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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/30/2011 6:06:34 PM
Hey Evelyn,

It sure is relevant and as he said in t he video the years ahead will be disastrous due to the interest payments alone not to mention the debt that will remain the same or increase due to further irrational spending.




Peter, it may not be a new video, but it was new to me and I'm sure it will more than likely be new to others too. Regardless of how long it's been around, it is still relevant to the situation today.


Hi Evelyn,

This is not a new video. It's been around since 3/11 and has had over 5.000.000 views. The information is mind boggling and frightening. Thanks for posting it.




Hello Peter and friends. I just got this video from my brother and since Obama is asking for another increase in the debt limit this video will explain just how far government spending has taken us to the point of no return. This gentleman lays it out to where everyone should be able to understand just how foolish raising the debt limit is and has been.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/30/2011 6:10:26 PM
Hi Evelyn,

Judi McLeod is one of my favorites as well and she outdid herself with this article.




Hello friends, as some of you may or may not know, Judi McLeod is a favorite journalist of mine, who seems to have a knack to putting things into perspective and in my opinion this is one of her better articles. As I read it, I could see so many of these things already happening.

Survival does not come from Czars or OWS. Survival is for those who believe in themselves and mostly from a belief that has never faded over time: “In God we trust.”

2012: ‘The Year of the Scare’

- Judi McLeod Thursday, December 29, 2011

2012 is about to come hurtling into our lives. If the coming New Year could be defined, before even being played out, it would be called ‘The Year of the Scare’.

With a myriad of sources vying to capture the attention of everyday people, it will get very difficult sorting out what is true and what is false.

Stories about government watch lists will join warnings about coming communication blackouts, the death of the worldwide web, the return of the plague, contagious influenza with the power to kill off world populations, bloody revolutions on the street imposed by shady powers behind the well-funded, media darling Occupy Wall Street (OWS) Movement.

By the time a modern day Samuel Pepys happens along to make sense of it all, events will have frightened some people from coming out of their homes.

People are being deliberately kept on the edge. People kept on the edge are not as productive as they would be on an even playing field.

Seeping already into the ongoing exchange of ideas is a strong sense of embitterment that can be seen on website comment sections, and one steadily making enemies of longtime friends.

Political arguments are gathering heat, and screaming matches are replacing what were once only political disagreements.

Over the months leading up to Election Year, a not-so-subtle shift has taken place.

Thanks to the embittered Clintons, carping Hollywood stars, and all those ready to blame their personal life failures on anyone else, the Enemy of the State was George Bush, who political replacement Barack Obama has done a stellar job keeping blame on for the steady decline of the United States of America.

But blaming Bush is only an astroturfed political convenience. The biggest and most dangerous shift that has come into the public arena is the one that lets off the hook the first and only president who has publicly promised the fundamental Transformation of America.

How does this shift survive in the light of day?

How did it happen that more heated opinion and embitterment follow presidential candidates than the man under whose watch the economy failed, the free market was effectively suppressed and where jobs disappeared into a sink hole and still disappear daily?

As challenging 2012 unfolds to November 6, people will be hard pressed to escape Obama and the Czars many coming Friday “fright nights”.

Much of what is coming for patriots will be based on fear mongering. Most of what the power-hungry government sends out is based on the strategy of wanting you to think what they are going to do.

The Government wants you to think it, worry it and sweat it.

They are shutting down the Internet?

Nobody needs the Internet more than the government in Election Year.

They are now stocking FEMA camps in which to herd people? The only sensible answer for that is: “We’re not going anywhere”.

OWS activists are sending out their version of ‘Survival for Dummies‘ because they are predicting bloodshed on the streets?

The Rule of Law prevents it.

A virulent new flu strain is going to wipe out the entire population?

The United Nations has come up with several influenza scares since Obama took office.

With the mainstream media now dancing along the same party trail as some of the major conspiracy theorists, how to distinguish between truth and propaganda?

Apply the beloved Ronald Reagan’s lifelong rule of thumb: “Trust, but verify”.

The world unfolds now as it has through many other dark and trying eras.

Survival does not come from Czars or OWS. Survival is for those who believe in themselves and mostly from a belief that has never faded over time: “In God we trust.”

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/30/2011 6:12:01 PM
Hello Friends,

The below article and video deals with foreign policy and shows how out of touch the kook Ron Paul is in this regard. John Bolton is an experienced diplomat and foreign policy expert and the Paul supporters and ronbots won't like what he has to say about Ron Paul.

In addition I'm adding a related graphic and some commentary from Debbie Schlussel as well.



Bolton: If You’re Thinking Of Voting For Ron Paul, ‘Think Again’

"That’s why I think the debate on the Republican side is so important. And why when I see, I have to be candid, a candidate like Ron Paul whose foreign policy is if anything is worse than the Obama administration apparently leading in Iowa according to some polls, it just gives me great concern...So if you’re thinking about Ron Paul because of his domestic issues, think again and look at virtually any of the other candidates and consider how they would be as Commander-in-Chief. That’s the president’s first duty, defending the country."


Previously at Atlas:

Ron Paul: U.S. Shouldn't Have Fought Hitler Just to Save Jews From Holocaust

Ron Paul Walks Out On CNN Interview When Asked About His Newsletter Blaming Israel for 1993 WTC Attack

Ron Paul's Racist Newsletters

December 29, 2011, - 3:37 pm

GREAT Ron Paul Cartoon!

By Debbie Schlussel

My favorite new political cartoonist is the multi-talented Fred Taub, the author of the “Pepy’s Coffee Shop” cartoons. Below is one of his best, and it’s spot on. Fred is also the expert behind Boycott Watch and the author of “Boycotting Peace: Why Divestment Is Turning Truth On Its Head,” the groundbreaking book on the pan-Muslim boycott against Israel and the anti-Semitic Boycott/Divestment/ Sanctions movement. Fred is also a computer genius who did work for NASA. Aside from all of that, he also has a witty sense of humor. And this is just one example, with great commentary on Ron Paul.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/30/2011 8:54:32 PM
Hi Peter,

I suspect that much of this video is not in line with your political insights. However, it does raise an eyebrow above the problematic of who is the next WH resident as of next November; will it all be a calm and happy transfer of responsibility? Whatever may happen in 2012 will surely be interesting to watch because as I see it the truthers are gaining ground fast and will not be considered as a sect for very much longer, whether in the USA or in Europe for that matter. So do enjoy your happy New Year which I wish you it be most prosperous and enjoyable. ;-)

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/31/2011 2:42:16 AM

This article needs no introduction. It is self explanatory.

Is there anything more repugnant than liberal hypocrisy at Christmas?

Aloha! from Your Humble Liberal “Servants” in Paradise!

- John Lillpop Thursday, December 29, 2011
As Father Time prepares to usher in another New Year, tens of millions of “average” Americans face a daily struggle just to secure shelter, food, and other commodities essentials to survival. Nearly 50 million receive food stamps; millions more face foreclosure of their homes and personal bankruptcy.
While millions of common people grovel in economic despair, those Democrat politicians who scream the loudest for ‘redistribution of wealth’ (other people’s, not their own!) have abandoned the rigors of winter in Washington and San Francisco for a fortnight, or more, of luxurious fun and frolic in the Paradise of the Pacific, also known as the Hawaiian Islands.
President Obama and his entourage of kin and friends is a perfect example of the rich and reckless gone amuck. Unfortunately, the tab for Obama’s excesses are being picked up by taxpayers, reportedly to the tune of $4 million dollars
How does one who promotes himself a “Warrior” for the middle-class (and lower) reconcile his anti-wealth,
Bleeding hearts looking to tend to the needs of the poor and the less fortunate will find very few photo opportunities for such benevolence on the beaches of Waikiki or on Oahu’s most splendid golf courses!
Then we have the liberal queen of the U.S. House, the incomparable Nancy Pelosi who is visiting the big Island of Hawaii.
Ms. Pelosi, always looking for an opportunity to give your money away to the poor or other liberal cause, has quite a stash of her own. Which is how the Former Speaker is able to pay $10,000 a night for lodging!anti-luxury rhetoric with his own wallowing in Hawaiian splendor and excess?
For the rest of us left behind on the mainland, many are trying to decide between heating their homes and making a mortgage payment on a property that will surely be in foreclosure during the year.
To such people, remember that your liberal heroine needs $10,000 a night just for lodging!
Is there anything more repugnant than liberal hypocrisy at Christmas?

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