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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/30/2010 5:48:29 AM
Hello Friends,

Since B Hussein revolutionized the current lexicon of the Federal government in which the words, Jihad, Terrorists, Radical Islam etc. were
totally removed I guess the next step will be to remove the term "Illegal alien" or "Illegal Immigrant" from the Federal lexicon. As you'll see in the below article the new term is "Displaced Traveler".

We know he removed all the terms in regard to Islam cos of his Islamic agenda and denial that there there is a dangerous problem with them but now with the Illegals it's so transparent that he wants to legalize them all in order to gain their support in 2012. What won't this joker do to win elections?



U.S. Calls Illegal Mexican Pot Farmer “Displaced Traveler”

Monday, 26 July 2010 02:48

n an insane case of political correctness, a federal government agency has classified an illegal immigrant arrested for cultivating marijuana in a national forest as a "displaced traveler from Michoacán Mexico."

The illegal alien (Gauldry Almonte-Hernandez) was recently busted during a U.S. Forest Service Law Enforcement Operation raid of illegally grown marijuana plants in northern California's Shasta-Trinity National Forest.

pot022009So far this month, the feds have eradicated more than 92,000 marijuana plants throughout the 2.1 million acre national forest that encompasses five wilderness areas and hundreds of mountain lakes.

In the first few days of July alone, about 50,000 plants were eradicated from six sites throughout the forest, which is California's largest. More than two dozen suspects have been arrested for operating the illegal pot farms on federal land, most of them illegal immigrants from Mexico, according to a task force of local and federal authorities.

The U.S. Forest Service, an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, has classified the Mexican marijuana farmers as displaced travelers. The government agency actually put it in a press release, which was reprinted in a local newspaper after the Forest Service pulled it from its web site.

Addressing the case of Almonte-Hernandez, who tried to flee when officers entered his marijuana garden, a columnist for the Redding paper writes: "Displaced foreign traveler? Makes it sound like he meant to go to Disneyland, got lost, and ended up at a pot plantation in the woods south of Hayfork."


Judicial Watch, Inc., a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law. Through its educational endeavors, Judicial Watch advocates high standards of ethics and morality in our nation's public life and seeks to ensure that political and judicial officials do not abuse the powers entrusted to them by the American people. Judicial Watch fulfills its educational mission through litigation, investigations, and public outreach.

The motto of Judicial Watch is "Because no one is above the law". To this end, Judicial Watch uses the open records or freedom of information laws and other tools to investigate and uncover misconduct by government officials and litigation to hold to account politicians and public officials who engage in corrupt activities.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/31/2010 5:59:22 AM
Hello Friends,

Every normal thinking person knows that Keith Olbermann is a moron and hasn't contributed anything positive to society for ages if ever. Now that he's a B Hussein puppet he's become totally deranged and constantly and consistently shows his defective thinking to all (that waste their time watching his show.......not many do) but this time he really showed his ignorance of the present and history.

When he calls the Tea Party the new KKK he's really flipped his lid. Did the fool forget that the KKK is and was the Democrats strong hold and that many of them served in Congress and the Senate as representatives of the Democratic party (the late Sen. Byrd for example)?

Oh well, he's running out of the limited brain cells he has left and will burn out one of these days. Better sooner then later.



Olbermann: The Tea Party Is The New Ku Klux Klan

2010 July 27
Michael van der Galien
by Michael van der Galien

We all know that MSNBC host Keith Olbermann is a radical leftist without a conscience, who considers it his job to vilify, ridicule and marginalize conservatives. Still, I’ve got to admit that I was pretty shocked when I saw this tweet of his:

Now bear in mind that the Left has responded with collective outrage because of Andrew Breitbart’s video accusing Shirley Sherrod of being a racist. According to our progressive friends, Breitbart is a cold hearted propagandist who cannot be trusted because, they say, he took the clip out of context. When you watch the video in its entirety rather than just Breitbart’s clip, they charge, you can see Sherrod explaining that she actually overcame her racism somewhat – by becoming a full blown marxist, but hey, apparently that’s just dandy.

For days now, Breitbart has been insulted and even threatened by progressives. He has been slapped around, denigrated, humiliated. They’re desperately trying to discredit him. And for what? For running a video of a government official clearly having race issues, and calling her out for it.

And now one of Breitbart’s most vocal enemies, Keith Olbermann, outdoes the conservative New Media guru but gets away with it. He too calls people racists, heck, he even charges they’re the new KKK, but in this case, there’s not even the slightest evidence that what he’s saying is true.

Where’s the outrage from the mainstream media now? Why aren’t leftist journalists’ panties up in a bunch now that Olbermann (wrongly) accuses not just one individual, but an entire movement of racism? Where’s his evidence?

Disgusting, disgraceful, pathetic: a better way to describe Olbermann and the mainstream media in general is hard to come up with.

A major hat tip to Publius at Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/1/2010 3:09:07 PM
Hello Friends,

Much has been written about the Ft. Hood Jihadi attack and B Hussein's anemic response to it. Till this day he and his goon squad haven't admitted that it was a terrorist attack by a home grown jihadi terrorist. He's blocked Congressional investigations and of course changed the federal lexicon and removed any mention of Islamic terrorism from official lingo.

I received this email today and it reminded me again of B Hussein's consistent minimization of any thing detrimental to his beloved Muslim brothers.

Check out the difference in behavior of 2 Presidents and decide if B Hussein deserves your support.



The doctor had his TV on in his office when the news of the military base shootings at Ft. Hood, TX came on. The husband of one of his employees was stationed there.

He called her into his office and as he told her what had happened, she got a text message from her husband saying, "I am okay." Her cell phone rang right after she read the message. It was an ER nurse, "I'm the one who just sent you a text, not your husband. I thought it would be comforting but I was mistaken in doing so. I am sorry to tell you this, but your husband has been shot 4 times and he is in surgery."

The soldier's wife left Southern Clinic in Dothan , AL and drove all night to Ft. Hood. When she arrived, she found out her husband was out of surgery and would be OK.
She rushed to his room and found that he already had visitors there to comfort him. He was just waking up and found his wife and the visitors by his side. The nurse took this picture.

What? No news crews and cameras? This is how people with class respond and pay respect to those in uniform.
I sent my cousin in Fayetteville, N.C. (Retired from Special Forces) that picture of George W. visiting the wounded at Ft. Hood. I got this reply:

What is even better is the fact George W. Bush heard about Fort Hood, got in his car without any escort, apparently they did not have time to react, and drove to Fort Hood. He was stopped at the gate and the guard could not believe who he had just stopped. Bush only asks for directions to the hospital then drove on. The gate guard called that "The President is on Fort Hood and driving to the hospital."

The base went bananas looking for Obama. When they found it was Bush, they immediately offered escort. Bush simply told them to not to make a big deal and let him visit the wounded and the dependents of the dead.

He stayed at Fort Hood for over six hours, and was finally asked to leave by a message from the White House.

Obama flew in days later and held a "photo" session in a gym, and did not even go to the hospital.

All this I picked up from two soldiers here who happened to be at Fort Hood when it happened.

This Bush/Obama/Ft.
Hood story is something that should be sent to every voter in the US. Those who wanted "change" certainly got it.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/2/2010 8:17:03 AM
Hello Friends,

The race card is being used non stop by B Hussein, his goon squad, the Democratic party, NAACP (another B Hussein tool), the progressive MSM and the list goes on and on. In the old days when you called someone a racist it had some meaning but now with B Hussein and all his minions using it when ever they feel they are losing the public opinion battle they've made it a non issue with little to no meaning at all.

That said I think a reminder of who were and still are the real racists is important to understand. When you check historic facts you'll find that the Democratic party were the original racists and this simply can't be denied. In fact they still are. When you consider that the worst racists are frequent visitors in the White House you have to consider what that make the present occupant of that house?

The below article will remind you of what happened in the past, what's happening in the present and most probably a strong indication of what the future has in store for all of us.



Saturday, July 17, 2010

About That Racist Tea Party Movement

"I think one man is just as good as another so long as he's honest and decent and not a nigger or a Chinaman."

Harry Truman

"I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years."

Lyndon B. Johnson

"I see nothing wrong with ethnic purity being maintained."

Jimmy Carter

Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."

Senator Robert Byrd

“They mention that he once had a fleeting association with the Ku Klux Klan, and what does that mean? I’ll tell you what it means. He was a country boy from the hills and hollows of West Virginia. He was trying to get elected."

Bill Clinton defending Byrd's KKK membership

The party of segregation is outraged by Tea Party racism. The party whose Presidential icons refused loans to black families moving into white neighborhoods, bugged Martin Luther King, denounced civil rights and refused to desegregate the armed forces are all worked up about racism. That imaginary racism that only they can hear when their opponents talk. There is a psychological term called "Projection" in which a Democrat attributes his own subconscious racism to Republicans. That's of course assuming that it even is subconscious, rather than completely conscious.

Every successful Democratic President pandered to racists. Woodrow Wilson praised Birth of a Nation. FDR appointed Klansmen to high positions in his administration. JFK opposed civil rights when it was convenient, and supported them when it was convenient. Jimmy Carter ran a racist campaign for Governor of Georgia. Obama switched around the colors, by pandering to black racists, in a church as filled with hate as can be imagined.

It's an old game that has never really changed. George Wallace made himself the face of segregation when it was politically convenient, and then became the face of affirmative action and civil rights, when that was politically convenient. Democrats have kept the image of the old segregationist George Wallace around, forgetting that he was himself a Democrat, and just as hypocritical as they are themselves. And plenty of their politicians, such as Jimmy Carter, Robert Byrd and Fritz Hollings made the same transformation. Bill Clinton's cynical defense of Byrd is an open admission of what everyone in politics has known all along, that Democrats have no problem with using racism in order to get elected. Democrats have played both sides when convenient, and when playing the other side, accusations of racism, are a weapon that comes with the territory.

But let's get back to racism and the current Democratic party. In 2004, Al Sharpton addressed the Democratic Party's National Convention. Bringing in a man who had led race riots against Jews that caused two murders and three deaths in Crown Heights, and many more in Harlem. He terrorized Asian store owners. He was a thug and a racist. Had someone equivalent addressed a Republican National Convention in 2004, the media would have lost its mind. Instead it ignored what Al Sharpton was, and instead spent the better part of a year trying to accuse Sarah Palin of being a racist.

Since then Al Sharpton has been a regular visitor to the Obama White House. Obama even sent Joe Biden to Sharpton's National Action Network convention. And in addition to that charmer, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Obama's Religious Leadership Council was packed full of ministers associated with Sharpton, and Farrakhan. Of course the media would rather be reporting on imaginary racial slurs, than the fact that a man who was responsible for the persecution and murder of members of minority groups, is a White House regular.

But let's skip on over to the NAACP, which just issued a resolution denouncing Tea Party racism. In 2000, Lee Alcorn, the head of the Dallas NAACP, had stated. "If we get a Jew person [as the Democratic V-P candidate], then what I'm wondering is, I mean, what is this movement for, you know? We need to be very suspicious of any kind of partnerships between the Jews at that kind of level because we know that their interest primarily has to do with money." The NAACP President at the time, Kweisi Mfume, had boasted of forging a "Sacred Covenant" with Farrakhan, during his time in the Congressional Black Caucus.

Of course the NAACP which welcomed in racist supremacist Louis Farrakhan can't possibly be racist.

The NAACP welcomed in a man who said, "White people are potential humans…they haven’t evolved yet."

Why would Farrakhan say this? Because it's part of the theology of the Nation of Islam that white people are the children of a lesser god, created by a mad scientist.

Here's the NOI Bible, try not to laugh too hard. People have been murdered by the NOI over their beliefs.

In the year of 6,400, Abraham came to the Holy Black People, which includes the Brown, Red and Yellow, to warn them about the unrest that was among them His coming was predicted by our Brother Scientists, commonly known as the twenty-four elders (spoken about in Rev. 4:4) in the year one of this 25,000 year cycle. His (Abraham's) job was to do as all the prophets of Allah; warn his people of their evils and disobedience to the Will of Almighty God Allah, thereby separating those who would heed his teachings, FROM THOSE WHO WERE DISSATISFIED. Among these dissatisfactions were the speaking of tongues and not being satisfied being other than Black "which is not a color", but the substance from whence all colors come, such as brown, red and yellow.


Brother, in our days, about 8,400 years ago in order to put an end to the dissatisfaction, Allah allowed Yakub to graft the devil (white man). So we can say, the speaking of tongues, in our days, repercussions was the having a people rule over us, who is not a people of Allah. Now, today, the devils speaking of tongues is going to cause all kinds of chaos among his followers, thereby revealing to us that they and their religion is Hot. The religion of Allah and the prophets which is going to cause all of our people Black Brothers and Sisters, who have eyes to see and ears to hear to flee unto their own kind, who will be under the banner of Islam, which in turn will destroy Christianity or "the speaking of tongues".


Abraham told our Holy Black Brothers and Sisters that if they did not stop their rebellious ways and take heed to his teachings, which was entire submission to the Will of Allah (God), that in the year 8,400, as was predicted, a child by the name of "Yakub", commonly known as "Jacob" in the Bible, would be born and that he would make a people who would rule over them, a people who would deal with them cruelly, a people who would show no mercy, but would show or cause malignity among them.


Genesis 27:36 further shows Yakub taking Esau's birth-right. One phase of this birthright was to rule all over the planet earth, which Yakub's children have done for the last 6,000 years by supplanting.


For instance, the Acts 17:26, shows Mr. Yakub must have made or grafted his people (white man) from the Black, for Allah Himself created all nations of one blood. Of course, these nations are the Brown, Red and Yellow. The fifth parties are not really a Nation, but a "race", a group of 400,000,000 people-beast racing with time! In the same verse it shows that, as the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad has said, these Yakub grafted devils were doomed, or limited from the day they were grafted. The bounds of their habitation on our planet earth was 6,000, and we bear witness he is some 50 years overdue, and only Allah is the best knower! as to how many more days he will be allowed to dwell here in this wilderness (called earth in the bible to throw us off). Verse 42 of the same chapter further proves it was the lighter babies being separated from the dark, in it, it says; "when the cattle were feeble=light (REMEMBER THE LIGHTER THEY GOT, THE FEEBLER IN REALITY THEY WERE), he (Yakub) put them not in (meaning, not among the Dark); the feeble was Labin's, and the stronger Jacob's (Yakub's). this can be easily understood, because Yakub was a jet Black man.

If you have trouble muddling through all that. The bullet points here are that

1. White people are genetically inferior to black people, and never should have been created except as a result of sin. White people are the devil whose skin is the manifestation of a sin by black people, and will be destroyed at the end of 6000 years.

2. Jews are the worst white people, because they made all the other white people through Jacob, and are the usurpers who rule over black people.

3. Islam will destroy Christianity. Presumably Judaism also, which Farrakhan had already called a "gutter religion".

People make the mistake of reciting Farrakhan's worst quotes, but his quotes are expressions of Nation of Islam theology, which says that white people in general are a perverted force of evil, and Jews specifically, who are responsible for apparently creating white people.

This is pretty standard racial supremacism, which no pays attention to, even though it's hardly different from the stuff of Christian Identity movements. Yet the NAACP welcomed an association with the black equivalent of Neo-Nazis, who believe in racial inferiority, race war and whose views on Jews look a lot like those of Hitler.

And Obama participated in organizing Farrakhan's Million Man March. Can you imagine what the media reaction would have been had McCain organized a march on Washington led by an American Neo-Nazi leader who had the same beliefs as Farrakhan?

But then again Obama helping to organize Farrakhan's 1995 Million Man March is unsurprising considering that his mentor Jeremiah Wright, was a close Farrakhan ally. As was his other clergyman mentor, Father Pfleger. Not to mention Willie Barrow. And Farrakhan's Final Call has been quite enthusiastic about Obama.

At the 1995 Million Man March which Obama helped organize, Farrakhan delivered a speech in which he said that; "The real evil in America is the idea that undergirds the set up of the western world. And that idea is called white supremacy" (an ironic accusation for the head of a religion which had repeatedly claimed that white people were racially inferior and had been created by a mad black scientist), demanded that Clinton "do away with the mind‐set of the founding fathers" and in his extended rant claimed that; "any great invention we made you put white on it, because you didn't want to admit that a Black person had that intelligence, that genius. You try to color everything to make it satisfactory to the sickness of your mind... So you whitened up religion, Farrakhan didn't do that."

The Million Man March received positive coverage from the media, the same media which has spent endless pages of real and virtual newsprint damning the Tea Party movement as racist. Sharpton is referred to as a civil rights leader. Obama's relationship with Wright, Pfleger and Barrow was quickly whitewashed. Just as Byrd's Klan membership was ignored. Just as racist remarks by Democrats of either color are treated as an aberration that needn't be commented on. Democrats get a pass on racism from the media, just like they get a pass on everything else.

The Democrats strive to associate the Republicans with every negative aspect of America. Which conveniently means that they will never be held accountable for corruption, wasteful spending, and of course racism, and pandering to racists.

So now the same NAACP which gave civil rights awards to Fred Phelps and worked together with Louis Farrakhan is aiming accusations of bigotry at a decentralized movement protesting wasteful government spending and overreaching power. Why? Because it's what the Democratic party wants of them. The same Democratic party which once did everything it could to sideline civil rights, until it realized that civil rights meant votes in their pocket. The hypocrisy and corruption here is staggering.

And why is all this being done? In order to cover up the vast corruption of a system whose finances are unsustainable, whose morals are non-existent and who have lost the faith of the vast majority of the American people. The Tea Party movement is a political threat to that system, because unlike the NAACP and the Democratic party, it represents an authentic grass roots response to public discontent, that does not depend on leaders, but on empowering public outrage against leaders. And so the leaders are determined to slime, smear and destroy them.

The Democrats have given up trying to win the debate over government, if they were ever even interested in conducting the debate. What they want to do is demonize anyone who criticize them, in order to silence them and dissuade anyone from agreeing with them. Playing the race card is just one more cynical way to exploit an evil that they created, and that if they had gotten their way would be just as bad today, as it was before Abraham Lincoln. And all this would not be nearly so obscene if the party did not insist on providing safe haven to bigots today. The Party of Corruption is terrified of losing control of government, because they are organized around one principle, redistributing wealth to their supporters. They are the tea merchants, and what tea merchants fear most is a tea party.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/2/2010 2:29:55 PM
No matter what your politics, you suddenly begin to realize that the most recent former President Bush has more American values and respect in his pinky toe, than Obama and his whole leftist administration.

Hello Friends,

Much has been written about the Ft. Hood Jihadi attack and B Hussein's anemic response to it. Till this day he and his goon squad haven't admitted that it was a terrorist attack by a home grown jihadi terrorist. He's blocked Congressional investigations and of course changed the federal lexicon and removed any mention of Islamic terrorism from official lingo.

I received this email today and it reminded me again of B Hussein's consistent minimization of any thing detrimental to his beloved Muslim brothers.

Check out the difference in behavior of 2 Presidents and decide if B Hussein deserves your support.



The doctor had his TV on in his office when the news of the military base shootings at Ft. Hood, TX came on. The husband of one of his employees was stationed there.

He called her into his office and as he told her what had happened, she got a text message from her husband saying, "I am okay." Her cell phone rang right after she read the message. It was an ER nurse, "I'm the one who just sent you a text, not your husband. I thought it would be comforting but I was mistaken in doing so. I am sorry to tell you this, but your husband has been shot 4 times and he is in surgery."

The soldier's wife left Southern Clinic in Dothan , AL and drove all night to Ft. Hood. When she arrived, she found out her husband was out of surgery and would be OK.
She rushed to his room and found that he already had visitors there to comfort him. He was just waking up and found his wife and the visitors by his side. The nurse took this picture.

What? No news crews and cameras? This is how people with class respond and pay respect to those in uniform.
I sent my cousin in Fayetteville, N.C. (Retired from Special Forces) that picture of George W. visiting the wounded at Ft. Hood. I got this reply:

What is even better is the fact George W. Bush heard about Fort Hood, got in his car without any escort, apparently they did not have time to react, and drove to Fort Hood. He was stopped at the gate and the guard could not believe who he had just stopped. Bush only asks for directions to the hospital then drove on. The gate guard called that "The President is on Fort Hood and driving to the hospital."

The base went bananas looking for Obama. When they found it was Bush, they immediately offered escort. Bush simply told them to not to make a big deal and let him visit the wounded and the dependents of the dead.

He stayed at Fort Hood for over six hours, and was finally asked to leave by a message from the White House.

Obama flew in days later and held a "photo" session in a gym, and did not even go to the hospital.

All this I picked up from two soldiers here who happened to be at Fort Hood when it happened.

This Bush/Obama/Ft.
Hood story is something that should be sent to every voter in the US. Those who wanted "change" certainly got it.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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