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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/29/2011 7:50:27 PM
Hello Friends,

Dick Morris' has explained on a few of his lunch time videos what his opinion of Ron Paul is. Below is an article reviewing his thought when he was a guest on he O'Reilly Factor. It's a short article but with some interesting insights and facts about the kook Ron Paul.



Dick Morris: Ron Paul More Liberal Than Obama

Thursday, 29 Dec 2011 12:23 AM

Speaking on Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor" Wednesday night, political strategist and best-selling author Dick Morris called Rep. Ron Paul's rise in the polling for the Iowa caucuses as one of the most distressing political developments of the season.

Morris told substitute host Eric Bolling that it was "horrible" that Paul was doing so well. Several polls have him leading in Iowa, though in recent days former House Speaker Newt Gingrich seems to be mounting a comeback.

"I think that he is absolutely the most liberal, radical, left wing person to run for president in the united states in the last 50 years," Morris said. "Nobody else wants to dismantle the military, including Obama, but he does. Even Obama doesn't want to repeal the patriot act. But he does.

"Even Obama doesn't say that we caused 9-11 and brought it on ourselves. But Ron Paul does. Even Obama doesn't want to legalize heroin and cocaine, but Ron Paul does. This guy is no conservative. This guy is a ultra, ultraleft wing radical.

Bolling asked what happens if Paul wins at least 20 percent of the vote.

"I pray he doesn't," Morris said. "I pray the voters of Iowa recover their senses. Anyone who votes for Ron Paul might as well vote for Obama. There is nobody with an ounce of political sense that believes he can defeat president Obama."

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/29/2011 8:02:23 PM
Hello Friends,

Here's another interesting article about Ron Paul by Ron Radosh. He discusses the question who is Ron Paul and his findings aren't complimentary. Another interesting read.



Who Is Ron Paul? As the Iowa Caucus Approaches, We Are Learning a Great Deal About Paul. What We Know is Not Good for Him

December 27, 2011 - 9:48 am - by Ron Radosh

As the polls still show Ron Paul possibly winning the Iowa caucus, more and more people are beginning to take a closer look at what the congressman really believes. The results are not favorable to his image. Paul has his cadre of fanatical defenders, and an on-the-ground organization dedicated to producing a win for him in Iowa. But as we all should realize, the winner of the Iowa caucus is not likely to become the Republican Party nominee — except if it is Mitt Romney.

Ask Mike Huckabee, who won the 2008 caucus and went on to a resounding collapse elsewhere. Indeed, the Iowa caucus itself is hardly representative of primary contests in other states, where depending on state rules, a Republican Party primary can find all eligible Republican voters and eligible registered independents also voting. To participate in a caucus, you have to show up, spend a few hours deciding where to stand when it is time to cast your preference, and let your neighbors and friends know precisely whom you voted for. As Huckabee predicted the other day, if the weather is very bad, Paul will win. If it is good weather and easy to get about, Romney will become the winner.

As for what Paul represents, everyone should carefully read the single most incisive dissection of what drives Paul’s supporters and Paul himself. It appears on the website of “The Sultan Knish,” a.k.a. Daniel Greenfield. For some time, I have commented on the dangers of the supporters of a Left-Right antiwar coalition, one that some call the Red-Green coalition or the joining together of the supporters of Pat Buchanan and the last Stalinist in America, Alexander Cockburn. During the Clinton years of the intervention in Bosnia, Cockburn and Buchanan shared the speaker’s podium at anti-war rallies. Today, the equivalent is the similar positions taken by Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich or Ralph Nader, who have indistinguishable policies.

On this issue, Greenfield makes the following observation:

When Ted Rall was recently dreaming of a left-right revolution against the government, the Paul Pot have been openly talking about it. Rand Paul discussed a left-right coalition for rolling back the “American Empire”. That sort of crossover is what makes Ron Paul valuable. The media championed him as an Anti-War Republican because he offered a left-right coalition against the War on Terror.

For all that the wonks insist on viewing America as a red and blue state lineup, there are a lot of other colors in the mix. More than the libertarians, most of whom have a limited comfort level with Paul, there are various flavors of anarchists, white supremacists, conspiracy theorists, and people who are even further off the map. They are a politically underserved demographic and while they won’t win elections, they have the obsessive nature and the time to make a difference.

Ron Paul’s broad appeal is that he promises to reduce the power of government and American power in general, and that’s something everyone from Communists to Nazis, anarchists to monarchists can get behind. Revolutions begin with a broad front assault on the system and Ron Paul has ended up as the symbol of a broad front of those who see some political, financial or other benefit from taking down the system.

That’s why Ron Paul’s generic policy positions, which aside from drabs of paranoia are not all that distinguishable from many of his opponents, are not really the issue. His pet obsessions even less so except that they allow him to speak the language of his supporters and they make him completely irrelevant on most other issues.

Greenfield continues to point out that “everyone who found the idea of Muslim terrorists massacring thousands of Americans to be an uncomfortable fit with their ideology began finding ways to blame it on America. That’s where Paul’s left-right coalition against the war comes from. The New Left and Paleoconservatives came together to deny reality and found a common cause in maintaining a delusional worldview.” In making this point, Greenfield nails it. Where else can you find left-leaning students raised on the worldview of Noam Chomsky gleefully enlisting alongside the paleoconservatives on behalf of the Paul campaign? It would not amaze me to find an endorsement by Chomsky himself of Paul’s candidacy, or to find Tom Morello appearing with a reunited Rage Against the Machine at a major Ron Paul rally.

Greenfield also makes an interesting point about those now controversial newsletters, which seem to not concern Iowa Republicans one bit. Whether or not Paul wrote the entries or even knew of their contents is not the real issue, Greenfield maintains. Rather, he argues that they “won him some of his hard core following, and his disavowal of them represents another, that of the politician who knows how to play different constituencies and show a difference face to different groups.” So he argues that the people who support Paul are the issue, and not Paul himself — since he will remain a representative, and not go any further in his political career. Paul speaks to a “crazy-quilt patchwork of ideologies,” and one that Greenfield thinks has nowhere to go, but to fall apart the more attention they get.

Already, the entry last week by one of Paul’s old disgruntled associates, Eric Dondero, appearing at, reveals some of Paul’s contradictions in a stark fashion. Dondero says that Paul is not an anti-Semite, but when it comes to Israel,

He is however, most certainly Anti-Israel, and Anti-Israeli in general. He wishes the Israeli state did not exist at all. He expressed this to me numerous times in our private conversations. His view is that Israel is more trouble than it is worth, specifically to the America taxpayer. He sides with the Palestinians, and supports their calls for the abolishment of the Jewish state, and the return of Israel, all of it, to the Arabs.

In other words, whatever his personal view of individual Jews, Paul indeed shares the agenda of all anti-Semites in today’s world.

As to Paul’s foreign policy, Dondero makes the cogent point that Paul favors a foreign policy that most Republicans, indeed most Americans, find abhorrent. He writes:

Ron Paul is most assuredly an isolationist. He denies this charge vociferously. But I can tell you straight out, I had countless arguments/discussions with him over his personal views. For example, he strenuously does not believe the United States had any business getting involved in fighting Hitler in WWII. He expressed to me countless times, that “saving the Jews,” was absolutely none of our business. When pressed, he often times brings up conspiracy theories like FDR knew about the attacks of Pearl Harbor weeks before hand, or that WWII was just “blowback,” for Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy errors, and such.

To put it another way, Paul agrees with the theories Pat Buchanan spelled out in his various books: an isolationist ideology that harks back to the 30s and the works of Charles A. Beard, Harry Elmer Barnes and others who first propagated the theory that FDR got us into an unjust war through the back door of Pearl Harbor. So it is not too much of a surprise to find that Paul believes in various 9/11 truther conspiracy theories, and finds that like FDR, Bush and Cheney were lying the U.S. into another imperialist war.

Ron Paul indeed has nowhere to go. The more he speaks what he believes, the further his appeal will prove itself to be very, very narrow. So, let us hope that come Iowa caucus day, the weather is indeed splendid and not too cold.

Ronald Radosh is an Adjunct Senior Fellow at The Hudson Institute, and a Prof. Emeritus of History at the City University of New York. He is a Presidential appointment to the Public Information Declassification Board, for a term extending from 2007 to 2010. He is the author or co-author of 14 books, including The Rosenberg File (1983 and 1997); Commies: A Journey through the Old Left, the New Left and the Leftover Left (2001) Spain Betrayed: The Soviet Union in the Spanish Civil War (2001); Divided They Fell: The Demise of the Democratic Party (1996) and Red Star Over Hollywood:The Film Colony’s Long Romance with the Left (2006).

He has regularly contributed to The New Republic, The Weekly Standard, National Review, The Los Angeles Times, World Affairs Journal, and other newspapers and journals of opinion. With Allis Radosh, he is author of A Safe Haven For These People: Harry S. Truman and the Founding of Israel, published by Morrow/Harper-Collins in 2009.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/29/2011 9:15:43 PM

Peter, it may not be a new video, but it was new to me and I'm sure it will more than likely be new to others too. Regardless of how long it's been around, it is still relevant to the situation today.


Hi Evelyn,

This is not a new video. It's been around since 3/11 and has had over 5.000.000 views. The information is mind boggling and frightening. Thanks for posting it.




Hello Peter and friends. I just got this video from my brother and since Obama is asking for another increase in the debt limit this video will explain just how far government spending has taken us to the point of no return. This gentleman lays it out to where everyone should be able to understand just how foolish raising the debt limit is and has been.

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/30/2011 1:40:23 AM
Hello Peter and friends,

This video came across my view and I felt that David Icke explained what I have been trying to say for some time now.

Order out of chaos.
One world goverment.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/30/2011 3:37:03 AM

Hello friends, as some of you may or may not know, Judi McLeod is a favorite journalist of mine, who seems to have a knack to putting things into perspective and in my opinion this is one of her better articles. As I read it, I could see so many of these things already happening.

Survival does not come from Czars or OWS. Survival is for those who believe in themselves and mostly from a belief that has never faded over time: “In God we trust.”

2012: ‘The Year of the Scare’

- Judi McLeod Thursday, December 29, 2011

2012 is about to come hurtling into our lives. If the coming New Year could be defined, before even being played out, it would be called ‘The Year of the Scare’.

With a myriad of sources vying to capture the attention of everyday people, it will get very difficult sorting out what is true and what is false.

Stories about government watch lists will join warnings about coming communication blackouts, the death of the worldwide web, the return of the plague, contagious influenza with the power to kill off world populations, bloody revolutions on the street imposed by shady powers behind the well-funded, media darling Occupy Wall Street (OWS) Movement.

By the time a modern day Samuel Pepys happens along to make sense of it all, events will have frightened some people from coming out of their homes.

People are being deliberately kept on the edge. People kept on the edge are not as productive as they would be on an even playing field.

Seeping already into the ongoing exchange of ideas is a strong sense of embitterment that can be seen on website comment sections, and one steadily making enemies of longtime friends.

Political arguments are gathering heat, and screaming matches are replacing what were once only political disagreements.

Over the months leading up to Election Year, a not-so-subtle shift has taken place.

Thanks to the embittered Clintons, carping Hollywood stars, and all those ready to blame their personal life failures on anyone else, the Enemy of the State was George Bush, who political replacement Barack Obama has done a stellar job keeping blame on for the steady decline of the United States of America.

But blaming Bush is only an astroturfed political convenience. The biggest and most dangerous shift that has come into the public arena is the one that lets off the hook the first and only president who has publicly promised the fundamental Transformation of America.

How does this shift survive in the light of day?

How did it happen that more heated opinion and embitterment follow presidential candidates than the man under whose watch the economy failed, the free market was effectively suppressed and where jobs disappeared into a sink hole and still disappear daily?

As challenging 2012 unfolds to November 6, people will be hard pressed to escape Obama and the Czars many coming Friday “fright nights”.

Much of what is coming for patriots will be based on fear mongering. Most of what the power-hungry government sends out is based on the strategy of wanting you to think what they are going to do.

The Government wants you to think it, worry it and sweat it.

They are shutting down the Internet?

Nobody needs the Internet more than the government in Election Year.

They are now stocking FEMA camps in which to herd people? The only sensible answer for that is: “We’re not going anywhere”.

OWS activists are sending out their version of ‘Survival for Dummies‘ because they are predicting bloodshed on the streets?

The Rule of Law prevents it.

A virulent new flu strain is going to wipe out the entire population?

The United Nations has come up with several influenza scares since Obama took office.

With the mainstream media now dancing along the same party trail as some of the major conspiracy theorists, how to distinguish between truth and propaganda?

Apply the beloved Ronald Reagan’s lifelong rule of thumb: “Trust, but verify”.

The world unfolds now as it has through many other dark and trying eras.

Survival does not come from Czars or OWS. Survival is for those who believe in themselves and mostly from a belief that has never faded over time: “In God we trust.”


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