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Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/7/2012 6:05:25 PM
Dear Mary & Friends,

This problem is an institutional problem. The Left have promoted racism in this country long before they formed the KKK. They are just trying to return the level of black dependency, racism and levels of unrest to those present back in the sixties. The entitlements alone works to buy their votes. It is interesting that they presently working to undo the welfare reforms that Clinton put into place.

Here is another factoid that would expose Obama and his buddies and their intentions. As you know Obama has been giving amnesty to the dregs of Mexico in an effort to gain votes. In times past the peoples immigrating to our country had to insure that they would be useful citizens and certify that they would not require any public monies to qualify for entrance.

Presently they are finding that 40% of Mexican Illegal Aliens are HS Dropouts and that 50% wind up on welfare. The stats get worse from this point and there is only one reason that Obama is letting them in.

Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/9/2012 1:23:01 PM

Very well said, Rick.

Dear Mary & Friends,

This problem is an institutional problem. The Left have promoted racism in this country long before they formed the KKK. They are just trying to return the level of black dependency, racism and levels of unrest to those present back in the sixties. The entitlements alone works to buy their votes. It is interesting that they presently working to undo the welfare reforms that Clinton put into place.

Here is another factoid that would expose Obama and his buddies and their intentions. As you know Obama has been giving amnesty to the dregs of Mexico in an effort to gain votes. In times past the peoples immigrating to our country had to insure that they would be useful citizens and certify that they would not require any public monies to qualify for entrance.

Presently they are finding that 40% of Mexican Illegal Aliens are HS Dropouts and that 50% wind up on welfare. The stats get worse from this point and there is only one reason that Obama is letting them in.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/9/2012 1:26:49 PM

Hi Peter, Rick and everyone. Here's another great article from one of CFP's fine writers. I know that after all this time I shouldn't wonder why more of our MSM can't write the truth instead of covering up and promoting the fraud in the WH, but I still do.

Barry's not calling the plays. That Soetoro, guy, you know, the one we know as Obama, ain't in charge. He's a front man, a puppet, a marionette

Who Pulls Obama’s Strings?

- J.D. Longstreet Thursday, August 9, 2012
There is something very telling about an incumbent president asking an “impeached” president to go to bat for him. It’s sort of like someone in court for, oh, jay walking, having a car thief testify as to the character of the accused in court. It’s wildly weird!

Those of us who correctly sized up Obama as a dyed-in-the-wool, set -in-concrete, NARCISSIST—even before his election, and THEN having our suspicions ratified by Obama himself, well, we’re scratching our heads and asking amongst ourselves—WHO, exactly, IS running Obama?

Here’s the thing (as they say): Left to his own devices a man of Obama’s character would NEVER, I mean—NEVER—have someone else come to his rescue in public, especially in public! NEVER!

Yet, with a clatter of hooves, a cloud of dust, and a hearty “Hi-Yo-Democratic Party,” comes the white-haired man of shame, er, I mean, man of fame, he of the “I did not have sex with that woman,” of the spotted dress, of sex in the Oval Office, of licentiousness personified—none other than William Jefferson (Blythe III) Clinton, AKA “ole Bill”—comes riding to Obama’s rescue in full view of the cameras of national and international television.

What’s wrong with this picture? Just about everything. Unfortunately—it will probably work!

Our man of international mystery—Barack Hussein Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro—now President of the United States, must be absolutely furious.

So why is Barry, I mean, Barack, going along with this humiliating slap in the face?

I’m convinced Obama has no say in the matter. He has to do it. It is being forced upon him.

What? How the heck do you force the most powerful man on the planet to suffer this sort of humiliating indignity before the eyes of the world?

The answer is easy.

Barry’s not calling the plays. That Soetoro, guy, you know, the one we know as Obama, ain’t in charge. He’s a front man, a puppet, a marionette. Someone, or some thing, is pulling his strings—and—to keep his rather cushy job he must sit down, shut up, and let the grownups take care of his reelection.

Gotta tell ya, folks, a tale of a guy who comes out of nowhere, leaving a trail of diversions for anyone seeking to nail down his previous life, and winds up as President of the United States, well, if you published it as a book it would, of necessity, be published as a novel, a fictional tale of intrigue, of international skulduggery, an immense flimflam— a con job.

But—HEY! It WORKED! And you can’t argue with success—or—can you?

Actually, you CAN argue that the emperor has no clothes, but as we have seen, hardly anyone pays attention, or admits to paying attention, because if they did, then they’d have to admit that they had been suckered—played for fools—and lost. NOBODY wants to admit THAT. So, their own egos get in the way of exposing the truth and everybody plays along with the game while watching everybody else from the corner of their eyes.

This thing with Clinton and Obama is worrisome on a number of levels. Unless there has been some sort of epiphany, Clinton is not an admirer of Obama. It was clear during the 2008 campaign that Obama was not overly fond of the Clintons, either.

Yeah. It makes you feel like you need a shower, doesn’t it?

Some feel it is “panic” move by the democrats because they know from their own internal polling that Obama is in trouble against Romney this November. I don’t buy that—I mean the “panic” part. The democrats are far to cool and conniving to be in any fear—at least at this point. That may come later, but not yet.

No, I think the “big guns,” the people pulling the strings, are making a move to prop up their puppet, Obama, because it became clear that leaving him to his own devices in THIS campaign would be disastrous. Obama is so full of himself that he apparently felt safe in allowing his Marxist ideology to shine through—prematurely. (Remember the “You didn’t build that” slip-up?) That could not be allowed. So out from stage left comes the “go-to” guy, Bill Clinton.

And the teleprompters have been rushed back into service to make darn sure that Obama makes no more of his Marxist declarations like—you guessed it— “You didn’t build that!”

The really “creative” nonsensical declarations will be assigned to the Vice-President—as if he needed orders to do what he does the moment his lips begin to move.

With his Central Casting used car salesman appearance and presentation, Biden is seen as a joke by everyone except the Democratic Party’s “true believers,” anyway. But somebody has to shovel the manure and Joe does wonderfully at that job, for which, he seems uniquely equipped.

As the campaign moves along it is becoming painfully clear that Obama is NOT his own man but is answering to the pressure on his strings from the person, or persons, behind the curtain.

But WHO, exactly, are they?

Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/10/2012 1:41:10 AM

Hello Peter and all

If he can't win honestly, the snake pads the numbers whatever way he can,
irregardless of how underhanded he does it.


Report: Obama amnesty plan doubles in size

OneNewsNow - 8/8/2012 8:45:00 AM

A report says the Obama administration has quietly doubled the number
of young illegal immigrants who will be eligible for legal status under the
President's Deferred Action Policy.

When it was initially announced, the White House said about 800,000 young
illegals would qualify under the program. The qualifications were that the
individuals had to be under 30 years of age, entered the country as children,
graduated from high school, and had no criminal record.

But last Friday, the Department of Homeland Security modified the
qualifications for the program to include illegal aliens who have yet to graduate
from high school or have received their G.E.D. All they have to do to qualify is
re-enroll in high school by the time they apply.

According to the report issued by the Migration Policy Institute, the new
estimate of illegals who will qualify is 1.76 million -- more than twice the
administration's original estimate.

The Institute says the government will begin accepting applications online
next Wednesday (August 15). Those accepted will also get work permits.

end of article

To see article and comments, go to....

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/10/2012 1:52:47 AM

The rich liberals are being hypocrites??? Surely not!!!! But of course they are, they'll do anything to create a smoke screen.

Democratic mud-slinging at Mitt Romney because he is rich

Rich Liberal Hypocrites!

Alan Caruba Sunday, July 15, 2012

I don’t know about you, but I am sick of all the Democratic mud-slinging at Mitt Romney because he is rich. The level of hypocrisy tells me that Obama and his trolls are so bereft of anything to offer the voters that they insult them with this class warfare garbage about “millionaires and billionaires.”

President Obama, according to a May 15, 2012 USA Today news article, “is a wealthy man with assets of as much as $10 million. Moreover, “he has a hefty stake in JP Morgan Chase, the megabank…with an account worth between 500,000 and $1 million.”

Romney is rich. If he is elected, the Forbes list of the ten richest U.S. Presidents noted that in 2010 he reported adjusted gross income of $22 million of which $8 million was interest and dividends.” The January 24, 2012 Forbes article by William P. Barrett said that “implies assets in the range of $200 million to $250 million.”

Romney, however, “would not be tops in presidential wealth. At the top of the list, in adjusted terms, George Washington was one of the wealthiest men in the nation when he became president. Mount Vernon plantation grew to 6,500 acres and Washington was a canny businessman, distilling booze, and even raising mules.

In 2010 dollars, Democrats who held the presidency in the last century included John F. Kennedy whose net worth was $1 billion. Jacqueline Kennedy was an oil heiress and his father was one of the wealthiest men in America. Almost all of JFK’s wealth income and property came from a trust shared with other family members.

Clinton’s wealth is estimated at $38 million. Twenty years of public service did not make him a rich man, but since leaving office, books and speaking fees earned him big bucks.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was worth $60 million, mostly acquired through inheritance and marriage. He spent most of his adult life in public service and his mother controlled the purse strings.

Lyndon Baines Johnson made a lot of money as a politician. He would accumulate 1,500 acres in Blanco County, Texas, and he and his wife owned a radio and television station in Austin. His net worth was estimated at $98 million.In 2011, you couldn’t swing a dead cat in Congress without hitting a multi-millionaire, many of them Democrats. John Kerry who ran against George Bush has a net worth of $193.07 million, much of it the result of marrying rich wives. Jay Rockefeller whose very name suggests wealth has $81.63 million. The California ladies, Diane Feinstein comes in at $55.07 million and Nancy Pelosi is worth $35.20 million.

The Daily recently reported that Rep. Pelosi’s 2011 financial disclosure statement included between $1 million and $5 million earned from partnership income with Matthews International Capitol Management, a firm that invests exclusively in Asia where much U.S. outsourcing occurs.

Among the Republicans, Rep. Michael McCaul has assets of $294.21 million, much of it is held by his wife, Linda McCaul, the daughter of Clear Channel Communications CEO and founder, Lowry Mays. Rep. Darrell Issa, who earned his wealth in the private sector, is worth $220.40, and, from a celebrated New Jersey family, Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen is worth $20.35 million. Neither of the Bush’s, father and son, made it into the top, most wealthy Presidents.

Suffice to say if you weren’t already wealthy when you got elected to Congress, the odds are you will accumulate wealth while there.

Obama’s salary as President is $400,000 a year; he has a $150,000 expense account and a $100,000 tax-free travel account, along with a $20,000 entertainment budget. Not big money compared to the CEOs of major corporations and banking institutions, but the taxpayers pick up the tab for a lot of extras that go with the job.

If the economy will decide Obama’s fate in November, then a lot of voters, Republicans, Democrats, and independents are going to be thinking about the past 40-plus months of 8.2% unemployment, billions wasted on “clean energy” companies that have gone bankrupt sticking taxpayers with the losses, the national debt of $17 trillion that robs the future from the next generation and the one after that, and the largest tax increase in history—$494 billion in one year—that will hit on January 1, 2013. I don’t even want to think of the costs of Obamacare.

Caterwauling about how wealthy Mitt Romney is and telling lies about his career at Bain Capital may fool some people, but most know where their financial problems came from and have no doubt it has been Barack Hussein Obama’s appalling mismanagement of the nation’s economy.

Being rich in America never kept anyone from being elected President. Obama and many of his Democratic Party colleagues are the wealthiest hypocrites in public office.


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