Hello Friends,
I just finished reading the below article by Herman Cain where he gives a short precise of Paul Ryan's speech. It is quite amazing that there are still people supporting the liar in chief. We all know by now that when his lips move he's lying yet they listen to his "stories" none of which are based on facts and are mostly lies and accept them as if it's the gospel truth.
They believe the fraud and great pretender when he says that Ryan wants to steal their Social Security and Medicare when it's actually B Hussein who's bankrupting both of these entitlements. There are so many more examples but these are the ones you hear most of the time (even some really pathetic posts on the subjects here in Adland) and it's time for the truth to be known. If the mindless addicted entitlement and freebie lovers would take the blindfolds off their eyes and the wool out of their ears they might actually learn something. Hopefully they will till the upcoming elections cos these issues will be discussed and B Hussein and the Dems have no answers aside from trying to change the subject when ever they are raised.
Published by: Herman Cain on Thursday August 30th, 2012 By HERMAN CAIN - Ryan serves notice, Republicans will no longer cower over Dems' Mediscare demagoguery Paul Ryan threw down the gauntlet on Wednesday night, declaring during his speech at the Republican National Convention that it will no longer work when Democrats try to demagogue the issue of entitlements, because he and Mitt Romney are ready, and they want this fight. This is why Democrats are in full meltdown mode, trying to change the subject to hurricanes or student loans or more “war on women” crapola. Ryan has taken away the ace up their sleeve, which is to threaten to go nuclear any time Republicans talk about the need for entitlement reform. Ryan has essentially told them what Clint Eastwood might tell them: “Go ahead. Make my day.” Why are Romney and Ryan unafraid of this debate where so many Republicans before them didn’t dare engage in it? I’ll tell you why. It’s very simple. They know that you are not stupid! They know that anyone can see and understand the numbers. When your spending exceeds your revenue every year by more than $1 trillion, you’ve got a serious spending problem! And when all the president can offer is nonsense about Buffet Rules and other two-bit rhetoric that does nothing to solve the problem, Romney and Ryan can see that it’s possible to lay out the facts, and the American people will not crucify them for telling the truth. And what is that truth? In Ryan’s words: “They have no answer to this simple reality: We need to stop spending money we don’t have. Really simple. Not that hard.” Amen! And the American people do understand that, and do want the government to deal with the problem! So what will Democrats do when they can no longer intimidate Republicans into silence? Panic!