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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/30/2011 7:45:34 AM
Hello Amanda,

It's interesting cos I watched the Manning video from my inbox before I logged into adland. When I saw your post with the video I already had a prepared answer without knowing you had posted it.

A short while ago Manning ranted on one of his videos against the Tea Party and his reason was as follows. When the Tea parties first came into being he was impressed and joined. He went to one of their first rallies in Washington DC and was angered when the organizers were against showing any posters relating to B Hussein's birth certificate and constitutional eligibility cos according to him they didn't want to be labeled racists for doing so. This apparently got him very angry and he no longer wanted to be a part of the Tea Party movement.

Believe me when I say I would love to see them and other politicians raise this issue but so far no such luck. On the other hand they've accomplished a lot and kudos to them for taking the Congress back. A first small step to realize bigger and better changes.

The birther issue was never one that the Tea party dealt with but they did accomplish a lot and will continue to do so. We have to take back the Senate and WH too in the upcoming elections.

For manning to call the Tea Party racists in his rants is irresponsible especially when you see that the racists are in the Occupier movement that he seems to be swaying towards. I asked this in a previous post and I'll ask again why is he ignoring all the crimes, rapes, murders, RACISM and so much more going on in all the occupier compounds? Not to mention the people who are behind these occupiers?




Here is a youtube from James David Manning, he is quite excitable at times yet for all this I believe he is telling the truth and stating what it is.

James and I are buying our home privately from a Godly man on a monthly amount with no interest.

The Tea Party avoided going after Obama and his Natural Born Citizenship and dropped the ball badly and wanted instead to go after his policies. We know everytime Obama promises something he does the exact opposite. He is a pathological and bald faced liar, there is no truth in him - Satan is the father of liars...whose your daddy Obama!!

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/30/2011 2:47:09 PM
Hello Friends,

I found the below article extremely interesting and after watching the 2 videos even funny ..... but true.

It appears that Swiss America Trading Corp. prepared two ads that were rejected by all the networks including Fox News and Fox Business. The ads feature B Hussein and Ben Bernake as animated characters in order to advertise the companies gold and silver coins. The ads are amusing and actually very interesting and educational.

So far only Google TV accepted the commercials and will start showing them between Dec 5, 2011 through Jan 12, 2012.

You can read more in the below article and click on the watch videos here to view the ads.



See anti-Obama ads spiked by major networks – even Fox!

'Representation of public figures is something we try to avoid'

Posted: November 29, 2011
7:37 pm Eastern
By Jerome R. Corsi

Screenshot of ad with animations of Pat Boone, President Obama and Ben Bernanke

Two television spots developed by a national investment firm specializing in U.S. gold and silver coins have been rejected by major television networks, including the Fox News Channel and the Fox Business Network, for apparently political reasons.

The ads by Phoenix-based Swiss America Trading Corp., a WND advertiser, feature President Obama and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke as animated characters engaging in the potentially inflationary policy of printing paper money with abandon to stimulate the struggling economy.

Singer Pat Boone, a spokesman for Swiss America for more than 15 years, appears in the commercials as an animated announcer who concludes that investing in gold is a prudent strategy to diversify a portfolio in inflationary times.

"The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve"

Swiss America CEO Craig Smith said the intent of the ads was not to make a political statement.

The goal, he said, "was to take what we thought was a humorous approach to a timely and important economic topic in order to advertise our company and promote a new book we've recently published."

Along with Fox News and Fox Business, the two commercials have been rejected by NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, ABC, CBS, CNN/HLN and the Discovery Channel.

Comcast, in rejecting the spot, told Swiss America that it "does not meet our standards on public symbol."

Comcast's Public Symbol Policy specifies that the "use of the name or likeness of the President of the United States and/or the Presidential Seal for endorsing commercial purposes must be authorized by the White House."

Fox News said the "representation of public figures is something we try to avoid."

CNN/HLN told Swiss America the commercials were "not appropriate for the current landscape."

"The networks' reaction shocked me," Smith said. "It's a threat to First Amendment rights when a commercial message is rejected not because it is inaccurate or misleading, but because it makes what is perceived to be a political statement the networks want to avoid."

Smith told WND he was concerned that the networks were protecting Obama and Bernanke.

"All we are saying in these two commercials is what dozens of responsible professional economists are saying every day," Smith said. "Gold investment as a responsible diversification strategy when governments printing of fiat currencies with abandon risk unleashing inflationary principles."

Only Google TV accepted the commercials, for broadcast on the DISH Network and Direct TV satellite networks.

Google TV has planned a test in which the two ads will be broadcast 1,132 times on the DISH Network and Direct TV from Dec. 5, 2011, through Jan. 12, 2012.

Ironically, the Swiss America ads will be seen nationally via Google TV on many of the major networks that have refused to air them. While cable subscribers to Fox News and CNN/HLN will not see the ads, for example, subscribers to the DISH Network or Direct TV will see them on those networks during the test period.

"The silver lining," said Smith "is that many of the television and cable networks who told us 'no' have come back saying 'yes' to Google TV, which will begin broadcasting the two commercials next week. We are very thankful to Google TV for helping us keep free speech alive on the television airwaves."

In June, Smith and co-author Lowell Ponte published "The Inflation Deception: Six Ways Government Tricks Us … and Seven Ways to Stop It!" in a paperback edition.

"Welcome to the 'inflatocracy' – our new form of government of, by, and for inflation – in which deliberately debasing our money has become a tool of mind manipulation, wealth distribution, and secret taxation," the publicity for the book on reads.

The first Swiss America commercial, seen below, plays off the theme "Helicopter Ben," a nickname Wall Street has conferred upon Bernanke for his reputation of "helicoptering" into financial crises to dump money on a problem.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/30/2011 4:53:51 PM
Hello Peter and Evelyn,

Yesterday I came in to respond and posted, then I forgot and edited and the whole page got messed up so I deleted in annoyance and did not get back to this until now.

It is up to Congress to uphold our constitution and so far they have failed in this. Have you ever asked yourself why our elected officials have not thrown this fraud out of office and why he was even allowed to run for the highest office in the land since according to the constitution he is ineligible to be president?

Yes I agree, it is up to Congress to uphold our constitution.
Have you noticed whom is holding positions - the Private Fed Bankers whom were never elected but brought in by past and present Presidents and Global Elite Satanic secret society members.

The few whom are not involved are 'asleep' and in deep deception like so many of the population that this country is being run by Satan now. We are in a spiritual war
to bring in the New World Order, which is told to us in the Bible in Revelations. This country is now Socialist and fast approaching Communist whereby we will have no say.

Thanks Peter for explaining as I do not have to repeat what James Manning said.
I do feel that the Tea Party let us 'birthers' down badly, they brought this matter up then dropped the ball by not pursuing in vengeance to make Obama prove his Natural Born Citizenship once and for all - you and I know that he was born in Kenya and his father was born in Kenya under British Commonwealth at the time. His father's birth status will never change, is a Kenyan - Period. This alone makes Obama Jr unqualified to hold the Presidency.
Why bring up the subject in the first place if you are not going to pursue it to its conclusion.

Whenever the 'birthers' talk about Obama's unconstitutional and illegal position in the White House, we are often attacked and called Racists - yet there is nothing racist about calling this into attention. I reckon James Manning is correct when he says these attackers and the Tea Party are being 'Politically Correct' which is racists when no one will call this out because they were too scared to pursue Obama until we all got answers.

However, there are other videos that he has talked a whole heap about the Occupiers rapes, murders, crimes etc.

Hello Amanda,

It's interesting cos I watched the Manning video from my inbox before I logged into adland. When I saw your post with the video I already had a prepared answer without knowing you had posted it.

A short while ago Manning ranted on one of his videos against the Tea Party and his reason was as follows. When the Tea parties first came into being he was impressed and joined. He went to one of their first rallies in Washington DC and was angered when the organizers were against showing any posters relating to B Hussein's birth certificate and constitutional eligibility cos according to him they didn't want to be labeled racists for doing so. This apparently got him very angry and he no longer wanted to be a part of the Tea Party movement.

Believe me when I say I would love to see them and other politicians raise this issue but so far no such luck. On the other hand they've accomplished a lot and kudos to them for taking the Congress back. A first small step to realize bigger and better changes.

The birther issue was never one that the Tea party dealt with but they did accomplish a lot and will continue to do so. We have to take back the Senate and WH too in the upcoming elections.

For manning to call the Tea Party racists in his rants is irresponsible especially when you see that the racists are in the Occupier movement that he seems to be swaying towards. I asked this in a previous post and I'll ask again why is he ignoring all the crimes, rapes, murders, RACISM and so much more going on in all the occupier compounds? Not to mention the people who are behind these occupiers?




Here is a youtube from James David Manning, he is quite excitable at times yet for all this I believe he is telling the truth and stating what it is.

James and I are buying our home privately from a Godly man on a monthly amount with no interest.

The Tea Party avoided going after Obama and his Natural Born Citizenship and dropped the ball badly and wanted instead to go after his policies. We know everytime Obama promises something he does the exact opposite. He is a pathological and bald faced liar, there is no truth in him - Satan is the father of liars...whose your daddy Obama!!

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/30/2011 5:00:44 PM

This video came out this morning and will be targeting and restricting rural areas what and how they can live off the land.
President Obama Executive Order 13575 Rural Councils

Then we have this new law that came out also, that could detain the average Joe Blog from pursuing his happiness who stands up to being 'hedged in' Suddenly we will see people disappearing to the FEMA Camps!? Nazi Germany all over again because the citizens back then were in deep denial and under deception and did not believe anything could get worse than it was and afterall the people who went missing was not one of them until suddenly it was and there was no one to stand up beside them to help. Are we going to wait this long and hope we can vote these psychopaths out of Office.

At present I do not believe that we can vote Obama out as they still rig all the votes and also the powers behind him is setting him up for a very long time as President, way after his 8 year term because the Constitution is shredded along with the Bill of Rights and no one seems to notice, or be able to do anything about this.
Other countries who could have been our alley have been attacked in wars and the US are seen all over the world as Thugs and Bullies who have blood lust and the attitude 'if you appose us we will come and bomb you with a war until you submit to us'...

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/1/2011 5:47:42 AM
Hello Peter and Friends,

This video was shared with me and the link to the site for further reading and re-educating

I have only read and listen to a couple of other video's on public school system on this site which has stretched my mind again. No wonder I hated school and thought most of my teachers were control freaks and bullies..


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