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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/14/2011 1:34:27 PM
Hello Peter and friends. I had second thoughts on posting this article and I think after you read it, you will understand why, considering an instance that happened here back before the presidential elecion, but since everyone needs to know as much of the truth as possible I decided to post this article from our neighbors to the north, the Canada Free Press, anyway. To me this is a measure of desperation on the part of the current
administration and just another example of how low they're willing to go., Fight the Smears
Obama campaign launches snitch line website
- Judi McLeod Wednesday, September 14, 2011
It’s official. The Obama campaign launched a new snitch line website today ostensibly to handle “misinformation” out there against President Obama.
“Got my spy email today from the Obama campaign,” CFP reader Rosemary from Norwalk, Ct. wrote Canada Free Press (CFP). “They have set up a website called It is for people to report “lies” about Obama! They even reference some of their own.”

“How low can they go?”
Plenty low, Rosemary as AttackWatch will soon prove.
The Obama campaign is only making official what they started back in the summer of 2008 with “the Barack Obama Truth Squad”.
“KMOV-TV in Missouri is reporting that Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign has signed up law enforcement officials “to target anyone who lies or runs a misleading TV ad during the presidential campaign.” (Obama’s Legal Goon Squads, Matthew Vadum, CFP, Sept. 28, 2008).
“According to a summary on National Review Online by Jim Geraghty, prosecutors and sheriffs in the state are joining “the Barack Obama Truth Squad”. Mentioned in the report are Jennifer Joyce, a St. Louis Circuit Attorney, and Bob McCullough, prosecutor for St. Louis County, NRO reports.
“The reporter says, “They will be reminding voters that Barack Obama is a Christian who wants to cut taxes for anyone making less than $250,000 a year.
“While the report never comes out and says anyone running an ad saying those things would be subject to prosecution, that certainly is the message implied.
“Of course, the Senator is perfectly entitled to fight back if he believes his positions are being misrepresented, but he should do that with more speech, not heavy-handed legal maneuvering aimed at suppressing speech. We don’t need politically correct inquisitors. (We profiled Senator Obama in the June Foundation Watch. The article has proven so popular we had to order reprints.)”
That was 2008. Today Obama’s reelection campaign manager, Jim Messina announced the formation of
“Forming the first line of defense against a barrage of misinformation won’t be easy,” Messina wrote in a fundraising email to campaign supporters. “Our success will depend on a team of researchers and writers to stay on the lookout for false claims about the President and his record, bring you the facts, and hold our opposition accountable.”
ABC news was first of the alphabet television networks to jump in with sympathy in a story headlined, Obama ‘Attack Watch’ Website to Help Supporters ‘Fight Back’, quoting Tennessee college student Jennifer Kickliter, who signed up for the 2012 campaign. Kickliter said, It’s not easy being an Obama for America volunteer, especially when you feel ill-equipped to respond to the waves of attacks from his critics.
Meanwhile, the big question is will Tea Party members be falsely accused and prosecuted or just outed by Obama’s
Below is the Obama email…
Expose the attacks
From: Jim Messina,
Subject: Expose the attacks
Date: September 13, 2011 7:56:35 PM EDT
If you’re someone who cares about seeing a campaign focused on substance between now and November 2012, I need you to become a part of one of our most important teams.
It’s called, and it launches today.
Here’s the deal: We all remember the birth certificate smear, the GOP’s barrage of lies about the Affordable Care Act, and the string of other phony attacks on President Obama that we’ve seen over the past few years.
There are a lot of folks on the other side who are chomping at the bit to distort the President’s record. It’s not a question of if the next big lie will come, just when—and what we’re prepared to do about it. is exactly what it sounds like: a resource that allows us to nip these attacks in the bud before they show up on the airwaves and in emails—and then fight back with the truth.
By signing up, you’ll be on the front lines—you’ll hear about false claims as soon as they come up, and we’ll count on you to spread the truth to your friends and personal networks and let us know about new smears whenever you hear them.
Will you sign up now to be a part of
Yes, I want to be on the team that fights back.
Not right now, but I’ll donate $5 to fund the 2012 campaign and support this work.
I remember the smears from 2008 well, and I’m sure you do, too.
They didn’t just attack Barack Obama and Joe Biden. They went after everything this movement is built on, and everyone who supports it.
This time, they’re not just out to personally attack the President—they’re also out to mislead Americans about the record of accomplishments that he’s compiled. Just the other day, a Republican financier actually quoted Saddam Hussein in telling a group of millionaire donors that defeating President Obama will be “the mother of all wars.”
We’re launching today to make sure we’re ready for the attacks we know are coming—and armed with the ability to fight back quickly.
Sign up for now, and let’s get the facts out:
Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/14/2011 2:27:30 PM
For all those worrying about Social Security, take a look at this video as Dick Morris explains just what it is that Obama is proposing. I don't think you're going to like it very much, but if you do then there is no hope for those that refuse to see the truth.
How Will Obama Pick Your Pocket? Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT!

Uploaded by on Sep 13, 2011

Obama has finally indicated what taxes he'll raise to pay for his "jobs" program. And guess what? The economic effect of these taxes will more than nullify any benefit from his program

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/15/2011 7:37:20 PM

Hi Peter, I just got this video and I have already posted it in one of Dean and Gladys's threads but thought it should also be here too.


Hon. James David Manning, PhD interviews Avi Lipkin about Barack Hussein (The Long Legged Mack Daddy) Obama planning to destroy Israel. Recorded on 12 September 2011. Go to for more information.

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/15/2011 8:51:31 PM
Hello Evelyn,

This sort of 'snitch on your neighbours' is what Hitler had Germans do to spy on their Jewish neighbours and report them so they did not have anyone or anywhere to hide..
Is this what the world is resorting to - Are we heading for another Holocaust..
We are in big trouble as our world has certainly got way off track and very unchristian like


Hello Peter and friends. I had second thoughts on posting this article and I think after you read it, you will understand why, considering an instance that happened here back before the presidential election, but since everyone needs to know as much of the truth as possible I decided to post this article from our neighbors to the north, the Canada Free Press, anyway. To me this is a measure of desperation on the part of the current
administration and just another example of how low they're willing to go., Fight the Smears
Obama campaign launches snitch line website
- Judi McLeod Wednesday, September 14, 2011
It’s official. The Obama campaign launched a new snitch line website today ostensibly to handle “misinformation” out there against President Obama.
“Got my spy email today from the Obama campaign,” CFP reader Rosemary from Norwalk, Ct. wrote Canada Free Press (CFP). “They have set up a website called It is for people to report “lies” about Obama! They even reference some of their own.”

“How low can they go?”
Plenty low, Rosemary as AttackWatch will soon prove.
The Obama campaign is only making official what they started back in the summer of 2008 with “the Barack Obama Truth Squad”.
“KMOV-TV in Missouri is reporting that Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign has signed up law enforcement officials “to target anyone who lies or runs a misleading TV ad during the presidential campaign.” (Obama’s Legal Goon Squads, Matthew Vadum, CFP, Sept. 28, 2008).
“According to a summary on National Review Online by Jim Geraghty, prosecutors and sheriffs in the state are joining “the Barack Obama Truth Squad”. Mentioned in the report are Jennifer Joyce, a St. Louis Circuit Attorney, and Bob McCullough, prosecutor for St. Louis County, NRO reports.
“The reporter says, “They will be reminding voters that Barack Obama is a Christian who wants to cut taxes for anyone making less than $250,000 a year.
“While the report never comes out and says anyone running an ad saying those things would be subject to prosecution, that certainly is the message implied.
“Of course, the Senator is perfectly entitled to fight back if he believes his positions are being misrepresented, but he should do that with more speech, not heavy-handed legal maneuvering aimed at suppressing speech. We don’t need politically correct inquisitors. (We profiled Senator Obama in the June Foundation Watch. The article has proven so popular we had to order reprints.)”
That was 2008. Today Obama’s reelection campaign manager, Jim Messina announced the formation of
“Forming the first line of defense against a barrage of misinformation won’t be easy,” Messina wrote in a fundraising email to campaign supporters. “Our success will depend on a team of researchers and writers to stay on the lookout for false claims about the President and his record, bring you the facts, and hold our opposition accountable.”
ABC news was first of the alphabet television networks to jump in with sympathy in a story headlined, Obama ‘Attack Watch’ Website to Help Supporters ‘Fight Back’, quoting Tennessee college student Jennifer Kickliter, who signed up for the 2012 campaign. Kickliter said, It’s not easy being an Obama for America volunteer, especially when you feel ill-equipped to respond to the waves of attacks from his critics.
Meanwhile, the big question is will Tea Party members be falsely accused and prosecuted or just outed by Obama’s
Below is the Obama email…
Expose the attacks
From: Jim Messina,
Subject: Expose the attacks
Date: September 13, 2011 7:56:35 PM EDT
If you’re someone who cares about seeing a campaign focused on substance between now and November 2012, I need you to become a part of one of our most important teams.
It’s called, and it launches today.
Here’s the deal: We all remember the birth certificate smear, the GOP’s barrage of lies about the Affordable Care Act, and the string of other phony attacks on President Obama that we’ve seen over the past few years.
There are a lot of folks on the other side who are chomping at the bit to distort the President’s record. It’s not a question of if the next big lie will come, just when—and what we’re prepared to do about it. is exactly what it sounds like: a resource that allows us to nip these attacks in the bud before they show up on the airwaves and in emails—and then fight back with the truth.
By signing up, you’ll be on the front lines—you’ll hear about false claims as soon as they come up, and we’ll count on you to spread the truth to your friends and personal networks and let us know about new smears whenever you hear them.
Will you sign up now to be a part of
Yes, I want to be on the team that fights back.
Not right now, but I’ll donate $5 to fund the 2012 campaign and support this work.
I remember the smears from 2008 well, and I’m sure you do, too.
They didn’t just attack Barack Obama and Joe Biden. They went after everything this movement is built on, and everyone who supports it.
This time, they’re not just out to personally attack the President—they’re also out to mislead Americans about the record of accomplishments that he’s compiled. Just the other day, a Republican financier actually quoted Saddam Hussein in telling a group of millionaire donors that defeating President Obama will be “the mother of all wars.”
We’re launching today to make sure we’re ready for the attacks we know are coming—and armed with the ability to fight back quickly.
Sign up for now, and let’s get the facts out:
Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/16/2011 8:37:17 AM
Hi Evelyn & Amanda,

When I first read this article and others on B Hussein's new snitch site I was totally disgusted but not surprised. This is not the first time he and his goons used this tactic. If you remember he wanted kids to snitch on their parents, he had youth squads spouting his garbage, he wanted and still wants a civilian "army" to equal the Military (sorta reminds you of the Brown shirts, doesn't it?), he sent out spam emails asking supporters to report on their neighbors and now the snitch website. Disgusting and in actual fact an act of fear cos he knows he's losing his power base and many who voted for him in 2008 will not support and vote for him in 2012.

As you so rightly mentioned Evelyn we have our snitches here in adland too and I have no doubt we'll all be "reported" to that infamous site by some members.

The really ironic part of this website is the name in itself. "Fight the smears", in a way it's even funny cos the so called smears are truisms that B Hussein and his goons have no answers to. So in order to combat the truth they want to use fear tactics in order to shut people up. I've got a surprise for him and the snitches, people aren't willing to stay quiet any longer and the truth will prevail over the Nazi tactics this regime is stooping to. In the end those in danger aren't those willing to speak the truth using their right of freedom of speech but the snitches are in extreme danger cos when this fraud and impostor is out of office they'll be treated as collaborators and suffer the consequences of being considered social outcasts.

The travesty of justice that a fraud is sitting in the WH will be short lived and all those willing to be snitches will be treated with the contempt they so justly deserve. For those that remember some history the French shaved the heads of the women who were known collaborators with the Nazis it will be interesting to see what the American ingenuity will come up with for the "Obama snitches".



Hello Evelyn,

This sort of 'snitch on your neighbours' is what Hitler had Germans do to spy on their Jewish neighbours and report them so they did not have anyone or anywhere to hide..
Is this what the world is resorting to - Are we heading for another Holocaust..
We are in big trouble as our world has certainly got way off track and very unchristian like


Hello Peter and friends. I had second thoughts on posting this article and I think after you read it, you will understand why, considering an instance that happened here back before the presidential election, but since everyone needs to know as much of the truth as possible I decided to post this article from our neighbors to the north, the Canada Free Press, anyway. To me this is a measure of desperation on the part of the current
administration and just another example of how low they're willing to go., Fight the Smears
Obama campaign launches snitch line website
- Judi McLeod Wednesday, September 14, 2011
It’s official. The Obama campaign launched a new snitch line website today ostensibly to handle “misinformation” out there against President Obama.
“Got my spy email today from the Obama campaign,” CFP reader Rosemary from Norwalk, Ct. wrote Canada Free Press (CFP). “They have set up a website called It is for people to report “lies” about Obama! They even reference some of their own.”

“How low can they go?”
Plenty low, Rosemary as AttackWatch will soon prove.
The Obama campaign is only making official what they started back in the summer of 2008 with “the Barack Obama Truth Squad”.
“KMOV-TV in Missouri is reporting that Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign has signed up law enforcement officials “to target anyone who lies or runs a misleading TV ad during the presidential campaign.” (Obama’s Legal Goon Squads, Matthew Vadum, CFP, Sept. 28, 2008).
“According to a summary on National Review Online by Jim Geraghty, prosecutors and sheriffs in the state are joining “the Barack Obama Truth Squad”. Mentioned in the report are Jennifer Joyce, a St. Louis Circuit Attorney, and Bob McCullough, prosecutor for St. Louis County, NRO reports.
“The reporter says, “They will be reminding voters that Barack Obama is a Christian who wants to cut taxes for anyone making less than $250,000 a year.
“While the report never comes out and says anyone running an ad saying those things would be subject to prosecution, that certainly is the message implied.
“Of course, the Senator is perfectly entitled to fight back if he believes his positions are being misrepresented, but he should do that with more speech, not heavy-handed legal maneuvering aimed at suppressing speech. We don’t need politically correct inquisitors. (We profiled Senator Obama in the June Foundation Watch. The article has proven so popular we had to order reprints.)”
That was 2008. Today Obama’s reelection campaign manager, Jim Messina announced the formation of
“Forming the first line of defense against a barrage of misinformation won’t be easy,” Messina wrote in a fundraising email to campaign supporters. “Our success will depend on a team of researchers and writers to stay on the lookout for false claims about the President and his record, bring you the facts, and hold our opposition accountable.”
ABC news was first of the alphabet television networks to jump in with sympathy in a story headlined, Obama ‘Attack Watch’ Website to Help Supporters ‘Fight Back’, quoting Tennessee college student Jennifer Kickliter, who signed up for the 2012 campaign. Kickliter said, It’s not easy being an Obama for America volunteer, especially when you feel ill-equipped to respond to the waves of attacks from his critics.
Meanwhile, the big question is will Tea Party members be falsely accused and prosecuted or just outed by Obama’s
Below is the Obama email…
Expose the attacks
From: Jim Messina,
Subject: Expose the attacks
Date: September 13, 2011 7:56:35 PM EDT
If you’re someone who cares about seeing a campaign focused on substance between now and November 2012, I need you to become a part of one of our most important teams.
It’s called, and it launches today.
Here’s the deal: We all remember the birth certificate smear, the GOP’s barrage of lies about the Affordable Care Act, and the string of other phony attacks on President Obama that we’ve seen over the past few years.
There are a lot of folks on the other side who are chomping at the bit to distort the President’s record. It’s not a question of if the next big lie will come, just when—and what we’re prepared to do about it. is exactly what it sounds like: a resource that allows us to nip these attacks in the bud before they show up on the airwaves and in emails—and then fight back with the truth.
By signing up, you’ll be on the front lines—you’ll hear about false claims as soon as they come up, and we’ll count on you to spread the truth to your friends and personal networks and let us know about new smears whenever you hear them.
Will you sign up now to be a part of
Yes, I want to be on the team that fights back.
Not right now, but I’ll donate $5 to fund the 2012 campaign and support this work.
I remember the smears from 2008 well, and I’m sure you do, too.
They didn’t just attack Barack Obama and Joe Biden. They went after everything this movement is built on, and everyone who supports it.
This time, they’re not just out to personally attack the President—they’re also out to mislead Americans about the record of accomplishments that he’s compiled. Just the other day, a Republican financier actually quoted Saddam Hussein in telling a group of millionaire donors that defeating President Obama will be “the mother of all wars.”
We’re launching today to make sure we’re ready for the attacks we know are coming—and armed with the ability to fight back quickly.
Sign up for now, and let’s get the facts out:
Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7