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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/15/2011 2:36:57 AM
Hi Peter and friends. I received this in an email and thought it worth sharing. Interesting to say the least and those that have gloated over the passing of Obamacare should certainly watch this video and then say you still think it was a good idea. For me, the more I see and hear makes me wonder how anyone could endorse this but then everyone has their own opinion but I truly doubt they know just what is in this bill. Read it and weep. :(
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/15/2011 3:09:03 AM

Here is an article from the WorldNetDaily I found interesting and there are a couple of videos but I could not find a link to post so I am posting the link to the article instead.

A messianic rabbi from New Jersey is stunning audiences nationwide by revealing the striking parallels between the fall of ancient Israel and what he suggests are God's early judgments of America.
Click here for details.

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/15/2011 7:32:23 AM
Hi Amanda,

Throughout the article they referred to it as a raid and in summation with a bit of sarcasm said the FEDS didn't "break down doors". So I'd say you're exaggerating with your claim of The Blaze's exaggeration. :)

I noticed the word alleged when I first read the article in Jim's thread but good reporting confirms the news source with at least 2 additional sources which they apparently didn't do. BTW, I wonder if you noticed that the Alex Jones video with the interview has been removed. Wonder why?

I referred to the "no smoke without fire" in my previous post with the extra step The Blaze made with their investigation (with facts, proof and sources) and also to the possible reasons for the original source for denying he ever said the FEDS interrogated the LDS food storage facility.



Hi Peter,

There is some exaggeration... Stewart Rhodes never said the FEDS
'broke in'

The blaze insinuated that they did with this misleading sentence..
So the Feds didn’t kick down doors and confiscate lists of private citizens who want to prepare themselves with stored food in the event of an emergency such as a power outage or flood. This is good news, to be sure

P.S. I just thought of reminding you to read over Mike Adams Natural News whereby this sentence says 'Though they had no reason to be there, these agents allegedly interrogated the facility's manager and demanded to see a list of customers that had purchased, and were storing, food there"

My feelings are 'there is no smoke without fire'..and why would this Manager of the LDS suddenly deny his story..

Also I was reminded with history starvation details of Ireland, the Native Americans, during the Civil war whole families all had their food supplies stolen and/or destroyed and were starved into submission - millions died of starvation... Food is a way to subdue masses of people to give in to Tyranny or depopulate.

We are seeing the evidence that there will be a shortage of food because of the earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, storms, tornadoes etc etc we experienced this summer that ruin tons of various crops, fruit trees and gardens plus the honey bees are dying off in several different countries which are needed to pollinate. Also the bible warns of these disasters.
I do not think one needs to be a rocket scientist to be making ready.
Hi Amanda,

Now why would you say The Blaze ran with exaggerated stories? They supplied proof and sources for everything they reported on as you can see in the article. If you read their article they simply went one step further after investigating and finding out the story was denied by the original source. That's what reporters do, investigate and report on their findings with sources and proof.

The fact that you heard the interview on Alex Jones doesn't make it so unless the person being interviewed was there and saw it happen. So you can't say he "reported live" since it was second hand information to begin with.

I actually am impressed that The Blaze went the extra step and found out that something is going on even though the FED break in to the LDS storage apparently never happened.




The Blaze seems to have run with erroneous exaggerated stories on the web.

The person at LDS Storage whom told Stewart Rhodes of Oath Keepers in person and Stewart reported on Alex Jones last week - said that he was requested to give them a list of all their clients whom buys food stores from LSD storage, and the LDS guy responded that they do not keep records of their clients as they send food parcels all over the country..

There was no mention of 'doors being kicked down or food raided' because I listened to the Stewart reporting to Alex live - so other people have exaggerated what was really said.

I do not know why he suddenly denies his story but Oath Keepers honoured him and retracted their story.


Hello Friends,

Below are a series of posts from Jim's Let's Talk In The Kitchen thread. The whole story also relates to the policies of B Hussein's nefarious agenda to marginalize and limit the freedoms of the American people so I decided to post the whole story here too from the original post with the different responses up to and including the final article from The Blaze.



Hi Jim,

Here's an interesting turn of events. It appears that there was never a raid on the Mormon food storage facility. The site that originally posted the incident on its website removed it after the source from the food storage facility said it never happened.

It's a shame that these websites don't check their sources before posting information. Another possibility is that the original source was intimidated and retracted his story under duress. I guess we'll never know but for now the incident never happened. BUT, there is more to the story as you'll see below. Still some scary stuff if you ask me.

Below is an article from the Blaze that investigated the story and more.



Did Federal Agents Really Raid a Mormon Food Storage Facility?

We are in an especially tense time for civil liberties as the NDAA ‘indefinite detention’ bill makes its way through Congress, so when a story went viral over the weekend of Feds raiding a Latter Day Saints food storage facility in Tennessee and demanding customer lists, alarm bells went off and some folks got riled up.

But now it looks like this raid on LDS food storage never occurred.

The news desk at the Blaze was skeptical of the raid story from the outset. It was single-sourced to the organization called “Oath Keepers,” who are “active servicemen devoted to upholding their oath of guarding the republic and protecting individual liberty.”

Oath Keepers did not initially name any sources and there was no corroboration from local news outlets of their post on the alleged food raid.

The Blaze received dozens of tips and requests, however, for more information on this story. We had direct contact with at least one prominent LDS church official, and a number of sources who indicated that they had heard nothing about this story through their channels.

As of late Monday, Oath Keepers had pulled the food storage raid story from their website, and gave an explanation that stated:

“We have pulled this story about the Mormon cannery being visited by federal agents because the source of the information at the cannery is now denying that he ever told us that event occurred.”

So the Feds didn’t kick down doors and confiscate lists of private citizens who want to prepare themselves with stored food in the event of an emergency such as a power outage or flood. This is good news, to be sure.

But the full context to the story does not seem to end there. It turns out authorities have been poking around and asking Tennesseans about their emergency preparations, even going door-to-door with questionnaires.

Local Nashville news broadcasters at WTVF-TV reported on house-by-house Metro Public Health department efforts to check on citizens’ emergency preparedness, including the off-putting line that ”The county still wants to know exactly what you are doing to start thinking ahead:”

To watch the viddeo go here.

In addition, a terrorism watch precursor pamphlet from the “Bureau of Justice Assistance” has been circulating the internet that targets completely legal, commonplace behaviors for many conservatives who want to be ready for an emergency. The bulletin lists sweeping generalizations about who might be a terrorist, and many of the indicators revolve around food storage and emergency preparedness.

The Blaze called one of the phone numbers listed on the flyer, and it is in fact a direct line to a joint terrorism analysis fusion center in Colorado. When asked for an official comment on the distribution of the flyer, a fusion center officer declined to comment and stated that any request would have to be made in writing.

The list of concerning activities includes this list below, which notably suggests possessions of waterproof match and meals ready-to-eat (MREs) could be cause for concern:

Store owners are encouraged to call authorities if any of these activities occur and raise their suspicions.

While Congress decides whether under the NDAA U.S. Citizens can be sent to military prison without the benefit of a trial based only on suspicion, further government attempts to compile lists of private emergency preparations and campaigns that single out self-sufficient citizens under the guise of counter-terrorism guidelines could heighten distrust of federal authorities.

But at least they haven’t raided any LDS food storage facilities. Not yet.

Hi Jim and Amanda,

I will make a short reply. Amanda, I see that you quoted my reply to you in my thread and I guess you skimmed through it cos it refers to reporting news as opposed to reporting commentary as news, creating news or calling commentaries on previous commentaries news. The article Jim posted was hard news and even if Jones was the source it's legitimate to use it even if you're not a Jones groupie.



No sense responding to your post then have a great Sunday.

Hello Jim,

Yes I watched and heard this report given by the reporter speaking on behalf of Oath Keepers on Prison Planet TV the other day.

Now, don't get mad with me - but I am you are using information from Alex Jones and Mike Adams, Natural News whom reports often for Alex, and the other day you said...

Not sure I would bet my bottom dollar on Alex Jones' reporting. Peter and I covered this years ago.
Then Peter backed you up with:
You stated in one of your posts that Alex Jones is one of your favorite alternate news sources and for me he's the exact opposite. I've given my reasons in the past as Jim mentioned and also to you in the recent past.

This head line is one of the reasons he's very far from being on my favorite list. From the "sensational" headline you understand that it's happening now and that's not true is it? I read the article and it's a rehash of things he's written over the years and preached on in his many videos. You'll find that what he has in common with MSM is his reporting on his own commentary as facts rather then reporting news. Had he simply reported on the email alone that he got through anonymous sources that would be news (not very exciting or interesting news but still news) but the rehash of old stuff as if it's all new is a typical Alex Jones tactic.
- regarding my share article on the FEMA camps.

I reckon I am done with both of your forums and I will see you on the Jokes and on other members threads that we participate on because lately everytime I bring a share to your attention you have been down on me. I have nothing else to contribute when these disagreements occur and I would sooner leave in friendship than keep bickering because my eyes are opened and I understand how the Global Elite works and confirmation comes with the many guest that Alex Jones has on his daily reports.



Federal agents raid Mormon food storage facility, demand list of customers storing emergency food

Saturday, December 10, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

Learn more:
(NaturalNews) As was the plan all along, the so-called "War on Terror" has officially devolved into a war on the American people (

This was clearly illustrated by the recent traitorous passage of the egregious National Defense Authorization Act by the US Congress ( But in order to fully implement the ultimate goal of total control and tyranny, the federal government is now actively collecting the names of individuals that are preparing for the future by buying and storing emergency food supplies.

Oath Keepers, an association of active servicemen devoted to upholding their oath of guarding the republic and protecting individual liberty, has reported that federal agents recently paid a visit to a Latter Day Saints food storage cannery in Tennessee. Though they had no reason to be there, these agents allegedly interrogated the facility's manager and demanded to see a list of customers that had purchased, and were storing, food there.

Oath Keepers Tennessee Chapter President Rand Cardwell confirmed the incident, according to reports, as he is in close contact with a fellow veteran who happens to store his own food at the facility in question. According to the man's account, agents entered the facility and began demanding payment records and personal information for everyone connected with the operation.

"The manager informed the agents that the facility kept no such records and that all transactions were conducted on a cash-and-carry basis," Cardwell is quoted as saying, concerning the incident. "The agents pressed for any record of personal checks, credit card transactions, etc., but the manager could provide no such record. The agents appeared to become very agitated and after several minutes of questioning finally left with no information."

Watch the full interview between Steward Rhodes and Alex Jones at:

This unprovoked act of intimidation is highly concerning, but it is also somewhat contradictory. On the one hand, the federal government has been instilling fear into the American public for years, and has even made announcements urging the public to be prepared. But on the other hand, this same government is now pursuing those who are heeding these precautions as if they are terrorists.

Oath Keepers suggests the government might be trying to gather intelligence on food-storing Americans in order to later come and confiscate that food, or worse -- after all, freedom-loving patriots who are preparing for social upheaval are a threat to the power structure that seeks to tighten the noose of tyranny around the neck of society.

You can read the entire account pf the incident at:

Learn more:

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/15/2011 7:48:32 AM
Hi Evelyn,

I remember watching similar videos and articles prior to Obamacare being forced down America's throat. It's scary to say the least and the infringement on your freedom is so obvious it sickens me to think this nefarious bill was passed without our elected lawmakers even reading it prior to voting it in.



Hi Peter and friends. I received this in an email and thought it worth sharing. Interesting to say the least and those that have gloated over the passing of Obamacare should certainly watch this video and then say you still think it was a good idea. For me, the more I see and hear makes me wonder how anyone could endorse this but then everyone has their own opinion but I truly doubt they know just what is in this bill. Read it and weep. :(
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/16/2011 2:30:04 PM
Hello Friends,

The article below is a profile on Saul Alinsky one of B Hussein's and Hillary Clinton's personal gurus. They both employ the tactics from his book 'Rules For Radicals' and are faithful to his "dogma" and philosophy. B Hussein as a community organizer in Chicago (his only work experience) employed his tactics to the fullest.

Although dead his influence is still felt and the progressive liberal left are the voices of his philosophy till this day.



Union Gangsters: Saul Alinsky

Posted by Bio ↓ on Dec 16th, 2011

Don’t miss FrontPage’s other Union Gangsters profiles featuring Craig Becker, Richard Trumka, Stephen Lerner, Andy Stern, Jimmy Hoffa Jr., John Sweeney, Leo Gerard, Wade Rathke, Heather Booth, Ron Bloom and Daniel De Leon.

For conservatives accustomed to left-wing bogeymen falling neatly into either the “Marxist” or “sixties radical” box, Saul Alinsky can make for a bewildering figure.

Alinsky significantly never joined the Communist Party during the Red Decade. He later reflected, “I didn’t join because I had a sense of humor.” As a Roosevelt-era apparatchik of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), Alinsky defended union reliance on Communists to organize workers but also oversaw a touring beat-down crew targeting troublemaking Communists at the behest of the CIO. This reappearing hypocrisy, which Alinsky’s critics decried as a vice, Alinksy himself celebratd as a virtue. Flexibility to changing tactics, rather than rigid adherence to principle, was the Alinskyite hallmark of successful activism.

His sixties were very much like his thirties. Alinsky sat out the civil rights and anti-war movements, derided the Peace Corps as the “Piss Corps,” and frequented barbers and donned business attire when the fashion called for tie-dye, beads, and long hair. “When there are people who espouse the assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy or the Tate murders or the Marin County Courthouse kidnappings and killings as ‘revolutionary acts,’” Alinsky reflected, “then we are dealing with people who are merely hiding psychosis behind a political mask.”

A leftist against the tide of leftism in two of the last century’s most radical decades, Alinsky ironically emerged as one of the Left’s most enduring idea men. Perhaps a richer paradox involves the man of action finding lasting significance as a theorist. One would be hard pressed to name a single community that the organizer extraordinaire even marginally improved. But his book Rules for Radicals is more popular than ever forty years after its publication.

The book’s popularity has much to do with ties of long-dead Alinsky to two of today’s most powerful political leaders, who heeded his advice to remain within the system.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton penned an impressive senior thesis on Alinsky at Wellesley College. “Much of what Alinsky professes does not sound ‘radical,’” Clinton insisted therein. “His words are used in our schools and churches, by our parents and their friends, by our peers. The difference is that Alinsky really believes in them and recognizes the necessity of changing the present structure of our lives in order to realize them.” Wellesley’s student commencement speaker nevertheless rejected a job offer from the subject of her paper.

Saul Alinsky never offered a job to Barack Obama, who was ten when Alinsky died. The future president nevertheless followed in his footsteps by becoming a Chicago community organizer. Recruited by Jerry Kellman, who was recruited into community organizing by Alinsky’s Industrial Areas Foundation, Obama by all accounts became adept at the master’s instructions to “rub raw the sores of discontent.” Though the president’s supporters downplay his three years as a post-Alinsky Alinskyite, the president’s disciple status was so strong that an essay he wrote made its way into 1990’s After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois.

While Alinsky may be helpful to understanding Clinton and Obama, Clinton and Obama aren’t especially helpful to understanding Alinsky. Instead, two famous leaders of earlier Lefts, and strangely, the Chicago mafia, make better sense of the guru’s power-politics obsessions.

Saul Alinsky served as a bridge between the infamous but effective John L. Lewis to the beloved but ineffective Cesar Chavez. The former association taught him the lessons, and the latter association gave him the credibility, to impart his tactics to radical Baby Boomers reaching adulthood. Thus, he passed on labor union tactics to a new generation of radicals largely alienated from working men. Alinsky tellingly preferred the immoral labor leader who mentored him to the moral labor leader he mentored. His reaction to his United Mine Workers mentor and United Farm Workers mentee illustrates his embrace of cynicism and contempt for idealism.

In a biography of Alinsky which was close to being a love letter, Nicholas von Hoffman writes of Alinsky’s “biography of Lewis which was close to being a love letter.” In that 1949 book, Alinsky coldly recounts the events of 1922’s Herrin Massacre, in which John L. Lewis’s United Mine Workers (UMW) murdered twenty nonunion mine workers with impunity. A fawning Alinsky compares Lewis punching carpenters’ union leader William Hutcheson at a 1935 American Federation of Labor convention to colonists firing at the red coats at Lexington. Alinsky conceded of his mentor’s leadership of the UMW that there is “no question that Lewis runs the union with a strong dictatorial hand.” Rather than repulse the fledgling community organizer, the strong-arm tactics of the CIO and UMW strongman infatuated him. John L. Lewis: An Unauthorized Biography foreshadows the more widely read Rules for Radicals published twenty-two years later. Dismissing critics of Lewis’s controversial tactics, his aide/biographer explained, “In the arena of power politics, the question of the ethics of means and ends can only be relegated to an academic arena.”

But this didn’t stop him from questioning the means of one of his most famous disciples. Alinsky chastised employee Cesar Chavez for not taking advantage of an expense account and argued with the Mexican-American organizer to accept a raise. Alinsky’s foundation lent financial backing to Chavez’s efforts to unionize migrant agricultural workers but he found his methods, such as public fasts, embarrassing. “Though the saintly Cesar later emerged to cast a spell over men like Bobby Kennedy, women like Dorothy Day and a wide liberal public, he was not a figure Saul could trust,” von Hoffman, hired by Alinsky the same day as Chavez, recounted. “The leadership he admired and whose decision making he could rely on was that of a Franklin Roosevelt or a John L. Lewis, men who might be devious, cynical, power loving and glory seeking but who lacked that pious tick that can make for calamity.”

The contrasting appraisals of the very different men—finding a saint in the sinner Lewis and a sinner in Saint Chavez—tell us more about the appraiser than the appraised.

Whereas Chavez’s methods appealed to the public’s decency, Lewis and Alinsky’s more forceful methods assumed that their targets had no decency. Thus, they fought fire with fire. “The organizer should know and accept that the right reason is only introduced as a moral rationalization after the right end has been achieved, although it may have been achieved for the wrong reasons to achieve the right goals,” instructs Rules for Radicals. “He should be able, with skill and calculation, to use irrationality in his attempts to progress toward a rational world.”

These “wrong reasons” included violence. “The subject was too touchy and to bring it up was to invite misquotation and distortion,” von Hoffman writes in his biography. “In private, though, he would say that violence has its uses.” It did as the head of a CIO goon squad. And Alinsky later boasted of his Depression-era involvement with Chicago mobsters. Enforcer “[Frank] Nitti took me under his wing,” he told Playboy shortly before his 1972 death. “I called him the Professor and I became his student. Nitti’s boys took me everywhere, showed me all the mob’s operations, from gin mills and whorehouses and bookie joints to the legitimate businesses they were beginning to take over. Within a few months, I got to know the workings of the Capone mob inside out.” He coolly crowed about detached discussions of mafia hits with Nitti, telling Hugh Hefner’s magazine, “I learned a hell of a lot about the uses and abuses of power from the mob, lessons that stood me in good stead later on, when I was organizing.”

Saul Alinsky dedicated Rules for Radicals to Satan. He kept a framed picture of a mad bomber on his office wall. He found in Machiavelli an ethical democrat. He labeled Al Capone a “public benefactor.” He was a moralist for amorality.

A common sin of activists involves allowing the brilliant ends to blind one to the dark means. At first glance, Saul Alinsky appears a repeat offender of this familiar transgression. But Alinsky is really that unique figure so caught up in pursuing devious means that he loses track of the ends.


Daniel J. Flynn is the author of numerous books, including "Blue Collar Intellectuals: When the Enlightened and the Everyman Elevated America," forthcoming from ISI Books this fall. He writes a Monday column for and blogs at

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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