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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/26/2012 2:41:18 PM
Hello Friends,

I didn't hear the State Of The Union Address but I read it. To say I was totally disgusted at the bald faced lies and out right fabrications is an understatement but the Democrats applauded and made believe it's all true. I did watch some videos of the address and the Democratic applause was quite disgusting to watch.

We've learned over the past 3 years that B Hussein lies almost every time he opens his mouth and the rate of lies depends on how fast the teleprompter is moving from sentence to sentence. As a child raised in 2 Islamic households and having been educated in a madrass in Indonesia he's learned well the application of taqiyyah and one can say he's become adept at its usage. His SOTUA is no different from the previous ones, same lies and same plans that don't work and the idiots are applauding.

The below article by Daniel Greenfield covers it all extremely well and he rightly titled it "State Of Disunion". Read it and weep cos it's all true.



State of Disunion

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 08:16 PM PST

We know that the state of the union is good no matter how many Americans are out of work, how many families are counting every penny, how many industries are falling off a cliff and how high the national debt gets. We know it's good so long as another politician takes a victory lap up to the podium and tells us that it's all good because he's here.

Iraq? Nothing to worry about. We just brought all the troops home. Sure it's breaking up into a civil war, but you won't hear about it on the news. Osama bin Laden is no longer a threat, but his allies have taken over Egypt and Tunisia, and are moving on Libya. The Taliban's momentum has been broken and they are on the verge of taking over the government which means they will finally have been defeated. These achievements are a testament to a military which is facing the biggest budget cuts in decades.

The American soldier is a role model to us. I take away his weapons, fire him, put him on trial and force him to marry his bunkmate to show his tolerance, and he never complains because he's not allowed to. The rest of you need to take a lesson from him. Stop complaining or I'll send you to a military tribunal.

Now it's time for an applause break. We need to spend more money funding college degrees and political indoctrination for everyone. More applause. Only by creating more unemployed people with six figure student debts working at McD's will we be able to restore the post WW2 economy that was built on manufacturing jobs which my administration is working hard to completely eliminate.

More applause? No you shouldn't have. And I didn't get you anything but a monopoly for my buddy Warren Buffett's rail line. Sure it cost a 100,000 American jobs, but who needs them anyway. We need to keep the promise alive and fight the rich whose irresponsible investing tanked this economy. And the only way we can do that is by going deep into debt with irresponsible investments. That's why we've put new rules in place to hold Wall Street accountable in case they ever borrow more money than they can pay back and we've also put new rules into place so the government can borrow as much money as it wants.

The economy is great right now. There are millions of jobs everywhere, even if you can't see them because they're invisible jobs. They only come out at night and during State of the Union addresses. In the last 5 minutes over 3 billion jobs have been created. The auto industry used to be on the verge of collapse. It's still on the verge of collapse but now it's being subsidized by taxpayers. Now the auto industry is too big to fail, no matter how many Volts it makes and how few people buy them. And just wait till you see the GM Lada that uses Soviet manufacturing processes to create a car that only works one day a month and runs entirely on hot air. Just like me.

I will work with anyone who agrees with me, but fight anyone who disagrees with me through executive orders, appointments that I have no right to make and any other way that I can find to violate the Constitution and appoint myself King of America. Applause? Damn right you should be applauding. Your applause just created 300 trillion jobs and eliminated all our debt. Why? Because I said so! I'm the King of America!

What we did in Detroit, we can do in Philly, Raleigh and any other place where a bunch of working class white people are worried about their jobs. As long as they are represented by unions and as long as I need the support of those unions, and as long as my good buddy Warren Buffett can't make any money by putting them out of work, and as long as the Chinese keep lending us money, then I will subsidize every industry until we beat the Chinese.

I don't know why you're all applauding, even I think that's stupid and I used to own a Zune. I still haven't learned how many states there are and even I know that's not going to work. I believe money is made by leprechauns which is why it's so green, but even I'm not serious about the crap I just said. If I was really into creating white working class jobs, I wouldn't have killed Keystone XL. Look Warren Buffett's secretary is applauding. Isn't that sweet?

The real problem is that we're outsourcing too many jobs, that's why I just signed a bunch of trade agreements that will make it easier for South Korea to sell their products here. It's time we stopped giving tax breaks to companies that ship jobs overseas and start subsidizing them, like my stimulus plan which created more jobs in China than it did here. Applause? I didn't know Beijing had their own congressional delegation. Hell we invested 2 billion in Brazilian offshore oil drilling in support of my left wing buddies in the gov over there. If that doesn't create American jobs, I don't know what will.

And hey, you guys are gonna think this is funny, but remember when we loaned half a billion to make electric cars in Finland. Yeah Al Gore loved that one, he was an investor. But don't pay attention to anything I'm saying. As I stand here today, I vow that I will bring the jobs back to America. They just have to go through China, South Korea and Finland first. When they're done with them, we get first dibs. Indonesian scout's honor.

I will go anywhere to open up new markets to American products. Like Martha's Vineyard and the golf course. Thanks to my inability to hit a golf ball anywhere besides a lake, a thousand Americans are hard at work in Shanghai making new golf balls for me to hit. And it doesn't end there. German companies are forming partnerships with community colleges to shoot lasers. Chinese wind turbines are making Finnish cars grow Arugula. All we need is more teachers unions to make it happen.

We have told every state to raise their standards which means more kids who can't read or add being promoted from class to class so the schools don't lose Federal funding. And now we need to start paying teachers more. I don't care if you can't afford to keep your home and pay property taxes, the teacher's unions need more Viagra benefits. Statistics show that a great teacher can teach her students how to cheat off each other's tests just like I did at Harvard. If we just pay teachers 250,000 a year, then every student will be able to cheat their way to Harvard just like me.

The best way to create more American jobs is by legalizing illegal aliens and paying for their college educations. Applause? By the Prophet's beard, you people really will applaud anything. We need to kill puppies. Applause. It's time to start burning down more churches. Applause. If we kill every tenth person there will be more jobs for the survivors. Applause. Sometimes I'm embarrassed at how easy this is.

The rate of crossings from Mexico has gone down ever since I tanked the economy and I pledge to you if you give me another four years, every Mexican who doesn't work for the government will be back home trading in his dollars for pesos before American currency is completely worthless. That's why we need to legalize them right now and ply them with benefits so they don't run away before they get a chance to vote for me a third time as El Dictador.

But that's not all. I am opening millions of acres for offshore oil drilling. Not. I am also investing more money in training children to harness the power of positive thinking. Scientists at Federally funded labs estimate that every child who thinks positively can create enough power to light up an entire city. The only problem is figuring out how to stick the plugs into his head while we stick him in some sort of Matrix. And that's where our Federally funded labs come in. That is why I am asking Congress not to gut funding for the Matrix.

Take a look at Wilson E. Picket-Rammsby over there. Born in a shack in an up for grabs district in North Carolina, he had no arms or legs. Ever since my stimulus plan he works at the Buffett-Gore Wind Turbine Making Co. which is entirely financed by taxpayers. Wilson's job is to take 'Made in America' stickers and affix them with his mouth to imported Chinese wind turbines.

I promised Wilson that I would not walk away from workers like him. I will not allow China to buy more Chinese wind turbines than we would buy Chinese wind turbines with their money. I will not allow Germany to seize the lead from us in wind turbines or paper kite manufacturing or aura beaming technology. We've subsidized oil companies long enough. It's time to start subsidizing Al Gore.

Best of all while the Navy will be losing a whole bunch of ships and Marines, they will be purchasing all that clean energy so that our armed forces will have even less money and Al Gore will have even more money.

Now that I spent 15 minutes discussing tax credits and incentives for companies owned by my friends and my supporters, let me completely switch topics and state firmly that it's time to stop the bailouts, the handouts and the copouts. After we pass my Bailouts, Handouts and Copouts plan to force the Navy to buy Finnish electric submarines from a company co-owned by some guy who hosted a fundraiser for me last week. It's possible the submarines don't work underwater, but they're painted green which means they're good for the environment.

We've all paid the price for lenders who sold mortgages to people who couldn't afford them. And by that I mean the lenders paid me money and helped finance my campaign. That's why we need smart regulation. Regulations that are so smart that they automatically exempt me.

Rules that prevent Gibson from making guitars, prevent Canada from selling us cheap oil and prevent businesses from creating new jobs don't destroy the free market. They make the free market work better by taking it out back and putting a bullet in its head, just like my stepfather, the Colonel, used to do to dissidents back home in Indonesia.

Four years after the economic meltdown, I am asking my Attorney General to take some time from being investigated by Congress for shipping assault rifles to Mexican druglords in a plot to subvert the Constitution, and form a special super commission of fact finding investigators to root out financial corruption that we're not responsible for and make them give us our cut.

This proposal is in no way belated election pandering or a way to shake down Wall Street firms into donating to us. They're already donating to us. Applause. Oh yeah, they're donating to us like a Mexican drug dealer with a brand new AK-47.

Because of all the loopholes and shelters and basements in the tax code, Warren Buffett pays a lower tax rate than his secretary. Unfortunately other people besides Warren Buffett are also benefiting from these loopholes and we need to close them so that only Warren Buffett benefits from them.

I'm a Democrat, but I believe what Abraham Lincoln believed, that habeas corpus should be suspended, First Ladies should be able to spend as much money as they want during a war and that some races are inferior to others. But most of all I believe that you cannot fool all of the people all of the time-- but I am hoping that I can do it at least long enough to get reelected.

Losing the war in Iraq has allowed me to shift the war to Afghanistan where we are losing the war from a decisive position of strength. A wave of change has washed across the Middle East. Women are running for their lives and the Al Qaeda flag is flying in Libya. Iran is on the verge of getting the bomb. And I just want to take credit for all of it.

The renewal of American leadership can be felt around the globe. Now the world knows that they don't have to take us seriously anymore. We're not even paper tigers, we're more like paper tigers who set themselves on fire and then the chief paper tiger gets up and makes a speech about how much fire has done for the standing of paper tigers in restoring human dignity around the world.

To keep pace with our new global role, I have called for eliminating most of the parts of the military that don't buy clean energy from my supporters or bomb the people that the President of France orders me to bomb as incidental to my core mission of destroying America.

And I would just like to finish by invoking the inspirational words of a truly great American. Eldridge Cleaver of the Black Panther Party who wrote in his his autobiography, Soul on Ice, that he began his career as a rapist by practicing on black girls in the ghetto before moving on to other prey. Like him I began practicing on Chicago and then moved on to the Great State of Illinois and then to America.

Thank you and God Damn America.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/26/2012 3:14:37 PM

Hi Peter and friends. Judi McLeod wrote this article prior to the chosen one's State of the Union address. I did not watch it live on TV, but then I know I can always find this or any of his other speeches online later. The reason I don't watch him is because I get too angry watching the lying devil, lie through his teeth, every time he opens his mouth, so why torture myself.

The Prayer to Save America is the same now as it was four years ago: “Deliver us from Obama”

How to tune out and mentally survive Obama’s State of Union Address- Judi McLeod Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tonight the undocumented 44th President of the United States of America will deliver an absolutely partisan election-year call for a “return to American values” of economic fairness, in a State of the Union Address.

Like everything else he does, Soetoro-Obama’s State of the Union rests on the politics of ego, to be delivered to a captive audience among the kind of Hollywood props that have long marked his tiresome tenancy at the White House.

There will be no draped crucifixes like there were at Notre Dame when the man who already forced the abortions of foreign lands on the American taxpayer and the one who was to go on to provide “free” birth control prescriptions to anyone who wants them, when he delivers his address tonight. But that’s only because there are no crucifixes to cover in an already secular White House.

So much the Messiah in the minds of his manufacturers, the president’s advance team insisted that all religious symbols be covered in the place in which he was speaking at Notre Dame. “Incredibly, Georgetown officials complied. At the request of the White House, university officials placed a cover over the letters IHS — the Greek abbreviation for the name of Jesus — during the president’s recent talk there.” (Rev. Robert Sirico, Detroit News, April 21, 2009).

Obama’s props during delivery of tonight’s address will be of the live and squirmy kind. A fawning, clown-like Joe Biden who’s losing facts about American pop culture as fast as his own hair follicles. The tongue of a simpering Nancy Pelosi will dart out, serpent like to lick her seemingly perpetually dry lips, the same as she did during the last State of the Union address.

Michelle Obama will strive for the image that it is really SHE, and not Valerie Jarrett, who is is Obama’s main Go-to, and now that her surly countenance is a topic gone viral on the Net, she will put on her “Happy Face”.

If tonight’s address were to come with its own musical theme it would be the haunting one from Clint Eastwood’s The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Obama would strut to the speaker’s place draped in King George III ermine capes, wearing a lopsided crown listing leftward, emblazoned with the words, “The Fundamental Transformation of America”.

Even before he utters a single word, the mainstream media that reams out all-Obama propaganda, will be rushing videos and sound bites claiming it was the ‘State of the Union Address of the Century’.

While countless mothers try to stretch out the evening meal of Kraft dinner and rehearse their children to rush the door to welcome their father home from another unsuccessful day of landing a job, Obama will drone on about how everything is alright. There will be jobs provided by him and only him; there will be government money to save the house and farm mortgage and food stamps for all who need them.

But everything is not alright, and there is nothing Obama can say that matters because the only words that count to patriots are the ones he should take back and bury with the dog’s backyard bone: “The fundamental Transformation of America”.

It’s depressing to think that all television networks will televise Obama’s State of the Union address blitzing Small Town America, where fighting Obama has already taken a back seat to fighting Republican presidential candidates.

Tonight is one of those times when the need to transcend and exalt are necessary for mental survival. No better mental picture to recall tonight than the one of George Washington knowing how he had sent the British running, even as he saw footprints in blood of the American patriots who won the day.

Tonight is time to reject the words, “The Fundamental Transformation of America” on Obama’s figurative lopsided crown.

The Prayer to Save America is the same now as it was four years ago: “Deliver us from Obama”.

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/27/2012 12:16:17 PM
Hi Evelyn,

As usual a very interesting article by Judi McLeod.

While listening to B Hussein's lies is distasteful one has to find out what this pariah is planning for the coming year that's why I read the address and watched a few excerpts in videos. Not much difference from last years SOTUA or from the prior addresses. Lies from start to finish and the continued destruction of both the fabric of the American people but the total destruction of its' economy.




Hi Peter and friends. Judi McLeod wrote this article prior to the chosen one's State of the Union address. I did not watch it live on TV, but then I know I can always find this or any of his other speeches online later. The reason I don't watch him is because I get too angry watching the lying devil, lie through his teeth, every time he opens his mouth, so why torture myself.

The Prayer to Save America is the same now as it was four years ago: “Deliver us from Obama”

How to tune out and mentally survive Obama’s State of Union Address- Judi McLeod Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tonight the undocumented 44th President of the United States of America will deliver an absolutely partisan election-year call for a “return to American values” of economic fairness, in a State of the Union Address.

Like everything else he does, Soetoro-Obama’s State of the Union rests on the politics of ego, to be delivered to a captive audience among the kind of Hollywood props that have long marked his tiresome tenancy at the White House.

There will be no draped crucifixes like there were at Notre Dame when the man who already forced the abortions of foreign lands on the American taxpayer and the one who was to go on to provide “free” birth control prescriptions to anyone who wants them, when he delivers his address tonight. But that’s only because there are no crucifixes to cover in an already secular White House.

So much the Messiah in the minds of his manufacturers, the president’s advance team insisted that all religious symbols be covered in the place in which he was speaking at Notre Dame. “Incredibly, Georgetown officials complied. At the request of the White House, university officials placed a cover over the letters IHS — the Greek abbreviation for the name of Jesus — during the president’s recent talk there.” (Rev. Robert Sirico, Detroit News, April 21, 2009).

Obama’s props during delivery of tonight’s address will be of the live and squirmy kind. A fawning, clown-like Joe Biden who’s losing facts about American pop culture as fast as his own hair follicles. The tongue of a simpering Nancy Pelosi will dart out, serpent like to lick her seemingly perpetually dry lips, the same as she did during the last State of the Union address.

Michelle Obama will strive for the image that it is really SHE, and not Valerie Jarrett, who is is Obama’s main Go-to, and now that her surly countenance is a topic gone viral on the Net, she will put on her “Happy Face”.

If tonight’s address were to come with its own musical theme it would be the haunting one from Clint Eastwood’s The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Obama would strut to the speaker’s place draped in King George III ermine capes, wearing a lopsided crown listing leftward, emblazoned with the words, “The Fundamental Transformation of America”.

Even before he utters a single word, the mainstream media that reams out all-Obama propaganda, will be rushing videos and sound bites claiming it was the ‘State of the Union Address of the Century’.

While countless mothers try to stretch out the evening meal of Kraft dinner and rehearse their children to rush the door to welcome their father home from another unsuccessful day of landing a job, Obama will drone on about how everything is alright. There will be jobs provided by him and only him; there will be government money to save the house and farm mortgage and food stamps for all who need them.

But everything is not alright, and there is nothing Obama can say that matters because the only words that count to patriots are the ones he should take back and bury with the dog’s backyard bone: “The fundamental Transformation of America”.

It’s depressing to think that all television networks will televise Obama’s State of the Union address blitzing Small Town America, where fighting Obama has already taken a back seat to fighting Republican presidential candidates.

Tonight is one of those times when the need to transcend and exalt are necessary for mental survival. No better mental picture to recall tonight than the one of George Washington knowing how he had sent the British running, even as he saw footprints in blood of the American patriots who won the day.

Tonight is time to reject the words, “The Fundamental Transformation of America” on Obama’s figurative lopsided crown.

The Prayer to Save America is the same now as it was four years ago: “Deliver us from Obama”.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/27/2012 12:18:46 PM
Hello Friends,

This video with Bill Whittle explains how B Hussein plans to get reelected in 2012. The $1 billion he wants for his reelection war chest is in reality a mere pebble in what is actually being spent to insure his reelection

I sincerely hope and pray his plan fails but the below video explains how dire America's situation really is and why many will still vote for him but by doing so will ensure the total collapse of the countries economy.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/27/2012 8:48:50 PM
Hello Friends,

Grassfire Nations one of the Tea Party movements conducted a poll among 29,000 members and the results of the survey are very interesting.

For me two of the most interesting results of this survey are the following:

1. In all categories the kook Ron Paul came in last place aside from one question in which he took the first place. That question was which of the following candidates is the least favorite and Paul won that category hands down with 56.8% of the vote.

Take into consideration that the kook claims he's the tea party favorite which about sums up the fantasy world he lives in.

2. The question whether tea party members would support a conservative third party candidate shows that only 15% would support such an effort which is an indication that as a whole they reject such a move.

Interestingly enough Newt Gingrich came first in most of the survey questions and Mitt Romney didn't fare all that well at all. On a personal level I would support Newt, Mitt or Rick while I prefer Santorum and Gingrich much more then Romney.

You can read all the survey questions and results in the below article.



Tea Party Movement Overwhelmingly Supports Newt Gingrich, Rejects Romney and Paul

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Eric Odom is Director of Interactive Media for Liberty News Network, Patriot Action Network and Grassfire Nation. Tea Party Activist & Organizer.

Grassfire Nation (Parent company of performed a survey from January 23-25, 2012. The survey was taken by 29,000 members and hit on a number of questions related to the 2012 GOP primary election. Of the 29,000, 75.7% of respondents said they closely identify with the ideals of the movement, and 17.2% said they are actively a part of the tea party movement.

The margin of error is at 0.56% with 95% confidence for the Grassfire Nation audience. First let’s take a look at the national results. We’ll follow up with some points about the numbers.

Question #1: If the caucus or primary were held in your state today, which of the following Republican presidential candidates would you support?

  1. Newt Gingrich – 48.2%
  2. Rick Santorum – 24.6%
  3. Mitt Romney – 14.8%
  4. Ron Paul – 12.4%

Question #2: Which of the following Republican presidential candidates do you think will ultimately win the G.O.P. nomination?

  1. Newt Gingrich – 54.7%
  2. Mitt Romney – 32.2%
  3. Rick Santorum – 6.9%
  4. Ron Paul – 6.2%

Question #3: Which of the following Republican presidential candidates in your opinion has the best chance to defeat President Obama?

  1. Newt Gingrich – 56.7%
  2. Mitt Romney – 23.1%
  3. Rick Santorum – 11.6%
  4. Ron Paul – 8.6%

Question #4: Please indicate which candidate(s) you would find acceptable as the GOP nominee

  1. Newt Gingrich – 69.1%
  2. Rick Santorum – 60.6%
  3. Mitt Romney – 42.5%
  4. Ron Paul – 21.7%

Question #5: Which of the following Republican presidential candidates is your LEAST FAVORITE?

  1. Ron Paul – 56.8%
  2. Mitt Romney – 24.7%
  3. Newt Gingrich – 13.1%
  4. Rick Santorum – 5.3%

Final Question: Would you support a conservative who ran for president as a third-party or independent candidate?

  • No – 79.1%
  • Yes – 15.6%
  • Undecided – 5.3%

The take-aways here are numerous. It’s also important to note that our survey results jive with the latest out by Rasmussen showing 52% of tea party voters support Newt Gingrich.

According to the latest Rasmussen poll, Newt Gingrich now enjoys the support of 52 percent of Tea Party voters, and his huge advantage among such voters has vaulted him into the national lead in the GOP presidential race. The poll was taken yesterday, two days after Gingrich’s win in the South Carolina primary, and it shows the former speaker leading Mitt Romney by an overall margin of 7 percentage points — 35 to 28 percent. That result marks a 10-point swing between the two candidates from six days earlier, when Romney led Gingrich by 3 points in Rasmussen’s polling (30 to 27 percent), and a 20-point swing from 19 days earlier, when Romney led Gingrich by 13 points (29 to 16 percent).

That’s interesting because Rasmussen, while being accused as using his data to favor the “insiders,” has actually held a very accurate read on the vote to date. Rasmussen’s survey results have been right on the money in the first three states and it’s telling that our survey shows a reflection of what he’s finding.

Getting back to our survey…

First, for all the messaging we’ve seen about Ron Paul being the tea party granddaddy, it’s amazing that he fails to shine at any point in the survey. Ron Paul is clearly the least favorite out of the 29,000 surveyed, he’s perceived as the least likely nominee, and the tea party base views him as having the worst chances at defeating Barack Obama.

This flies in the face of the argument that Ron Paul’s foreign policy isn’t damaging to his brand. On domestic policy one could easily assume Ron Paul wins hands down. It’s the foreign policy that immediately yanks him to the back of the line.

(That last paragraph operates on assumption, albiet a safe one.)

Second, these results show a clear and indisputable rejection of Mitt Romney by the tea party base. On question #4, pertaining to candidates being acceptable, Romney can only pull 42.5%. That means every other tea party voter finds Romney totally unacceptable. That’s a BIG problem for Romney in that the tea party movement is currently the most energized part of the Republican voter base.

Third, tea partiers flat our reject the idea of a third party candidate in 2012. Hands down, no questions asked, there simply is no interest or support for such an effort.

Last, and definitely the most obvious, Newt Gingrich appears to have solidified strong support from just under half the tea party movement. Now the question is no longer one of who has the most support within the movement, it’s more a matter of the movement’s ability (or inability) to out-perform the traditional GOP primary voter base.

South Carolina was a major player in all of this, but Florida is the Ace. Florida can deliver a knock-out punch to either Romney or Gingrich. Yes, you can still pull off a win without Florida, but it would be a long and very difficult path.

Grassfire Nation also surveyed around 3,200 Florida primary voters and found that 55% currently support Newt Gingrich. Only 16.8 support Romney, and Santorum comes in with exactly the same.

Florida is the main event right now and it’s going to be a wild weekend going into the final 24 hour show. Buckle up and get ready… we’re about to find out who’s really winning this thing.

-Eric Odom

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7