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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/8/2011 7:32:55 PM
Hello Peter and Friends,

Here is an article I came across that I would like to share - 'Food for Thought'... from here

Monday, November 7, 2011

Is Putative President Barack Hussein Obama II Really Bari Shabazz, Fugitive from Justice For 21 Years Following An Auto Accident in Honolulu County, Hawaii on March 12, 1982?

Is Putative President Barack Hussein Obama II Really Bari Shabazz, Fugitive from Justice For 21 Years Following An Auto Accident in Honolulu County, Hawaii on March 12, 1982?

By Mario Apuzzo

November 7, 2011

On November 2, 2011, I published an article entitled and asking the question, “Is Barack Hussein Obama II Really Bâri′ M. Shabazz, Born October 28, 1959 in New York City? ”, accessed at
. The basis of the question that I asked came from a November 2, 2011 breaking story published by Martha Trowbridge entitled, “Bâri′, Barry, Barack, accessed at In her article, Ms. Trowbridge’s contends that putative President Barack Hussein Obama II’s real name is Bâri′ M. Shabazz and that his date of birth is October 28, 1959, and his social security number is 084-54-5926. She says he was born in New York City. She adds that he was born with the name Bâri′ M. Shabazz. She also says that to be able to enter the political world, Bâri′ M. Shabazz had to change his birth identity and take on a new one which became Barack Hussein Obama II.

Ms. Trowbridge says: “We know this: Bâri′ M. Shabazz was assigned social security number 084-54-5926, issued in New York, in 1974.”

Ms. Trowbridge has found that the Social Security Death Index shows: “SHABAZZ, B M 28 Oct 1959 Aug 1994 (V) 34 (PE) (none specified) New York 084-54-5926.” From this, one would think that Bâri′ died in August 1994. But no, Ms. Trowbridge informs that only his identity was made “dead.” The real person continued to live and that person became “Barack Hussein Obama II.” Note how she explains that the “death” of Bâri′ was only reported by someone (“V” or “Verified”) and that the person did not present any valid death certificate (“P” or “Proof).

What’s more Ms. Trowbridge explains that “[o]nce in the federal system, the [death] record was flagged as ‘PE’, meaning that an inconsistency exists between what was reported and what was recorded in the government’s files.”

Finally, and the most shocking part of her report is that Ms. Trowbridge contends that Bâri′ M. Shabazz is the biological son of Malcolm X. Hence, if Barack Hussein Obama II is the same person as Bâri′ M. Shabazz, that would make putative President Obama the biological son of Malcolm X.

On November 4, 2011, an anonymous source emailed me something very interesting. To substantiate the content of the email, the writer directed me to go to a web site of the Judiciary for the State of Hawaii and to do a search of cases that have been disposed of by that State’s traffic courts. The anonymous source had done just that and so the person provided me with the information which that traffic court shows on its web site.

I did go to the Hawaii traffic court’s web site which is called eCourt Kokua and I was eventually able to confirm the information that the anonymous source sent me. Access to the court’s web set may be gained by going to;jsessionid=FDFF513AA90109AC4375A7CBE7C8AF36. Once at the site, click “Agree” to the terms and conditions. Then click, “Search for case details by case ID or citation number.” Once there, enter at the prompt, Case ID or Citation Number(*): 1193041MO and hit Search.” The following report appears:

What do these reports say and what questions does they raise? The Case ID is 1193041 MO. The name of the case is State v. Bari Shabazz which was a non-jury case. The case is characterized as a “Traffic Crime,” with a “REPORT number W50100.” The offense occurred on March 12, 1982. The charging police officer is Duane Masayuki Espinueva. The event is characterized as an “Accident Major.” The charge was driving without a valid driver’s license. The case was first filed on Tuesday, March 16, 1982, in the First Circuit, located at Kane’Ohe Division. I checked and this court is located at
45-939 Pookela Street, Kaneohe, HI 96744
. The case was continued to April 5, 1982.

The record also shows that Bari Shabazz was supposed to be arraigned and enter a plea on April 5, 1982, at 8:30 a.m., in Kane’ohe Traffic Court, Courtroom B, at the Kane’ohe Division. The case was continued to May 5, 1982.

On May 5, 1982, at 8:00 a.m., Bari Shabazz was supposed to again be arraigned and enter his plea in the same court room. He apparently did not appear and so the court issued a bench warrant on May 5, 1982, bearing number “BWO 050582.” It appears as though the court set bail at $25.00. The record also shows the entry of “HONDA,” maybe meaning that Bari Shabazz was driving a Honda or that the prosecutor’s name was “HONDA.” The next entry is for May 5, 1982, at 8:30 a.m. The court ordered the “AP” (maybe meaning accused person) to show proof of “NEW YORK DRIVER’S LICENSE.”

The report then shows that the prosecutor on April 9, 2003, filed an ex parte motion to recall the bench warrant and announced on the record “nolle prosequi.” This is a Latin phrase which is formally entered into a court record which means that the prosecutor in a criminal case “will no further prosecute” the case. The motion was listed as “NP [nolle prosequi] 040903.” So, the charge was dismissed upon the prosecutor’s ex parte “Nolle Prosequi” motion made on April 9, 2003. “Ex parte” means that only one side made the application which in this case was the prosecutor.

The final entry was for October 30, 2005, at 8:00 a.m., when the court noted that a $-0- balance was owed, but said “Pls check.”

This information raises the following questions:

1. Is the Bari Shabazz named in this traffic court report the same person Ms. Trowbridge calls “Bâri′ M. Shabazz” in her report and who is listed as “B M Shabazz” in the Social Security Death Index? If it is the same person, then that puts New Yorker Bâri′ M. Shabazz in Honolulu County, Hawaii, on March 12, 1982. Using a date of birth of October 28, 1959, this would have made Bâri′ M. Shabazz 22 years old at the time that he had this major automobile accident in Honolulu County.

2. The accident is characterized as a major accident. Chances are that Bari Shabazz and/or any passenger was taken to a local hospital in Honolulu County due to his/their injuries. If Bari Shabazz suffered any major injuries or laceration, the physical signs of those injuries and/or lacerations could still be present somewhere on his body if he is still alive.

3. Bari Shabazz was charged with driving without a driver’s license. The court ordered him to show proof of his New York driver’s license. Hence, Bari Shabazz must have told the charging police officer or the court that he did have a driver’s license and that it was one issued by the State of New York. Hence, Bari Shabazz must have been a resident of the State of New York. Note that Ms. Trowbridge said that Bâri′ M. Shabazz was born in New York City. Also, what was Bari Shabazz doing driving in Hawaii with what should have been a New York driver’s license? Was he now living in Hawaii? Was he there on vacation? Was he there visiting family or friends? Was he going to school there?

4. On April 9, 2003, the prosecutor filed a motion to recall the bench warrant, to terminate prosecution, and close the case. Why would this case come to the attention of some local prosecutor 21 years following the initial violation of March 12, 1982? A local prosecutor does not just go looking for cases that are 21 years old and file motions to dismiss those cases. Someone must have asked that local prosecutor to dismiss the case so that the arrest warrant was cleared from the court’s and nation’s computer system.

5. Ms. Trowbridge shows that Bâri′ M. Shabazz, according to the Social Security Death Index, died in August 1994. If Bâri′ M. Shabazz is the same person as is listed in this Hawaii auto accident as Bari Shabazz, why would someone care to recall his arrest warrant on April 9, 2003 or almost 9 years after his death? Surely, it could not be Bâri′ M. Shabazz who was interested since he had been dead since 1994. On the other hand, if he was not dead he would be interested.

6. On October 30, 2005, or 23 years following the date of the accident of March 12, 1982, the court again re-visits the case of Bari Shabazz, noting that he did not owe the court any money but to “Pls. check.” Why would the court again concern itself with this case on that date, especially if Bari Shabazz was dead since 1994?

7. So, is the Bari Shabazz named in this Hawaii traffic court report the same person Ms. Trowbridge calls “Bâri′ M. Shabazz” in her report and who is listed as “B M Shabazz” in the Social Security Death Index? That question surely merits an investigation. If he is, then that puts the New-York-born Bâri′ M. Shabazz in Honolulu County, Hawaii, the alleged birth place and once place of residence of putative President, Barack Hussein Obama II. Given what Ms. Trowbridge has concluded in her report, that is a circumstantial piece of evidence that is surely worth investigating. What also supports Ms. Trowbridge’s position that Bâri′ M. Shabazz really did not die in August 1994 and that he is still alive as Barack Hussein Obama II is that the traffic court in Hawaii was still acting on the Bari Shabazz traffic case 9 and 11 years after the alleged death in August 1994 of Bâri′ M. Shabazz. What needs to be investigated is why the local prosecutor and court took those actions so many years after the traffic accident and at whose behest.

8. Finally, when there is an auto accident, the police do a detailed accident report. That report includes the name, addresses, date of birth, and social security number of the person involved in the accident who is charged for that accident. The driver’s license number is also included if that license is produced or otherwise verified. A physical description of the defendant is also included. The make of auto, including the year made and VIN number are also included, along with statements of witnesses. There could be a photograph of the defendant in the police record. A thorough investigation of this matter would surely include searching the police record in Honolulu County for this report so that this information may be examined and evaluated.

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.

November 7, 2011


Copyright © 2011

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Is Barack Hussein Obama II Really Bâri′ M. Shabazz, Born October 28, 1959 in New York City?

Is Barack Hussein Obama II Really Bâri′ M. Shabazz, Born October 28, 1959 in New York City?

By Mario Apuzzo, Esq.

November 2, 2011

Is Barack Hussein Obama II, a/k/a Barack Obama Jr., really Bâri′ M. Shabazz? See the breaking story, entitled, Bâri′, Barry, Barack, by Martha Trowbridge, at

In her article, Ms. Trowbridge contends that putative President Obama’s real name is Bâri′ M. Shabazz.

She also tells us that this past Friday, October 28, 2011, was Bâri′’s birthday.

She says that the person who presents himself as Barack Hussein Obama II was born on October 28, 1959, in New York City. She adds that he was born with the name Bâri′ M. Shabazz.

What is also really interesting is that according to Ms. Trowbridge, the names Bâri′, Malik, and Shabazz are “sacred to Malcolm X.” Go to Ms. Trowbridge’s story to see what these names mean.

Ms. Trowbridge says that Bâri′ discovered that he was the son of Malcolm X. He then wanted to complete what his father had started in the political world. But he realized that he could not do it if the world knew that he was the illegitimate son of Malcolm X, a Muslim revolutionary. Hence, he had to change his birth identity and take on a new one.

She also explains that “father” Barack Obama was Malcolm X’s Kenyan friend.

We have heard so much about social security numbers. Here is what Ms. Trowbridge says: “We know this: Bâri′ M. Shabazz was assigned social security number 084-54-5926, issued in New York, in 1974.”

Here is more amazing information: Ms. Trowbridge has found that the Social Security Death Index shows: “SHABAZZ, B M 28 Oct 1959 Aug 1994 (V) 34 (PE) (none specified) New York 084-54-5926.” From this, one would think that Bari died in August 1994. But no, Ms. Trowbridge informs that only his identity was made “dead.” The real person continued to live and that person became “Barack Hussein Obama II.” Note how she explains that the “death” of Bari was only reported by someone (“V” or “Verified”) and that the person did not present any valid death certificate (“P” or “Proof).

What’s more Ms. Trowbridge explains that “[o]nce in the federal system, the [death] record was flagged as ‘PE’, meaning that an inconsistency exists between what was reported and what was recorded in the government’s files.”

Finally, do note Ms. Trowbridge also shows how close Bâri′ and Malcolm X lived together in East Elmhurst, New York.

What Ms. Trowbridge has presented to the world is surely shocking (an understatement). What she says surely needs to be investigated as soon as possible. Hopefully our political, legal, and police institutions will be up to the task. So far, they have not been.

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.

March 5, 2011


Copyright © 2011

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
All Rights Reserved

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/8/2011 7:36:02 PM
This editor is the pits, I tried to fix it after the first attempt when the fonts were so big, now it has come out spread all over the place.


Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/11/2011 6:13:06 PM
Hi Amanda,

Yep, the editor can be problematic at times and has a mind of its own. When I have articles that haven't got many live links in the body of the article I use notepad first and cop paste from there. For some reason that solves the problem.

Thanks for the articles, they are excellent with much food for thought. Some more indications that B Hussein is indeed the fraud and great pretender.



This editor is the pits, I tried to fix it after the first attempt when the fonts were so big, now it has come out spread all over the place.


Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/11/2011 6:14:22 PM
Hello Friends,

An Atlanta private investigator has a $15,000 voice analyzer software that he claims can tell if a persons testimony is true or not. He checked Cain's denial and Bialek's accusation and found that Cain is telling the truth and Bialek isn't. This software is being used by law enforcement agencies nation wide and is considered to be more accurate then a polygraph. 95% accuracy as opposed to 50% for the polygraph.

The below article and video go into more detail.



Does This Atlanta Private Investigator’s Lie Detector Prove Cain Is Telling the Truth?

Herman Cain has already said he would take a polygraph test to prove he is being truthful in his denial of recent accusations of sexual assault that four women made against him.

The polygraph test has not been taken yet, but one man says he already has proof that Cain is telling the truth.

The local CBS affiliate reports private investigator TJ Ward and his $15,000 voice analyzing software detect stress levels and other metrics from a person’s voice to tell if they are lying or not. Ward used the software to analyze Cain’s recent press conference and said it shows he was telling the truth:

During the speech, when Cain denied the claims, the lie detector read “low risk.” According to Ward, that means Cain is telling the truth.

During the section of Bialek’s news conference where she says, “He suddenly reached over put his hand on my leg under my skirt and reached for my genitals he also grabbed my head brought it towards his crotch.”

During the analysis of that section the software said “high risk statement.” Ward said that means she is not telling the truth about what happened.

“I don’t think she is fabricating her meetings,” said Ward. ”But, she is fabricating what transpired.”


“When he directly talks about the allegations against him there is no high risk,” said Ward. “It is low risk, which tells me he is being truthful in his conversations to the public.”

You can watch the machine in action below:

Ward told CBS that law enforcement already use software such as this and that it has a 95 percent success rate.

Peter Fogel
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/14/2011 8:47:01 PM
Hey Peter and friends,

I came across this bombshell story about the complexities the Democrats and Obama will go through to launder money. AKA Solar Solyndra Debacle.

Another Bombshell Expose'! Green Loans! The Real Story!

Added: Sunday, November 13th 2011 at 10:58am by JoAnneMor

5 / 5 ratings

The team is at it again.

What would you say if I told you all the green loans were a scam? They were a slush fund that went to donors, bundlers, politicians, their family, friends, lawyers and lobbyists.

What I am about to tell you is going to make your head explode!

You all know about the Solyndra scam that's evolving. Well Solyndra is not the only loan that went bad. All the loans went bad. That was the intent all along.

Every loan benefitted Obama. Every loan benefitted Dems. Every loan benefitted Dem donors.

We have been researching Solyndra and Zucotti Park. That is a strange combination on it's face, but remember I had told you about Zucotti Park belonging to Brookfield properties.

In my last article I told you Mayor of NY, Michael Bloomberg's live in girlfriend Diana Taylor, sat on board of Brookfield Properties. Brookfield is the parent company of Granite wind, who had received a $168 Million dollar loan guarantee from Obama's Dept of Energy, headed by Chu. I also told you Bidens son was a lobbyist for Brookfield. I have to add another name to that one. Heather Podesta. She too lobbied for the loan. Heather Podesta is sister in law to John Podesta. You all remember him. Podesta is Clinton's former chief of staff. He was on Obama's transition team. He heads Center For American Progress. Brookfield is a multi-billion dollar corp, that didn't need a loan.

Let's move on to Solyndra.

You know big Dem donor, George Kaiser is an investor in Solyndra. He bundled more than half a million dollars for Obama's reelection already. Kaiser knew the money was coming. He invested in a failing Solyndra with the knowledge the company would fail. Why you ask? Because that was the intent all along. That is evident in the sweet bankruptcy deal he got prior to investing. All the emails are coming out that prove the contacts with the White House and DOE.Many are researching this, so I will take it past there and connect it to many others with the same MO.

As you may know, Solyndra has other skeletons.

The daily caller put out a decent article on some of the donors and lobbyists connected to the loans:

Here are a few excerpts:

" When solar company Solyndra was spiraling into bankruptcy, the Department of Energy paid a firm with heavy Democratic connections to analyze a potential bail out of the company — all while Solyndra execs continued to receive hefty bonuses for their work.

The Energy Department hired Wall Street firm Lazard Ltd. in August to investigate possible bail out options to salvage Solyndra. According to the Associated Press , the Energy Department paid Lazard $1 million to analyze refinancing options for Solyndra."

Lazard Ltd. is a top contributor to the Democratic Party, not to mention a top 20 donor to the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee , according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

"Lazard employee Antonio Weiss is a bundler for Obama’s re-election campaign who has raised between $100,000 and $200,000 for the president. Vernon Jordan, a member of the firm’s board of directors, is a former adviser to Bill Clinton."

"Bonuses were awarded to more than a dozen Solyndra executives on top of their already lucrative salaries. Solyndra vice president of marketing Karen Alter — base salary of $275,000 — snagged a $55,000 bonus in April and again in July. Executive vice president of operations and engineering Ben Bierman — base salary of $300,000 — was awarded $60,000 in April and July. Chief Financial Officer Will Stover also twice received a $60,000 bonus.

Former CEO Chris Gronet was also awarded a $456,000 severance package, although bankruptcy documents show Gronet has yet to receive the money. No severances were given to the roughly 1,100 employees who were laid off after Solyndra declared bankruptcy.

"Solyndra execs and board members and investors had cozy relations with Democrats. Bierman donated $5,500 to Obama’s election campaign, and Alter donated $23,000 in 2008. According to information collected by the Center for Responsive Politics, Solyndra board members have donated at least $27,400 to Democratic campaigns and affiliates.

Steve Spinner is also in on the Solyndra scandal and his wife was the lawyer for Solyndra:
"“An investor in Solyndra who was also an Obama administration adviser pushed the White House in 2009 to support the solar panel maker. His push came as the company was seeking a half-billion-dollar Energy Department loan, documents show.”

“David Prend, a co-founder of the Boston venture capital firm Rockport Capital, met with Obama’s then climate czar, Carol M. Browner, in late February to discuss clean-energy policies of the administration – and Solyndra’s innovative solar panels were mentioned. He then e-mailed a White House aide to “help get the word out” about the company’s pending partnership with the Obama administration. Prend’s Boston-based venture capital firm held 7.5 percent of the company’s equity.”

At the time he requested White House support, Prend was co-founder of Rockport Capital, an early investor in Solyndra, starting in 2007. He also chaired a renewable energy panel that advised Obama’s Energy Department on solar technologies and investments!

AND , Fox News has revealed , ANOTHER inside man on the Solyndra loan was Steve Spinner, “a former NBC executive who became a green energy guru who helped steer energy and environmental policy for the administration starting in the 2008 transition team.” Spinner pushed for Solyndra to get the loan — even though his wife was the lawyer for the now BANKRUPT solar firm!" .


Missy Owens, VP Biden's Niece is part of Solyndra Scandal too.

Although it has received scant attention, one of the central figures involved the Solyndra scandal may be Missy Owens, the niece of Vice President Joe Biden.

Missy, whose real name is Valerie James Owens, is the Energy Department’s deputy Chief of Staff. She served in that capacity when the Solyndra $535 million loan guarantee was approved.

Owens’ name is on a number of e-mails and documents about Solyndra, including a September 2009 DOE “Events Memo. The memo starts by quoting the Vice President who predicted the Solyndra loan guarantee would be regarded as “the foundation of our 21st century economy.” Owens was involved in the timing of the groundbreaking ceremony that got the Vice President to extol the virtues of the company.

Politics in the Biden world is a family affair. Owens’ mother, Valerie Biden Owens is the Vice President’s sister. She ran political campaigns for her brother Joe. Missy also served as a campaign manager for her brother Joe “Beau” Biden. /10/27/missy-owens-vp-bidens-n iece-is-part-of-the-solyndra-s candal/?utm_source=twitterfeed &utm_medium=twitter&utm_campai gn=Tatler

~ ~

Let me stop here and explain what the system is. Then I will follow with more proof and research links.

These big donors are told the money is there.

They invest in failing companies under the ruse they will create "clean energy" jobs. That entitles them to the loans.

They make a pre-bankruptcy arrangement that guarantees they will get the investment back.

Once the loan comes in, they begin the scam. They pay the lawyers, the lobbyists, make donations to Dems and Obama, take their own piece off the top, then run the company into bankruptcy, thereby guaranteeing they get their initial investment back.

The people who were hired to work in the companies lost jobs. The Taxpayers lost $Billions and the money went to Obama and company.

Let's start with a few people on Obama's jobs Council. Then we will go on to the politicians who benefitted and their friends and family members.


Jeff Immelt is CEO of General Electric.

He is chairman of Obama's jobs council.

Jeff Immelt has moved subsidiaries of GE to China, including the aviation dept and solar functions. He got a loan.


From Sodahead:

"In a blatant example of corporate welfare, General Electric is receiving $490 million from the Energy Department to build a wind-energy facility — even though GE has a market capitalization of some $170 billion.

GE and its partners are also getting a $1.06 billion loan guarantee for the Shepherds Flat project in northern Oregon — a guarantee similar to the $529 million one that solar energy firm Solyndra received from the government before it went bankrupt

One other point to note: GE's CEO Jeffrey Immelt is the head of President Barack Obama's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.

"The Obama administration's loan guarantee for the now-bankrupt Solyndra has garnered lots of attention, but the Shepherds Flat deal is an even better example of corporate welfare," Robert Bryce writes for National Review Online.

"The majority of the funding for the $1.9 billion, 845-megawatt Shepherds Flat wind project is coming courtesy of federal taxpayers," he notes, and "not only is the Energy Department giving GE and its partners a $1.06 billion loan guarantee, but as soon as GE's 338 turbines start turning at Shepherds Flat, the Treasury Department will send the project developers a cash grant of $490 million."

GE and its partners, which include Google, will enjoy an estimated return on equity of 30 percent, while over the past year the average electric utility's return on equity has been around 7 percent, according to Bryce, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and author of "Power Hungry: The Myths of 'Green' Energy and the Real Fuels of the Future." -states/lucky-us-ge-bills-taxp ayers-490-million-for-wind-ene rgy-project/question-2240515/

http://www.manhattan-insti m?id=7504 .

~ ~

Now let's talk about another member of Obama's Jobs Council, John Doerr.

Doerr is a Partner in a company called Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Buyers. That is Venture Capital firm. ki/John_Doerr

From Wiki:"

Doerr funded Netscape , Google , Amazon , and Bloom Energy .[ 4]

He currently serves on the board of Google and on the boards of private ventures Amyris Biotech , Bloom Energy , iControl Networks , EGHC, Flo-Design , Miasole , M2Z Networks , V Vehicle and Spatial Photonics . He seeded Twitter nearly $150 million. His investment philosophy is "no conflict, no interest."[ 5]

Doerr co-founded and serves on the board of the New Schools Venture Fund, an education reform and charter public schools fund. And on TechNet, a policy network of high tech CEOs advocating education and litigation reform, and policies for the innovation economy . Doerr co-chaired California's Proposition 39 which lowered the threshold to approved school bonds, and Proposition 71 which created $3 billion funding for California research into stem cell therapies. He serves on the board of Bono 's ONE campaign to fight global poverty , particularly disease in Africa. His success in venture capital has garnered national attention; he has been and is currently listed on Forbes magazine's exclusive "Midas List " and is widely regarded as one of the top technology venture capitalists in the world.[citation needed ]

Forbes magazine estimates his net worth to be well over $1 billion. Doerr is a high profile supporter of the Democratic Party in Silicon Valley. Through the TechNet (lobbying organization) he helped found, he has devoted much time and money towards impacting legislation beneficial to the technology industry.[citation needed ]

Doerr advocates innovation in clean energy technologies to combat climate change , and has written and testified on the topic. In a 2007 TED conference he cited his daughter's remark: "your generation created this problem, you better fix it" as a call to fight global warming .[ 6]

In 2008 he announced with Steve Jobs the Kleiner Perkins $100 million iFund , declaring the iPhone "more important than the personal computer" because " it knows who you are" and "where you are." In April 2010, he along with another iFund members announced an increase in iFund 's value by another $100 million dollars making iFund the worlds biggest investment pool in cell phone application industry.[ 7]

He had also funded the initial investments in Bloom Energy Inc."

Let's talk about Bloom Energy

Bloom Energy is located in Delaware. Biden's home state. Colin Powel and Fisker are on the Board of Directiors of Bloom Energy. The company is owned by Doerr's: Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Buyer. Fisker is also on Obama's jobs Council and involved with several Green loans. His wife was the Lawyer for Solyndra. I will get to that.

Doerr is involved in several Green Loan entities. His firm Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Buyer is major investor in Fisker, who got a loan and is now bankrupt, as well as heading to Finland. Al Gore is involved in this scam:

"The Wall Street Journa l covered this cronyism back in 2009:

A tiny car company backed by former Vice President Al Gore has just gotten a $529 million U.S. government loan to help build a hybrid sports car in Finland that will sell for about $89,000.

The award this week to California startup Fisker Automotive Inc. follows a $465 million government loan to Tesla Motors Inc., purveyors of a $109,000 British-built electric Roadster. Tesla is a California startup focusing on all-electric vehicles, with a number of celebrity endorsements that is backed by investors that have contributed to Democratic campaigns.

Matt Rogers, who oversees the department's loan programs as a senior adviser to Energy Secretary Steven Chu, said Fisker was awarded the loan after a "detailed technical review" that concluded the company could eventually deliver a highly fuel-efficient hybrid car to a mass audience. Fisker said most of its DOE loan will be used to finance U.S. production of a $40,000 family sedan that has yet to be designed.

Fisker's top investors include Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers , a veteran Silicon Valley venture-capital firm of which Gore is a partner. Employees of KPCB have donated more than $2.2 million to political campaigns, mostly for Democrats, including President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan group that tracks campaign contributions."

"In 2009, Fisker purchased a closed GM plant in Delaware, after heavy lobbying from both Republicans and Democrats in the state, which it still says will someday produce electric cars in bulk. Right now, the plant only employs about 100 workers.

The remainder of the $1 billion the DOE earmarked for electric-car investments went to Tesla, founded by Elon Musk, a big-ticket Democratic donor, and backed by Googlers Larry Page and Sergey Brin (more big Democratic donors) and Obama bundler Steve Westly. Fisker, meanwhile, counts among its top investors Kleiner Perkins, which has both former Vice-President Al Gore and John Doerr , a very big-ticket Obama donor, on its board of director". .
Remember, Doerr's Keliner, Perkins, etc is also parent of Google and other tech cos. Wiki has the list.

Let's move on to a few others. I'm sure you can already see the pattern.



$737 Million Green Jobs Loan Given to Nancy Pelosi's Brother-In-Law

Despite the growing Solyndra scandal, yesterday the Department of Energy approved $1 billion in new loans to green energy companies -- including a $737 million loan guarantee to a company known as SolarReserve :

SolarReserve LLC, a closely held renewable energy developer, received a $737 million U.S. Energy Department loan guarantee to build a solar-thermal project in Nevada.

The 110-megawatt Crescent Dunes project, near Tonopah, Nevada, will use the sun’s heat to create steam that drives a turbine, the agency said today in a e-mailed statement. SolarReserve is based in Santa Monica, California.

On SolarReserve's website is a list of "investment partners," including the "PCG Clean Energy & Technology Fund (East) LLC." As blogger American Glob quickly discovered , PCG's number two is none other than "Ronald Pelosi, a San Francisco political insider and financial industry polymath who happens to be the brother-in-law of Nancy Pelosi , the Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives."

But wait... there's more! One of SolarReserve's other investment partners is Argonaut Private Equity :

Steve Mitchell and Argonaut Private Equity might have a chance to recoup some of their losses in the Solyndra debacle now that the Department of Energy has given a $737 million dollar loan guarantee to a company backed by Argonaut that also lists Mitchell among its board of directors.

Mitchell served on the Solyndra LLC Board of Directors. He also serves as Managing Director for Argonaut Private Equity, a company that invested in Solyndra through the LLCs parent company. After Solyndra declared bankruptcy, two Democratic members of the U.S. House asked that Mitchell testify about Solyndra. Though he has not appeared before Congress, he has "been asked to provide documents to Congress" pertaining to Solyndra.

And for good measure, it's also noteworthy that Obama is about to hold a big money fundraiser at the home of Tom Carnahan in St. Louis :

Carnahan, a member of the prominent Missouri Democratic family, has been tapped by the Obama campaign as its chief Missouri fundraiser. He is chairman of the board of Wind Capital Group, a wind energy company that makes it corporate headquarters in St. Louis. He formerly was president and CEO of the company.

Last year, Wind Capital's Lost Creek Farm facility in northwest Missouri received a $107 million tax credit from the Treasury Department, among many such wind operations receiving support from from stimulus funds.

Tom Carnahan is the son of former Missouri governor Mel Carnahan and former U.S. senator Jean Carnahan. He's also the brother of current Missouri secretary of state, Robin Carnahan.

It's increasingly hard to tell the government's green jobs subsidies apart from the Democrats' friends and family rewards program. .

"Ronald Pelosi, 76, is a member of one of California’s most powerful Democratic families. He is a former president of both the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and the San Francisco Planning Commission as well as sitting on many other boards in the Bay City. His nephew Gavin Newsom is currently the Lieutenant Governor of California.

Pelosi joined PCG this past spring and his biography on the company website describes him as having “an extensive background in the securities industry, mutual funds, and private equity.” Read more on $737 Million Green Loan to Pelosi Kin Fuels Outrage

This link has a great round up, enter the Podestas:


NANCY PELOSI'S BROTHER-IN-LAW IS A MAJOR INVESTOR: "On SolarReserve's website is a list of ‘investment partners,' including the ‘PCG Clean Energy & Technology Fund (East) LLC.' As blogger American Glob quickly discovered, PCG's number two is none other than ‘Ronald Pelosi, a San Francisco political insider and financial industry polymath who happens to be the brother-in-law of Nancy Pelosi, the Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives." (Mark Hemingway, "Crony Capitalism: $737 Million Green Jobs Loan Given to Nancy Pelosi's Brother-in-Law," The Weekly Standard , 9/29/2011)

RONALD PELOSI AND NANCY PELOSI ARE PART OF "TIGHTKNIT POWER WEB" THAT IS SAN FRANCISCO'S "UPPER CRUST": "A permanent overclass supports a well-attended opera, countless museums and other cultural amenities and also provides, for better or worse, civic and political continuity.

"The recent death of cultural doyenne Belinda Barbara Newsom provided a peek into that tightly knit world. She was the aunt of San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, but also the former wife of Ronald Pelosi, a former city supervisor and brother-in-law of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi." (Dan Walters, "S.F.'s Upper Crust Is a Tightknit Power Web," Fresno Bee , 11/28/2008)


OTHER INVESTORS INCLUDE ARGONAUT PRIVATE EQUITY, WHICH ALSO INVESTED IN… YOU GUESSED IT: SOLYNDRA: "Steve Mitchell and Argonaut Private Equity might have a chance to recoup some of their losses in the Solyndra debacle now that the Department of Energy has given as $737 million loan guarantee to a company backed by Argonaut that also lists Mitchell as a ‘board participant.'" (Joel Gehrke, "Solyndra Director Tied to $737 million Loan Guarantee," The Washington Examiner , 9/28/2011)

ARGONAUT IS ALSO TIED TO OBAMA DONOR GEORGE KAISER: "According to Solar Reserve's website, one of its investors is Argonaut Private Equity, which also backed the Solyndra deal. Argonaut is an investment arm of the family foundation of George Kaiser, a political supporter of President Barack Obama. In the past, administration officials have denied that Mr. Kaiser's connection to the White House played any role in the Solyndra deal." (Ryan Tracy, "Two Solar Plants Get Loan Guarantees," The Wall Street Journal ,9/29/2011)


"MORE SOLAR COMPANIES LED BY DEMOCRATIC DONORS RECEIVED FEDERAL LOAN GUARANTEES": " A Daily Caller investigation has found that in addition to the failed company Solyndra, at least four other solar panel manufacturing companies receiving in excess of $500 million in loan guarantees from the Obama administration employ executives or board members who have donated large sums of money to Democratic campaigns .

~ ~.
Let's go a little further. Other donors and players are in the mix. Let's talk about Deval Patrick from Massachusetts. There are companies in Massachusetts that received DOE loan guaranteesd. All went bankrupt. 2 are moving the remnants to China:
Beacon Power:

There’s some good news: Beacon Power only got $43 million of your money, their plant is still operating, and unlike Solyndra, the United States taxpayer enjoys “senior debt” status, which means we’ll get paid back before private investors. (Amazingly, and possibly illegally, Solyndra’s last-ditch round of private investors were given “senior debt” status above most of the $535 million in government loans received by President Obama’s top contributors.)

Beacon Power gave generously to Democrats, although not on the scale of Obama’s good friends at Solyndra. The Daily Caller tallies up the return on their political investment:

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Beacon Power president and CEO F. William “Bill” Capp donated $500 to Obama’s presidential campaign. He also donated to Democratic Massachusetts Rep. Niki Tsongas, and to the failed Massachusetts Senate campaign of Democrat Martha Coakley, whom Republican Scott Brown defeated in a special election for the late Sen. Ted Kennedy’s open Senate seat.

Beacon government relations director Matthew E. Polimeno donated $750 to Rep. Tsongas and $250 to Coakley. Beacon Power CFO James M. Spiezio also donated $250 to Coakley.

Through their companies, these donors were rewarded with $17,200 of Energy Department funds for every dollar they donated to Democrats. /article.php?id=47247 .

Now I will Recap the Zucotti Park/Brookfield connection.

Zucotti Park. That is the "privately owned" park where the protesters are camped.
Zucotti Park is owned by a property group called Brookfield properties.
Mayor Michale Bloomberg 's girlfriend, Diane Taylor, sits on the board of directors at Brookfield, so obviously there is a Bloomberg connection, but it gets even more incestouous.

Brookfield also owns a company called Granite Wind, a subsidiary of Brookfield renewable energy. They just received a $168 million dollar green loan from Obama's DOE.

Not only did they get the loan, but VP Joe Biden's son lobbied for the loan through his firm, Oldaker, Biden & Belair, which was founded by Biden's son.

I bet you can already guess who is a major stockholder in Brookfield. You guessed it Soros.

So in summary,
Brookfield Properties owns Zucotti Park.
Bloomberg's girlfriend sits on the board of Brookfield. Her name is Diane Taylor. Brookfield also owns Granite Wind in NH and NY. They received a $168 Mil dollar green loan from O's DOE.
Joe Biden's son lobbied for the loan.
Soros is a major stock holder in Brookfield.
The use of Zucotti was return favor. annemor/occupy-wall-st-orc hestrated-not-in-the-stree t-but-in-the-white-house .
~ ~
Can't finish the list without including Severstal:
Severstal is " based overseas and run by a steel tycoon. Severstal North America, located in Michigan, is a subsidiary of the Russian steel and mining company, OAO Severstal, led by Alexei Mordashov, one of the world’s wealthiest businessmen, with a personal net worth over $18 billion." http://tpmdc.talkingpoints -supported-loan-guarantee- under-issa-attack.php .

Severstal Wiki: ki/Severstal .

Here's the deal. Politicians know the money is coming. They let their big donors, family, friends, lawyers and Lobbiests know. They invest in failing companies. They know the company is going to go bankrupt. It's desinged that way.
They make a pre bankruptcy agreement where they get the investment back, first, before other creditors and taxpayers see a dime.
Once they obtain the loans, the real laundering begins.
They strip every dime. Pay off each other. Donate to Obama, and other dems.
Some companies funnel money overseas, to China, Finland, Russia, and other subsidiaries.
Chu runs cover.
The companies go bankrupt as intended and the money is laundered, never to be seen again.
These are the source links. There is lots more information, but you get my drift! <Biden's niece, Solyndra

Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law given loan bigger than Solyndra for solar plant: /news/article-2043282/Nanc y-Pelosis-brother-law-give n-loan-bigger-Solyndra-sol ar-plant.html

Delaware’s Own Solyndra - Colin Powell on Board of Directors> /1265695109001/delawares-own-s olyndra/?playlist_id=87185

Colin Powell Talks about Energy at Bloom Box Press Q&A ch?v=kQIBuQgDln0 . Colin powell is on BOD of Bloom. Bloom is subsidiary of Kleiner Perkins. Doerr, from O's jobs council is partner in Kleiner Perkins..

Bloom Energy Revealed on 60 Minutes! : Greentech Media: . < Designed to fail. Intentional on all of them

bloom energy - Fortune Tech: Technology blogs, news and analysis from Fortune Magazine m/tag/bloom-energy/ . This tells of Doerr's reentry into tech world.

Doerr, a partner of Kleiner Perkins is on Obama's JOBS COUNCIL!: John Doerr — Kleiner Perkins Caufie r/john-doerr .

Same people tanked Tesla: lanon/2011/10/20/donors-bu ndlers-and-obama-allies-se cure-1-billion-in-loans-ex port-jobs-to-finland/ .

Same company has China branch. Finland too. Al Gore and Colin Powell involved. s/rebeccafannin/2011/11/04 /splitup-at-kleiner-china- proves-getting-the-right-m ix-isnt-easy/?utm_source=a llactivity%26#38;amp;utm_m edium=rss%26#38;amp;utm_ca mpaign=20111104 .

Does Obama Have Another Solyndra on His Hands? [Updated]: . < Fisker. ..His wife is lawyer for Solyndra

Doerr , Al Gore > . Donors, Bundlers, and Obama Allies Secure $1 Billion in Loans, Export Jobs to Finland . Obama Jobs Council Stacked With Democratic Donors . Why was Obama's dinner event at John Doerr's home so locked down to the press?
Attendees: . Obama Talks Innovation, Stumps for Donations During Doerr <Doer still bundling! . More Crony Capitalism from Federal Government's Clean Energy Push

*This is article I wrote on Zucotti/Bloomberg & GF, Biden's Kid, Granite, Brookfield. Sourced: <Lots of source links at bottom of this article.

Don't forget, Russia made out too. Look at Severstall and the steel co.

In Massachusetts, 3 more companies are going to China after receiving loans. It was intended that way! ton/2011/10/31/woes-mount- for-local-energy-companies -beacon-power-and-american -superconductor/ . /news/special_reports/where-ar e-the-massachusetts-jobs-going -20111109

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