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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/20/2012 2:34:17 PM

Peter here is another example of Obama voter idiocy and unfortunately they're college students. Now what does that say about our future generation of voters? It would be funny if it were not so sad. Is it any wonder things are in the shape they're in and the US is almost bankrupt or should I say already bankrupt?

Obama event goers on Benghazi: What?!?

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/20/2012 3:54:14 PM
Hi Evelyn,

If it wasn't so fluking pathetic and sad it would be funny. These kids are supposed to be the future leaders of America and that being the case the future will be nothing to look forward to.




Peter here is another example of Obama voter idiocy and unfortunately they're college students. Now what does that say about our future generation of voters? It would be funny if it were not so sad. Is it any wonder things are in the shape they're in and the US is almost bankrupt or should I say already bankrupt?

Obama event goers on Benghazi: What?!?

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/21/2012 5:02:15 PM
America was attacked on September 11th, 2012 by Al Qaeda at our consulate in Libya. Our consulate was burned and four Americans including our ambassador were murdered. President Obama and his administration denied it was a terrorist attack for weeks. Since then, Americans have learned that Obama and his administration knew it was an act of terror all along and chose to tell the public it was because of a Youtube video protest. It's time for Obama to tell the truth on Libya. We can't afford more apologies, excuses, and weakness.
The Truth About Libya - Failed Foreign Policy
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/22/2012 5:36:10 PM

I know without a doubt that those who need to read this article the most, won't. They're afraid they might see something that tells them they have the wrong opinion when it comes to this presidential election.

Effective October 2012, doctors at hospitals across the land are being forced by the Obama administration to break their Hippocratic Oath

Urgent-Death Panels Here, Doctors Plea for Help

- Sharon Sebastian Sunday, October 21, 2012
Doctors across America are sick. A new and desperate plight has surfaced in emergency rooms across the nation for both patients and doctors alike. The following blog by one valiant doctor speaks for thousands of doctors being forced to go against their natural instincts and abilities to allow further hospital care and re-admit patients.
Effective October 2012, doctors at hospitals across the land are being forced by the Obama administration to break their Hippocratic Oath. Obama’s revamped Medicare has now begun forcing doctors at hospitals to turn their backs on patients no matter how critical their need for re-admittance. On the surface, the Obamacare changes to Medicare appear as though they are truly in the interest of giving better care to patients. But, doctors are reporting that the rules are changing with mandate-creep that is interfering with both medical care and re-admittance to hospitals. Obamacare has reportedly activated medical directives to hospitals through Medicare that, according to doctors, will cost thousands of lives and have become precursors to Obama’s inhumane and authoritarian Death Panels.

The following excerpts are used with permission from the blog of Dr. Thomas Hamilton, an American doctor who speaks truth to power. Dr. Hamilton describes how he was torn between providing medical help to a very sick senior or turning her away to face a certain and tragic fate without treatment.

“It was my plan to admit this woman to the hospital. I found out a little later that this same woman had been a patient here just slightly more than 2 weeks ago with a DIFFERENT DIAGNOSIS. I was told that if this woman was admitted, the hospital would not be paid.

The new Medicare rule now is that if the same Medicare patient is re-admitted to the hospital within 30 days, the hospital will not be paid. When they first started this nonsense they said this only applied to patients with the same diagnosis. Now they have “expanded” the rule to include re-admissions for any reason. So if you’re in the hospital for pneumonia, and 3 weeks later, you break your leg…....too bad. Medicare will not pay the hospital to fix your leg.

A little later a man was brought in by ambulance, very sick, in pain, and near death. I did my usual evaluation and treatment, doing my best to ease pain and stabilize this man’s illness. He needed to be admitted. To my chagrin I found out that he had been treated for the SAME problem at a DIFFERENT HOSPITAL about 10 days prior. If I admitted this man, our hospital would be paid nothing. I admitted the man.

My friends I am caught in a terrible position. I could have given treatment to both of these people and sent them out. There is no doubt that both of them would have died. Oh, I could also be sued for malpractice, but nobody cares about that.

The good doctor goes on to explain:

“As more and more are added to the Obamacare rolls, there will be less and less access. People will get sicker and yes, people will die because of it. I had a sick and sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach today after both of these incidents. We have a good hospital. Our nurses, technicians, and support staff work very hard and they deserve to be paid for their efforts. I am not so worried about myself as I am near retirement, but I worry for all the younger folks in the healthcare business and I worry about our seniors who are in the long run going to be sacrificed as the government implements cost cutting shenanigans to cover up their broken promise made way back in 1964.

In a recent article, Sick - No Appeal - It’s Obamacare, I wrote:

“Slashed doctors’ pay, reduced services to patients of all ages and medical devices and testing equipment made by cheap overseas labor are cutting-block initiatives by the Obama government. Already targeted are our most defenseless—our mentally and physically disabled in institutionalized care who require the most medical assistance at a higher cost? Obamacare is not about care. It is not about using America’s advanced medical skills and technology, the finest in the world, to save lives of Americans regardless of race, age or class. It is about control. It is a power play that takes over one eighth of the U.S. economy. If not repealed, it is the unveiling of how a once great medical system became an ugly and deadly government-run ‘business’ in America.”

It is incomprehensible how Barack Obama can throw billions of dollars at political cronies, irresponsible unions, failed and bankrupt “green” projects, elaborate vacations, contraceptives, sterilizations and abortions-on-demand when those critical dollars could go towards improving medical care for all Americans from newborns to seniors. Under Obamacare, average Americans and their families are targeted. Where is Obama’s oft-repeated demand for “fairness” and an “equal playing field” when he cunningly exempts himself, his elitist friends and political cronies from the perils of his signature law—Obamacare?

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/23/2012 4:04:13 PM

Hi Peter and friends, as I watched the debate last night I was angered by the many times Obama interrupted Romney and not once did the moderator Bob Sheiffer call him out on it. Also this makes four debates now that Romney and Ryan not only had to debate their opponents but had to do so with liberal moderators who's main job is help Obama try to deceive the American people. Thankfully a lot of the American people have woke up to what is staring them in the face. I was amazed this morning as I skimmed through all the numerous news sources to see so few comments about last night's debate. Maybe the MSM has finally realized what a lot of us knew from the beginning, that we have an unqualified fraud sitting in the WH.

Obama at times seemed small, largely because the president has a record to not run on

Petulant, Perturbed Obama Just Can’t Help Himself

- Selwyn Duke Tuesday, October 23, 2012
As with the vice-presidential debate and Joe Biden, Barack Obama’s attitude in Monday night’s debate spoke more clearly than anything he said. No, he didn’t laugh like Bozo the Clown, giggle like a schoolgirl, shake his head, and roll his eyes like Jokin’ Joe did. But he looked petulant, perturbed, and on edge (and was occasionally rude) throughout much of the night, despite three days of debate preparation at Camp David. It seems Barack Obama just can’t help himself.
It wasn’t that he was under withering attack by Mitt Romney. In fact, I was struck by how Romney opened the debate with general statements as to what our overall approach to the Mideast should be as opposed to hitting Barack Obama on where he’s weak on foreign policy (everywhere). Romney could have mentioned the president’s contradictions on Benghazi, something with which Obama probably feared he’d be confronted. Romney could have said, powerfully and in no uncertain terms, “Under Jimmy Carter in 1979, there was an Islamic revolution in Iran, which has led to many of the Mideast problems we have today; now, under Barack Obama, radical Islam is on the rise from Egypt to Mali to Libya to Yemen. And now some in Egypt, like the government of Iran, want nuclear weapons.” But it seemed that, for good or for ill, Romney’s strategy was to appear presidential, impress upon the viewer that he possessed knowledge in foreign policy, and then whenever possible connect America’s foreign fortunes and influence with her economic health. Nonetheless, most likely due to a tactical decision to be aggressive, Obama often acted like a man under assault. Perhaps this was because he felt as if he should be.

And that is the point. There were no big gotcha moments in the debate, but Romney looked presidential where Obama at times seemed small, largely because the president has a record to not run on. And no amount of running on at the mouth can change that.


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