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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/15/2012 2:48:11 PM
'Obama administration failed miserably to protect Stevens'

WND is in receipt of a 270-page intelligence report in Arabic originating from Libya that names specific al-Qaida operatives in Libya as being responsible for the murder of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

The report originated from Muftah Faraj, a member of the Warfalla tribe of Bani Walid in Libya, who is currently in exile from Libya, subsequent to a Skype teleconference Faraj conducted with WND from the Middle East.

The intelligence report blames President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and NATO for engaging in a war against Libyan dictator Muammar Gadhafi that ended up destabilizing Libya to the advantage of radical Muslim elements including al-Qaida.

After Arab researcher Walid Shoebat translated and analyzed the intelligence report for WND, the document held such specific intelligence about the circumstances and people involved in the attack on Stevens that WND decided to share the intelligence report with the CIA.

To the surprise of WND, the CIA replied the agency had independently obtained the document and the information contained was known to the Obama administration, even though the Obama administration has not chosen to share with the American public the key findings contained in the report.

“The point everyone misses is that Gadhafi was not a radical Islamist,” Muftah told WND. “Gadhafi kept al-Qaida out of Libya. If it had not been for NATO, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, al-Qaida would not be in Libya and Chris Stevens would still be alive.”

The document names Mohammad Abdullah Aqil, a wealthy and corrupt individual who owns and operates a Mercedes car dealership in Tripoli, as the principal funder of al-Qaida in Libya.

Walid Shoebat further confirmed that during Gadhafi’s rule, Aqil worked with Abdullah Sanusi of Gadhafi’s secret service, where Aqil provided the financing to implement logistics that were aimed to carry out assassinations of anti-Gadhafi Libyan expatriates living in France, Lebanon, Egypt and mostly in Greece.

After falling out of favor with Gadhafi, Aqil was put in prison for six months, turning him against Gadhafi and the regime.

The document further specifies Aqil works closely in Libya with Abdul Hakem Belhaj, the chief al-Qaida operative who organized and directed the terrorist attack that killed Stevens.

In 1992, after the Mujahadeen took Kabul, Belhaj traveled across the Middle East and Eastern Europe, before returning to Libya to form the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), a group that failed to overthrow Gadhafi in two decades of fighting.

After President Obama and Secretary Clinton expressed support for the Libyan revolution and engaged in military action against Libyan military forces loyal to Gadhafi, Belhaj then became the leader of the Misrata revolutionaries who ultimately captured the capital Tripoli and finally succeeding in ousting Gadhafi.

After Gadhafi was deposed and murdered, the report documents Aqil applied his wealth to assisting Belhaj in supplying vehicles and military equipment for Libyan revolutionaries and al-Qaida terrorists opposed to the regime imposed on Libya by Obama, Hillary Clinton and NATO.

“It is also common knowledge that the death of Stevens was a plot by al-Qaida, which vowed to revenge for a U.S. military drone attack that killed in Pakistan al-Qaida second-in-command Abu Yahya al-Libi,” Shoebat summarized. “Indeed by killing Stevens, al-Qaida got its revenge. The tragedy is the Obama administration failed miserably to protect Stevens and the other three brave Americans killed in the terrorist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi.”

“Abdul Hakim Belhaj, whose real name is Abdul Wahab Ghaid, also wanted revenge for the killing of his brother, Abu Yahya al-Libi the second man in Al-Qaida, who was killed in Pakistan,” Shoebat stressed.

Belhaj had a second personal motive for wanting to see Stevens dead.

In an interview last year, Belhaj, then identified as a senior rebel commander, told the Guardian how he was tortured in Bangkok by two CIA agents, before being returned to Libya, where he was tortured again.

After Obama, Clinton and NATO sided in Libya with the rebels against Gadhafi, al-Qaida operatives suddenly became legitimate in Libya and Belhaj became a hero carrying out the Obama-Clinton-NATO plan for the anti-government rebellion to oust Gadhafi.

Today, after masterminding the al-Qaida plan to kill Stevens, Belhaj claims he has a clean slate and is no longer an al-Qaida member.

Remarkably, Belhaj is currently suing the U.K. commission in charge of Diego Garcia over his 2004 extradition to Gadhafi’s Libya, asserting his personal civil rights were violated.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/15/2012 7:06:12 PM
This is one of the best and most complete summary's of the fraud and great pretender I have ever heard and I have seen MANY videos covering the evils of Obama but this video encompasses a wide range of the crimes connected to the fraud. Please help make this video go viral and show it to everyone possible.
Several of us have known all this since way back before the '08 election, and now here is someone who says it OUT RIGHT.
Never has our country been so close to destruction and unless this crook is voted out of office November 6, he'll get his chance to finish what he started. I pray to God everyday this does not happen.
Shocking Secrets and Verifiable Facts about Barack Obama the MSM Refuses to Report
Published on Oct 12, 2012 by

Shocking Secrets and Verifiable Facts about President Barack Obama the Mainstream Media Refuses to Report. If you think you know everything there is to know about Barack Obama, think again.

What you'll hear on this episode of Catch Kevin: No Holds Barred! will not only shock you, it will alarm you!

Why does mainstream media refuse to give us the truth about the most powerful man in the world? Yet, a man who is shrouded in secrecy and immune to any and all vetting by that same media.
What information would have turned up had Barack Obama been properly vetted? Listen to this eye-opening, jaw-dropping episode of Catch Kevin: No Holds Barred!

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/16/2012 12:50:44 PM

Dave Merrick: Obama’s promised Fundamental Transformation of America

‘The Price of CHANGE’

Judi McLeod
Dave Merrick: The Price of CHANGE
Colorado artist Dave Merrick, DaveMerrick.US, provides the Defining Moment in the State of America 2012, proving with his talented artwork the truth in the old adage that “a picture is worth a thousand words.”

Painted in oil and acrylic, Merrick calls his painting, ‘The Price of CHANGE’.

There is considerable worry among folk from all walks of life about what President Barack Hussein Obama is doing to the country they love.

Patriots have been looking for ways to pull their country back from the brink of Obama’s promised Fundamental Transformation of America ever since his inauguration. Bloggers have blogged their concerns. Pundits have been pounding away at the keyboards of their computers and sending out messages they hope will go viral.

Dave Merrick used his remarkable artistic talent “to expose the obvious heart and intent of our president”.

“It’s not a pretty piece, but neither is the reality it addresses,” he says.

“I never thought I would ever paint such a thing, and I am ashamed that I was forced to. I never thought that our country’s greatest threat would originate in the office of its chief executive leader.

“I am ordinarily an artist who paints and draws different works (mostly portraits) for people who commission me. However, since our nation has generally sat on its hands as President Obama has applied himself at dismantling us, I have been beside myself with amazement, rage and sorrow toward him and the people who have enabled him. As a result and in response to all that, I had to somehow SAY SOMETHING in protest. Art is a universally understood language and I speak that fluently, so I composed the attached artwork. It literally flowed off my brush.

“I did not paint this piece for my monetary gain, and I am not selling anything here.

After Merrick finished the piece, he put it on his email list and sent it to a few blog pages, and now it’s traveling - on its own - all around the world.

Only starting, we hope with Canada Free Press (CFP).

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/16/2012 5:08:43 PM

Obama - the pornographers’ president

Russ Jones (
Monday, October 15, 2012

A leading organization focused on opposing pornography and indecency through public education and legislation claims an overwhelming majority of those in the porn industry support President Barack Obama's bid for reelection.

By a margin of 68 percent to 13 percent, the pornography industry supports President Barack Obama over Governor Mitt Romney in the upcoming presidential election, according to a new survey by XBIZ.COM, the porn industry's online journal.

Patrick Trueman, president of Morality in Media (MIM), says he is not surprised that the pornographers are strongly in the president's corner, because the Obama Department of Justice has refused to enforce federal laws prohibiting distribution of pornography.

"Those laws aren't being enforced because the Obama administration will not do it," he states flatly. "So the pornographers have enjoyed a heyday under Obama. He's the first president in many who refused to enforce these laws, and so he's got the allegiance of the pornography industry in this election."

He notes that half of the U. S. Senate and dozens of U. S. House members have signed letters to the head of the Justice Department -U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder - urging enforcement of current obscenity laws, but to no avail.

Trueman maintains most citizens do not realize the federal government prohibits the distribution of hardcore pornography, whether it be via the Internet or via the airwaves on cable or satellite television in homes and most hotels.

According to the MIM leader, Romney - if elected - would seek to enforce the law.

"I was confided by the Romney campaign to their boss and headquarters [that] he would vigorously enforce federal laws against pornography," he tells OneNewsNow. "And so the pornography industry has perked up and [said] they don't want Romney; they want Obama, who hasn't enforced the laws at all."

MIM laments that regardless of the outcome of the presidential race, the porn industry will do what it has for the last four decades - "adapt and survive ... and meet the consumer demand for adult entertainment regardless of the weight of political pressure."

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/17/2012 4:00:56 PM
But rules, like dignity and decorum, never applied to the overbearing Michelle
- Judi McLeod Wednesday, October 17, 2012

When Barack Obama lies, only his wife claps.

The ‘undecideds’ in Candy’s audience wouldn’t do it, but ‘liddle’ Barry’s wife came through.

If last night’s presidential debate proved anything, it is that there’s nothing remotely presidential about presidential debates other than the street theatre it provides for the current crop of unprofessional media rogues.

“At the second presidential debate on Tuesday night, a camera caught first lady Michelle Obama clapping after moderator Candy Crowley told Republican presidential candidate Gov. Mitt Romney that President Obama called the Benghazi attack an “act of terror” soon after the attack on the U.S. consulate.” (RealClearPolitics)

“Nearly all of the audible applause came from those sitting away from the actual debate, but when FOX News’ camera shot moved to a bird’s-eye view it became apparent that the only applause from the participating debate audience came from first lady Michelle Obama. Mitt Romney’s wife Ann was also sitting

with the debate participants.

“According to the rules both campaigns agreed to, or the memorandum of understanding (MOA), there is to be no clapping from members of the debate audience.”

But rules, like dignity and decorum, never applied to the overbearing Michelle.

Lower case seals clap as did members of the peanut gallery on Jerry Springer shows.

In the surrealistic world the Obamas have made out of American politics, Michelle’s clapping underlines how hideous the race to the American presidency has become.

Along with burned out and bummed out czars waiting it out for Revolution and assorted out-of-work Hollywood stars, this is a regime ruled by Marxist misfits, malcontents and miscreants.

You’d have to be a misfit, Michelle, to hate the country that empowered you and your hubby.

For the Obamas, the czars and stars who high-fived each other in fits of school boy, school girl giggles, comes this sorry morning-after reality:

The presidential debate made little or no impact on what will happen on November 6.

Like Michelle’s outlandish get-ups and appearances on daytime TV, the “That’s-my-boy” clapping will soon be forgotten, the debate fast receding in the world’s rearview mirror.

Far more worrisome than Michelle’s seal-like applause, is how these activist Marxist misfits will react when bitter loss of power is dealt them by Americans who are no longer willing to stand by and watch their country trashed.

It should be everybody’s worry that this campaign has been one where skewed polls have been conditioning people to justify an Obama win.

The Obamas will then have the audacity to stand up on the world stage to announce straight-faced: “It was a close race but we won.

Chilling knowing that this scenario will only come to pass if Obama’s challenged ego doesn’t arrange some sort of crisis for him to suspend November 6 elections.
