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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/1/2012 3:29:16 PM
Hello Friends,

Below is an interesting video with Dick Morris. Basically he's talking about giving away US sovereignty.

As his Administration enters its last year, he is about to sign four treaties which surrender our sovereignty, enact gun control, cede the power to go to war to the U.N., and tell us how to raise our children

Well worth watching this video.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/1/2012 4:36:16 PM
Hello Friends,

Judi McLeod wrote an excellent article on George Soros. In addition to the people she mentions who are writing fearlessly and exposing Soros is David Horowitz and his Freedom Center, Front Page Magazine and Discover the Networks.

An article well worth reading.



‘Braveheart’ Beck should be happy to know what started with a feeble tap is fast becoming a loud knock that can be heard across the fruited plain on the door of ‘Spooky Dude’ George Soros

The loudest knock on ‘Spooky Dude’s’ Door

Author- Judi McLeod Wednesday, February 1, 2012

image“Why is no one looking into George Soros?” Glenn Beck asked Richard Poe, celebrated co-author of The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party, on GBTV last Wednesday. “Why is this ‘class warfare’ on everybody else except for George Soros?”

“I think I paid a huge price for going after George Soros. But I ain’t dead,” Beck said, “Quite honestly, I thought that was an option.”

For truth seekers in the Free World, it is a relief to see Glenn Beck continuing to expose Soros on GBTV.

Just as there are now earnest others on the trail to expose Soros for the one-man wrecking ball to freedom and liberty that he is, there are other writers of books that tell the tale of how we got from there to here.

Marinka Peschmann’s The Whistleblower: How the Clinton White House Stayed in Power to Reemerge in the Obama White House and on the World Stage burst on the scene just weeks ago.

It is true that little is being done by the mainstream media to expose the deliberate destruction of Western civilization by the man Beck nicknames, “Spooky Dude”

But something better than the mainstream media is picking up the slack on Spooky Dude: The harder working, more effective and trustworthy “alternate media”. Cliff Kincaid, Trevor Loudon and Tina Trent have been exposing all things Spooky Dude on

CFP, which promotes the Soros Files ‘Bring Back Beck’ campaign on its front page, sees the exposé trail on Spooky Dude in Braveheart analogy. Beck, who, as he says, “paid a big price” is Braveheart. Kincaid and Loudon are Cliff ‘Andrew Mornay’ Kincaid and Trevor ‘William The Hardy, Lord of Douglas’ Loudon.

Kincaid and Loudon are brave at heart, indeed. Their bodyguards are as conspicuously missing as mainstream media attention.

But knowing that Soros is undermining the Republic and pulling the strings on Barry Soetoro/Barack Obama to get him re-elected for four more years to fundamentally transform America, they work overtime to scatter Spooky Dude’s money-fuelled power to the four winds.

While Beck, Kincaid, Loudon and Company have been knocking loudly on the Soros door, something happened on Sunday that opened the door to a huge army of Christian soldiers. It comes as a new chapter that could be called Rebels with a Good Cause, and somewhere Pope John Paul II is beaming.

Catholic Bishops called an edict by the Obama Administration demanding that sterilization, abortifacients and contraception to be included in virtually all health plans, “literally unconscionable” right from the Sunday morning pulpit.

What a refreshing rallying call to replace the agents of Social Justice!

Not only will the Catholic groups funded by atheist Soros finally come under the scrutiny of the Bishops, but they have been joined in battle by the leaders of other Christian and Jewish groups.

The ‘Other Side’ has coalesced, Glenn, and you are no longer the last man standing alone.

Cliff ‘Andrew Mornay’ Kincaid’ and Trevor ‘William The Hardy, Lord of Douglas’ Loudon who started off small only a week and a half ago with the ‘Bring Back Beck’ campaign are drawing scores of Save-America patriots to the cause.

‘Braveheart’ Beck should be happy to know what started with a feeble tap is fast becoming a loud knock that can be heard across the fruited plain on the door of ‘Spooky Dude’ George Soros.

Judi McLeod
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Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years’ experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh,, Drudge Report,, and Glenn Beck.

Judi can be emailed at:

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Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/3/2012 1:50:50 PM
Hello Friends,

I decided to once again post a few articles about the occupy movement. In my last post the riots in Oakland and New York were the main topic and today I found the below article which in a sense shows their state of mind and agenda.

Many left wing religious groups and churches joined the occupy movement and now the occupiers are rejecting them and turning on their religious supporters.

The below article goes into detail about this aspect of the communistic/Marxist occupier movement. Not a pleasant article to read but full of facts that can't be denied.



The Occupy Movement Turns on Its Religious Supporters

Posted by Bio ↓ on Feb 3rd, 2012

Editor’s note: To get David Horowitz’s perspective on the OWS movement, see his recent lead feature, Communism Reborn. For the whole story behind Occupy Wall Street and how this movement marks a new phase in the rebirth of the communist Left, read the new broadside by David Horowitz and John Perazzo, Occupy Wall Street: The Communist Movement Reborn. This essential pamphlet exposes the roots, leaders and hidden agendas of the radical movement and its war on capitalism and free societies.

Having been anointed collectively as “Person of the Year” in 2011 by the desperate and irrelevant Time magazine, the unwashed masses of the Occupy movement seem to have let the dubious honor go to their collective head. Never known for their restrained, orderly behavior, the Occupiers have even begun turning against and repulsing their supporters among the religious left.

Initially, the Los Angeles Times pronounced the Occupy movement as “a predominantly secular undertaking,” although it did note that “some left-leaning religious groups see a golden opportunity in the Occupy movement, whose central message of greater economic equality resonates deeply among faith-based progressives.”

Sure enough, religious progressives did rush to anoint the movement as it began to swell. FrontPage contributor Mark Tooley noted that such religious left icons as Jim Wallis and Shane Claiborne rhapsodized about the Occupiers standing with Jesus in their defense of the poor, even resembling St. Francis of Assisi. “Whether or not the Wall Street Occupiers are ‘ordinary people,’” Tooley wrote, “much less resemble St. Francis, the Religious Left is bursting with pride over their naughty demands.” Wallis urged his followers to embrace the movement, literally:

Our faith communities and organizations should swing their doors wide and greet the Occupiers with open arms, offering them a feast to say “thank you” for having the courage to raise the very religious and biblical issue of growing inequality in our society.

By the beginning of December The Huffington Post asserted that “more than 1,400 faith leaders from around the country [had] signed a pledge of solidarity with Occupy protesters.” They conducted services and provided counseling, and their churches hosted Occupy meetings. Religious communities of all stripes rushed to offer the Occupiers shelter and solidarity:

In addition to spiritual ministry and space to assemble and sleep, religious communities have provided the Occupy movement with material support such as food, clothing, tents, blankets and heaters.

Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams wrote that Jesus would be among the Occupiers of St. Paul’s Cathedral, and that the movement had prompted people to examine themselves and ask, “What would Jesus do?”

But the behavior of the Occupiers themselves belied all this spiritual praise. If the Occupiers did ask themselves “What would Jesus do?” then they apparently came to the conclusion that Jesus would expose himself, rape, urinate and defecate in public, endanger children, steal, trespass, trash public and private property, harass and denounce Jews, assault non-protesters and police, block traffic, take drugs, hurl Molotov cocktails and blood and vinegar, and more. Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government website has posted a jaw-dropping, ongoing “rap sheet” of the Occupy movement’s reprehensible if not actually criminal behavior that numbers well over 400 incidents. But that list hasn’t been updated for a month. To date, arrests at Occupy events number over 6,000, including over 400 in Oakland alone last weekend. By contrast, the Tea Party movement doesn’t even litter.

So it was only a matter of time before the Occupiers began misbehaving in the very churches that had given them sanctuary and assistance, and exposing their contempt for religious spaces and values. Members of the movement urinated on a cross inside a Brooklyn church recently and have been accused of desecrating New York’s West Park Presbyterian Church. The pastor ordered sixty protesters to leave the sanctuary after one of them stole a bronze lid from the $12,500 baptismal font. Initially a supporter of the Occupy movement, the pastor now is outraged by their behavior:

Even in the 1980s when we had a lot of crack addicts, et cetera, in the neighborhood, and even robbing people in the church, that particular religious symbol had never really been disturbed before.

Occupiers also began wreaking havoc in London’s St Paul’s Cathedral, the very one where Archbishop Williams claimed Jesus would be showing His solidarity. The registrar of St Paul’s, Nicholas Cottam, described the disruptions:

Desecration: graffiti have been scratched and painted on to the great west doors of the cathedral, the chapter house door and most notably a sacrilegious message painted on the restored pillars of the west portico.

Human defecation has occurred in the west portico entrance and inside the cathedral on several occasions.

He also noted noisy interruptions during services, foul language directed at staff, and the use of alcohol and other stimulants that appeared to “fuel the noise levels day and night.” Litter has piled up and dogs roam freely on the site. This led to more than half of the schools scheduled to visit the cathedral cancelling since the occupation began there in October. Visitor numbers were also down by half, leaving the cathedral’s cafe, shop and restaurant “faltering.”

The cathedral’s director of community and children’s services expressed concern about

people who were exhibiting behaviour that was indicative of poor mental health, people who were exhibiting signs of drug use including stumbling and compulsive behaviour, people who had body odor arising from significant periods without washing or change of clothing and a number of people who were clearly under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

In actions that are symbolic of further rejection of the religious values the left tried to ascribe to them, Occupiers recently threw Bibles at police officers from an abandoned San Francisco hotel and disrupted a Right to Life rally inside the Rhode Island state capitol, shouting down a priest’s prayer and tossing condoms on Catholic school girls.

Despite the religious left’s attempts to ordain these barbarians, the Occupiers are no more religious or spiritual than their Marxist and Communist forbearers. And now they’re finding that out the hard way.


Mark Tapson, a Hollywood-based writer and screenwriter, is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center. He focuses on the politics of popular culture.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/3/2012 4:15:25 PM

Hi Peter, I watched this video a few days ago and was appalled at what Dick had to tell us. All I can say this adminstration is certainly a bunch of sneaky b*stards and again we saw nothing about this from any of those of the MSM.

Hello Friends,

Below is an interesting video with Dick Morris. Basically he's talking about giving away US sovereignty.

As his Administration enters its last year, he is about to sign four treaties which surrender our sovereignty, enact gun control, cede the power to go to war to the U.N., and tell us how to raise our children

Well worth watching this video.



RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/3/2012 4:22:27 PM

Disgusting isn't it Peter, but then some of us have had the blinders off from the beginning of this movement and everyday more and more of what we see is proving what a lot of us saw from the beginning.

Hello Friends,

I decided to once again post a few articles about the occupy movement. In my last post the riots in Oakland and New York were the main topic and today I found the below article which in a sense shows their state of mind and agenda.

Many left wing religious groups and churches joined the occupy movement and now the occupiers are rejecting them and turning on their religious supporters.

The below article goes into detail about this aspect of the communistic/Marxist occupier movement. Not a pleasant article to read but full of facts that can't be denied.



The Occupy Movement Turns on Its Religious Supporters

Posted by Bio ↓ on Feb 3rd, 2012

Editor’s note: To get David Horowitz’s perspective on the OWS movement, see his recent lead feature, Communism Reborn. For the whole story behind Occupy Wall Street and how this movement marks a new phase in the rebirth of the communist Left, read the new broadside by David Horowitz and John Perazzo, Occupy Wall Street: The Communist Movement Reborn. This essential pamphlet exposes the roots, leaders and hidden agendas of the radical movement and its war on capitalism and free societies.

Having been anointed collectively as “Person of the Year” in 2011 by the desperate and irrelevant Time magazine, the unwashed masses of the Occupy movement seem to have let the dubious honor go to their collective head. Never known for their restrained, orderly behavior, the Occupiers have even begun turning against and repulsing their supporters among the religious left.

Initially, the Los Angeles Times pronounced the Occupy movement as “a predominantly secular undertaking,” although it did note that “some left-leaning religious groups see a golden opportunity in the Occupy movement, whose central message of greater economic equality resonates deeply among faith-based progressives.”

Sure enough, religious progressives did rush to anoint the movement as it began to swell. FrontPage contributor Mark Tooley noted that such religious left icons as Jim Wallis and Shane Claiborne rhapsodized about the Occupiers standing with Jesus in their defense of the poor, even resembling St. Francis of Assisi. “Whether or not the Wall Street Occupiers are ‘ordinary people,’” Tooley wrote, “much less resemble St. Francis, the Religious Left is bursting with pride over their naughty demands.” Wallis urged his followers to embrace the movement, literally:

Our faith communities and organizations should swing their doors wide and greet the Occupiers with open arms, offering them a feast to say “thank you” for having the courage to raise the very religious and biblical issue of growing inequality in our society.

By the beginning of December The Huffington Post asserted that “more than 1,400 faith leaders from around the country [had] signed a pledge of solidarity with Occupy protesters.” They conducted services and provided counseling, and their churches hosted Occupy meetings. Religious communities of all stripes rushed to offer the Occupiers shelter and solidarity:

In addition to spiritual ministry and space to assemble and sleep, religious communities have provided the Occupy movement with material support such as food, clothing, tents, blankets and heaters.

Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams wrote that Jesus would be among the Occupiers of St. Paul’s Cathedral, and that the movement had prompted people to examine themselves and ask, “What would Jesus do?”

But the behavior of the Occupiers themselves belied all this spiritual praise. If the Occupiers did ask themselves “What would Jesus do?” then they apparently came to the conclusion that Jesus would expose himself, rape, urinate and defecate in public, endanger children, steal, trespass, trash public and private property, harass and denounce Jews, assault non-protesters and police, block traffic, take drugs, hurl Molotov cocktails and blood and vinegar, and more. Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government website has posted a jaw-dropping, ongoing “rap sheet” of the Occupy movement’s reprehensible if not actually criminal behavior that numbers well over 400 incidents. But that list hasn’t been updated for a month. To date, arrests at Occupy events number over 6,000, including over 400 in Oakland alone last weekend. By contrast, the Tea Party movement doesn’t even litter.

So it was only a matter of time before the Occupiers began misbehaving in the very churches that had given them sanctuary and assistance, and exposing their contempt for religious spaces and values. Members of the movement urinated on a cross inside a Brooklyn church recently and have been accused of desecrating New York’s West Park Presbyterian Church. The pastor ordered sixty protesters to leave the sanctuary after one of them stole a bronze lid from the $12,500 baptismal font. Initially a supporter of the Occupy movement, the pastor now is outraged by their behavior:

Even in the 1980s when we had a lot of crack addicts, et cetera, in the neighborhood, and even robbing people in the church, that particular religious symbol had never really been disturbed before.

Occupiers also began wreaking havoc in London’s St Paul’s Cathedral, the very one where Archbishop Williams claimed Jesus would be showing His solidarity. The registrar of St Paul’s, Nicholas Cottam, described the disruptions:

Desecration: graffiti have been scratched and painted on to the great west doors of the cathedral, the chapter house door and most notably a sacrilegious message painted on the restored pillars of the west portico.

Human defecation has occurred in the west portico entrance and inside the cathedral on several occasions.

He also noted noisy interruptions during services, foul language directed at staff, and the use of alcohol and other stimulants that appeared to “fuel the noise levels day and night.” Litter has piled up and dogs roam freely on the site. This led to more than half of the schools scheduled to visit the cathedral cancelling since the occupation began there in October. Visitor numbers were also down by half, leaving the cathedral’s cafe, shop and restaurant “faltering.”

The cathedral’s director of community and children’s services expressed concern about

people who were exhibiting behaviour that was indicative of poor mental health, people who were exhibiting signs of drug use including stumbling and compulsive behaviour, people who had body odor arising from significant periods without washing or change of clothing and a number of people who were clearly under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

In actions that are symbolic of further rejection of the religious values the left tried to ascribe to them, Occupiers recently threw Bibles at police officers from an abandoned San Francisco hotel and disrupted a Right to Life rally inside the Rhode Island state capitol, shouting down a priest’s prayer and tossing condoms on Catholic school girls.

Despite the religious left’s attempts to ordain these barbarians, the Occupiers are no more religious or spiritual than their Marxist and Communist forbearers. And now they’re finding that out the hard way.


Mark Tapson, a Hollywood-based writer and screenwriter, is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center. He focuses on the politics of popular culture.


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