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Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/31/2011 2:36:35 PM
Hi Jim,

In one paragraph alone you say your positions haven't changed and then you end with "I'm seeing things a bit different these days". Unfortunately you're contradicting yourself in this one paragraph.

It seems that you now believe Jihad isn't a danger to the US and the world and there is no need to continue with the war against terrorism and worst of all that a nuclear Iran isn't a danger to the USA the big Satan, Israel the little Satan and again the world at large. Just think that in addition to the danger of Iran alone they'll supply their proxies Hamas and Hezbollah and Syria with nuclear bombs or dirty bombs. Again a frightening thought.

Yes, All Wars till Attacked then we anihilate the enemy, till then bring the troops home. Fear is a by product of our current methods. I am for some change with teeth. I want to be able to get on a plane without a strip search, I want to be innocent till proven guilty too. You will not put words into my mouth. Your assumptions are not my thoughts, thank you.

I think having bases in these people's holy land is outrageous! Never should have been there to begin with in my opinion. So maybe they do cause bad feelings among the locals. Especially when we seem to be the bully choosing sides in a neighborhood dispute. At some point someone is going to smack that bully and we all know it.

That said I do not agree with everything Ron Paul says, but as i said before too, NONE of the others speak for me more than Ron Paul. Despite your fears of foreign affairs and at this point that is all it is fear and opinion regarding what RP Presidency may be, Ron Paul has not changed what he has been saying for the years I have been paying attention. I woke up remember? He has supported more of my views and believes in the constitution by God, to boot. So at this point I see him as My Best Candidate to be president of country I live in.

You have my position, and any other assumptions are yours.

In essence your support for Ron Paul means that you agree with all the above (and much more but these are the most important issues IMO). So yes, you certainly are seeing things differently Jim and not a "bit" but a 180º change.

I know you're in favor of legalizing marijuana but I'm sorry to say that he also wants to legalize the hard drugs and I wonder if you agree with that too cos supporting him means that you do and that's a frightening thought.

The 3+ disastrous years of president B Hussein the fraud and great pretender is bad enough but a president Ron Paul (It'll never happen) will be the final nail in the coffin of the once greatest country in the world.

You have changed and as your friend that saddens me but it's your right to do so. While you are sounding more and more like a ronbot I hope at least that you won't adopt the racism that so many of them express in the comments we all see whenever a negative article is published about the kook Ron Paul.

Shalom and a Happy and Prosperous New Year to you and your family.


Okay so I'm a ronbot now. My positions haven't changed but my vision has cleared as to who may hold the same positions as myself. America is threatened and more of the same ain't gonna work anymore. Sorry if that doesn't set well with you but it is time to worry about what happens here at home and not in everyone else's backyard. We have weakened ourselves by overextension and it is time to work on the homeland and not elsewhere. Just look at Iraq and you will see why I feel this way. All that effort, loss of life and we have a civil war going on no sooner than we pulled our troops out. Who pays that bill? The American people yet we, get nothing from the deal and neither did you guys. Yep, I am seeing things a bit different these days.
Hello Jim,

Sorry you didn't see any "new incriminating" information. There might not be much new incriminating information but what it does do is confirm what Paul's detractors have been saying all along about this kook. For many who might not know all that much about him it should be an eye opener. Yet there is new information as well and the bold print brings some of them to the attention of the reader. You yourself said that in your opinion "new incriminating" information wasn't raised I think you're mistaken but you infer that there is already incriminating information about him and yet he is closest to your core beliefs. Interesting.

The bold print is added opinion and not what he actually said.

Wrong Jim,
Here are some excerpts from the statement Eric Dondero sent me (all of the emphasis/bold-lettering was added by me):
The bold print is only to emphasize certain points that Dondero made.

I was surprised no let me correct that not surprised to see that you agree with his pandering speech before the Arab American Institute a Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood/Hezbollah front after reading all your posts in support of Ron Paul. One thing for certain I agree with almost nothing he says and he's famous for pandering to the audience he's speaking before. After reading that you think he's closest to your own core beliefs as you said in one of your threads

The more I see and hear the more I realize that none of them are perfect but Dr. Ron Paul represents more of my core beliefs than any of the other establishment puppets up for nomination. Unless someone steps up I see my vote going to Dr. Ron Paul for the 2012 Republican Primary. I am still waiting for Superman/woman to stand up as a Third Party Candidate.
. This statement alone in a way confirms that you have no problem with B Hussein remaining in office for another 4 years. Whether Paul wins the GOP primary (it'll never happen) or a third party "superman/woman" or he runs on a third party ticket B Hussein will win.

Your summation is totally wrong. I do not want another term for zerObama, but I also will not settle for another Progressive either. Thank you very much it is time for Paul or a Third Party either or I am game for.

Really? We've had this discussion in the past and the numbers haven't changed. The fact remains that a tird party candidate whether it'll be Paul or someone else won't split the Republican/conservative vote something that will only benefit B Hussein and "award" him another 4 years in the WH. If God forbid Paul wins the GOP primaries that's another sure victory for B Hussein. Dream on Jim.

What puzzles me though is how you reconcile your posting for years on the dangers of Jihad and can still support this guy who thinks America is to blame for Jihadi terrorist attacks.
The possibility exists that we ignored the history of the great British Empire and their time i sands of Arabia. Who won? So we decided to stick our noses there too. For what? Resources that were readily available at home?

What are you trying to say with that confusing statement (wanted to say gibberish but I'm to polite for that). You agree with Paul that America is to blame for Jihadi attacks?

You do know the history since you've posted on this and are aware of the dangers of Islam and the many different forms of Jihad. How does this fit in with your "core" beliefs and America first since fighting Jihad is in the self interest of America cos the dangers are to the world at large and specifically to the big Satan America and as you know it is happening.

My view on the threat hasn't changed. But if you watch a video from about 53minutes to the end he does answer that question well.

I listened to the the video from the 3rd minute and it's nothing but a repeat of all the other pro RP videos. This is a Paul film that doesn't include the hard questions where he comes out looking like a fool and the kook he is. Not a convincing source unless you're a Paul fan. This film is almost as bad as using an Alex Jones video as a reliable source.

The same question applies to his being against the war on terrorism. Here Paul and B Hussein are in agreement since he (BHO) changed the lexicon and we no longer know who the war on terrorism is against. Paul would stop the war on terrorism completely. Is this compatible to your core beliefs.

Bringing the troops home, securing our borders and spending that extra Trillion dollars a year on infrastructure and R&D would better serve America I think and stymie the War on Terror because we aren't per-emptive striking targets in somebodies back yard. Even targeting US citizens for annihilation without trial or cause. Stop supporting globalist ideas by being the policeman of the world sounds pretty sound to me.

Again you're saying America is to blame for Jihadi attacks. Have you forgotten that Jihad didn't start with the war in Iraq or Afghanistan? They started over a thousand year ago and over 250,000,000 have been butchered and murdered in the name of Jihad. You're using RP sound bites to refute his kooky beliefs. So the war on terrorism is something that lost almost all value with the B Hussein regime and will be officially ended if the kook ever hits the WH.

His stance on Iran becoming a nuclear power defy logic and you too have written and posted on the dangers of a nuclear Iran. Is this also part of your core beliefs or have they changed again?
Seems it is someone else's back yard again. Not thrilled about it but not sure it is our job or our fight yet. I think it is time we get out of the middle of the Sunni, Shiite, Wahibbi Tribal disputes, myself. We have wasted enough time, money, human life for it all to just go back to what it was a civil conflict we have no business messing with until they come across the pond, then we should strike and strike hard, definite and not this nation building BS of the last ten years or so.

Plus Israel is very capable of handling things without approval from the US. I believe you have the support in theater already.

Ron Paul sound bites again and ignoring the dangers of a nuclear Iran. Paul's been defending Iran for years and unfortunately you're buying into his dangerous hogwash.

Have you forgotten that according to the Iranians the US is the big Satan and Israel is the little Satan? Both have been threatened by the lunatic Iranian theocracy on numerous occasions as have some European countries on a lesser scale. these are facts that can't be ignored yet the kook RP sees no problem with a nuclear Iran.

I can go on and on but people do change as do their beliefs for what ever reason. We're all human but one thing for sure there are many reasons why America has bases all over the world and you know what they are. Paul's simplistically naive foreign policy is very dangerous and will erode the status of the United States even more then B Hussein's succeeded in doing over the past 3 years. Four more years of B Hussein would be bad enough but four years of Ron Paul would truly be a catastrophe and a very dangerous one to the safety, security and well being of the American people and the world for that matter.

I disagree it is time for some true change and believe Ron Paul may be the choice. Or a Third Party Candidate. I believe there are a lot of folks like myself. Time for the Progressives to go.

How does what you said above answer what I wrote?

I've said many times that aside from his fiscal policies and war on the Fed he's a progressive liberal lefty and even further left in many ways then B Hussein is. How does that fit in with your core beliefs?

I simply disagree that he is a progressive.

Yes, we can agree to disagree on that but you used to have a fine tuned ear for liberal progressives and all you have to do is listen to what he says and it rings loud and clear.

I purposely left out his racism, Antisemitism, Anti Israel beliefs. I also left out his Stormfront, KKK, Nazi supporters. As well as his infamous racist newsletters he lyingly claims he knew nothing about and now conveniently repudiates. Cos I doubt if they too are part of your core beliefs, or are they now that you became wiser with age?

Well we have had a lot of those in congress and the White House in the past and will have them again. He cannot vouch for his various support groups no more than zerObama I guess that's a draw.

So what are you implying that because we had racists and bigots in the WH in the past it's OK to support a known racist and bigot? As for vouching for his supporters no he can't but he can reject and repudiate them which he refuses to do. And ask yourself this, why does he attract all these nefarious organizations and individuals? No draw Jim, not even close.



I am still undecided but see more positive with Ron Paul, the more he is targeted from all sides. Anyone that scares everyone may get my vote in the end.

Now here I disagree. After reading all you've posted about him in your threads, elsewhere and your replies here you've already decided. That's definitely your right but I think it's the wrong decision. Using so many of his sound bites makes you sound like a ronbot or as others call them paulbots and not a mainstream conservative who might be attracted by his fiscal policies and fight against the FED. They'll drop him when the true question arises is he electable or not. In my opinion were he to run against B Hussein on the GOP ticket it'll be a landslide victory for the fraud and great pretender.




May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/31/2011 3:10:05 PM
Hi Jim,

In my opinion you woke up on the wrong side of the bed but ....... that's just my opinion.

I see my "assumptions" as being right on target especially with the Paul sound bytes again in your last post.

Again, it's your right to support who you want to and as I said it saddens me that you found Ron Paul to be who "speaks for you more then any of the others". But that's your choice for the moment cos he won't be the nominee for the GOP in the final count. And if as most believe he will go for a third party ticket all he'll be doing is splitting the conservative vote and from what you've said in the past you'll support that too. Another 4 years of B Hussein will be the disastrous outcome of that.

Jim my friend, I don't have to put words in your mouth cos you're doing it all on your own and need no help from me proving my assumptions to be correct.



Hi Jim,

In one paragraph alone you say your positions haven't changed and then you end with "I'm seeing things a bit different these days". Unfortunately you're contradicting yourself in this one paragraph.

It seems that you now believe Jihad isn't a danger to the US and the world and there is no need to continue with the war against terrorism and worst of all that a nuclear Iran isn't a danger to the USA the big Satan, Israel the little Satan and again the world at large. Just think that in addition to the danger of Iran alone they'll supply their proxies Hamas and Hezbollah and Syria with nuclear bombs or dirty bombs. Again a frightening thought.

Yes, All Wars till Attacked then we anihilate the enemy, till then bring the troops home. Fear is a by product of our current methods. I am for some change with teeth. I want to be able to get on a plane without a strip search, I want to be innocent till proven guilty too. You will not put words into my mouth. Your assumptions are not my thoughts, thank you.

I think having bases in these people's holy land is outrageous! Never should have been there to begin with in my opinion. So maybe they do cause bad feelings among the locals. Especially when we seem to be the bully choosing sides in a neighborhood dispute. At some point someone is going to smack that bully and we all know it.

That said I do not agree with everything Ron Paul says, but as i said before too, NONE of the others speak for me more than Ron Paul. Despite your fears of foreign affairs and at this point that is all it is fear and opinion regarding what RP Presidency may be, Ron Paul has not changed what he has been saying for the years I have been paying attention. I woke up remember? He has supported more of my views and believes in the constitution by God, to boot. So at this point I see him as My Best Candidate to be president of country I live in.

You have my position, and any other assumptions are yours.

In essence your support for Ron Paul means that you agree with all the above (and much more but these are the most important issues IMO). So yes, you certainly are seeing things differently Jim and not a "bit" but a 180º change.

I know you're in favor of legalizing marijuana but I'm sorry to say that he also wants to legalize the hard drugs and I wonder if you agree with that too cos supporting him means that you do and that's a frightening thought.

The 3+ disastrous years of president B Hussein the fraud and great pretender is bad enough but a president Ron Paul (It'll never happen) will be the final nail in the coffin of the once greatest country in the world.

You have changed and as your friend that saddens me but it's your right to do so. While you are sounding more and more like a ronbot I hope at least that you won't adopt the racism that so many of them express in the comments we all see whenever a negative article is published about the kook Ron Paul.

Shalom and a Happy and Prosperous New Year to you and your family.


Okay so I'm a ronbot now. My positions haven't changed but my vision has cleared as to who may hold the same positions as myself. America is threatened and more of the same ain't gonna work anymore. Sorry if that doesn't set well with you but it is time to worry about what happens here at home and not in everyone else's backyard. We have weakened ourselves by overextension and it is time to work on the homeland and not elsewhere. Just look at Iraq and you will see why I feel this way. All that effort, loss of life and we have a civil war going on no sooner than we pulled our troops out. Who pays that bill? The American people yet we, get nothing from the deal and neither did you guys. Yep, I am seeing things a bit different these days.
Hello Jim,

Sorry you didn't see any "new incriminating" information. There might not be much new incriminating information but what it does do is confirm what Paul's detractors have been saying all along about this kook. For many who might not know all that much about him it should be an eye opener. Yet there is new information as well and the bold print brings some of them to the attention of the reader. You yourself said that in your opinion "new incriminating" information wasn't raised I think you're mistaken but you infer that there is already incriminating information about him and yet he is closest to your core beliefs. Interesting.

The bold print is added opinion and not what he actually said.

Wrong Jim,
Here are some excerpts from the statement Eric Dondero sent me (all of the emphasis/bold-lettering was added by me):
The bold print is only to emphasize certain points that Dondero made.

I was surprised no let me correct that not surprised to see that you agree with his pandering speech before the Arab American Institute a Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood/Hezbollah front after reading all your posts in support of Ron Paul. One thing for certain I agree with almost nothing he says and he's famous for pandering to the audience he's speaking before. After reading that you think he's closest to your own core beliefs as you said in one of your threads

The more I see and hear the more I realize that none of them are perfect but Dr. Ron Paul represents more of my core beliefs than any of the other establishment puppets up for nomination. Unless someone steps up I see my vote going to Dr. Ron Paul for the 2012 Republican Primary. I am still waiting for Superman/woman to stand up as a Third Party Candidate.
. This statement alone in a way confirms that you have no problem with B Hussein remaining in office for another 4 years. Whether Paul wins the GOP primary (it'll never happen) or a third party "superman/woman" or he runs on a third party ticket B Hussein will win.

Your summation is totally wrong. I do not want another term for zerObama, but I also will not settle for another Progressive either. Thank you very much it is time for Paul or a Third Party either or I am game for.

Really? We've had this discussion in the past and the numbers haven't changed. The fact remains that a tird party candidate whether it'll be Paul or someone else won't split the Republican/conservative vote something that will only benefit B Hussein and "award" him another 4 years in the WH. If God forbid Paul wins the GOP primaries that's another sure victory for B Hussein. Dream on Jim.

What puzzles me though is how you reconcile your posting for years on the dangers of Jihad and can still support this guy who thinks America is to blame for Jihadi terrorist attacks.
The possibility exists that we ignored the history of the great British Empire and their time i sands of Arabia. Who won? So we decided to stick our noses there too. For what? Resources that were readily available at home?

What are you trying to say with that confusing statement (wanted to say gibberish but I'm to polite for that). You agree with Paul that America is to blame for Jihadi attacks?

You do know the history since you've posted on this and are aware of the dangers of Islam and the many different forms of Jihad. How does this fit in with your "core" beliefs and America first since fighting Jihad is in the self interest of America cos the dangers are to the world at large and specifically to the big Satan America and as you know it is happening.

My view on the threat hasn't changed. But if you watch a video from about 53minutes to the end he does answer that question well.

I listened to the the video from the 3rd minute and it's nothing but a repeat of all the other pro RP videos. This is a Paul film that doesn't include the hard questions where he comes out looking like a fool and the kook he is. Not a convincing source unless you're a Paul fan. This film is almost as bad as using an Alex Jones video as a reliable source.

The same question applies to his being against the war on terrorism. Here Paul and B Hussein are in agreement since he (BHO) changed the lexicon and we no longer know who the war on terrorism is against. Paul would stop the war on terrorism completely. Is this compatible to your core beliefs.

Bringing the troops home, securing our borders and spending that extra Trillion dollars a year on infrastructure and R&D would better serve America I think and stymie the War on Terror because we aren't per-emptive striking targets in somebodies back yard. Even targeting US citizens for annihilation without trial or cause. Stop supporting globalist ideas by being the policeman of the world sounds pretty sound to me.

Again you're saying America is to blame for Jihadi attacks. Have you forgotten that Jihad didn't start with the war in Iraq or Afghanistan? They started over a thousand year ago and over 250,000,000 have been butchered and murdered in the name of Jihad. You're using RP sound bites to refute his kooky beliefs. So the war on terrorism is something that lost almost all value with the B Hussein regime and will be officially ended if the kook ever hits the WH.

His stance on Iran becoming a nuclear power defy logic and you too have written and posted on the dangers of a nuclear Iran. Is this also part of your core beliefs or have they changed again?
Seems it is someone else's back yard again. Not thrilled about it but not sure it is our job or our fight yet. I think it is time we get out of the middle of the Sunni, Shiite, Wahibbi Tribal disputes, myself. We have wasted enough time, money, human life for it all to just go back to what it was a civil conflict we have no business messing with until they come across the pond, then we should strike and strike hard, definite and not this nation building BS of the last ten years or so.

Plus Israel is very capable of handling things without approval from the US. I believe you have the support in theater already.

Ron Paul sound bites again and ignoring the dangers of a nuclear Iran. Paul's been defending Iran for years and unfortunately you're buying into his dangerous hogwash.

Have you forgotten that according to the Iranians the US is the big Satan and Israel is the little Satan? Both have been threatened by the lunatic Iranian theocracy on numerous occasions as have some European countries on a lesser scale. these are facts that can't be ignored yet the kook RP sees no problem with a nuclear Iran.

I can go on and on but people do change as do their beliefs for what ever reason. We're all human but one thing for sure there are many reasons why America has bases all over the world and you know what they are. Paul's simplistically naive foreign policy is very dangerous and will erode the status of the United States even more then B Hussein's succeeded in doing over the past 3 years. Four more years of B Hussein would be bad enough but four years of Ron Paul would truly be a catastrophe and a very dangerous one to the safety, security and well being of the American people and the world for that matter.

I disagree it is time for some true change and believe Ron Paul may be the choice. Or a Third Party Candidate. I believe there are a lot of folks like myself. Time for the Progressives to go.

How does what you said above answer what I wrote?

I've said many times that aside from his fiscal policies and war on the Fed he's a progressive liberal lefty and even further left in many ways then B Hussein is. How does that fit in with your core beliefs?

I simply disagree that he is a progressive.

Yes, we can agree to disagree on that but you used to have a fine tuned ear for liberal progressives and all you have to do is listen to what he says and it rings loud and clear.

I purposely left out his racism, Antisemitism, Anti Israel beliefs. I also left out his Stormfront, KKK, Nazi supporters. As well as his infamous racist newsletters he lyingly claims he knew nothing about and now conveniently repudiates. Cos I doubt if they too are part of your core beliefs, or are they now that you became wiser with age?

Well we have had a lot of those in congress and the White House in the past and will have them again. He cannot vouch for his various support groups no more than zerObama I guess that's a draw.

So what are you implying that because we had racists and bigots in the WH in the past it's OK to support a known racist and bigot? As for vouching for his supporters no he can't but he can reject and repudiate them which he refuses to do. And ask yourself this, why does he attract all these nefarious organizations and individuals? No draw Jim, not even close.



I am still undecided but see more positive with Ron Paul, the more he is targeted from all sides. Anyone that scares everyone may get my vote in the end.

Now here I disagree. After reading all you've posted about him in your threads, elsewhere and your replies here you've already decided. That's definitely your right but I think it's the wrong decision. Using so many of his sound bites makes you sound like a ronbot or as others call them paulbots and not a mainstream conservative who might be attracted by his fiscal policies and fight against the FED. They'll drop him when the true question arises is he electable or not. In my opinion were he to run against B Hussein on the GOP ticket it'll be a landslide victory for the fraud and great pretender.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Amanda Martin-Shaver

2587 Posts
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/1/2012 3:06:20 AM
Hello Peter,

When I woke up, I looked around at all the 'fogginess' that I was living within for years, knowing something was not right but not being able to quite put my finger on the problem. From a couple of youtubes and articles I read and listened to the veil was off. I am fully awake..

Ron Paul is aware of most of what is happening and is speaking out and exposing what the public has not been told. It was made well aware by alternative media that MSM would be told to go after him and dredge up the dirt on him - however it is kind of funny that the dirt is over 20 years old.

Ever since I have been researching and learning as much as I can so I will be at least a couple of steps ahead of the foe.

I'm a RACIST for criticizing Obama.
I'm a TERRORIST because I'm not afraid to stand up for what's right.
I'm a TEA-BAGGER for supporting the Constitution.
I'm a TROUBLEMAKER for asking unanswered questions.
I'm a TRAITOR for blowing the whistle on our corrupt government.
I'm a CONSPIRACY THEORIST for presenting documented facts.
I'm a TROLL for uploading news, videos, quotes and pointing out government atrocities against law-abiding citizens.
And, I'm ANTI- AMERICAN for supporting Constitutionalists.
If that's the charge then yes, I'm GUILTY!
I am not ashamed of my country (I'm ashamed of our government)
and I will die defending my rights.

The US is in Socialism which is following in the footsteps of Nazi Germany and these people were deceived by masses of drugs, mind control, brain washing, food, water.. so they do not grasp many false flag events, that they are.

You say Ron Paul legalizes drugs - when they are brought through by the Govt and are distributed for people to get hooked on
Taylor made cigarettes have an added 599 deadly additives placed into the tobacco and paper are designed to be addicted too and they cause cancer to many people whether smokers or not and are legal.

I would sooner have the choice and knowledge of the 'drugs' that are being forced upon me.
I am sure you aware of the huge side effects of drugs on advertisements and these are FDA approved!! Marijuana has never been proved to cause harm or death that synthetic drugs cause. Even natural supplements and vitamins are being banned because they are not FDA approved. How can Govt ban God made plants etc for our health and well being, yet they are..
Armish who grow their own vegetables, milk their cows etc are being threatened with arrest or told to shut down! - All things that are actually good and healthy for us are being banned while they force feed us on GMO's and many other harmful substances. The insanity. I want to be able to choose what I eat and drink, and what is in my pain pills etc and make my own informed choices

Barb Doyles thread on False Flags

It is a fact that US has not had any terrorist attacks since 9/11 false flag event. Yet we have come under Martial Law and can be detained without probable cause and arrested for suspicion of terrorism parallel to Al-Qaeda.!! How did this happen that US citizens have become the enemy now?? What did we do?

First responders 9/11 and the public whom were exposed to the flying debris and dust have become seriously and fatally sick from the asbestos that flew out of the towers - too expensive to replace the asbestos and make the buildings safe? Easier to use as false flag and blame a muslim.

The US has been involved in wars for around 30 years which New Zealand, Australia, Canada and other Commonwealth countries have been dragged into. US has become the 'big bully' on the block and should mind our own business - but wars make money especially when the Shadow secret Govt can play one side off against the other and make money from both sides by supplying the weapons used and also kill off millions of people in the bargain.

The exposure to military from dirty uranium, dirty bombs, agent orange and other deadly poisonous substances all maims and kills slowly and effecting their families and future babies which have been born with defects. There is not enough insurance coverage for them or they are completely swept under the carpet.

It is a fact that Eric Holder was behind the 'Fast and Furious' gun running into Mexico to blame it on domestic terrorists and backfired - it is searchable.
It is fact that Afghanistan was not in the drug trade before Soldiers were put into service to grow poppies and then guard the opium. Searchable.
US Govt drug run
It is fact that the Underwear bomber, was placed on the plane by CIA or other 'letter mobs' - searchable.

Nazi Germany committed atrocious murders in the holocaust guess who was behind this, and behind Agenda 21 and sustained living FEMA Camps, similar to Germany.

US, New Zealand, Australia and Canada that I know of us Corporations within the large Corporation of Queen Elizabeth, The Vatican and Washington DC which without their citizens knowledge were placed into these corporations and are assets and slaves because the system does not recognise 'human beings'. Birth certificate, marriage license, car titles, property titles which are written in all capital letters makes these assets over to the Corporation.

Full page of Prince Philip German born ancestory and Nazi links.

Secrets of royal wedding exposed

Royal Family Enforces Media Embargo Against Australia To Prevent Nazi Jokes

The Duke and Duchess of Windsor meet Adolf Hitler in 1937.

Rise of the Fourth Reich: Alex Jones Interviews Jim Marrs

Ron Paul and a Timeline of CIA Crimes and Atrocities

These are just a short list of what is online.

I have said before, I do not fear the muslims. The Globalists have and are doing much more because millions of people have been maimed, murdered, died slowly and pained while vast amounts are effected so badly they will never recover from the gross atrocities been done to them.

I want to be free of these wars and help get these 'mad globalist' put behind bars where they belong, and actually know what living without being manipulated and in a dream state that happened.

We have all been robbed of who we really are or what we could do because of a few evil doers thought to control the world. Maybe Ron Paul will not get elected this time, but at least he is helping wake more people up, - and the Globalists are aware of this fact they are loosing the information war because they are pulling out all the stops to get their agenda done, which is only waking more people up.


Hi Jim,

In my opinion you woke up on the wrong side of the bed but ....... that's just my opinion.

I see my "assumptions" as being right on target especially with the Paul sound bytes again in your last post.

Again, it's your right to support who you want to and as I said it saddens me that you found Ron Paul to be who "speaks for you more then any of the others". But that's your choice for the moment cos he won't be the nominee for the GOP in the final count. And if as most believe he will go for a third party ticket all he'll be doing is splitting the conservative vote and from what you've said in the past you'll support that too. Another 4 years of B Hussein will be the disastrous outcome of that.

Jim my friend, I don't have to put words in your mouth cos you're doing it all on your own and need no help from me proving my assumptions to be correct.



Hi Jim,

In one paragraph alone you say your positions haven't changed and then you end with "I'm seeing things a bit different these days". Unfortunately you're contradicting yourself in this one paragraph.

It seems that you now believe Jihad isn't a danger to the US and the world and there is no need to continue with the war against terrorism and worst of all that a nuclear Iran isn't a danger to the USA the big Satan, Israel the little Satan and again the world at large. Just think that in addition to the danger of Iran alone they'll supply their proxies Hamas and Hezbollah and Syria with nuclear bombs or dirty bombs. Again a frightening thought.

Yes, All Wars till Attacked then we anihilate the enemy, till then bring the troops home. Fear is a by product of our current methods. I am for some change with teeth. I want to be able to get on a plane without a strip search, I want to be innocent till proven guilty too. You will not put words into my mouth. Your assumptions are not my thoughts, thank you.

I think having bases in these people's holy land is outrageous! Never should have been there to begin with in my opinion. So maybe they do cause bad feelings among the locals. Especially when we seem to be the bully choosing sides in a neighborhood dispute. At some point someone is going to smack that bully and we all know it.

That said I do not agree with everything Ron Paul says, but as i said before too, NONE of the others speak for me more than Ron Paul. Despite your fears of foreign affairs and at this point that is all it is fear and opinion regarding what RP Presidency may be, Ron Paul has not changed what he has been saying for the years I have been paying attention. I woke up remember? He has supported more of my views and believes in the constitution by God, to boot. So at this point I see him as My Best Candidate to be president of country I live in.

You have my position, and any other assumptions are yours.

In essence your support for Ron Paul means that you agree with all the above (and much more but these are the most important issues IMO). So yes, you certainly are seeing things differently Jim and not a "bit" but a 180º change.

I know you're in favor of legalizing marijuana but I'm sorry to say that he also wants to legalize the hard drugs and I wonder if you agree with that too cos supporting him means that you do and that's a frightening thought.

The 3+ disastrous years of president B Hussein the fraud and great pretender is bad enough but a president Ron Paul (It'll never happen) will be the final nail in the coffin of the once greatest country in the world.

You have changed and as your friend that saddens me but it's your right to do so. While you are sounding more and more like a ronbot I hope at least that you won't adopt the racism that so many of them express in the comments we all see whenever a negative article is published about the kook Ron Paul.

Shalom and a Happy and Prosperous New Year to you and your family.


Okay so I'm a ronbot now. My positions haven't changed but my vision has cleared as to who may hold the same positions as myself. America is threatened and more of the same ain't gonna work anymore. Sorry if that doesn't set well with you but it is time to worry about what happens here at home and not in everyone else's backyard. We have weakened ourselves by overextension and it is time to work on the homeland and not elsewhere. Just look at Iraq and you will see why I feel this way. All that effort, loss of life and we have a civil war going on no sooner than we pulled our troops out. Who pays that bill? The American people yet we, get nothing from the deal and neither did you guys. Yep, I am seeing things a bit different these days.
Hello Jim,

Sorry you didn't see any "new incriminating" information. There might not be much new incriminating information but what it does do is confirm what Paul's detractors have been saying all along about this kook. For many who might not know all that much about him it should be an eye opener. Yet there is new information as well and the bold print brings some of them to the attention of the reader. You yourself said that in your opinion "new incriminating" information wasn't raised I think you're mistaken but you infer that there is already incriminating information about him and yet he is closest to your core beliefs. Interesting.

The bold print is added opinion and not what he actually said.

Wrong Jim,
Here are some excerpts from the statement Eric Dondero sent me (all of the emphasis/bold-lettering was added by me):
The bold print is only to emphasize certain points that Dondero made.

I was surprised no let me correct that not surprised to see that you agree with his pandering speech before the Arab American Institute a Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood/Hezbollah front after reading all your posts in support of Ron Paul. One thing for certain I agree with almost nothing he says and he's famous for pandering to the audience he's speaking before. After reading that you think he's closest to your own core beliefs as you said in one of your threads

The more I see and hear the more I realize that none of them are perfect but Dr. Ron Paul represents more of my core beliefs than any of the other establishment puppets up for nomination. Unless someone steps up I see my vote going to Dr. Ron Paul for the 2012 Republican Primary. I am still waiting for Superman/woman to stand up as a Third Party Candidate.
. This statement alone in a way confirms that you have no problem with B Hussein remaining in office for another 4 years. Whether Paul wins the GOP primary (it'll never happen) or a third party "superman/woman" or he runs on a third party ticket B Hussein will win.

Your summation is totally wrong. I do not want another term for zerObama, but I also will not settle for another Progressive either. Thank you very much it is time for Paul or a Third Party either or I am game for.

Really? We've had this discussion in the past and the numbers haven't changed. The fact remains that a tird party candidate whether it'll be Paul or someone else won't split the Republican/conservative vote something that will only benefit B Hussein and "award" him another 4 years in the WH. If God forbid Paul wins the GOP primaries that's another sure victory for B Hussein. Dream on Jim.

What puzzles me though is how you reconcile your posting for years on the dangers of Jihad and can still support this guy who thinks America is to blame for Jihadi terrorist attacks.
The possibility exists that we ignored the history of the great British Empire and their time i sands of Arabia. Who won? So we decided to stick our noses there too. For what? Resources that were readily available at home?

What are you trying to say with that confusing statement (wanted to say gibberish but I'm to polite for that). You agree with Paul that America is to blame for Jihadi attacks?

You do know the history since you've posted on this and are aware of the dangers of Islam and the many different forms of Jihad. How does this fit in with your "core" beliefs and America first since fighting Jihad is in the self interest of America cos the dangers are to the world at large and specifically to the big Satan America and as you know it is happening.

My view on the threat hasn't changed. But if you watch a video from about 53minutes to the end he does answer that question well.

I listened to the the video from the 3rd minute and it's nothing but a repeat of all the other pro RP videos. This is a Paul film that doesn't include the hard questions where he comes out looking like a fool and the kook he is. Not a convincing source unless you're a Paul fan. This film is almost as bad as using an Alex Jones video as a reliable source.

The same question applies to his being against the war on terrorism. Here Paul and B Hussein are in agreement since he (BHO) changed the lexicon and we no longer know who the war on terrorism is against. Paul would stop the war on terrorism completely. Is this compatible to your core beliefs.

Bringing the troops home, securing our borders and spending that extra Trillion dollars a year on infrastructure and R&D would better serve America I think and stymie the War on Terror because we aren't per-emptive striking targets in somebodies back yard. Even targeting US citizens for annihilation without trial or cause. Stop supporting globalist ideas by being the policeman of the world sounds pretty sound to me.

Again you're saying America is to blame for Jihadi attacks. Have you forgotten that Jihad didn't start with the war in Iraq or Afghanistan? They started over a thousand year ago and over 250,000,000 have been butchered and murdered in the name of Jihad. You're using RP sound bites to refute his kooky beliefs. So the war on terrorism is something that lost almost all value with the B Hussein regime and will be officially ended if the kook ever hits the WH.

His stance on Iran becoming a nuclear power defy logic and you too have written and posted on the dangers of a nuclear Iran. Is this also part of your core beliefs or have they changed again?
Seems it is someone else's back yard again. Not thrilled about it but not sure it is our job or our fight yet. I think it is time we get out of the middle of the Sunni, Shiite, Wahibbi Tribal disputes, myself. We have wasted enough time, money, human life for it all to just go back to what it was a civil conflict we have no business messing with until they come across the pond, then we should strike and strike hard, definite and not this nation building BS of the last ten years or so.

Plus Israel is very capable of handling things without approval from the US. I believe you have the support in theater already.

Ron Paul sound bites again and ignoring the dangers of a nuclear Iran. Paul's been defending Iran for years and unfortunately you're buying into his dangerous hogwash.

Have you forgotten that according to the Iranians the US is the big Satan and Israel is the little Satan? Both have been threatened by the lunatic Iranian theocracy on numerous occasions as have some European countries on a lesser scale. these are facts that can't be ignored yet the kook RP sees no problem with a nuclear Iran.

I can go on and on but people do change as do their beliefs for what ever reason. We're all human but one thing for sure there are many reasons why America has bases all over the world and you know what they are. Paul's simplistically naive foreign policy is very dangerous and will erode the status of the United States even more then B Hussein's succeeded in doing over the past 3 years. Four more years of B Hussein would be bad enough but four years of Ron Paul would truly be a catastrophe and a very dangerous one to the safety, security and well being of the American people and the world for that matter.

I disagree it is time for some true change and believe Ron Paul may be the choice. Or a Third Party Candidate. I believe there are a lot of folks like myself. Time for the Progressives to go.

How does what you said above answer what I wrote?

I've said many times that aside from his fiscal policies and war on the Fed he's a progressive liberal lefty and even further left in many ways then B Hussein is. How does that fit in with your core beliefs?

I simply disagree that he is a progressive.

Yes, we can agree to disagree on that but you used to have a fine tuned ear for liberal progressives and all you have to do is listen to what he says and it rings loud and clear.

I purposely left out his racism, Antisemitism, Anti Israel beliefs. I also left out his Stormfront, KKK, Nazi supporters. As well as his infamous racist newsletters he lyingly claims he knew nothing about and now conveniently repudiates. Cos I doubt if they too are part of your core beliefs, or are they now that you became wiser with age?

Well we have had a lot of those in congress and the White House in the past and will have them again. He cannot vouch for his various support groups no more than zerObama I guess that's a draw.

So what are you implying that because we had racists and bigots in the WH in the past it's OK to support a known racist and bigot? As for vouching for his supporters no he can't but he can reject and repudiate them which he refuses to do. And ask yourself this, why does he attract all these nefarious organizations and individuals? No draw Jim, not even close.



I am still undecided but see more positive with Ron Paul, the more he is targeted from all sides. Anyone that scares everyone may get my vote in the end.

Now here I disagree. After reading all you've posted about him in your threads, elsewhere and your replies here you've already decided. That's definitely your right but I think it's the wrong decision. Using so many of his sound bites makes you sound like a ronbot or as others call them paulbots and not a mainstream conservative who might be attracted by his fiscal policies and fight against the FED. They'll drop him when the true question arises is he electable or not. In my opinion were he to run against B Hussein on the GOP ticket it'll be a landslide victory for the fraud and great pretender.



Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/1/2012 12:34:23 PM
Hi Robert,

I must admit and I did at the time the video you posted prepared by professional pilots was a thought provoking video. The video you posted now is a long one and I'll watch it asap.

Now your short list is interesting in that I too am not a truther as you already know. I must admit that I am not all that knowledgeable about chem trails and it's a subject I'll look into.

The rest of your short list is completely compatible with mine even though I have additional very serious concerns as you know. Not only am I not a conspiracy theorist I have an aversion to those that see a conspiracy under every rock and when anything happens they define it as a false flag operation. Not my cuppa tea. As for global warming, abortions and definitely Political Correctness we are of one mind.

That said I will watch the video and see if I learn something new that I didn't know already. Looking forward to it.

My forum is always open to discussions on almost any topic but as I told Amanda more then once when a topic is discussed to death and we still disagree it becomes a wasted effort on both sides.

Shalom and again I want to wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year.



[if !mso]> [endif]Hi Peter,
It’s not in my intention to harass or to impose my way of thinking but because you do agree Peter that a forum, especially of this length, can tolerate opposed insights into the debate so as to liven it up a spot. I am not a ‘truther’ nor am I a conspiracy theorist, I do however bark strongly against idiocies such as chemtrails, global warming, lunacies concerning abortion rights and pc lies. (The list is not exhaustive here!) Would love to find time to develop these a little but am busy with other things.

However, sometimes one crosses a video on YouTube or from elsewhere that does make a point, and even if it does not satisfy totally as is the case with the one I posted two days back, it does bring up an insight that is rather disturbing to say the least. It does need to be taken into account that today in Europe 65% of people no longer believe the official 9/11 theory. In the USA the numbers are I believe 40~45% and climbing.

Some weeks back I posted a video concerning the aircraft’s incompatibility of such a feat. Remember large civilian planes are for transporting passengers and freight from A to B, nothing more, they are build to extreme performance only for that job, anything away from this specific envelope is calling for trouble big time.

Here is on the same lines (No Alex Jones here ;-)) the fatal day exposed by serious people from various professions with regards to what happened on the ground during that day. Food for thought.

It’s a short video of 1 and a half hours truly interesting due to the professional approach and attitude these people have vis-à-vis the subject.

It all brings to my understanding that; in line with the forum’s object, by definition a democratic politician is incapable of taking the severe decisions necessary to restore fiscal and financial sanity back to the Western World, because if he wants to be re-elected he cannot touch the subject.

Kind Regards.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/1/2012 4:09:08 PM

Hello Peter and friends. I thought this article by Alan Caruba was very insightful and I certainly hope he's right on all accounts.

In 2012 Americans will take steps to end the scandals and deprecations of the Obama administration

How Not to Go Crazy in 2012

- Alan Caruba Sunday, January 1, 2012
Election years tend to create a level of frenzy concerning the selection of the nominees and the outcome. The media feed this in order to keep readers reading and viewers viewing. The history of American elections has always been one of vituperation between the parties, so there is nothing new about this. Indeed, since so much depends on it, the political free-for-all is a healthy exercise.

It can, however, make for a difficult environment in which to go about one’s life; the air filled with charge and counter-charge, polls going up and down, and a general sense that something is very wrong with the way the the government functions.

On the bright side, a gridlocked Congress may bring a measure of relief to everyone. Writing about gridlock in January 2011, Marcus E. Ethridge, a professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin, noted that “By fostering gridlock, the U.S. Constitution increases the likelihood that policies will reflect broad, unorganized interests instead of the interests of narrow, organized groups.” In 2011, we saw what happens when advocates of “renewable energy”, wind and solar power, or electric cars, get priority over the needs of most Americans for reliable energy and transportation.

At the heart of the 2012 election will be the recognition that the economy is still not recovering, that government is seeking to extend and expand its control over our lives, and, even among former supporters of Barack Obama, that he has been a failure of historic proportions.government functions.

A Friday Rasmussen Reports said that “Voters right now give the edge to Republicans when asked which political party is likely to win the White House and control both the House of Representatives and the Senate in next November’s election”, adding that “a lot of voters are undecided.” Those voters may actually wait until entering the polls to cast their vote.

Another bad piece of news for President Obama is a new comparative analysis of current voter registration data in key electoral states of Nevada and North Carolina. According to the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, there has been “a drastic drop from 2008 levels when a record-high proportion of young Americans turned out overwhelmingly to cast their votes to elect Barack Obama as President.” This is significant because more than two-thirds of young voters supported the Obama/Biden ticket in 2008.

The President had a low moment following the passage of Obamacare that transformed itself into the Tea Party movement and an even worse one in 2010 when it propelled a large number of Republicans into the House of Representatives, causing its control to change hands. He has had, in fact, only one truly high moment and that occurred when he announced the killing of Osama bin Laden in May 2011. At the time, he typically took complete credit. In a speech at Fort Bragg to returning troops from Iraq, the word “victory” was never spoken.

Americans are not unmindful that the downgrade of the rating of the nation’s sovereign debt, the first in the nation’s history, was announced on Obama’s watch. The rate of “official” unemployment has receded to 8.6% but most Americans are well aware that it is far closer to 11% or more. America continues to experience that longest period of long-term unemployment since the 1930s.

For these and a myriad of other reasons, there is little reason to conclude that President Obama has any chance whatever of being reelected. The widespread contempt for Congress is also a hopeful sign for change. These are reasons to remain calm amidst the din of electioneering in the months ahead.

There is, however, all manner of troubles brewing in the world. Europe will have to find a solution to what will happen if its southern tier of nations elects to default on their sovereign debt. Cracks in the European Union are evident. If it falls apart, it will be very messy, but Europe existed before the EU and would if it disbands.

The Middle East is in the midst of a huge struggle between its fanatical Muslim faction and a population unhappy enough with former dictators to have forced out several in 2011 with the prospect that Syria’s Bashar Assad will fall in 2012.

Iran remains the wild card and its nuclear dreams will likely end with a well-timed and well-executed attack by Israel. Israel saved the world from a nuclear Iraq in 1981 and a nuclear Syria in 2007. An attack on Iranian nuclear and military facilities could trigger an internal movement to overthrow the mullahs.

There are other wild cards in the Middle East. The Palestinians show no indication of giving up their dream of destroying Israel. That will not happen. Without Iranian support, both Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza will be set adrift. Muslim atrocities in nations such as Nigeria where Christian churches were bombed on Christmas Day will contribute to a growing movement against Islamic terrorism. It will not happen overnight, but it will happen.

Even the Russians show signs of tiring of their post-Soviet ruling class led by Vladimir Putin.

America faces a long period of restructuring the socialist programs that began in the 1930s and reached their peak in the 1960s. Should the GOP gain control of Congress and Obama is defeated, real change will occur.

Two other factors signal better times ahead. They are the failure of the global warming hoax and the disdain the “Occupy” movement engendered.

In 2012 Americans will take steps to end the scandals and deprecations of the Obama administration.

We shall ignore the anticipated shouts of racism.

We shall see the Supreme Court disembowel Obamacare or set in motion its repeal by a GOP controlled Congress.

We will select a President and a Congress to put things right.

© Alan Caruba, 2012



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