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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/5/2012 1:30:20 AM

Hi Peter and friends, I'm sure you've heard the phrase about desperate measures and this is definitely a desperate measure. This man really has the gall. I pray everyday he'll be defeated in November before he completely destroys this nation.

Obama Campaign Sues in Bid to Suppress Military Vote

Friday, 03 Aug 2012 07:51 PM

In a move that could have an impact on the final result of the presidential election, Barack Obama’s campaign has sued Ohio to block a measure which extends early voting for members of the military.

The action brought quick responses from Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and as many as 15 military groups.

DeWine told Fox News on Friday that he found the July 17 action by Obama campaign, the Democratic National Committee and the Ohio Democratic Party “quite shocking."

The tradition for allowing special circumstances for military personnel in voting dates back to the civil war, he said.

Republicans traditionally have had the lock on the military vote, and with Ohio being a key battleground state especially this year — Obama leads GOP challenger Mitt Romney there by only 6 points in the latest Quinnipiac University poll — these military votes could swing the Nov. 6 election to either candidate.

And as the Buckeye State is considered one of the key marginals, a victory for either candidate there could end up being the difference between taking the White House and losing it.

“I’m just outraged by this,” DeWine told Fox on Friday. “I can’t believe that the Obama campaign [and] the state Democratic Party are actually saying there’s no rational basis for a distinction between someone who is in the military voting, and somebody not in the military.

“Our whole history in this country, we’ve made a distinction between the two, recognizing the difficulties, and the unique situation that people in the military are in.”

The Obama campaign sued Republicans DeWine and Secretary of State Jon Husted, contending Ohio’s two-tiered early voting process violates the U.S. Constitution’s guarantees of equal protection under the law.
Ohio is among 32 states that allow voters to cast an early ballot by mail or in person without an excuse. In 2008, about 30 percent of the swing state's total vote — or roughly 1.7 million ballots — came in ahead of Election Day.

In addition, state law allows families of armed forces members and civilians overseas to vote through the Monday before an election, while early voting for all other Ohioans ends the preceding Friday. The Nov. 6 election falls on a Tuesday.

The Obama lawsuit said that the latter part of the Ohio law is “arbitrary” with “no discernible rational basis” — and that all voters should be able to vote on those days. The campaign seeks a court order invalidating the statutes.

In his response, filed late on Wednesday, DeWine noted that all Ohioans have numerous voting options, which include casting an absentee by mail starting 35 days before the election, casting an in-person ballot on other days, and voting at their polling location on Election Day.

Ohio, with 18 electoral votes, has been critical to U.S. politics, and no Republican has been elected president without a victory there. Obama won the state in 2008 with 51.5 percent of the vote.

But remaining ahead of his Republican opponent is proving tougher for Obama this time around. A survey by Quinnipiac University earlier this week shows the president leading Romney by only 6 points, 50 to 44 percent.

The military vote has traditionally gone Republican. In 2008, Obama lost among veterans to Arizona Sen. John McCain, a Vietnam War hero, 55 to 45 percent. Four years earlier, GOP President George W. Bush outdistanced Massachusetts Sen. John F. Kerry, another Vietnam veteran, among former service personnel by 57 to 41 percent.

In addition, military members and their families generally tend to vote in higher percentages than the general public, according to federal election data.

The Obama for America lawsuit comes after several election-law changes cleared Ohio’s Republican-controlled legislature and GOP Gov. John Kasich signed them.

Before the changes, local election boards had the discretion to set their own early, in-person voting hours on the days before the election. People were allowed up until the day before the election to vote in person. Weekend voting varied among the state's 88 counties.

With the changes, most Ohioans now have until the Friday evening before the Tuesday election to cast a ballot in person. But military voters can continue to vote in person until Monday.

Separately, the National Guard Association of the United States and more than a dozen other fraternal military groups asked a U.S. judge for permission to intervene and oppose the Democrats' lawsuit.

“Members of the U.S. Armed Forces risk their lives to keep this nation safe and defend the fundamental constitutional right to vote,” the military groups said in in their request.

“The Obama campaign’s and Democratic National Committee’s argument that it is arbitrary and unconstitutional to afford special consideration, flexibility, and accommodations to military voters to make it easier for them to vote in person is not only offensive, but flatly wrong as a matter of law,” the groups said.

They’ve asked U.S. District Judge Peter Economus for permission to join the case on the side of the state, and to oppose the Obama campaign’s request for injunctive relief. A hearing is scheduled for Aug. 15.
By Todd Beamon

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/5/2012 1:33:45 AM

Helen Elias

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/5/2012 12:11:40 PM

I just had the most brilliant idea. The US should have taken the illegals and sent them to Iraq and after a couple of stints there, if they proved their worth, they would be given citizenship because they would have earned it.

In Canada, we could send our illegals to Afghanistan.




Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/5/2012 12:49:55 PM

Helen that is an excellent idea and take a look at this graphic I just now saw on FB. Absolutely hits the nail on the head and you wonder why his supporters can't see what he is and why they keep badgering Romney for past tax records when ALL of Obama's past records, that he's spent millions of dollars to conceal, are never mentioned. I find that entirely hypocritcal.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/6/2012 1:39:52 AM
Hi Peter and friends. This article from one of my favorite writers addresses some issues I hadn't considered before and that is as this author asks - "Why is the truth not getting to a majority of black Americans". Mr. Marcus is an excellent commentator and gets his point across very well.

My Black Dad and Chick-fil-A

August 3, 2012

I jump on every opportunity to respectfully challenge my 84-year-old black dad's loyalty to Obama. Dad has been a Christian pastor over 50 years. He lives in Maryland, and I live in Florida. I called Dad to ask if he participated in Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day. He said no, he had not heard about it. Then, he added, "All I know is Chick-fil-A discriminates against gays."

Folks, I was outraged. Struggling to keep my composure, I passionately said, "Dad, that is a lie! You have got to stop getting your news from the mainstream media!"

I went on to explain to my dad what the protest and appreciation day were really about. Dad was shocked. He does not support same-sex marriage, and he was pretty grossed out when I told him that in retaliation homosexuals have planned a "kiss-in" at Chick-fil-A restaurants.

I also took the occasion to inform Dad that black pastors across America have organized to protest Obama's support of same-sex marriage. Again, Dad knew nothing about the black pastors' protest.

At my local Chick-fil-A restaurant, Mavis and I were the only blacks there in support of the protest, amongst hundreds of white Christians and Tea Party patriots.

So what is going on? Why is the truth not getting to a majority of black Americans? I fault a majority of black media outlets and the mainstream media.

For the most part, conservative talk radio is a white thing. Even black conservative radio talk show hosts have a mostly white following.

How do we get the truth to black America? Since I am writing about this problem, one might assume I have a solution. Well, I do not, and it frustrates me.

My conversation with Dad was yesterday. He called me at 9 AM this morning. "Why haven't I heard about what Christians were doing in support of Chick-fil-A?" I told Dad the reason is because the mainstream media, where he gets his news, is in the pocket of the socialists/progressives who embrace same-sex marriage. The mainstream media (CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC) gave the phenomenon minimal coverage.

Dad was surprised to learn that all who oppose same-sex marriage are branded bigots and haters by his beloved Democratic Party and the mainstream media. Dad said he does not hate or judge anyone. However, the Bible says homosexuality is wrong. He must stand on the Word of God.

Patriots, my excitement was overwhelming. For years I have been waiting for the correct moment and approach to "respectfully" tell Dad that his blind loyalty to Obama and the Democrats contradicts everything he has stood for and taught me. The moment was miraculously here. Dad was on the phone, asking questions and listening.

My mind was racing. "OK! OK! How can I give him a history lesson and Conservatism vs. Liberalism 101 in as few words as possible?" I thought, "Calm down and take it slow." We talked for an hour.

Dad did not know that not only did Obama say that he supports same-sex marriage, but he vowed to be an advocate of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender communities. Dad told me to send him the link, which is pretty amazing, considering I have not been successful getting Dad to check his e-mail.

Dad was unaware that the Democratic Party is considering making same-sex marriage a part of its platform.

I explained to Dad that the mainstream media spins the truth and, in many cases, lies to support its socialist/progressive, anti-Christian, anti-God agenda.

For example: Dad heard from his media sources that Republicans, Christians, and conservatives are trying to ban contraception for women. Yes, Dad was familiar with the reported "War on Women."

I told Dad that no one is trying to stop women from obtaining birth control. Contraception is cheap -- available at Walmart for five bucks or so. I explained that under ObamaCare, Christian institutions and Christians will be forced to fund contraception and abortion services against their will and their faith. Again, Dad was shocked. Dad said he does not want to fund such services.

My 84-year-old dad joined the Democratic Party in his youth, believing it to be for the hardworking little guy. I informed Dad that that Democratic Party no longer exists. In short, spoiled-brat old hippies run the Democratic Party today.

A majority of the Democratic Party leadership comprises far-left liberals who hate America and believe that man can fix every problem. God is an imaginary being clung to by ignorant, bitter, and racist middle Americans. These Democrats believe they are intellectually superior -- and thus far better-qualified to manage our lives. This is why the Democratic Party seeks ever-expanding governmental controls over our behavior. Outrageously, death panels in ObamaCare even give government power to decide who lives and who dies.

In response to the socialists/progressives' disbelief in God, Dad, a preacher over 50 years, said, "Your house had a builder. I did not see him. Nor do I know him. But I know he exists. Man also had a builder."

Dad ended our conservation with "I'm going to Chick-fil-A today to spend some money."


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