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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/9/2012 4:08:12 PM

Here's another great video by Wild Bill. This guy should run for office because he certainly has a level head and knows how to tell it like it is.

"Throwing Away the Vote"

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/14/2012 5:14:19 PM
Hi Evelyn,

Wild Bill definitely has his head screwed on right. His facts and presentation are excellent and it's always a pleasure listening to him.




Here's another great video by Wild Bill. This guy should run for office because he certainly has a level head and knows how to tell it like it is.

"Throwing Away the Vote"

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/14/2012 5:17:14 PM
Hello Friends,

Birthers are being ridiculed by the progressive liberal Marxist MSM and others but the questions asked so far have never been answered. I guess it's always like that if you haven't got logical answers then ridicule and of course labeling them as "racists" is their only answer.

The birther question isn't based on one issue but on almost everything to do with the fraud and great pretender B Hussein starting with hermetically sealed records to his father (if he really is his father) B Hussein Sr. not being a US citizen at the time of his birth. That makes his birth place a moot point since according to the Constitution you have to be a natural born citizen and one parent not being a US citizen automatically disqualifies him from being president.

The question of the forged long form birth certificate B Hussein presented to the American people has been proven many times to be a forgery. Now a group of Israeli scientists (who can't be called birthers) are claiming that they proved scientifically that it is a bogus and forged document.

I'm amazed that there are so many willing to overlook all the proof placed in front of them that B Hussein tried to pull the wool over the American people's eyes with a criminal act. He should be impeached and jailed for his crimes.

Don't you think it's time for B Hussein's supporters to wake up and face the music that they fluked up and voted for an unknown entity and got not only an empty chair but the biggest hoax in US history?



Israeli science website: Obama birth certificate forged

Award-winning, former Netanyahu adviser behind assessment

Israel Hanukoglu

Israel Science and Technology, the national database and directory of science and technology-related websites in Israel, has published an article asserting the long-form birth certificate released by the White House is a forged document.

The website was created by a former science adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel Hanukoglu, Ph.D.

Hanukoglu, an award-winning researcher, is a professor of biochemistry and molecular biology in the Department of Molecular Biology at Ariel University Center of Samaria in Ariel, Israel.

The professor established the first version of his website during his tenure as Netanyahu’s science adviser. The site has evolved into “the premier science and technology portal for Israel.”

The website says that the White House’s release of the Obama document in April 2011, after years of controversy, “raised in our minds the possibility that there could be something suspicious about the information available on this document.”

The website conducted an independent analysis and cites others who came to the same conclusion.

The website says the publication “of such a blatantly fake document about something so basic as the birthplace of Mr. Obama, should raise great concern about the suitability of the person who is holding the reigns on the most powerful country of the World".

Israel Science and Technology explains why, as a site of science and technology, it dedicated “a page to expose forgery about a document related to Mr. Barack Hussein Obama.”

“Mr. Obama is the president of the USA that is currently the leader of the Free World, and the most powerful country in the Western hemisphere,” the site says. “In his position as the President, the policies pursued by Mr. Obama affects the whole world and not just the USA.”

Moreover, inaction by members of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, as well as U.S. courts, despite many appeals, also was seen to “raise a concern about how the governmental institutions of the reputedly best, and certainly the most important democracy in the Free World have avoided the issue.”

The missing ’1′

Utilizing the software program Foxit Reader version 4.3.1, the Israel Science and Technology website examined the PDF file posted by the White House April 27, 2011, and found that the last digit of the birth certificate’s number, 61 10841, disappears under 800-percent magnification.

Also, the font of the last digit is different from the other digits.

“This is only one example,” the Israelis concluded after examining the birth certificate number. “Many more examples can be discovered by examining magnified document with full page view of the document.”

Conclusion: “In brief, this simple analysis using just a viewing software reveals that the PDF document has been altered by a graphics software.”

The ‘ungrouped’ image

Next, the Israeli Science and Technology site examined the PDF birth certificate file in the freely available Inkscape graphics software, version 0.48.1.

“In vector graphics software, an image is composed of elements,” the website notes. “If the ‘Long-Form Birth Certificate’ of Obama was a photocopied document then it should not be composed of separate parts.”

The website says the status line “at the bottom of the software reports that the image is composed of ’2 objects’ that have been grouped.”

The Israelis found the Obama birth certificate PDF could be ungrouped, revealing individual layers. The most important of nine different ungrouped layers also shows the final digit, 1, is missing in the birth certificate number 61 10641.

Israeli Science and Technology “ungrouped” image of Obama long-form birth certificate

Israeli Science and Technology cited as additional evidence of forgery the following analyses, many of which were first published by WND:

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/15/2012 12:55:45 AM

Hi Peter, a friend posted this on FB and I thought it was the perfect graphic to describe liberals.


Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/15/2012 4:14:20 AM
Hey Peter and Friends,

I ran across this post at Hugh Hewitt Blog.

Posted by: Hugh Hewitt at 8:25 AM

Egypt Protests

Most journalists have figured out by now that the public isn't outraged at Mitt Romney, but that there is growing dismay with a president asleep at the switch on the anniversary of 9/11 and who marked the day the news broke of the assassination of four American diplomats with a trip to Vegas for campaigning and fundraising. The president's chest thumping on foreign policy is classic insecurity manifesting itself in an empty boastfulness made not so much offensive as dismaying by the back drop of growing chaos across the Middle East. This incompetent amateur may belive in his heart that he is master of all he surveys, but the overwhelming evidence of the fact that he is in far over his head grows to mountain-sized enormity. The Guns of August seem to be replaying themselves in Septemebr and October of 2012 but the president is on autopilot and the Manhattan-Beltway Media Elite have agreed that it is inappropriate to raise a voice against this drift. Geoffrey Dawson lives!

Only Obama's MSM fan-club doesn't see the connection between the growing chaos and the president's cluelessness, though if pressed as to what they expected when early on their favoritist president ever got the Nobel Prize and traveled to Cairo for speechifying that would bring the Arab world to a quick and orderly move to democracy and full rights for women and religious minorities with Iranian disarmament thrown in, they might admit that a second term would be useful to the accomplishment of these goals. The horrified masses outside of the Manhattan-Beltway media bubble wonder what in the world the world would look like with four more years of Chance the Gardener as POTUS, but MSM is untroubled.

Their job is to oganize the assualt on Romney, as CBS' Jan Crawford (heir to Mary Mapes?) did so wonderfully well on tape before yesterday's statement by Mitt Romney. The Borg of the Manhattan-Beltway media elite had decided on a narrative and organized for its development and transmission. Oops. The curtain was up.

Key takeaway: The press didn't care what Romney had to say. He could have said "I am withdrawing from the race." He could have said he'd had a call from Ahmadinejad asking to meet. He could have announced he was flying to Cairo. None of it would not have mattered to the MSMers! They had their questions down. This is the reality of the MSM palace guard revealed and undeniable: Their job is to bleed Romney so their guy can get another four years.

None of their scheming matters. What matters is the reaction of the voters to this clueless president and this conniving press. Here is the reality fo the election:

8.2% unemployment (actually around 11% if the hopeless are factored in.) Looming tax hikes that will further destroy growth and the rollout of Obamacare that will lead to premium shock and reduced care and downward pressure on growth and unemployment. Iran thrusting for nukes and Israel pointing to the ticking clock. Cairo and other Arab cities burning and mobs massing. China launching new ships and initiatives; Russia hostile and grasping; Europe teetering.

This is why Mitt Romney will win: Voters see and know this. Whether pollsters are doing their job or not on "likely voter screens" and "turnout models" doesn't change the facts on the ground. The president has failed, on every front and in spectacular fashion.

True, he may not know it. He may be gliding through the final four months of his presidency absolutely convinced he's king of the world, but he's a failure. The country doesn't re-elect failure, no matter how urgently fellow failed and aging "journalists" or their young acolytes --"What's our question Jan?"-- desperately want him to be thought a success.

Today I am joined by a returned Mark Steyn (whose After America has just been iussed in paperback with a new and alarming but funny forward) and by Lileks whose Bleat today is not to be missed (nor is his new novel, The Graveyard Special.)

Hours two and three feature one of my long chats, this one with Robert Kaplan, whose new The Revenge of Geography, is a tour of the bubbling cauldron of the world. Kaplan is not a harsh critic of the president and in fact gives him good grades for much of his foreign policy, but Kaplan knows what our Navy means, and he knows what the Obama assault on it and the defense budget mean as well. Kaplan is also a very cold-eyed realist when it comes to Russia and anyone reading The Revenge of Geography would not laugh off Romney's warnings but would be shocked at Obama's dismissiveness of the Putin-era Russia.

Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.