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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/21/2012 3:26:05 PM
Hello Friends,

News Week came out with an unprecedented attack against B Hussein in their latest issue. We've seen hints that the MSM is starting to wake up to the disastrous B Hussein administration and on the cover of the latest issue the main title is

“Hit the Road, Barack — Why We Need a New President”

The very idea that one of the most progressive liberal magazines is criticizing B Hussein and saying he's gotta go is an indication that the tide is changing and I have a feeling this'll be the the start of many others doing the same. Apparently they either woke up or finally realized that they've been duped and made fools of over the past three and a half years and that they better start reporting the truth as opposed to the lies they were trying to pass on as facts.



Newsweek's Obama Slam Could Be Turning Po

Monday, 20 Aug 2012 09:52 AM By Ronald Kessler

Ronald Kessler reporting from Washington, D.C. — The financial crisis a few weeks before the last presidential election was enough to push Barack Obama over the top. This week’s Newsweek cover slamming President Obama could have almost as much impact.

“Hit the Road, Barack — Why We Need a New President” the cover says. “Obama’s Gotta Go” the article inside says.

Journalists are not idiots. They recognize that Obama, as the Newsweek cover story documents, has been a failure. But they are also lemmings who will not depart from their traditional support of Democrats unless given permission by their peers. The cover story in Newsweek, one of the most liberal-leaning publications in the country, does just that.

Because of support by the press, Obama became president in the first place and has held his own against Mitt Romney in polls.

Three months before the story of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr.’s connection to Obama finally broke in the mainstream media, I began writing stories as chief Washington correspondent of about Obama’s close association with his America-bashing minister.

The media, which had known generally about Wright since Obama announced his candidacy in February 2007, ignored the stories. If the media had picked them up then, Obama likely would not be president today.

According to pollsters, largely as a result of the stories the press finally ran about Wright, Obama’s double-digit lead over Hillary Clinton vanished. At the same time, John McCain shot up in the polls, and Hillary began winning the primaries. But by then, Obama was ahead, and it was too late for her to overcome his previous lead.

Indeed, David Remnick’s “The Ridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama” quotes an unidentified Clinton aide as saying, “If Jeremiah Wright had dropped in January [2008], it [Obama’s candidacy] would have been over.”

Today, the media largely ignore Obama’s daily distortions and record of failure, all documented in the Newsweek article. In contrast, after President Bush gave his 2003 State of the Union address, the press attacked him mercilessly for weeks over his 16-word statement that the British government had learned that Saddam Hussein sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.

In fact, the statement was true. After the British House of Commons Intelligence and Security Committee reviewed the MI6 intelligence about the claim involving Niger, it concluded in September 2003 that the British intelligence service was justified in continuing to say that Hussein had tried to obtain uranium from that country. The press then ignored the report showing that Bush’s statement was indeed accurate.

But when Obama says the private sector of the economy is doing fine, belittles success, claims the Supreme Court cannot overrule a law passed by Congress, says he is not divisive even as he attacks Republicans, gratuitously injects race into his comments, or claims Romney and Paul Ryan would end Medicare as we know it, the press gives the president a pass.

None of this is lost on the public.

A recent Rasmussen poll found that 59 percent of likely U.S. voters believe Obama has received the best treatment from the media so far. Just 18 percent think Mitt Romney has been treated better.

Having been a reporter for the Washington Post and Wall Street Journal, I know how susceptible journalists are to the herd instinct. The Newsweek cover story in effect tells journalists it’s OK to begin telling the truth about Obama and expose his presidency as the failure Newsweek says it is. For that reason, it could be a turning point in the election.

Ronald Kessler is chief Washington correspondent of He is the New York Times bestselling author of books on the Secret Service, FBI, and CIA. Read more reports from Ronald Kessler — Click Here Now.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/21/2012 4:05:12 PM
Hi Evelyn & All,

I didn't notice that you had also posted about the News Week article on the previous page. Sorry for the duplication. Here's another article about the same topic from The Blaze also very interesting.



Whoa: Newsweek’s Latest Cover May Surprise You

Now, we all know Newsweek isn’t shy when it comes to controversial cover photos and headline stories. Indeed, on more than a few occasions, Newsweek Editor Tina Brown has had to defend the magazine’s less-than-flattering photos and oftentimes incendiary articles.

Everyone’s also familiar with the publication’s left-leaning tendencies, right? Right.

Well, that’s precisely why Newsweek’s latest cover may surprise you:

Whoa: Newsweeks Latest Cover May Surprise You“Hit the Road, Barack”

Whoa. Well, that‘s certainly a departure from the type of headline stories and cover photos we’ve grown accustomed to:

Whoa: Newsweeks Latest Cover May Surprise You“The Queen of Rage”

Whoa: Newsweeks Latest Cover May Surprise You“Why Are Obama’s Critics so Dumb?”

Whoa: Newsweeks Latest Cover May Surprise You“The First Gay President

Whoa: Newsweeks Latest Cover May Surprise You“We’re All Socialists Now

Whoa: Newsweeks Latest Cover May Surprise You“Romney: The Wimp Factor

Whoa: Newsweeks Latest Cover May Surprise You“George Bush: Fighting the Wimp Factor”

Newsweek’s latest cover story comes from none other than noted historian Niall Ferguson. The article, titled “Hit the Road, Barack,” argues that President Obama has proven that he‘s an economic illiterate and that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his running mate Paul Ryan’s “path to prosperity is our only hope.”

“Unemployment was supposed to be 6 percent by now. It has averaged 8.2 percent this year so far. Meanwhile real median annual household income has dropped more than 5 percent since June 2009. Nearly 110 million individuals received a welfare benefit in 2011, mostly Medicaid or food stamps,” writes Ferguson.

“Welcome to Obama’s America,” he adds.

“America under this president is a superpower in retreat, if not retirement. Small wonder 46 percent of Americans — and 63 percent of Chinese — believe that China already has replaced the U.S. as the world’s leading superpower or eventually will.”

Ferguson makes the case that the alternative to President Obama’s “Hopenchange” machine, though not the strongest he has ever seen, is infinitely preferable for the health of the U.S. economy:

Mitt Romney is not the best candidate for the presidency I can imagine. But he was clearly the best of the Republican contenders for the nomination. He brings to the presidency precisely the kind of experience — both in the business world and in executive office — that Barack Obama manifestly lacked four years ago. (If only Obama had worked at Bain Capital for a few years, instead of as a community organizer in Chicago, he might understand exactly why the private sector is not “doing fine” right now.)

“And by picking Ryan as his running mate, Romney has given the first real sign that—unlike Obama—he is a courageous leader who will not duck the challenges America faces,” Ferguson adds.

Follow Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) on Twitter

Click here to read Ferguson’s full article.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/21/2012 4:25:43 PM

Hi Peter, no problem. :) This article was just too good and it is wonderful to finally see the MSM FINALLY print the truth instead of ignoring all the things wrong with this president and his policies. Certainly gives me more hope to see some of them coming out of their deep slumber.

Hi Evelyn & All,

I didn't notice that you had also posted about the News Week article on the previous page. Sorry for the duplication. Here's another article about the same topic from The Blaze also very interesting.



Whoa: Newsweek’s Latest Cover May Surprise You

Now, we all know Newsweek isn’t shy when it comes to controversial cover photos and headline stories. Indeed, on more than a few occasions, Newsweek Editor Tina Brown has had to defend the magazine’s less-than-flattering photos and oftentimes incendiary articles.

Everyone’s also familiar with the publication’s left-leaning tendencies, right? Right.

Well, that’s precisely why Newsweek’s latest cover may surprise you:

Whoa: Newsweeks Latest Cover May Surprise You“Hit the Road, Barack”

Whoa. Well, that‘s certainly a departure from the type of headline stories and cover photos we’ve grown accustomed to:

Whoa: Newsweeks Latest Cover May Surprise You“The Queen of Rage”

Whoa: Newsweeks Latest Cover May Surprise You“Why Are Obama’s Critics so Dumb?”

Whoa: Newsweeks Latest Cover May Surprise You“The First Gay President

Whoa: Newsweeks Latest Cover May Surprise You“We’re All Socialists Now

Whoa: Newsweeks Latest Cover May Surprise You“Romney: The Wimp Factor

Whoa: Newsweeks Latest Cover May Surprise You“George Bush: Fighting the Wimp Factor”

Newsweek’s latest cover story comes from none other than noted historian Niall Ferguson. The article, titled “Hit the Road, Barack,” argues that President Obama has proven that he‘s an economic illiterate and that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his running mate Paul Ryan’s “path to prosperity is our only hope.”

“Unemployment was supposed to be 6 percent by now. It has averaged 8.2 percent this year so far. Meanwhile real median annual household income has dropped more than 5 percent since June 2009. Nearly 110 million individuals received a welfare benefit in 2011, mostly Medicaid or food stamps,” writes Ferguson.

“Welcome to Obama’s America,” he adds.

“America under this president is a superpower in retreat, if not retirement. Small wonder 46 percent of Americans — and 63 percent of Chinese — believe that China already has replaced the U.S. as the world’s leading superpower or eventually will.”

Ferguson makes the case that the alternative to President Obama’s “Hopenchange” machine, though not the strongest he has ever seen, is infinitely preferable for the health of the U.S. economy:

Mitt Romney is not the best candidate for the presidency I can imagine. But he was clearly the best of the Republican contenders for the nomination. He brings to the presidency precisely the kind of experience — both in the business world and in executive office — that Barack Obama manifestly lacked four years ago. (If only Obama had worked at Bain Capital for a few years, instead of as a community organizer in Chicago, he might understand exactly why the private sector is not “doing fine” right now.)

“And by picking Ryan as his running mate, Romney has given the first real sign that—unlike Obama—he is a courageous leader who will not duck the challenges America faces,” Ferguson adds.

Follow Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) on Twitter

Click here to read Ferguson’s full article.

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/26/2012 5:15:16 PM
Hello Friends,

Here's another gem of an interview with Alan West. As usual he calls a spade a spade and doesn't mince words. Wish we had many more like him.

Alan West said and he's so right.
Responding to Obama's likability being a factor in this race, Allen West says that Obama is basically feeding America a crap sandwich with a smile and that it's very important for us to win the images war in the presidential race. Because a crap sandwich with a smile is still a crap sandwich!



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/29/2012 2:17:15 AM

I would have liked to see Nader be president. Any argument to the contrary begs the question, "Could it have been worse than those they had the last few decades?"

Nader wanted to see the political parties abolished with everyone running being an independent. You would vote for the man/woman, not the party. That way you might get a few good people at least.

The party system makes it easier for the big corporations to buy favors.

Just a thought.

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»

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