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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/19/2012 3:06:54 PM

Hey there Bj, my friend, that is another thing many of us have not forgotten too.

Hi folks,

I remember someone getting run off from Adland around about that time too.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/19/2012 3:08:31 PM

The Obama/Media Plot to Take Out Soon-to-be President-elect Willard Mitt Romney

Helen Elias

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/19/2012 10:55:03 PM

Here's something to lighten up things a bit......

Romney's speech - at Al Smith dinner tonight in NYC H (10 min)


Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/20/2012 11:19:32 AM
Hi Bj,

Good to see you here and welcome back. I remember that well and was certainly sorry for the trouble and angst you went through at the time.




Hey there Bj, my friend, that is another thing many of us have not forgotten too.

Hi folks,

I remember someone getting run off from Adland around about that time too.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/20/2012 11:53:32 AM
Hello Friends,

My comments here will be short cos I'm only giving voice to a post Rick Martin made in the thread of one of the mindless progressive liberal addicted entitlement and freebie lovers. It seems that some of these people are unable to conduct a discussion with anyone who disagrees with them and they predictably delete posts and then ban the dis agreer for good measure when they have no answers.

There were periods in the past when their fingers hovered over the delete and ban button and they used it on all those who disagreed with them on any issue. Sorry to see this form of shutting people up which is the basest form of censorship back in the community.

I'm posting Rick's post in its original format and I for one wish he used bigger fonts. :)



[quote] Hey Patricia, Just want to point out that GM and Chrysler both went into bankruptcy after we gave them a few billion dollars in bailout money. During the bankruptcy the government circumvented the normal bankruptcy courts and bought out about 50% of the stock and the union was given the other half. Presently GM has had a fairly good year because the US Government bought most of the Chevy Volt production that was not selling. The car itself is costing around $90,000 per car to produce and most that were sold were discounted and were subsidized by the Feds. Presently the sales are so poor that they have stopped producing the car. Presently the GM stock was about $30.00 per share. In order for the government to break even on this the stock would have to go up to $50.00. This does not include the original bailout money. The present and future market for cars is not good for GM. The top three would be Honda, Toyota and VW. GM is counting on the Chevy Malibu to improve their standing however it appears as though last years VW beats out the the Chevy as do both of this years Honda and Toyota. It has been said that it is very likely that GM will be coming back for another bailout this coming year. Did you know that the government picked and chose which dealerships were allowed to stay in business after the bankruptcy? Did you know that over 80% were democrat donors. Did you know that the non union suppliers to GM were left out of payment and retirement benefits. Thank God we have Obama! Huh! Did you know that the union I worked under took our funds to support Obama out of my pay, told me who to vote for, took money to train us in the Solar Industry because air conditioning industry is dead. Did you know that the people the union trained for solar couldn't find any jobs and that the solar industry is dead. Just like Solyndra. Have you any idea about the topics you rubber stamp. I didn't think so! Have a good day! [/quote]

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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