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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/6/2011 6:48:03 AM
Hello Friends,

Here's an interesting video with Rush Limbaugh. I can hear all the progressive liberals groan not him again but yeah him again if you want to hear some truth instead of the MSM's well oiled propaganda machine. In this video he touches on the differences between the MSM's coverage of liberal progressive Democ rats who are accused of sexual misconduct or harassment as opposed to their coverage of any conservative politician being accused of the same misconduct especially if he's a black conservative.



Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/6/2011 6:29:11 PM
Hello Friends,

We all heard Soros publicly support the OWS a few weeks ago. And now further proof of his involvement through all the different progressive liberal socialist/communist organizations he supports and funds either directly or indirectly.

So, the Socialists, the Communists, the Nazis, The Muslims both locally and internationally, the Anarchists and so many more left wing groups up to and including B Hussein and his regime support the occupiers. Soros is B Hussein's puppet master and his fingerprints are all over the occupier movement and the puppet is doing his masters bidding.

The below article goes into detail about Soros' fingerprints and doesn't leave much to the imagination.



Occupy Wall Street and Soros’ Fingerprints

Posted by Matthew Vadum Bio ↓ on Nov 4th, 2011

The fingerprints of the preeminent funder of the activist Left today, George Soros, are all over the anti-American “Occupy Wall Street” movement.

The seventh-wealthiest person in America (net worth: $22 billion), Soros has publicly embraced Occupy Wall Street and financially supports a left-wing group that is funneling money to the movement.

As I note in my new book Subversion Inc., this Communist sympathizer co-founded the ultra-secretive Democracy Alliance, a billionaires’ club that wants to radically transform America. He has said that European-style socialism “is exactly what we need now” and favors American decline. Soros, a currency manipulator with an insider trading conviction, praises Red China effusively, saying the totalitarian nation has “a better functioning government than the United States.”

The nonprofit organization that has taken Soros’s money is the Alliance for Global Justice. It is managing donations benefiting the anarchists, socialists, communists, empty-headed Naomi Klein followers, and hippies now occupying Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan. As of Nov. 2, the Alliance reported $206,000 in donations earmarked for Occupy Wall Street. The Wall Street Journal estimates Occupy Wall Street has taken in a grand total of $500,000 so far but that doesn’t appear to take into account non-monetary donations such as food, power generators, clothing, shoes, camping gear, and sleeping bags.

Alliance for Global Justice is a “fiscal sponsor” which means that it serves as a financial clearinghouse for causes that haven’t incorporated themselves as nonprofit organizations. Donors write a check to the Alliance and are then able to deduct the donations from their income tax. Fiscal sponsors take a percentage of donations as administrative fees and then pass on the rest to the cause favored by the donor.

Alliance for Global Justice has accepted grants from Soros’s charity, the Open Society Institute ($100,000 since 2004) and from the radical Tides Foundation ($60,000 since 2004) which allows high-profile donors to give secretly to radical causes.

A hotbed of anti-American activity, the Alliance takes money from the most extreme left-wing philanthropies operating in America today. The Alliance has accepted grants from the (pro-Fidel Castro) Arca Foundation ($185,000 since 2001), General Service Foundation ($165,000 since 2001), and Foundation for Deep Ecology ($30,000 since 2000), a group of environmental fundamentalists who regard human beings as the number one threat to planet earth.

Founded in 1998, the Alliance has a long history of anti-American activism. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the Alliance and its president Katherine Hoyt are longtime supporters of the Sandinista (Communist) movement in Nicaragua and the Zapatistas, a Marxist-Leninist guerrilla movement in Mexico.

The Alliance also provides funds for the antiwar group World Can’t Wait (a spinoff of the Revolutionary Communist Party), and Courage to Resist, which encourages U.S. soldiers to desert and supports accused traitor Bradley Manning of WikiLeaks infamy. The Alliance has funded anti-Israel groups including Israeli Anarchists Against the War and Bil’in Center for Joint Struggle.

Soros money provided to the Tides network of philanthropies may also have found its way to Occupy Wall Street.

According to philanthropy databases, the Open Society Institute has given $24.6 million to the Tides network of philanthropies since 1999. Of that total, $18.2 million went to the Tides Foundation and the remaining $6.4 million went to the Tides Center which, like the Alliance for Global Justice, serves as a fiscal sponsor for small or new activist groups.

It is possible that Soros secretly gave money to Occupy Wall Street through Tides. Since 2001 the Tides Foundation has given almost $310,000 to Adbusters, the anti-corporate magazine based in Canada. It is possible that money came from Soros. The Adbusters Media Foundation organized the “US Day of Rage” on Sept. 17 that kicked off the protest that has come to be known as Occupy Wall Street.

One of Soros’s fellow Democracy Alliance members, RealNetworks CEO Rob Glaser, has given to Adbusters Media Foundation. His Glaser Progress Foundation gave the group $176,500 in 2001. The RealNetworks Foundation gave Adbusters $250 in 2002.

The remnants of the ACORN network are also involved in Occupy Wall Street.

As I previously reported, the Working Families Party, an ACORN front group, is participating in the protests by raising money and paying for rent-a-mobs.

Building on evidence I uncovered weeks ago, is reporting that New York Communities for Change (NYCC), the new ACORN front group that replaced ACORN’s New York chapter last year when ACORN declared bankruptcy, is raising money for Occupy Wall Street. NYCC executive director Jon Kest, a longtime ACORN activist, denies his group is connected to Occupy Wall Street.

MoveOn, which has received millions of dollars from Soros personally, is raising money and trying to help the protesters in lower Manhattan and at “occupations” throughout the country.

The group created a website, Occupy Wish List, where protesters list what they need and donors pledge to give it to them.

Given the growing numbers of rapes and other violent acts being reported at Occupy events from coast to coast, mace and tasers should be added to the list.

About Matthew Vadum

Matthew Vadum is an award-winning investigative reporter and the author of the recently published book, "Subversion Inc.: How Obama’s ACORN Red Shirts Are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers."

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jack Sunshine

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/6/2011 6:39:16 PM

Subject: Fwd: : Canadian Indian Muslim speaks-
"לReally Worthwhile paying attention to !!!!!!

Hi Folks,
This is a well worth listening and watching. An interesting talk from a highly intelligent and well-spoken gentleman. : Canadian Indian Muslim speaks- Importance: High

Subject: Re: Canadian Indian Muslim speaks
Will FWD. But who wants to listen to the truth????? It might confuse people
one of the most profound videos in a long time. please watch when you have the time
The speaker is an Canadian Indian Muslim who is warning us to wake up. He has tremendous courage and pulls no punches on what is happening with Islamic fascism. Make sure you listen to the end of the tape where he says we now have three members of the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House (and names them).
He is elderly and in a wheel chair recovering from cancer treatments - perhaps that's why he has the courage to speak out. You must listen to him.
Sunshine Jewelry Trivita
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/8/2011 8:35:49 AM
Hi Jack,

Thanks for your post but I see the editor really screwed up your post. Luckily we've already posted about this Canadian Muslim and his video was seen by many here.

Thanks for your post and sharing with us.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/8/2011 8:39:32 AM
Hello Friends,

Here's some more proof that OWS is not a "spontaneous" movement and was orchastrated from day one by the extreme and in many cases violent left organizations who all have ties to George soros. This all also leads directly to the occupier in chief the fraud and great pretender B Hussein.

The first video is one of your common communists occupying public property and simply wants to destroy America. The second link is to an audio well worth listening to if you want to hear the truth for a change with Aaron Klein Investigative Reporting.



You can listen to the Aaron Klein audio here.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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