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Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/7/2012 2:16:54 PM
Hello Friends,

A few months ago I posted about this couple's nightmare with the EPA. They bought a property and received all the necessary building permits. They made improvements to the property and were in the stage of preparing foundation work when the EPA arrived and told them their land was wetlands and to restore the property to its original state. If they refuse they will be in for massive fines and in addition and worst of all were told that they have no right to appeal the EPA's ruling. In other words they have no right to address this in court. The couple refused to accept this and are now at the stage when the Supreme Court will rule on this absurd situation.

The below article is frightening and is another example of loss of freedoms and property ownership. A must read.




Plea to Supremes: Stop EPA ‘bullying’

Idaho family's fight to build home in subdivision to be heard

by Bob UnruhEmail | Archive Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after spending nearly three decades writing on a wide range of issues for several Upper Midwest newspapers and the Associated Press. Sports, tornadoes, homicidal survivali

Mike and Chantell Sackett

An Idaho businessman and his wife are pleading with the U.S. Supreme Court to stop the federal government’s “bullying” over the family’s simple plan to build a three-bedroom home on a plot of ground they purchased in an existing subdivision in Idaho, plans for which they already have obtained all the legally necessary building permits.

The issue is that the Environmental Protection Agency claims that the land – which is surrounded by existing homes on three adjacent lots, has no standing water, and has no streams or creeks on it – is “wetlands.”

This is how Mike and Chantell describe the shock when they found federal EPA agents on their land, ordering them to stop foundation work, “restore” the land with non-native species, fence it, guard it for several years, and then request a permission to continue their home project that in all likelihood would be denied.

“Bullying,” Chantell told a recent congressional hearing.

“That’s what the EPA does. They came into our life, took our property, put us in limbo, told us we can’t do anything with it, and then threatened us with fines,” she said. “They use intimidation and we as American people, my husband and I, are fed up. We’re scared.

“They can’t be allowed to do this,” she continued. “It’s wrong. This is why we are suing the government, the EPA.”

Mike Chantell told the hearing that the situation – the couple actually is facing the potential of $40 million-plus in fines for starting foundation work on their Priest Lake, Idaho, subdivision lot after they met all the government’s requirements – is “terrifying.”

Officials with the EPA repeatedly declined to respond to a WND request for comment. WND was referred to a Justice Department office, which also declined to respond.

But the arguments are scheduled to be heard Monday before the U.S. Supreme Court, where Damien Schiff, of the Pacific Legal Foundation, will be arguing that the EPA must be subject to the rule of law and the agency cannot simply issue orders violating others’ property rights without giving the owner his or her day in court to argue that the agency is wrong.

“Constitutional Chaos: What Happens When the Government Breaks Its Own Laws”

The case began in 2005 when the Sacketts were working on their dream home. Their land, purchased for $23,000, is about two-thirds of an acre and is about 500 feet from Priest Lake, Idaho. Houses are on the surrounding lots and their land lacked standing water or a creek. They obtained all the needed county permits for their work.

But while they were working on foundation preparations, the EPA agents arrived, claimed the property is “wetlands” and ordered them to stop work and launch a full restoration project that even included installing plants that were not native – at their own expense. They were told after they guarded the land for several years they would be allowed to pay $250,000 to request permission to complete their home.

They argued against the EPA decision, but got nowhere, so started a court case. It arrived at the U.S. Supreme Court after the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ordered them to go through that extensive application process with the EPA – which is not allowed to start until they meet all of the agency’s demands.

The hearing before the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday will focus on the EPA’s claim of authority to issue orders that are above court review – and how that could impact virtually every landowner across the nation.

“We are fighting for ourselves, and everyone in this country who owns property,” Mike Sackett told the congressional hearing recently.

The brief submitted to the Supremes by Pacific Legal Foundation explained that even though the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution requires that “no person shall be … deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law,” the EPA claims through the Clean Water Act the authority to issue orders as it wishes and collect fines for “violations” – without court review.

In fact, the Sacketts’ case explains, they checked and their land was not listed on the EPA’s inventory of “wetlands,” and when they presented that detail to the government, were told it doesn’t matter.

“Any citizen engaged in a range of activities may run afoul of the act,” the appeal brief explains. “The Clean Water Act’s reach is extremely broad, requiring a permit for the discharge of ‘pollutants’ from a ‘point source’ into the ‘waters of the United States,’ which phrase has been interpreted by regulation to include ‘wetlands.’”

The regulations, the brief contends, had been defined so broadly by the EPA that they have pertained to “land that appears to be totally dry.”

“If the EPA has completed an analysis and made a determination that the property contains jurisdictional ‘wetlands,’ the citizen has no right to judicial review of that analysis. If the citizen hires professionals to conduct a ‘wetlands’ determination, EPA is not obligated to accept it. Despite any evidence, professional opinions, or agency advice the citizen obtains, EPA may still impose sanctions by a compliance order if it has ‘any information’ that” it wants to use to call it wetlands, the brief explains.

Further, the EPA’s “compliance order” demands that the private property owners give the EPA full access not only to the lands but to their private records about what is done to the land.

“Given that the order is not based on probable cause, it withdraws the Sacketts’ constitutional right to be free of unreasonable searches by requiring them to grant access to ‘all records and documentation related to the conditions at the site and the restoration activities conducted pursuant to this order.’”

“We believe property owners should have their day in court, and the EPA has to be subject to the rule of law,” Mike Sackett said.

The congressional hearing testimony:

According to attorneys and investigators who have worked on the case, the EPA itself never did a formal analysis of the property until after telling the Sacketts to halt work because of its “wetlands” designation.

“The EPA still hasn’t done a hydrological analysis of the Sacketts’ property – and that’s the only certain way to make a ‘wetlands’ determination,” a case source told WND.

“The case before the Supreme Court isn’t about what the Sacketts can or can’t do – it’s about what EPA can do to landowners without having to answer to the courts, the law and the Constitution,” the analyst said.

On the case:

“When the government seizes control of your land, and you disagree with the justification, shouldn’t you be allowed your day in court? Just as important, should EPA be a law unto itself, without meaningful accountability to the courts and the Constitution?” Schiff has told WND.

Schiff said there is “no question that the power the EPA is claiming it has under the Clean Water Act is significant.”

“Even if you have a good basis to think the EPA is wrong, the EPA won’t let you get into the courthouse,” he said. “They are able to shut the courthouse door by issuing compliance orders that are not judicially reviewable.”

That puts a landowner in the impossible situation of either complying with the order with its potential cost of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars or facing that same penalty in fines.

The Sacketts’ legal team noted that between 1980 and 2001, the EPA issued up to 3,000 compliance orders every year across the nation.

“The reality of the Sacketts’ situation is that they have been unambiguously commanded by their government not to complete their home-building project, to take expensive measures to undo the improvements that they have made to their land, and to maintain their land essentially as a public park until the property is ‘restored’ to the satisfaction of the EPA. They have been threatened with frightening penalties if they do not immediately obey; but they have been refused the prompt hearing they should have received as a matter of right in any court,” Pacific Legal argued.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/8/2012 4:22:37 AM

Hi Jim and Peter, GREAT video Jim. Marco Rubio certainly knows how to spell everything out in plain language so even those who have a hard time comprehending can understand.He certainly told a lot of facts in this short 15 minutes, but it was very interesting too. This is a must see video, in my opinion, that hits the nail on the head and yes Peter, I agree we need many more of his caliber.

And Rick, I am so sorry you are having health issues and I pray you get well soon.

Thanks for the video Jim. It sure fits in with Rubio's letter to B Hussein. Wish we had many more of Marco Rubio's integrity and caliber in the Senate and Congress.



A very good letter and speech ;-)
Hello Friends,

I just finished reading the letter Sen. Marco Rubio sent the fraud and great pretender B Hussein. Shame there aren't more of his caliber in the Senate and Congress. The really good guys are few and far between but He's definitely one of them.

The below letter is a must read.



P.S. I apologize for the poor quality of the letter but at the source it was in picture format and bringing it to a readable size distorted the quality a bit. Sorry about that.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/8/2012 4:39:17 AM

Wow now this is really scary Peter. I certainly hope and pray the Sacketts win but the way our supreme court is anymore it wouldn't surprise me in the least if they lost and if they lose, we all lose. Bullying is an understatement in this case.

Hello Friends,

A few months ago I posted about this couple's nightmare with the EPA. They bought a property and received all the necessary building permits. They made improvements to the property and were in the stage of preparing foundation work when the EPA arrived and told them their land was wetlands and to restore the property to its original state. If they refuse they will be in for massive fines and in addition and worst of all were told that they have no right to appeal the EPA's ruling. In other words they have no right to address this in court. The couple refused to accept this and are now at the stage when the Supreme Court will rule on this absurd situation.

The below article is frightening and is another example of loss of freedoms and property ownership. A must read.




Plea to Supremes: Stop EPA ‘bullying’

Idaho family's fight to build home in subdivision to be heard

by Bob UnruhEmail | Archive Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after spending nearly three decades writing on a wide range of issues for several Upper Midwest newspapers and the Associated Press. Sports, tornadoes, homicidal survivali

Mike and Chantell Sackett

An Idaho businessman and his wife are pleading with the U.S. Supreme Court to stop the federal government’s “bullying” over the family’s simple plan to build a three-bedroom home on a plot of ground they purchased in an existing subdivision in Idaho, plans for which they already have obtained all the legally necessary building permits.

The issue is that the Environmental Protection Agency claims that the land – which is surrounded by existing homes on three adjacent lots, has no standing water, and has no streams or creeks on it – is “wetlands.”

This is how Mike and Chantell describe the shock when they found federal EPA agents on their land, ordering them to stop foundation work, “restore” the land with non-native species, fence it, guard it for several years, and then request a permission to continue their home project that in all likelihood would be denied.

“Bullying,” Chantell told a recent congressional hearing.

“That’s what the EPA does. They came into our life, took our property, put us in limbo, told us we can’t do anything with it, and then threatened us with fines,” she said. “They use intimidation and we as American people, my husband and I, are fed up. We’re scared.

“They can’t be allowed to do this,” she continued. “It’s wrong. This is why we are suing the government, the EPA.”

Mike Chantell told the hearing that the situation – the couple actually is facing the potential of $40 million-plus in fines for starting foundation work on their Priest Lake, Idaho, subdivision lot after they met all the government’s requirements – is “terrifying.”

Officials with the EPA repeatedly declined to respond to a WND request for comment. WND was referred to a Justice Department office, which also declined to respond.

But the arguments are scheduled to be heard Monday before the U.S. Supreme Court, where Damien Schiff, of the Pacific Legal Foundation, will be arguing that the EPA must be subject to the rule of law and the agency cannot simply issue orders violating others’ property rights without giving the owner his or her day in court to argue that the agency is wrong.

“Constitutional Chaos: What Happens When the Government Breaks Its Own Laws”

The case began in 2005 when the Sacketts were working on their dream home. Their land, purchased for $23,000, is about two-thirds of an acre and is about 500 feet from Priest Lake, Idaho. Houses are on the surrounding lots and their land lacked standing water or a creek. They obtained all the needed county permits for their work.

But while they were working on foundation preparations, the EPA agents arrived, claimed the property is “wetlands” and ordered them to stop work and launch a full restoration project that even included installing plants that were not native – at their own expense. They were told after they guarded the land for several years they would be allowed to pay $250,000 to request permission to complete their home.

They argued against the EPA decision, but got nowhere, so started a court case. It arrived at the U.S. Supreme Court after the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ordered them to go through that extensive application process with the EPA – which is not allowed to start until they meet all of the agency’s demands.

The hearing before the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday will focus on the EPA’s claim of authority to issue orders that are above court review – and how that could impact virtually every landowner across the nation.

“We are fighting for ourselves, and everyone in this country who owns property,” Mike Sackett told the congressional hearing recently.

The brief submitted to the Supremes by Pacific Legal Foundation explained that even though the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution requires that “no person shall be … deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law,” the EPA claims through the Clean Water Act the authority to issue orders as it wishes and collect fines for “violations” – without court review.

In fact, the Sacketts’ case explains, they checked and their land was not listed on the EPA’s inventory of “wetlands,” and when they presented that detail to the government, were told it doesn’t matter.

“Any citizen engaged in a range of activities may run afoul of the act,” the appeal brief explains. “The Clean Water Act’s reach is extremely broad, requiring a permit for the discharge of ‘pollutants’ from a ‘point source’ into the ‘waters of the United States,’ which phrase has been interpreted by regulation to include ‘wetlands.’”

The regulations, the brief contends, had been defined so broadly by the EPA that they have pertained to “land that appears to be totally dry.”

“If the EPA has completed an analysis and made a determination that the property contains jurisdictional ‘wetlands,’ the citizen has no right to judicial review of that analysis. If the citizen hires professionals to conduct a ‘wetlands’ determination, EPA is not obligated to accept it. Despite any evidence, professional opinions, or agency advice the citizen obtains, EPA may still impose sanctions by a compliance order if it has ‘any information’ that” it wants to use to call it wetlands, the brief explains.

Further, the EPA’s “compliance order” demands that the private property owners give the EPA full access not only to the lands but to their private records about what is done to the land.

“Given that the order is not based on probable cause, it withdraws the Sacketts’ constitutional right to be free of unreasonable searches by requiring them to grant access to ‘all records and documentation related to the conditions at the site and the restoration activities conducted pursuant to this order.’”

“We believe property owners should have their day in court, and the EPA has to be subject to the rule of law,” Mike Sackett said.

The congressional hearing testimony:

According to attorneys and investigators who have worked on the case, the EPA itself never did a formal analysis of the property until after telling the Sacketts to halt work because of its “wetlands” designation.

“The EPA still hasn’t done a hydrological analysis of the Sacketts’ property – and that’s the only certain way to make a ‘wetlands’ determination,” a case source told WND.

“The case before the Supreme Court isn’t about what the Sacketts can or can’t do – it’s about what EPA can do to landowners without having to answer to the courts, the law and the Constitution,” the analyst said.

On the case:

“When the government seizes control of your land, and you disagree with the justification, shouldn’t you be allowed your day in court? Just as important, should EPA be a law unto itself, without meaningful accountability to the courts and the Constitution?” Schiff has told WND.

Schiff said there is “no question that the power the EPA is claiming it has under the Clean Water Act is significant.”

“Even if you have a good basis to think the EPA is wrong, the EPA won’t let you get into the courthouse,” he said. “They are able to shut the courthouse door by issuing compliance orders that are not judicially reviewable.”

That puts a landowner in the impossible situation of either complying with the order with its potential cost of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars or facing that same penalty in fines.

The Sacketts’ legal team noted that between 1980 and 2001, the EPA issued up to 3,000 compliance orders every year across the nation.

“The reality of the Sacketts’ situation is that they have been unambiguously commanded by their government not to complete their home-building project, to take expensive measures to undo the improvements that they have made to their land, and to maintain their land essentially as a public park until the property is ‘restored’ to the satisfaction of the EPA. They have been threatened with frightening penalties if they do not immediately obey; but they have been refused the prompt hearing they should have received as a matter of right in any court,” Pacific Legal argued.

Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/8/2012 2:07:46 PM
Yes it is Evelyn, If the Sacketts lose it doesn't bode well for all of us. What they're doing is way beyond bullying and if the Supreme Court rules against them it's legitimizing the governments ability to grab your property at their whim and fancy.

I certainly hope common sense will prevail and the Court will rule in their favor.




Wow now this is really scary Peter. I certainly hope and pray the Sacketts win but the way our supreme court is anymore it wouldn't surprise me in the least if they lost and if they lose, we all lose. Bullying is an understatement in this case.

Hello Friends,

A few months ago I posted about this couple's nightmare with the EPA. They bought a property and received all the necessary building permits. They made improvements to the property and were in the stage of preparing foundation work when the EPA arrived and told them their land was wetlands and to restore the property to its original state. If they refuse they will be in for massive fines and in addition and worst of all were told that they have no right to appeal the EPA's ruling. In other words they have no right to address this in court. The couple refused to accept this and are now at the stage when the Supreme Court will rule on this absurd situation.

The below article is frightening and is another example of loss of freedoms and property ownership. A must read.




Plea to Supremes: Stop EPA ‘bullying’

Idaho family's fight to build home in subdivision to be heard

by Bob UnruhEmail | Archive Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after spending nearly three decades writing on a wide range of issues for several Upper Midwest newspapers and the Associated Press. Sports, tornadoes, homicidal survivali

Mike and Chantell Sackett

An Idaho businessman and his wife are pleading with the U.S. Supreme Court to stop the federal government’s “bullying” over the family’s simple plan to build a three-bedroom home on a plot of ground they purchased in an existing subdivision in Idaho, plans for which they already have obtained all the legally necessary building permits.

The issue is that the Environmental Protection Agency claims that the land – which is surrounded by existing homes on three adjacent lots, has no standing water, and has no streams or creeks on it – is “wetlands.”

This is how Mike and Chantell describe the shock when they found federal EPA agents on their land, ordering them to stop foundation work, “restore” the land with non-native species, fence it, guard it for several years, and then request a permission to continue their home project that in all likelihood would be denied.

“Bullying,” Chantell told a recent congressional hearing.

“That’s what the EPA does. They came into our life, took our property, put us in limbo, told us we can’t do anything with it, and then threatened us with fines,” she said. “They use intimidation and we as American people, my husband and I, are fed up. We’re scared.

“They can’t be allowed to do this,” she continued. “It’s wrong. This is why we are suing the government, the EPA.”

Mike Chantell told the hearing that the situation – the couple actually is facing the potential of $40 million-plus in fines for starting foundation work on their Priest Lake, Idaho, subdivision lot after they met all the government’s requirements – is “terrifying.”

Officials with the EPA repeatedly declined to respond to a WND request for comment. WND was referred to a Justice Department office, which also declined to respond.

But the arguments are scheduled to be heard Monday before the U.S. Supreme Court, where Damien Schiff, of the Pacific Legal Foundation, will be arguing that the EPA must be subject to the rule of law and the agency cannot simply issue orders violating others’ property rights without giving the owner his or her day in court to argue that the agency is wrong.

“Constitutional Chaos: What Happens When the Government Breaks Its Own Laws”

The case began in 2005 when the Sacketts were working on their dream home. Their land, purchased for $23,000, is about two-thirds of an acre and is about 500 feet from Priest Lake, Idaho. Houses are on the surrounding lots and their land lacked standing water or a creek. They obtained all the needed county permits for their work.

But while they were working on foundation preparations, the EPA agents arrived, claimed the property is “wetlands” and ordered them to stop work and launch a full restoration project that even included installing plants that were not native – at their own expense. They were told after they guarded the land for several years they would be allowed to pay $250,000 to request permission to complete their home.

They argued against the EPA decision, but got nowhere, so started a court case. It arrived at the U.S. Supreme Court after the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ordered them to go through that extensive application process with the EPA – which is not allowed to start until they meet all of the agency’s demands.

The hearing before the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday will focus on the EPA’s claim of authority to issue orders that are above court review – and how that could impact virtually every landowner across the nation.

“We are fighting for ourselves, and everyone in this country who owns property,” Mike Sackett told the congressional hearing recently.

The brief submitted to the Supremes by Pacific Legal Foundation explained that even though the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution requires that “no person shall be … deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law,” the EPA claims through the Clean Water Act the authority to issue orders as it wishes and collect fines for “violations” – without court review.

In fact, the Sacketts’ case explains, they checked and their land was not listed on the EPA’s inventory of “wetlands,” and when they presented that detail to the government, were told it doesn’t matter.

“Any citizen engaged in a range of activities may run afoul of the act,” the appeal brief explains. “The Clean Water Act’s reach is extremely broad, requiring a permit for the discharge of ‘pollutants’ from a ‘point source’ into the ‘waters of the United States,’ which phrase has been interpreted by regulation to include ‘wetlands.’”

The regulations, the brief contends, had been defined so broadly by the EPA that they have pertained to “land that appears to be totally dry.”

“If the EPA has completed an analysis and made a determination that the property contains jurisdictional ‘wetlands,’ the citizen has no right to judicial review of that analysis. If the citizen hires professionals to conduct a ‘wetlands’ determination, EPA is not obligated to accept it. Despite any evidence, professional opinions, or agency advice the citizen obtains, EPA may still impose sanctions by a compliance order if it has ‘any information’ that” it wants to use to call it wetlands, the brief explains.

Further, the EPA’s “compliance order” demands that the private property owners give the EPA full access not only to the lands but to their private records about what is done to the land.

“Given that the order is not based on probable cause, it withdraws the Sacketts’ constitutional right to be free of unreasonable searches by requiring them to grant access to ‘all records and documentation related to the conditions at the site and the restoration activities conducted pursuant to this order.’”

“We believe property owners should have their day in court, and the EPA has to be subject to the rule of law,” Mike Sackett said.

The congressional hearing testimony:

According to attorneys and investigators who have worked on the case, the EPA itself never did a formal analysis of the property until after telling the Sacketts to halt work because of its “wetlands” designation.

“The EPA still hasn’t done a hydrological analysis of the Sacketts’ property – and that’s the only certain way to make a ‘wetlands’ determination,” a case source told WND.

“The case before the Supreme Court isn’t about what the Sacketts can or can’t do – it’s about what EPA can do to landowners without having to answer to the courts, the law and the Constitution,” the analyst said.

On the case:

“When the government seizes control of your land, and you disagree with the justification, shouldn’t you be allowed your day in court? Just as important, should EPA be a law unto itself, without meaningful accountability to the courts and the Constitution?” Schiff has told WND.

Schiff said there is “no question that the power the EPA is claiming it has under the Clean Water Act is significant.”

“Even if you have a good basis to think the EPA is wrong, the EPA won’t let you get into the courthouse,” he said. “They are able to shut the courthouse door by issuing compliance orders that are not judicially reviewable.”

That puts a landowner in the impossible situation of either complying with the order with its potential cost of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars or facing that same penalty in fines.

The Sacketts’ legal team noted that between 1980 and 2001, the EPA issued up to 3,000 compliance orders every year across the nation.

“The reality of the Sacketts’ situation is that they have been unambiguously commanded by their government not to complete their home-building project, to take expensive measures to undo the improvements that they have made to their land, and to maintain their land essentially as a public park until the property is ‘restored’ to the satisfaction of the EPA. They have been threatened with frightening penalties if they do not immediately obey; but they have been refused the prompt hearing they should have received as a matter of right in any court,” Pacific Legal argued.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/8/2012 2:09:55 PM
Hello Friends,

A little over a month ago the United States supported an anti freedom of speech measure passed in the UN. B Hussein's government and Hillary's State Department have been purposely and knowingly infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood. Much has been written about this in the past here and elsewhere (not in the MSM though) and is part and parcel of B Hussein's Islamic agenda. No other US administration prior to the fraud and great pretender's has supported the OIC's anti freedom of speech measures in the UN. It took B Hussein and his partner in crime Hillary to work out the plan to support it this time after meetings with the OIC a short while ago (Hillary was the culprit at these meetings).

The below article goes into greater detail and explains how you will possibly be considered a criminal for expressing your opinions and beliefs. I'll paste in the email I received from ACT! for America and the article they attached to the email. The highlights are ACT!'s but are relevant to showing the dangers of this UN measure. Read it and understand how the B Hussein regime is impinging on your freedoms and surrendering to the gangsterism of the UN.



January 5, 2012

“Could you be a criminal?”

State Department partners with Organization of Islamic Cooperation in what could lead to criminalizing free speech

Dear Peter,

“That could never happen here.”

When we shine a light on the conviction of Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff in Austria for “denigrating religion,” that’s how some people respond.

Or when we warn about sharia law creeping into America. Or 85 sharia courts in Britain. Or “no go zones” in France.

And of course, our State Department would NEVER agree to a UN resolution that has the practical effect of criminalizing free speech, right?

The column below that recently appeared in Forbes (highlights added) is longer than we normally put out, but it is SO IMPORTANT that you be aware of what’s coming our way. Please take a few minutes to read it—because your first amendment rights may soon be in jeopardy.

Of course, that could never happen here.

Could You Be A Criminal? US Supports UN Anti-Free Speech Measure

Abigail R. Esman, Contributor

While you were out scavenging the Wal-Mart super sales or trying on trinkets at T iffany and Cartier, your government has been quietly wrapping up a Christmas gift of its own: adoption of UN resolution 16/18. An initiative of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (formerly Organization of Islamic Conferences), the confederacy of 56 Islamic states, Resolution 16/18 seeks to limit speech that is viewed as “discriminatory” or which involves the “defamation of religion” – specifically that which can be viewed as “incitement to imminent violence.”

Whatever that means.

Initially proposed in response to alleged discrimination against Muslims in the aftermath of 9/11 and in an effort to clamp down on anti-Muslim attacks in non-Muslim countries, Resolution 16/18 has been through a number of revisions over the years in order to make it palatable to American representatives concerned about U.S. Constitutional guarantees of free speech. Previous versions of the Resolution, which sought to criminalize blasphemous speech and the “defamation of religion,” were regularly rejected by the American delegation and by the US State Department, which insisted that limitations on speech – even speech deemed to be racist or blasphemous – were at odds with the Constitution. But this latest version, which includes the “incitement to imminent violence” phrase – that is, which criminalizes speech which incites violence against others on the basis of religion, race, or national origin – has succeeded in winning US approval –despite the fact that it (indirectly) places limitations as well on speech considered “blasphemous.”

What’s worse, the measure codifies into the UN agenda support for the very notion democracies now wrestle with, and which threatens to destroy the very fabric of our culture: tolerance of the intolerant, or rather, the question of whether a tolerant society must also tolerate ways of life that are intolerant – that oppress women, say, or advocate violence against homosexuals, or force strangers to marry against their will. It is, in fact, this very concept that the OIC has long pressured Western governments to adopt in other ways, and that those supporting the adoption of Sharia law in the west have emphasized. Yet if we fall into that trap – as it appears we are – we will have lost the very heart of who we are.

The Good, The Bad…

Those who support the new measure rightly laud its recognition of the importance of free debate. and the inclusion of new clauses that call for “speaking out against intolerance, including advocacy of religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence” and “[foster ing] religious freedom and pluralism by promoting the ability of members of all religious communities to manifest their religion, and to contribute openly and on an equal footing to society.”

What opponents (rightly) find distressing are calls to adopt “measures to criminalize incitement to imminent violence based on religion or belief.”

(Additional clauses that call for countering religious profiling are also questionable, however civil rights organizations may feel about this, given the problems of Islamic terrorism in the real world. But that’s another matter.)

Oddly, Human Rights First, which previously loudly opposed the initiative for its limitation on “blasphemous speech,” is among those who now praise the newer version. In a statement, the organization opined:

Rather than imposing new restrictions on freedom of speech, which it does not, the new consensus resolution opens the door to an action-oriented approach to fighting religious intolerance. That is very consistent with the U.S. policies and practices – combat violence, discrimination and hatred without restricting freedom of speech. Resolution 16/18 urges states to train government officials to address religious tensions, to harmonize actions at local and national level, to raise awareness of negative stereotyping of persons, to promote interfaith and intercultural dialogue, to foster religious freedom and to speak out against intolerance (among other recommendations). The only limitation on speech that is in the operative part of the resolution is incitement to “imminent violence”, which is in accordance with US law.

But others are less forgiving, noting, among other things, that the resolution does nothing to prevent the continued use of anti-Jewish materials in the schools of Saudi Arabia (where the Protocols of Zion are treated as fact, thereby absolving Saudis of charges of “racism”) or the ongoing persecution of Jews and Christians in numerous Muslim countries. And yet, ironically,it was exactly those same countries who initiated the motion, as put forth in its initial drafts by the General Assembly, with expressions of concern for “cases motivated by Islamophobia, Judeophobia, and Christanophobia.”

Indeed, as M. Zuhdi Jasser, an observant American Muslim and the founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, remarked in an e-mail, “Anyone who believes that Resolution 16’18 is some kind of a breakthrough is sadly being duped by the most obvious Islamist double discourse. The shift from ‘defamation’ to ‘incitement’ does nothing at all to change the basic paradigm where Islamist nations remain in the offen se, continuing to put Western, free nations on the defense.” Rather, said Jasser, “We should be putting Islamist autocracies on the defense and then simply reiterate that our First Amendment principles already protect the rights of all minorities — whether Muslim or otherwise — and that the best standard of free speech is the American one. Beginning to categorize speech as ‘incitement’ is a slippery slope that could open the floodgates for any post-tragedy analysis to indict what would otherwise be free speech absurdly as incitement in some far-fetched cause-effect analysis that would depend on proving that speech causes violence.”


It is, indeed, galling to think that we would enter into negotiations of any kind, with anyone, about the freedom of expression that is so central to our very way of life and the core of the founding of America. Ever.

The background to all of this, unsurprisingly, is an effort on the part of Muslim countries to limit what they consider to be defamatory and blasphemous speech: criticism of Islam, say, or insulting the prophet Mohammed – which, as we’ve learned, can mean anything from drawing a cartoon or making a joke in a comedy sketch to burning a Koran. Such acts – according to some readings of the Koran and, indeed, according to law in some IOC countries – are punishable by death. Hence the riots that met the publication of the so-called “Danish cartoons,” the fatwa against Salman Rushdie, the murder of Theo van Gogh, and on and on.

… And The Deceptive

And here’s where Resolution 16/18 gets tricky.

Because who, exactly, arbitrates what is “incitement to imminent violence”? Violence by whom? If drawing a caricature of the Prophet incites violence by Islamic radicals to the tune of riots, arson, and murder, all sanctioned by the IOC itself – then drawing such a caricature (or writing a book like the Satanic Verses) will now constitute a criminal act. And that is exactly what the OIC was aiming for. It is also in direct violation of the principles of Western democracy – and the First Amendment. (Though it is crucial to note that any resolution passed by the General Assembly remains nonbinding, which makes you sort of wonder what the point of all this is, anyway.)

Moreover, since many would claim that the persecution of blasphemers is mandated by their religion, conflicts emerge between guarantees of free expression and the guarantee of freedom of religion and the practice of one’s faith. In othr words: your free speech allows you to insult my prophet: my freedom of religion compels me to kill you for it.

What was that about “incitement to violence”?
Whose violence?

This is how the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation plays “Gotcha.

This is how the American government, however unwittingly, subsumes its own Constitution in deference ot the demands of the Islamic state.

It’s a dangerous game.

True, the Human Rights First position on the issue is significantly more optimistic:

“The U.S. will always enforce its own standards on freedom of expression; these are enshrined in this country’s Constitution. But its legal exceptionalism on freedom of spee ch does not necessarily mean that the U.S. administration needs to be diplomatically isolated when it comes to promoting globally the principles of freedom of speech and freedom of religion, which many in the U.S. perceive to be core and founding American values. On the contrary, since the U.S. joined the U.N. Human Rights Council, the Obama administration has openly expressed its ambition to exert leadership within the U.N. body.

The U.S. demonstrated that leadership by securing the passage of Resolution 16/18 at the Human Rights Council and by moving immediately to show through the Istanbul Process Conference that states have tools at their disposal to combat violence, discrimination and hatred without restricting free speech.”

But note that word: “combat.” That same word appears in Resolution 16/18, which states “Understanding the need to combat denigration and negative religious stereotyping of persons, as well as incitement to religious hatred, by strategizing and harmonizing actions at the local, national, regional and international levels through, inter alia, education and awareness building.” (Emphasis mine.)

“Combat” implies warfare. Is that the language we want here? Is that one of the options under the vague and wide-open term “inter alia”? And are the “tools at their disposal” – education, interfaith dialogue, and debate — really going to “combat” hatred, especially when that hatred is disguised as proper adherence to one’s faith? When racist myths are taught as historical fact to children across a large swath of the globe?

As for that “faith” thing: it strikes me that those of no faith – atheists – are not addressed anywhere in t his resolution. Are they also to be protected from hate crimes? Is atheism among the ideas to be debated and taught in these awareness-raising sessions? If so, why is that not so stated? If not, why not?

Then there is the ongoing whimpering about the “targeting” of Muslims in non-Muslim countries. Actually, that “targeting” is largely mythical, or at the very least, heavily exaggerated. Throughout the world, from France to the Netherlands to Germany to the United States of America, the majority – by a large margin – of those hate crimes and incidents of discrimination perpetrated on the basis of religion target Jews. (another resource available here) And in virtually every case, the “extremism” in question has been Islamic extremism. (Though recent reports of the despicable behavior or ultra-orthodox Jews in Israel puts a new perspective on the matter.)

The Bigger Picture

But here’s the biggest problem: when the exercise of free speech leads to violence far beyond our control. It’s called “terrorism.” And neither the U.N. General Assembly nor the United States of America has the power to stop it. More importantly: by agreeing to curb speech that could lead to “imminent violence,” we in essence accept the blame for any terrorist acts against America (and the West). We agreed not to provoke, after all.

This, of course, is an unacceptable paradigm, and one we cannot allow to stand.

Integral to the greatness of America is the simple fact that no other country in the world places so sacred a value on free speech – indeed, on free expression – as does the United States. Holocaust denial, for instance, is verboten in Germany. Mein Kampf is banned in the Netherlands. France last week criminalized the denial of the Armenian genocide in Turkey (an act that resulted in widespread condemnation by the OIC, whose Secretary General, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, had the audacity, days after the ratification of 16/18, to bluster that those who defend cartoons that mock Mohammed as “freedom of thought and expression” have no business limiting the speech of those who deny the Armenian genocide. “This is an indisputable and unacceptable paradox,” he declared). And so on.

Yet in all of this, America has stood strong in its defense of free speech – even blasphemous, hateful, racist, sexist, Pentecostal, homophobic, and ignorant speech. We must continue to do so, no matter what pressures we may face. Because in the end, limiting our rights to self-expression and – above all – the questioning of religious beliefs – will never help to make the world more peaceful – or more free.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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