debate and all the others I believe is by now common knowledge to the majority of Americans aside from some of the real B Hussein groupies who are unable to see what's staring them in the face.

I just wanted to add that the mindless addicted entitlement and freebie lovers have an additional reason to support B Hussein. He was "endorsed" by by Hugo Chavez who said he's a good guy and "if I were an American, I would vote for Obama". In addition he has the endorsement of the Castro family and Russia's Putin. I'm sure that there are a few more "leaders" of this sort especially in the muslim jihadi world. Don't you think that alone is reason enough to steer clear of this failed president?



P.S. BTW, I voted today at the American Embassy in Tel Aviv. From what I understood from the majority of the people I spoke to there they voted for Romney.

It’s not “Obama-uh-bin Laden” but “Obama’s bin Lyin’”

- Judi McLeod (Bio and Archives) Tuesday, October 23, 2012

On the morning after the last presidential debate, Yahoo! News is already calling Bob Schieffer’s “Obama bin Laden gaffe “unfortunate but not unusual”.

Dylan Stableford reminds us that many in the media call Obama Osama.

“We know that Pakistan has arrested the doctor who helped us catch Obama-uh-bin Laden,” Schieffer said, seeming to realize his mistake immediately.” (Dylan Stableford, Yahoo! News The Ticket, Oct. 23, 2012.)

If Schieffer seemed to realize his mistake immediately, no one was aware of it, because he kept right on trucking.

“During coverage of the al-Qaida leader’s death in 2011, many members of the media made the same mistake,” Stableford wrote. “MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann and Norah O’Donnell, CBS’ Mark Knoller, Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera and local Fox affiliates were among those who fell victim to the Osama-Obama curse in the immediate aftermath of bin Laden’s killing.”

“ABC News ran a scroll on its website declaring “Obama bin Laden Dead”. Diane Sawyer’s “World News” blog reported that ‘OBAMA WILL BE BURIED AT SEA”.

“Geraldo Rivera said “Obama is dead” on Fox News before correcting himself.

“An anchor for Fox’s Sacramento, Calif., affiliate declared on air: “President Obama speaking from the East Room of the White House, telling the nation and the world President Obama is, in fact, dead.”

“After mocking Fox for that error, Keith Olbermann tweeted, “Mr. Bush personally de-prioritized the hunt for Obama.”

Many folk don’t count on the mainstream media for facts.

And if there is such a thing as the “Osama-Obama curse”, Barack laid it on himself.

But at least Olbermann, O’Donnell, Knoller, Rivera and Sawyer misnamed Obama as Osama long before election, and not a mere two weeks before Election Day like Schieffer.

Looking for gravitas by reminding voters he was responsible for the killing of bin Laden, Obama got it handed to him on a silver platter by Schieffer, who will likely argue that it was a mere slip of the tongue.

Obama, who has spent his time in the White House as an enemy of Free Enterprise and Capitalism, spoke as if he was their biggest defender for much of the debate.
Bold claims in the face of his record.

But even in a debate where Obama got to repeatedly interrupt Romney and was allowed to run the time clock, Romney voiced what has been on the tip of the tongue of of millions of Americans for the past four years when he called Obama out for his blame America “apology tour” that came with the beginning of his presidency.

For many, bowing to America’s enemies has been Obama’s biggest stinging insult to Americans.

In his sharpest words of the debate, Romney confronted Obama by accusing him of empowering dictators and despots around the world.

“The president began what I would call an apology tour, going to the Middle East and blaming America,” Romney said. “I think when the president said he was going to create daylight between ourselves and Israel, they noticed that.

“We’re four years closer to a nuclear Iran,” Romney said. “The reason I call it an apology tour is because you went to the Middle East. You skipped Israel and they noticed that.

“Number two, Mr. President, the reason I call it an apology tour is because you went to the Middle East and you flew to — to Egypt and to Saudi Arabia and to — to Turkey and Iraq. And — and by way, you skipped Israel, our closest friend in the region, but you went to the other nations. And by the way, they noticed that you skipped Israel. And then in those nations and on Arabic TV you said that America had been dismissive and derisive. You said that on occasion America had dictated to other nations. Mr. President, America has not dictated to other nations. We have freed other nations from dictators.”

Looking uncomfortable, Obama quipped, “Nothing Governor Romney has said just now is true. The strength we’ve shown in Iran is the way that we’ve been able to organize the world.”

Last night, mercifully ended the biased mainstream media-hosted debates.

Meanwhile, Obama who will be made to look like the killer of Osama bin Laden in a movie to be shown two days before Election, never got to wear the T-shirt, but wore Bob Schieffer’s moniker before millions of television viewers instead.

Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years’ experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh,, Drudge Report,, and Glenn Beck.

Judi can be emailed at:

Guess it’s everybody else’s fault that Barry Soetoro came up with the name that sounds so much like the man he would one day claim he killed.

The last word here belongs to CFP letter writer Dan, who wrote today: It’s “Obama’s bin lyin’”.

It’s “Obama’s (ah) bin Laden” according to CBS’s Bob Schieffer

When it comes to pro Barack Obama bias during televised presidential debates, CNN’s Candy Crowley’s got stiff competition from CBS’s Bob Schieffer.

Crowley used intervention, during which she cut Mitt Romney short when he stated that Obama had failed to say the Benghazi attack, that claimed the lives of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, was the work of terrorists in his Rose Garden statement the following day.

For any who didn’t think the Crowley intervention was deliberate, Michelle Obama was caught on camera applauding it—in contravention of the established and agreed upon rules banning members of the audience from clapping or otherwise showing support during the debate, which brought on such criticism that CNN sent out a note to her colleagues calling her debate style “superb”.

Crowley won no respect backtracking a few hours after cutting Romney short and taking Obama’s side, when the CNN debate moderator admitted that Romney had been “right in the main” but had “picked the wrong word”.

Last night, Schieffer referred to terrorist Osama bin Laden as “Obama’s bin Laden”.

“We know that Pakistan has arrested a doctor who helped us capture Obama’s (ah) bin Laden,” was Schieffer’s exact quote when prefacing a question to Romney, “Is it time for us to divorce Pakistan.”

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/25/2012 12:58:26 AM

Hi Peter and friends, maybe this will explain a few things. One of my FB friends just posted this. Now why does this not surprise me?????


This Really Makes You Wonder....Who Was On Other End Of The Earpiece Feeding Obama Lines? Isn't This Yet Another Example Of Cheating??????

Pimps Whores Hookers And Thieves..........

DemocRATS & L-I-B-E-R-A-L-S ARE ALL OF THESE!!!!!!!!


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