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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/29/2012 4:00:01 PM

Hi Peter, here is a great video where Florida Senator Marco Rubio explains the failures of the Obama administration. He is a brilliant young man.

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/30/2012 9:22:06 AM
Hello Evelyn & Friends,

Sen. Marco Rubio is one of the stars in Washington and will become a force to be reckoned with. A force for truth, sanity and the return to the American way of life.

So too is one of my favorite politicians Rep. Alan West. He along with Rubio are the type of people we want in Washington. The below video is well worth listening to.

It seems that Florida is now a source for the best of the best that America has to offer. I for one would have liked to see Alan West as one of the contenders for the GOP nomination but his and Rubio's time will come.



Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/30/2012 9:23:13 AM
Hello Friends,

Not much has been heard about the occupy movement lately but whenever there is some reporting about them it's not good news. This movement supported by B Hussein and the most virulent of the extreme left organizations which is also funded by different Soros groups one of which also founded OWS is in the news again and not surprisingly for violence, destruction, mayhem, attacking the police and the icing on the cake the burning of the American flag.

All this took place in Oakland and the authorities have had enough and are taking action against them. And please don't forget that B Hussein's supports and condones these actions. I'm sure he's rubbing his hands in glee as another step in the destruction of the US something he's working so hard to achieve.



Obama-Endorsed Occupiers Burn American Flag, Attack Police, 200 Arrested

This is the president's sanctioned movement -- and you still don't believe we are under attack from within?

Day of clashes at Occupy Oakland ends with at least 200 arrests
Inside Bay Area News (Hat tip Jack)


OAKLAND -- Occupy Oakland protesters broke into City Hall, stole an American flag from the City Council chamber and set it on fire Saturday night, punctuating a wild day in which police deployed tear gas, arrested more than 200 marchers and dodged hurling objects.

Demonstrators spent the day trying to break into a convention center and temporarily occupying City Hall and a YMCA, all the while snaking around lines of riot-clad police periodically shooting bean bag projectiles, among other uses of nonlethal force.

Saturday marked the first major clashes between protesters and police since November and left three officers with minor injuries, as protesters threw bottles, metal pipes, rocks, spray cans and "improvised explosive devices," police said.

Late Saturday, paramedics wheeled a pregnant protester away from Frank H. Ogawa Plaza after witnesses said she was hit in the kidney by a police baton. She yelled: "Police did this to me!"

Oakland Mayor Jean Quan spoke moments after the City Hall invasion, saying the city would ask for "stay away" orders against many of the protesters who have repeatedly been arrested in Oakland.

"This particular faction of Occupy ... they're very violent and I'm going to be asking for a lot more mutual aid," Quan said, adding that the weekly marches prevent the city's police force from patrolling other parts of Oakland. "They are hurting the neighborhoods by continuing to do this on Saturday nights."

police had to ignore 200 lower priority calls for service Saturday night, more than the normal 60 because resources were tied up with the Occupy protests, Sgt. Christopher Bolton said.

The first large skirmish of the day took place on the front steps of the Oakland Museum of California. Police arrested 19 marchers during that confrontation.

Later, about 100 protesters were arrested after police ordered them to disperse at the YMCA on Broadway, police said.

The rest of the marchers headed to City Hall, broke into the building and left with at least two American flags, which were quickly burned. Police regained control of the building, arrested more and guarded the trashed lobby.

The events followed a week where Occupy Oakland organizers announced plans to take over a vacant building to create the movement's headquarters, with plans for a two-day party. Police and city officials vowed not to allow it.

In what has become a weekly march, about 250 protesters gathered around noon at Frank H. Ogawa Plaza for a rally. At 1:30 p.m., the group began marching with a crowd of about 450 protesters. Forty-five minutes later, some of the marchers entered the campus of Laney College, city officials said.


APs:Police used tear gas and “flash” grenades Saturday to break up hundreds of Occupy protesters after some demonstrators started throwing rocks and flares at officers and tearing down fencing.

Three officers were hurt and 19 people were arrested, the Oakland Police Department said in a release. No details on the officers’ injuries were released.

Police said the group started assembling at a downtown plaza Saturday morning, with demonstrators threatening to take over the vacant Henry Kaiser Convention Center. The group then marched through the streets, disrupting traffic.

The crowd grew as the day wore on, with afternoon estimates ranging from about 1,000 to 2,000 people.

The protesters walked to the vacant convention center, where some started tearing down perimeter fencing and “destroying construction equipment,” the release said.

Police said they issued a dispersal order and used smoke and tear gas after some protesters pelted them with bottles, rocks, burning flares and other objects.

… Most of the arrests were made when protesters ignored orders to leave and assaulted officers, the release said. An hour later, the bulk of the crowd had left the convention center and headed back downtown.

Peter Fogel
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/31/2012 10:49:53 AM
Hello Friends,

Some of you might think that the attacks on Capitalism by the progressive liberal socialist/Marxist Administration, MSM, Soros and all his organizations/groups, the occupiers etc. etc. etc. You might also think that redistribution of wealth is the brain child of the fraud and great pretender B Hussein.

Nothing ca be further from the truth. This has been going on for many years and as Ecclesiastics said "there's nothing new under the sun". The major difference is that nowadays this communistic speak is for some the flavor of the day. Makes no difference it didn't work in any country that embraced these ideologies but actually brought them to ruin and collapse. The useful brainwashed idiots will carry on with their nonsensical slogans and wait for their saviors to line their pockets with money earned by others efforts while they wait for the government to take care of them. Boy are they in for a big surprise!!!!!!! .

Below is a video with the renowned economist Milton Friedman from 31 years ago and you'll see what I mean and possibly learn something from him.



Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/31/2012 12:13:18 PM
Hello Friends,

While I normally don't discuss Michelle Obama in this thread unless it's in regard to her lavish holidays (on the tax payers dime) and very expensive tastes I thought the below article by Judi McLeod was an interesting change of pace for this thread. While it must be said that the claims in the article that MO (I fondly think of her as lard ass :)) spent $50,000 at a NY lingerie boutique "Agent Provocateur" on Madison Avenue are denied but ..........

I never begrudged anyone spending their money on what ever their heart desired but in the case of the president's wife spending that amount on underwear while there are so many in deep financial trouble and barely making ends meet is not only a slap in the face to the American people it's borderline giving it the finger. But, that's what this couple does time and again.

Now to be perfectly fair the WH is in a "fury" about these 'false' claims but who are you gonna believe. My money's on the "false claims" being verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry true. You can read about the denial here.



Michelle ‘Fancy Pants’

Author- Judi McLeod Monday, January 30, 2012

First Lady Michelle Obama has her unwanted nose in the plates of American children. The British press has its nose in her lavish lingerie.

Only satin and lace bloomers and such are good enough for Barry’s wife—$50,000 of it in just one shopping spree!

It wouldn’t make much difference to loving parents that unschooled nutritionist Michelle gets to dictate what their little ones eat just because she wears satin bras from an overseas shop called ironically enough, Agent Provocateur.

“The First Lady—better known for shopping at more modestly-priced High Street stores—along with the Queen of Qatar, Sheikha Mozah, closed off part of Madison Avenue to spend time in the luxury lingerie shop. Their purchases contributed to a market-spanking 12.5pc lift in sales.” (The Telegraph, Jan. 29, 2012).

“Agent Provocateur, which is styled on vintage Hollywood glamour, sells handmade Calais lace corsets that sell for up to £900, which could ruffle the feathers of more than just President Barack Obama in an election year.”

Perhaps The Telegraph doesn’t know that the last time Obama got his feathers ruffled over anything British was right after election when he shipped a long-standing Oval Office bust of the great Winston Churchill back to England.

$50,000 smackeroos for laced up corsets and such would be excessive even if it weren’t that mainstreet Americans are struggling to hold onto their jobs and mortgages in a deepening Recession.

Now hear this: While the First Lady’s hubby is sending American jobs overseas, his spouse is doing her bit for America: “Gary Hogarth, Agent Provocateur’s chief executive, refused to be drawn on the store’s closely kept “secret client list”. But he admitted the brand had attracted a high number of “unexpected famous names”—especially in the U.S. where sales have overtaken the UK.”

Global citizens Barack and Michelle would approve of Agent Provocateur’s global branding: “On the back of this growth, Agent Provocateur, which is owned by listed private equity firm 3i, is launching an aggressive expansion strategy with more than 20 new shops opening globally in 2012.

“Last-minute purchases of lace corsetry and satin bras pushed Christmas trading across the eight weeks from November 27 up 8.1 pc on a like-for-like basis and 15.2pc overall. In the last 43 weeks, trading has been up 12.5pc on a like-for-like basis and 21.6pc overall, outstripping most of its retail rivals. The company’s lack of competition, celebrity status and up-market clientele have insulated it from problems endured by most rival retailers. In October the company said that half-year sales were up a third to £26.6m with earnings of £3.3m.”

Nice to know that the Brits of King George III’s day now back contemporary American patriots by keeping them in-the-know with a mainstream American media looking the other way, giving Michelle a panty pass.

Perhaps talk show radio king Rush Limbaugh’s celebrated songster Paul Shanklin can immortalize Michelle’s lingerie in a knockoff rendition of Al Hirt’s Fancy Pants.

Meanwhile in that strange gone-Marxist, party-it-up DC world, not only are some animals more equal than others, so are some people’s underwear.

Judi McLeod
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Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years’ experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh,, Drudge Report,, and Glenn Beck.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7