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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/26/2012 12:37:10 PM

Supplying America’s Islamist enemies abroad with weapons

Obama’s Feet of Clay

- Erik Rush Friday, October 26, 2012
A lot of Americans who supported Barack Obama in 2008 regret having supported him, sufficiently so that they will not be voting for him this time around – and they’ve said as much. Should Obama be voted out of office on November 6, it is quite probable that so much dirt pertaining to him will subsequently emerge that millions more supporters will be so ashamed they won’t wish to admit ever having supported him.

Obama’s curriculum vitae didn’t merit his being elected to the office of President of the United States. His past, associations, and attendant political baggage should have precluded it. We can add to that the draconian and unconstitutional policies, executive orders, and other actions he has taken during his presidency. Then, there are the criminal acts, such as the Fast and Furious gun running fiasco. Of course, since no formal charges have been made relative to F&F (and may never be) this assertion remains wild supposition by Obama supporters.
Now, it appears as though this president may have been supplying America’s Islamist enemies abroad with weapons under the guise of aiding Libyan and Syrian rebels. Charges have been made that the administration’s apparent failure to provide appropriate security for its foreign service personnel in Benghazi, Libya, or to act to save them during the September 11, 2012 attack had their genesis in Obama’s desire to cover up this out-of-control operation.
While many Americans may not be ready to accept such a conspiracy or evil of this magnitude on the part of their First Black President, I’ll stop short of making a wager that the aforementioned scenario is precisely what occurred. Earlier in CFP (in a column that was widely reprinted sans permission or a byline), I postulated that Chris Stevens, the US Ambassador to Libya, had essentially been “hit” at Obama’s behest due to “embarrassing personal matters, or other chicanery performed in his official capacity.” Certainly, another clandestine gun running operation that threatened Obama’s re-election bid (not to mention his continued freedom) would fall into one of those categories.
Benghazigate: Thomas R. Pickering, chief investigator, Islamist sympathizer

The mutability of official accounts relating to “Benghazigate” have already challenged thinking Americans’ ability to suspend their disbelief beyond limits. The ongoing willingness of the American press to collude with the Obama administration in their deceptions is likely to irreparably damage its credibility, although there are some even among liberal journalists who’ve demonstrated that their journalistic credentials matter more to them than their affinity for Obama.

Obama’s questionable activities have become quite overt in many cases, given his knowledge that the press at large can be counted on to suppress stories that might reflect badly. On October 24, The Blaze reported that Thomas R. Pickering, whom Obama appointed as the chief investigator for the terror attacks in Benghazi, is an Islamist sympathizer with documented ties to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terror-funding trial in U.S. history. He is also is also co-chairman of the board of pro-Obama financier and Nazi collaborator George Soros’ pro-Islamist International Crisis Group.

A lot of folks who watched the final Presidential debate on Monday bemoaned the fact that Mitt Romney wasn’t more aggressive toward Obama with regard to Libya and the Middle East. Inasmuch as a lot of us wanted a firebreathing conservative at the beginning of the Republican primaries (someone who would sear Obama’s proverbial flesh at every opportunity), we figured the least Romney could have done was point out that the administration having telegraphed a weak foreign policy led to the “Arab Spring” to start with.

Unfortunately at this juncture, most Americans aren’t yet able to wrap their brains around the conspiracies that do exist and in which this administration plays a part – and there is an election to win. This is a fact, and things are going too well for our side right now for me to criticize that about which I may not have all the facts.

Regarding Obama, we have all the facts we need. Those who continue to support him appear increasingly deluded, stupid, and/or evil. Even a cursory appraisal of Obama’s deportment compared to that which he exhibited in 2008 has engendered everything from curiosity to deep concern among observers. Obama looks like a loser, a runner up, someone who’s been found out or who can’t keep it together. What’s worse is that Obama knows it, and this will continue to make him dangerous for the duration of his tenure – particularly between now and the upcoming election.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/26/2012 2:59:37 PM

Don’t let any argument, any cooked up scandal, any shock along the way deter you

In the 12-day Countdown to Election Expect Anything

- Judi McLeod Thursday, October 25, 2012
Don’t look behind you. Tread the path resolutely to what you have to do. Don’t idly look out your windows, there isn’t time. Ignore completely predictions by talking heads, film stars and best selling authors who claim the Clintons are about to expose Obama.

There is no altruism to be found in the cut-throat politics of the lib-left progressives. They long ago doubled down together in the luxurious comfort of the same feather bed while the people who elected them to serve suffer it out in the worst economy since the Great Depression.

Recognize reality when you see it and never doubt what you saw with your own eyes. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton included a chuckle when she last spoke about the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. Obama dropped his ‘likeable’ mask at the last presidential debate, showing the malevolent look he’s kept largely hidden during the last four years of Marxist misery of the masses.

In the 12-day countdown to Election 2012 expect anything.

In all of the white noise being hurled your way, it was former Democrat pollster Pat Caddell, who said “this bunch will do anything, to stay in power. Anything!”

Everything but the proverbial kitchen sink will be thrown at you over the next few days as the Big Lie lived by the Obama administration moves confidently and even arrogantly towards the four more years needed to complete the Fundamental Transformation of America.

Do not believe that Obama is on the ropes. It’s only wishful thinking.

If neck and neck polls are right, outnumber the cellphone-carrying, pizza-eating Obama forces at the voting booths.

There is only one way out of the dark that has descended over America. It is patriots turning out in record numbers to do what has to be done on November 6 by finally turning the tide.

Don’t let any argument, any cooked up scandal, any shock along the way deter you.

If you haven’t already voted, when daylight breaks the night on November 6, get out and exercise one of the few rights you have left: get down to the voting booth and vote out the worst administration in the history of your country.

It is not just the fruited plains but the rest of the world that depends on a working America.

The mainstream media is backing the lies of the Obama regime; some of the alternate media are tripping all over themselves in one upmanship.

Even people you trust in your email box are sending out false messages, claiming that there is no difference between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.

One is midway through socializing the nation; the other wants to save the middle class and put America back to work.

Pray for the peace and prosperity that was America until the radicals took control on November 4, 2008.

The National Day of Prayer and Fasting, originated by Georgia businessman Bob Preyss begins on November 1 and runs through November 6.

The only position from which to right an upside down world, is from on your knees before the Almighty.

Pray as you never have before.

The future of your very children and grandchildren depend on it.

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/26/2012 3:20:55 PM
Hi Evelyn,

Excellent video. Glen certainly encapsulated the issue and clearly shows the culprits involved and why is no one surprised the WH and B Hussein are involved?

The question that remains is, was the Ambassador "hit" cos his usefulness was finished and or cos he might be dangerous to the fraud and great pretender in the future? Just a thought.




Hi Peter, watch this youtube video and see how Glenn Beck lays out everything, about Benghazi, in a crystal clear way.

2012.10.22 - TheBlazeTV - The Glenn Beck Program - Libya--The Real Story

New evidence reveals what really happened in Benghazi and the events that led to Ambassador Steven's death

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/26/2012 3:27:49 PM

Hi Peter, with this administration it could be either or both - he could have been hit because his usefulness was finished or he knew too much and could be a danger in the future. Either way this whole mess smells to high heaven.

Hi Evelyn,

Excellent video. Glen certainly encapsulated the issue and clearly shows the culprits involved and why is no one surprised the WH and B Hussein are involved?

The question that remains is, was the Ambassador "hit" cos his usefulness was finished and or cos he might be dangerous to the fraud and great pretender in the future? Just thought.




Hi Peter, watch this youtube video and see how Glenn Beck lays out everything, about Benghazi, in a crystal clear way.

2012.10.22 - TheBlazeTV - The Glenn Beck Program - Libya--The Real Story

New evidence reveals what really happened in Benghazi and the events that led to Ambassador Steven's death

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/26/2012 3:33:44 PM
Hey Evelyn,

Amazing video and as you said a must watch one. Even though I personally knew most of what was mentioned in the video and much more I took the time to watch. I seriously doubt the mindless addicted entitlement and freebie lovers will bother to watch cos they just might learn something and start to doubt their blind and cultist following of the fraud and great pretender B Hussein.



Must-Watch Vid: Still Thinking About Voting for Obama?
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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