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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/13/2012 3:08:23 PM

Hello everyone, I always wonder how anyone could ever support Obama if they have ever read the history of who influenced him in his early years and even now. This is a chilling article and if you're honest, you'll know that it lays out the truth in an eye opening way. Many of you probably know that I was against the man way before he was ever elected president and a big part of that was researching his background. If you can honestly say these things do not make a difference to you then you have no moral integrity. I know that sounds harsh and I mean for it to sound harsh. Some of you are so selfish you have no compassion for your fellow human beings or you would not be supporting this traitor who should be tried for treason. His plan is in place to bring this country down to a third world level and he is well on his way to doing that and remember if he is reelected and some of you who's only goal is try and hang on to your entitlements, you'll unfortunately remember my warnings, but by then it will be too late.

Power At Any Cost: The Training of Barack Obama

Obama taught “Destroy Middle Class”

- Sharon Sebastian Friday, October 12, 2012
Barack Obama is desperate to make people believe that he really cares about the middle class. After four years, his actions speak louder than words. Some 85% of the middle class say they are worse off today than they were ten years ago. According to the Wall Street Journal, from the time Obama took office in 2009, The Obama years have been brutal on middle-class incomea wiping out $4019 in real income for families. The report goes on to say, The last time incomes fell this fast was during the late 1970s under Jimmy Carter, and it’s no coincidence that economic policies then and now are so similar. If Mr. Obama succeeds in convincing voters that he really is the tribune of the middle class, it will be the political conjurer’s trick of the century.
The financial loss and burden imposed by Obama will be greater on all workers, including Black, Hispanic, Asian and White, when looming tax hikes go into effect January 2013 along with Obamacares vast array of hidden taxes set to further rip family budgets apart. The question is—why has the middle class been hit so hard by Obama? Is it an ideological grudge?

Obama had two doggedly radical mentors that shaped both his ideology and his current policies. One was a committed hardcore Communist and the other was renowned as a hardcore Socialist. Neither man stressed American values, but taught the opposite—that America with its free enterprise, republic based, God-worshipping system is the enemy of the people. Frank Marshall Davis, a reported pedophile, race mongerer and strident Communist, was Obamas family friend and was recruited by Obamas grandfather to educate young Barry in the ways of the world. It was, however, Obamas educational mentor, that stressed that if real power is to be gained, it must be done at the expense of the American people and the economy.

The late Harvard Professor Saul Alinsky wrote that the key to weaken—then take over America, its economy and its people—is to destroy the middle class.  Alinsky advocated use of class and race warfare. He believed that wealth redistribution, taking from those who work and giving it to those who don't, is the catalyst to bring down the U.S. economy and free-market capitalism. After four years in office, Obama is well on his way to doing just that. Alinskys socialist guidebook is embedded in Obamas record of economic policies that he has visited upon all Americans and their families—specifically the middle class.

It should be noted that Alinsky began his book, Rules for Radicals, with a tribute to the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom Lucifer.” Alinsky championed and sought to emulate Lucifer, otherwise known as Satan. Alinsky's game plan was to lie, cheat and steal elections in order to control the American people and bring American commerce to its knees. Excerpt from my April 2010 article: Power At Any Cost: The Training of Barack Obama:

Alinsky clearly recognized that Lucifer or Satan is also the king of deception. It is upon deception that Alinsky built his political strategy. Deception, he taught his followers, is the Trojan horse that gets you inside the gates where you can then access power and retain it by any means available“ no matter the costs to the people, the government or the nation. Again, it is upon deception that Alinsky built his political strategy. It is Alinsky's strategy that Barack Obama wrote on a blackboard and can be seen teaching to ACORN members during his days as a Chicago Community Organizer. Obama's educational-mentor Alinsky also worked as a Chicago Community Organizer before him.

It is true that Saul Alinsky preferred the teachings of Lenin, who murdered millions, to the teachings of Mao, who also murdered millions. Mao advocated obtaining power by the barrel of the gun. Lenin was more subtle by first advocating working the system and obtaining power by the vote, then using the barrel of the gun to keep it. Alinsky had no qualms about stealing the vote as a means to reach his end result - power. For Saul Alinsky, deception is the key to everything. Say one thing, do another, even change the meanings of words. Pretend to be bi-partisan in order to get the upper hand. For Alinsky, the means don't matter“ destroy whomever or whatever gets in your way. Alinsky made it clear that what his followers want is power.

Though Alinsky died before Obama could make it into his classroom, an Investor Business Daily editorial traces Obama's affair with Alinsky's radical ideology: “Obama first learned Alinsky’s rules in the 1980s, when Alinskyite radicals with the Chicago-based Alinsky group Gamaliel Foundation recruited, hired, trained and paid [Obama] as a community organizer in South Side Chicago. ¦In 1988, Obama even wrote a chapter for the book “After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois,¦he traveled to Los Angeles for eight days of intense training at Alinsky’s Industrial Areas Foundation. In turn, he trained other community organizers in Alinsky agitation tactics. Obama also taught Alinsky’s “Power Analysis” methods at the University of Chicago.

Alinsky: Key to destroying the middle class is to create a failed economy that destroys private sector jobs

Ed Blumenfeld wrote in The New American: One of Obama's advisors during his 2008 election campaign was Peter Dreier. ¦Stanley Kurtz, in Radical-in-Chief, credits Dreier with formulating the stealth plan to destroy capitalism. His plan is to gradually expand government spending until the country nears fiscal collapse. At that point, a public accustomed to entitlements will presumably turn on its capitalist masters when they propose cutbacks to restore fiscal balance.

The one Alinsky constant learned by the Obama administration is deception. Now, as the election is at hand, it attempts a full-blown cover-up from Benghazi-gate to fake unemployment stats to deflecting its own deceit by accusing its opponent of lying, a trait that the radical Democrats and their leader have mastered exceedingly well. While professing to care for the middle class, Obama's answer to lift the middle class out of its current slide into poverty is to deluge Americans with hidden taxes attached to Obamacare, send gasoline and fuel costs soaring by denying drilling permits and clean coal and printing a flood of devalued dollars that create inflated costs on food, clothing and American households. VP Joe Biden is right that the last four years of Obama have buried the middle class along with women heads-of-households as concurrent casualties. Obama has left 5.5 million women unemployed putting the poverty rate among women at 16.3%—the highest in 17 years. In the Socialist power-play, Black-Americans are collateral damage. According to the Chicago Tribune, failed economic policies have led to the Wiping out of gains made in the last 30 years [by Blacks], with plummets in wealth and high rates of foreclosures. Socialism spares no race, no one is exempt from its hardships.

Foretelling Obama's agenda for the middle class, Tony Adkins of Conservative-Daily reports: The WARN Act is a federal law requiring that most employers give 60 calendar days notice before they institute plant closings and mass layoffs. The point is to give workers some time to adapt to their upcoming unemployment by looking for another job, adjusting finances, or entering training for new skills. It's the right thing to and, it's the law. But, that pesky law has a bad timing consequence for our sitting President. Funding cuts signed by President Obama are about to result in an estimated two million jobs being lost; but, layoffs right before an election would be politically toxic, and Obama wants to avoid angry, laid off workers who might tend to vote for Romney. So, he has therefore instructed his Office of Management and Budget to ignore the law and WAIT to send out notices [until after the election]. Again, no race, no one, is spared from this hardship.

Obama learned his lesson well, David Alinsky [Saul Alinsky’s son] reportedly stated, I am proud to see that my father's model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing. Alinsky taught that the key to destroying the middle class is to create a failed economy that destroys private sector jobs which leads to a powerless, but growing subset of laid-off workers who become reliant on and controlled by the government. It is Alinsky's dream come to life at the destructive hands of Barack Obama, President of the United States.

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/13/2012 3:44:54 PM

Hi Peter,

Here's a great 1-minute video I found at ...and even if some people reading this forum aren't fans of Rush Limbaugh, this video from a Hungarian immigrant who succeeded at the American Dream, when not speaking English when he moved here 56 years the real deal about socialism and why it doesn't work...he paid for this himself, and that speaks volumes about hard work, and how anyone from any country can accomplish their dreams, without being coddled and expecting this country to give them something for nothing...Thomas Peterffy is a great example for people who were born here, not trying, and people who come here, and expect USA to become bilingual...if other immigrants can make it, everyone can make it!

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/14/2012 3:11:08 PM

Kathleen, this gentleman has pointed out many examples of where our great country is headed and why we need to remove the Marxist fraud from the WH, but unfortunately, too many have their heads up their behind and refuse to face the facts staring them in the face. I know a lot of retired people are worried about whether or not their benefits are going to be reduced or taken away but they just can't seem to realize that, that is the very reason Obama needs to go. He's determined to bring us all down and less and less people being employed and more and more tax payer's money going to welfare, food stamps and all the other freebies that able body people are getting is going to eventually drain the system to where none of will have anything because the well will be pumped dry. Those of us drawing SS are doing so because we had no choice as the SS taxes were taken from our paychecks before we ever saw them. If the Democrats had not taken the SS from the trust and put them in the general funds, we would have been able to draw much more than what we ended up drawing.


Hi Peter,

Here's a great 1-minute video I found at ...and even if some people reading this forum aren't fans of Rush Limbaugh, this video from a Hungarian immigrant who succeeded at the American Dream, when not speaking English when he moved here 56 years the real deal about socialism and why it doesn't work...he paid for this himself, and that speaks volumes about hard work, and how anyone from any country can accomplish their dreams, without being coddled and expecting this country to give them something for nothing...Thomas Peterffy is a great example for people who were born here, not trying, and people who come here, and expect USA to become bilingual...if other immigrants can make it, everyone can make it!

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/14/2012 3:31:57 PM

Why Biden, Obama & Modern Liberalism Represent a New Cultural Revolution

Understanding Biden’s Debate Rudeness: Marxist Rebels Undermine Manners, Too

- Kelly OConnell (Bio and Archives) Sunday, October 14, 2012
Observing Vice President Joe Biden’s repeated sneering at debate opponent Paul Ryan, some marveled at the voluble politician’s lack of protocol. Was he on pills, booze or just becoming a caricature of his irascible self in old age? In fact, there is a better way to interpret this behavior which is impossible to completely dismiss because it’s rooted in known political beliefs and core values.

After Barack’s strangely flaccid first-debate performance, it’s understandable why Biden felt a need to go on the offensive. After all, the ticket has begun to look as if it’s coming unglued, dropping as many as a dozen popularity points in some polls. Certainly, Biden had the heat turned up on him by the party to deliver a commanding win. Biden’s apparent strategy of trying to unnerve his foe while sitting close by Ryan and repeatedly laughing, scoffing, eye-rolling, interrupting and hectoring appeared tailor made.

Yet a deeper truth was accidentally revealed by the old Democrat partisan. One could argue the Marxist theory of revolution was previewed in miniature during this debate. After all, wasn’t it Obama Administration members who repeatedly referenced Mao as a hero and leading light? We can see a similar notion to Biden’s strategic disrespect in Chairman Mao’s last great feat—his Cultural Revolution. This event, lasting from 1966-1976, also sought to demean, embarrass, disgrace, and undermine respectable people all over China to secure power.

What Biden offered was not just a rejection of Ryan’s ideas, but a wholesale repudiation of his standing as a gentleman, symbolized by Biden’s boorish insults and refusal to even acknowledge his opponent in closing. Such status attacks are well-recognized in Marxist circles as a way of marking out victims for future outlawry or elimination.

I. VP Debate of Biden v. Ryan: Punked

How might one explain what happened on October 11, 2012 when sitting Vice President Joseph Biden debated Paul Ryan? It was nothing short of extraordinary. Regardless the topic at hand, Biden repeatedly laughed, interrupted, and rolled his eyes, openly scoffing at Ryan. As Michael Medved wrote,

Why, then, did Biden decide to snicker, chuckle, grin, smirk and shake his head at the one GOP nominee for national office in the last 50 years that even partisan Democrats acknowledge as a serious, substantive, and formidable guy? The oddest aspect of his patronizing performance involved the complete disconnect between his derisive laughter and anything that Paul Ryan actually said. The debate became queasy, unpleasant, uncomfortable to watch, not because Biden overpowered his opponent on substance (he emphatically did not), but because the normal, reassuring, ritualized sense of congeniality and decorum seemed altogether lacking.

Medved well captures the anti-authority spirit of crazy Joe’s stunt. This posture illuminates the Heart of Darkness at the center of all socialist movements. Leftists do not accept humans as special because people are neither made in the image of God, nor have they souls. Therefore, being rude to a mere animal because of bad behavior is perfectly acceptable.

II. Chairman Mao’s Cultural Revolution

A. Great Leap Forward

Chairman Mao Zedong (1893-1976) took over China after winning the civil war. The Chinese Communist state was officially created on October 1, 1949. The Cultural Revolution resulted after the Great Leap Forward imploded. Mao wanted China to become a first-world nation overnight. His agrarian Great Leap caused the deaths of 30-40 million Chinese (see Who was Chairman Mao, Lionized by Obama’s White House?) Mao launched the Cultural Revolution to recover power in the aftermath of the unmitigated disaster of the Great Leap.

B. Cultural Revolution

What was the Cultural Revolution? Archie Brown in The Rise and Fall of Communism, describes it as a war between Mao and the Chinese Communist Party, waged mostly by youths. Many elites were denounced, removed and humiliated and 3 million killed. The BBC describes it:

The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution was a 10-year political campaign, a social experiment aimed at rekindling revolutionary fervour and purifying the party. Mao Zedong and his wife, Jiang Qing, directed popular anger against other members of the party leadership. While others were removed from office, Mao was named supreme commander of the nation and army. Ideological cleansing began with attacks by young Red Guards on so-called “intellectuals” to remove “bourgeois” influences. Millions were forced into manual labour, and tens of thousands were executed. The result was massive civil unrest, and the army was sent in to control student disorder.

Blood-curdling stories are recounted, often with public shaming rituals involved:

Children stood by as Red Guards beat up their mothers for being “rightists.” Neighbors informed on neighbors. Violinists had their instruments and even fingers smashed by Red Guards. The accused sometimes had their jaws dislocated so they couldn’t speak in their defense and were forced to bow in front of mobs that spit and screamed at them. Children of unpopular party members were gagged and executed; “rich peasants” and “bad elements” were publicly denounced and beheaded; children denounced their parents, and political targets were paraded in stadiums packed with screaming crowds; students at a Beijing girls’ school beat their vice-principal to death with nail-studded planks in 1968.

Accounts of the attacks against everyday Chinese leaders are absolutely astounding:

During the Cultural Revolution several hundred “counter-revolutionaries” were publicly killed, cooked and eaten in Guangxi province. Red Guards and party workers in one remote area of Guangxi ate the flesh of some 100 victims they had tortured to death, “as a way to demonstrate their “class feelings.’” One Guard said, “What I killed was the enemy. Didn’t Chairman Mao teach us, ‘If we don’t kill them, they’ll kill us?’” Another man led a Red Guard attack on a student who defeated him in a political debate. “His faction trapped the guy and cut off his tongue with scissors.”

Who did Mao single out in his attacks? One site reports:

Mao singled out nine categories of enemies: landlords, rich peasants, counter-revolutionaries, bad elements, rightists, traitors, foreign agents, capitalist roaders and—the Stinking Ninth—intellectuals. In the fight against “class enemies” and “bourgeois reactionaries,” teachers, people with a college degree or relatives overseas, workers, and members of minority groups such as Tibetans, were all targeted.

Mao announced that the Cultural Revolution would “thoroughly expose the reactionary bourgeois stand of those…who oppose the party and socialism.” Children of landowners were thrown into trash cans. Families who lived in large houses were squeezed into single rooms as their possessions were smashed by Red Guards and poor families moved into the other rooms.

III. Why Biden & Obama’s Liberal Humiliation Represents a New Cultural Revolution

A. Could ol’ Crazy Joe Really be a Crafty Socialist?

Why would anyone claim that the rudeness of an eccentric, elderly politician had anything to do with Marxism? Isn’t that a stretch? In fact, all progressive ideologies tend towards insulting and dismissing their opponents out of hand, exactly as Biden did Ryan. But why? Because modern liberalism is just another name for Marxism which demands a total destruction and recreation of society on socialist lines, including rejecting middle class manners. But as Biden has done Obama’s bidding since day one, he supports all of Barack’s wicked Marxist fantasies.

This type of behavior has been directed against public Conservative figures for decades. For example, any Hollywood actor admitting conservative beliefs is called out and shamed, often by fellow thespians without even a high school degree. At root, such public ritual is foundational to Marxist dreams of overturning the entire society for Revolution. Because, if the old order is acceptable, it makes no sense to denounce it and demand it be utterly broken and remade on a fairer model.

B. Shaming Rituals of Leftism

But could public humiliation really play a part in liberal political theater? According to Mao’s Last Revolution by MacFarquhar and Schoenhals, Red Guards persecuted people deemed “counter-revolutionary” or “bourgeois.” In these so-called “struggle sessions,” abuse was heaped and public humiliation doled out upon those accused of capitalist thoughts—usually targeting educated persons. These sessions often ended violently, with many accused dying or spending years in reeducation camps.

It is a regular characteristic of Marxists to reject manners and treat people they oppose like dung. In fact, progressives believe only those agreeing with them deserve decency or any politeness. An example is refusal to dialogue with opponents, but instead simply claim their foes are too foul to communicate with (think Limbaugh). These misanthropes are deemed “outrageous” and censured for their sins. Yet, Conservatives simply do not approach their political opponents in such a disgraceful manner.

C. Rejection of American Middle Class Values

An attack against “middle class” manners was launched in America’s 1960s. Especially amongst women it is now established that smart, ambitious females are de facto Feminists, a group treating all masculine attempts at deference abominable. Hold a door for a modern American woman and prepare to be ignored or even tongue-lashed. For example, one Marxist writer proclaims it is time for Feminists to stop being polite:

Politeness is a habit that what’s left of the women’s movement needs to grow out of. Most women grow up learning, directly or indirectly, how to be polite, how to defer, how to be good employees, mothers and wives, how to shop sensibly and get a great bikini body. Politeness, however, has bought even the luckiest of us little more than terminal exhaustion, a great shoe collection, and the right to be raped by the state if we need an abortion. If we want real equality, we’re going to have to fight for it.

On another level, the classic leftist refusal to acknowledge opponents as being intelligent, serious or morally fit enough to warrant engagement in dialogue is doxology from the progressive worldview. After all, if people opposing liberalism were smart enough, genuinely good, or educated—they would not be in opposition to Marxism’s self-evident “Truth.”

D. Marxism Equals Revolution

At the heart of Marxism, and all progressive ideologies, is demand for radical change. So Marxists set about tearing society apart from top to bottom by shaming and removing the elites and leaders. This theory of “perpetual revolution” was applied in communist China decades after the country was already communist to persons already practitioners.

Yet, since the standards of leftism are, by definition—subjective—there are always new devils to help prop up the revolutionary spirit for coming generations. It is no accident that youth are the most vociferous targets of Marxist conversion.

E. Cultural Marxism

Cultural Marxism of the Frankfurt School brought to America Political Correctness. The general goal was turning capitalist democracies into communist tyrannies, and its specific goals are:

Essentially destructive criticism of all the main elements of Western culture, including Christianity, capitalism, authority, the family, patriarchy, hierarchy, morality, tradition, sexual restraint, loyalty, patriotism, nationalism, heredity, ethnocentrism, convention, and conservatism. Under Critical Theory, anything emanating from the west is to be libeled and attacked over and over again…


Obama himself typifies the careless, indifferent and boorish attitude of the Marxist rebel. The racist words of Obama’s chosen minister who prayed at Barack’s inauguration still burn in the memory of many patriotic Americans…

Lord…we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/14/2012 3:38:19 PM
The crappy editor is doing it's thing again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No way can my last post be corrected. Even deleted it and tried all over again and still some of the fonts are way too big. :(

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