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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/20/2012 3:33:46 AM

Hi Peter and friends, here's another "hit the nail on the head" article by one of my favorite CFP writers, Judi McLeod.

Win, lose or draw, smug Barack Obama will go on to radically change America--and gets to do so without ever needing your permission

Everybody a victim under Obama Redistribution

- Judi McLeod Wednesday, September 19, 2012
More than a Drudge Report headline, ‘Redistribution vs. Victims: Dueling videos shakeup White House race’ defines the 2012 presidential election.

This is the duel: President Barack Obama gets to pass off his glib lines: “If you want to be president you’ve got to work for everybody” on the David Letterman show. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who doesn’t have the same convenience had his dueling video thrown into the public square courtesy of President Jimmy Carter’s grandson.

With trained seal media scribes, Hollywood and television stars on his side, Obama is dueling with all the ready-made ammunition handed to him.

When addressing cheering crowds dominated by his own faithful, Obama can truly ask with confidence, “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?”

That’s because he knows the answer can only be: “The same”.

How many of the 52.9% who elected Obama into power in 2008 have changed status in their lives since then?

Not all of the 52.9% (69,456,897) Obama voters were government dependent, but the core that placed him in power certainly were, and still are.

How many of Obama voters then and now were then and now on food stamps?

How many of them sit it out month by month waiting for the postman to deliver their government checks?

Some eight and a half million more Americans voted for Obama than Senator John McCain back in 2008. Little wonder when one remembers who Obama’s wishy-washy opponent was. Back then few knew that the mission of Obama the Messiah was to fundamentally transform America; to rob it of its freedom and wreck its economy.

Yesterday Obama for America Campaign manager Jim Messina sent out an email accusing presidential candidate Mitt Romney of demonstrating “disgust and disdain for half our fellow Americans”.

What does he call the four years of Marxist misery ladled out on the other half?

Romney laid bare the truth when he stated months ago that “There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the President no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name it. That’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax.

“My job is not to worry about those people.
I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”

Under another one of the clever subject lines the Obama team uses on outgoing emails, this time the provocative, “You won’t believe this”, Messina warns the party faithful: “If we don’t come through for President Obama right now, this will be the guy making big decisions that affect us and our families every single day. “There are only 50 days left in this campaign. Please make a donation today.”

If there’s any scare tactic powerful enough to send poor folk running to the cookie jar piggy bank for Obama it’s the thought of losing their government check.

With reliable help from Obama’s media running dogs, Romney is being portrayed during the campaign as a big, fat capitalist pig, the Big Daddy War Bucks who would take away your food stamps.

Accused of being against “half our fellow Americans”, Messina and other Obama minions never mention that they are against the other half of “our fellow Americans”: the overburdened working class trying to hang on in an economy killing jobs and mortgages.

The core group represented by Barack Obama does not care whether Obama uses their votes to complete his mission of turning America into a Socialist State. As long as they continue getting their checks each month, why should they?

Little wonder that Obama is smiling his way through the 2012 presidential campaign. Obama knows he can count on his 47% (and whatever number has grown from there over the past four years) no matter what.

If for any reason Obama is not convinced he’s got the 47% in the bag, his fallback options are already in place.

Reelection, the conventional way, was never his intention.

And win, lose or draw, smug Barack Obama will go on to radically change America—and gets to do so without ever needing your permission.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/20/2012 4:14:12 PM
Hello friends, here is another great article from our neighbors to the north, the CFP. It still boggles my mind that there are people who still support this fraud, either they haven't taken the time to educate themselves or even worse they can't see or don't care what is staring them in the face.

Redistribution of wealth, class envy, increased taxes, bigger government

Obama: The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing…….Beware the Message in the Fabian Window

- William Kevin Stoos Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fabian WindowIt is a beautiful, if creepy thing, this Fabian Window. And since I first wrote about it four years ago—before Obama’s socialist administration came to power—the message contained in the stained glass has become creepier still, for the message in the glass portends where Obama has taken us the last four years and where he intends to take us yet. It illustrates his game plan, his program, his ideology and his modus operandi. And it might as well hang in the White House for all to see. For the sheep’s clothing has been removed and we see the wolf for what he is…..

The wolf plays a prominent role in socialist thought. V.I. Lenin once said “When you live among wolves you must howl like a wolf,” meaning, of course, that if political necessity requires you to act like a capitalist or live among capitalists while you organize and work for socialist causes, you must act like those among whom you live. This is simply a matter of expediency. Norman Thomas, a founder of the A.C.L.U. once said:

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”

There is a stained glass window (see above) currently on display in the London School of Economics. Designed by George Bernard Shaw to commemorate the founding of the Society, the “Fabian Window” features Society members hammering the world in order, as the motto proclaims, to “REMOULD IT NEARER TO THE HEART’S DESIRE.” [sic]. A close and politically astute friend of mine—and leading expert on socialism—exclaimed: “How brazen are the socialists!” When I asked why, he pointed to the image of the wolf dressed in a sheepskin displayed prominently on the Fabian Window—a stark and ostentatious reminder that the goal of the socialists is to work secretly, in disguise (just as Lenin counseled) and adapt to the flock, herd, or society in which you are moving and working. Put simply, if you read and study socialist thought, the message is very clear: work to remould the world to your heart’s desire and work for socialist causes discreetly—in disguise—and adapting to whatever milieu in which you are working. This, of course, begs the question: “Whose heart desires to remould the world and how? Depending on who has the hammer—we may or may not like the change.

Obama looks good. He is (as Biden once said during the 2008 primaries) “intelligent and articulate.” He wears nice suits. He has wonderful stage presence and he is a rock star. And people still have no idea who he is, where he came from, who influenced him or what his plans are if he—the most inexperienced politician ever to come out of nowhere—is re-elected president. Influenced by Uncle Frank Marshall Davis (a communist organizer in Hawaii who was no fan of racial equality and whose agenda was only to promote racial and class struggle), Billy Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn—two unapologetic American terrorists who went underground for years to foster terrorism and support our enemies right here in our own country, a radical black liberation “minister” and others, Obama has an agenda. And, the change of which he speaks may well not be what most Americans think, or want.

What are his plans for America?

  • Redistribution of wealth from those who own the means of production to those who don’t
  • Fostering of class envy and economic class warfare
  • Government control of the health care system and education
  • Increased taxes on the wealthy (whomever he decides is wealthy)
  • Taxing corporations for being too successful
  • Punishing with new federal taxes, employers who do not choose to purchase Obamacare health insurance for their employees
  • Increased deference to the United Nations and erosion of our national sovereignty
  • Consorting with enemies of Israel and America
  • Bigger and more intrusive government
  • Appointing federal commissars with no constitutional authority to do so
  • Ensuring that America is not a superpower, but an equal among all nations
  • Denigrating religion (which as Marx noted, is the opiate of the masses) and
  • Disregarding the Constitution in an effort to re-form (remould) a foundational document that has served us well for over two centuries.

If this sounds suspiciously like the message on the Fabian Window, the writings of V.I. Lenin or Antonio Gramsci, well, it should. He has plans for America and the world. He has had the sledge hammer for four years now. He continues to “remould the world nearer to [his] heart’s desire.” We must ask who he is really. Americans have not asked enough; they are far too trusting and far too naïve when it comes to Obama.

And this November, we must take away his hammer.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/22/2012 5:58:50 PM

Hello everyone, one of my cousins is a minister in Middle Tennessee and his wife just posted this on FB. Regardless of political affiliation, this is a must see movie.

Friends, Here it is. FREE of charge. No need to go to the theater. The movie "2016 - Obama's America." I urge you to click share ASAP because we don't know how long it will be kept up with the pressures brought to bear from Washington to remove it being imminent. No one should vote for President until they watch this!

"2016 - Obama's America."
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/22/2012 7:32:31 PM
Hi Evelyn,

Thanks for the link to this excellent documentary. I was waiting for the DVD format to come out cos I don't believe it will be available here in Israeli movie theaters for quite a while.

It is definitely a must watch video regardless of party affiliation. For those who voted for B Hussein without knowing anything about him it will definitely be an eyeopener and for many others a documentary that connects all the dots.

I just finished watching it and it strengthens my opinion that this man must not be allowed another 4 years in the WH. The catastrophic results will take may years to repair if repair is possible after he gets through with his plans and agendas.

Thanks for the 2 excellent articles and again thanks for the link to this video.




Hello everyone, one of my cousins is a minister in Middle Tennessee and his wife just posted this on FB. Regardless of political affiliation, this is a must see movie.

Friends, Here it is. FREE of charge. No need to go to the theater. The movie "2016 - Obama's America." I urge you to click share ASAP because we don't know how long it will be kept up with the pressures brought to bear from Washington to remove it being imminent. No one should vote for President until they watch this!

"2016 - Obama's America."
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/22/2012 7:46:18 PM
Hi Evelyn & Friends,

Unfortunately the documentary video is no longer available. The message says due to copy write issues but I have a feeling that the WH and B Hussein had their hand in this as well. Sorta a gut feeling but we'll just have to wait and see about that.

Lucky I watched it immediately after reading your post. Thanks again and sorry many missed their chance to watch it. I recommend they either go watch it in a movie theater or buy the DVD if it's already available.



Hi Evelyn,

Thanks for the link to this excellent documentary. I was waiting for the DVD format to come out cos I don't believe it will be available here in Israeli movie theaters for quite a while.

It is definitely a must watch video regardless of party affiliation. For those who voted for B Hussein without knowing anything about him it will definitely be an eyeopener and for many others a documentary that connects all the dots.

I just finished watching it and it strengthens my opinion that this man must not be allowed another 4 years in the WH. The catastrophic results will take may years to repair if repair is possible after he gets through with his plans and agendas.

Thanks for the 2 excellent articles and again thanks for the link to this video.




Hello everyone, one of my cousins is a minister in Middle Tennessee and his wife just posted this on FB. Regardless of political affiliation, this is a must see movie.

Friends, Here it is. FREE of charge. No need to go to the theater. The movie "2016 - Obama's America." I urge you to click share ASAP because we don't know how long it will be kept up with the pressures brought to bear from Washington to remove it being imminent. No one should vote for President until they watch this!

"2016 - Obama's America."
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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