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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/29/2011 8:45:09 AM
Hello Friends,

Here's an interesting article on the differences between the Tea Parties and the "occupiers". For the sake of posterity Tea Party events are well organized and well behaved. They leave the places clean of rubbish and not demolish public property. We've seen the hygienic catastrophes of these occupy events and occupations. Rubbish piled high, crime, rape, violence, drugs, attacking the police, incensing to violence and murder and so much more. Yet these people are allowed to occupy public places and do what they will and destroy them while they're "protesting" all for free and at the expense of the taxpayer.

The majority of the occupiers haven't got a clue why they are there and many are getting paid in the process. These people are being funded by the Elites via the different organizations they run or support with financial support.

The below article is a prime example of the difference between the Tea Party and these occupiers. They had an event and paid $10,000 for the venue and complied with all the municipal demands. Now after seeing the occupiers occupy that same area and of course not complying with any city ordinances and most probably making a rubbish heap out of the area for free, gratis, they want their money back. They do have a point don't they?



Richmond Tea Party wants refund after seeing Occupy Richmond protesters camp out for free

Tea Party was charged nearly $10,000 to host their demonstration

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/29/2011 8:49:50 AM
Hello Friends,

Here's another graphic which isn't funny but shows the reality of the "occupiers" and their supporters.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/29/2011 9:54:40 AM
Hello Friends,

Here's Steven Crowder's take on the rampant racism at the "occupier" movement.This movement that every body now is trying to compare to the Tea Parties. Yep, the same Tea parties that up till the recent past MSM, B Hussein and his goon squad,liberal progressive politicians and so many more tried their d*amnset to denigrate. Now apparently they're model that needs to be emulated. Interesting isn't it?

We all heard and read how the Tea Parties were accused of bigotry and racism and of course they weren't and aren't but the "occupiers" are. Or more correctly many of them are as we've seen in the many videos and statements made both by the occupiers themselves, their supporters, organizers and funders.

So this so called revolution of Socialists, Communists, anarchists, druggies, racists and bigots, Nazis etc. and all their funders and organizers will not be the answer to all those freebie lovers and anti capitalists since all they really want is to tear down and destroy a once great country and turn it into another failed Socialist or Communist regime. The fraud and great pretender B Hussein supports the "occupiers" since he's already made many inroads to accomplish their mission his puppet masters have ordered him to oversee and bring to fruition.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/29/2011 10:30:08 AM
Hello Friends,

Two weeks ago Herman Cain was interviewed by Meet The Press and one of the things he mentioned was that he considers himself to be a Black American since the roots of his heritage are in the USA. He also thinks that race will not be a factor in the 2012 presidential race. I tend to disagree with him on that since race is a factor in everything the progressive liberals, Democ rats, MSM and others use for any opposition to this regimes policies.

The "African American" or as Cain prefers Black American has been an issue I've been thinking about for many years and one I find very perplexing. Many of us (depending when you were born) know of the many different names the black community has had over the years and up to a point the changes were understood and appreciated. After all the race issues were over and equality reached something which was long overdue I failed to understand the desire to differentiate themselves from the rest of America with the African added on to the American.

The basic explanation is that their roots are from Africa and we all understand that but when you consider that America is the melting pot of the world everybody has roots from other countries.

I don't hear about Hungarian Americans, Polish Americans, British Americans, German Americans, Itaian Americans, Chinese Americans, European Americans, Asian Americans and the list goes on and on and on. So why African American or as Cain prefers Black Americans? All of us are Americans and the minute you add anything to that in my opinion you are differentiating yourself from the rest of the American public.

I would really like to hear any explanations that can justify this prefix to the term American which should be sufficient to explain your nationality.

Below is part of an article that from The Blaze with Cain's comments on this subject. For those that wish to read the rest of the article and watch the videos the link is provided.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/29/2011 1:20:39 PM
Hello Friends,

The links for The Blaze were incorrect in my previous post and were corrected. Sorry about that.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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