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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/19/2011 5:49:28 AM
Hello Friends,

Pastor Manning from the Manning Report is an outspoken "messenger" against the fraud and great pretender B Hussein. While there are things I disagree with in some of his messages he certainly has the right idea about the evil in the cretin sitting in the White House.

n the below video he calls the fraud the "Deceiver" (in Islamic terms Taqiyaa) and nothing can be more true. When asked how do you know when B Hussein is lying the only answer is whenever his lips are moving and as time goes by more and more are becoming aware of this simple fact.

While I won't go into the religious aspects of the Manning video nor do I agree that Rush Limbaugh and O'reilly should be boycotted. What I will relate to is his thoughts on how to defeat B Hussein in 2012 and how we might possibly fail.

I've repeatedly written here and elsewhere that B Hussein is Constitutionally ineligible to be President cos his father was not an American Citizen at the time of his birth. Add to that the fiasco of his fraudulent birth certificate and you have all the ammunition to either impeach him or to insure he won't be reelected in 2012.

The problem is that even though the internet is inundated with information about this and has been since the 2008 presidential campaign there has yet to rise a politician that is willing to call a spade a spade. There are no prominent media pundits whether it be in the print media, radio or TV willing to come out and state the obvious and here I do fault Rush Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Glenn Beck and others who aren't sell outs to this corrupt and fraudulent President and his gangster regime. You would expect better of them since they are constantly claiming that our Constitutional rights are being infringed upon by this administration. So why are they afraid to state the obvious that this guy is Constitutionally ineligible to be President?

Politicians are supposed to serve us "we the people" and put their political careers on the line if and when they see the biggest political scam of all times unfold in front of their faces. They might think that the fallout will ruin their political careers but the opposite is true. They will be there for many years cos in the end the people appreciate brave and patriotic Americans. The impeachment of B Hussein is imperative to insure that the Constitution is live and well and will continue to be for all time.

As time passes I have less hope that a politician or a group of politicians will stand up and say what has to be said and in the end it's up to us "we the people" to do what has to be done. That's why 2012 is so crucial and here I'll relate to another point raised by Pastor Manning. The conservative movement is a powerful tool to rid ourselves of the imposter sitting in the White House. Yet we are a divided house. there is the GOP and the Tea Party and their goals should be one and the same but we find that is not always so. They must unite into one unified group to insure the that B Hussein will be a one term President since it appears that impeachment isn't an option at the moment. To make it even worse there are those calling for a third party and as I mentioned in previous posts only the Democrats and B Hussein will benefit from that. We must all stand together and support the GOP/Tea Party candidate for President. Otherwise we'll lose much more then we ever thought possible and if that happens the options remaining won't be pleasant ones.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/19/2011 5:49:53 AM
Hey Peter,

I am not sure but some think this is possible?

Governor Perry - Senator Rubio

The Ticket Obama Fears Most

Bruce Walker / August 29, 2011

The talking heads on Fox News Special Report this Friday concurred that Marco Rubio will be on the Republican ticket next year as the vice presidential nominee. I agree.

There is virtually no downside to Rubio and the advantages to the ticket are prohibitive. He is youthful, attractive, and articulate. Rubio won a tough three-way race in Florida last year. His life story is compelling as the child of Cuban parents who worked up the hard and legal way. His conservatism on social and economic issues is unwavering. Rubio is slightly too young and inexperienced to run as president, but eight years as vice president would make him ideal presidential timber.

If Senator Rubio becomes the running mate of Governor Perry, which I believe is increasingly likely, President Obama could face his worst electoral nightmare. At the outset, both men are excellent campaigners -- articulate, likeable, attractive, and accustomed to winning elections in the diverse and large populations of Texas and Florida.

Unlike Republican nominees since Reagan, Rick Perry knows how to work crowds. Perry, like Rubio, has never lost a political race. Although it is a relatively small section of his resume, his time successfully selling Bible reference books door-to-door may be as important as background in running for president.

Both Perry and Rubio have life stories, which demonstrate that the American Dream really works. Perry grew up on a cotton tenant farm in the middle of nowhere and worked hard up every step in his path to success. Rubio's parents worked in menial jobs so that their son could have a better life.

Imagine Rubio campaigning in Las Vegas, where his parents worked like so many Hispanics today, cleaning rooms and tending bars. The greatest impact of these life stories is that the Republican ticket could say just how poor people need not stay poor if government gets out of the way.

Perry and Rubio are both social and economic conservatives.The left tries to downplay the appeal of social conservatism, but to take just a single social conservative issue, abortion, the latest Rasmussen Poll shows that 55% of Americans believe that abortion is morally wrong while only 30% believe that abortion is morally acceptable and 41% of Americans believe that it is too easy to get an abortion in America while only 14% believe that it is too hard to get an abortion.

The vanilla question about whether Americans are "pro-choice" or "pro-life" is meaningless, if Republican candidates have the gumption to ask Obama in a debate whether he believes abortion is moral or immoral -- leaving the question of federal policy on abortion aside.

This particular ticket would also have profound appeal to Hispanic voters, whose support for Obama has dropped a dramatic 36 points since he took office. The impact of Rubio on the ticket, of course, is obvious: he would be the first Hispanic on a major party ticket in American history. Big chunks of Hispanic voters in 2008 voted for Obama because he was a "person of color." Reelecting a black man president has much less psychological value to Hispanic voters than electing a Hispanic who could easily be president in eight years.

The impact of Rick Perry is real, but underestimated by Beltway punditry, which listens more to high-ranking Hispanic organizational leaders rather than ordinary Hispanics. Perry has won many statewide elections in Texas, including three as governor. Almost 40% of the state is Hispanic. Governor Perry speaks Spanish, but more than that, just as a New York City or Chicago politicians grasp the nuances of European ethnic differences, so Perry understands the largely Mexican-American minority and has steadily improved his percentage of the Hispanic vote in Texas elections.

Politically savvy Perry with the first Hispanic on a national ticket as his running mate could disarm the traditional skittishness that some Hispanics have had about voting Republican. Combine that with the very real success that Perry has had in creating jobs in Texas -- compared with Obama nationally or California Democrats -- and he could make a strong argument that Perry-Rubio is precisely what most Hispanics really want in Washington.

This could be complemented by the rise of Hispanic Republicans in 2010. Susana Martinez, the conservative Republican governor of New Mexico, next door to Texas, is a prime example. The first female Hispanic governor in American history could travel throughout the Rocky Mountain region touting a Perry-Rubio ticket. It is not just Hispanic "people of color" that could connect with Hispanics. Bobby Jindal and Nikki Haley, both articulate and strongly Republican governors could both show that conservatives welcome immigrants from lands as distant as India.

Black voters will go overwhelmingly for Obama, but black voters vote overwhelmingly for Democrats no matter what Republicans have tried. If Hispanic voters, already accustomed to conservative Republicans senators and governors, vote in substantial numbers for conservative Republicans at the national level, then not only is Obama in trouble, but so is his party. That is why Perry-Rubio could be the ticket Democrats fears most.

Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/19/2011 8:43:49 PM
Hi Rick,

Thanks for your interesting post. I totally agree with you about Sen. Marco Rubio, He's without a doubt one of the best we have and the cream of the crop for that matter. I haven't decided yet on Rick Perry and have a few issues I'm not happy with but if he'll be the GOP nominee he'll get my support.

Unfortunately the "dream ticket" you talk about is not to be actually it's Constitutionally impossible since his parents weren't American citizens at the time of his birth. It's a shame since we certainly need people of his caliber and integrity on the GOP ticket for 2012.



Hey Peter,

I am not sure but some think this is possible?
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Governor Perry - Senator Rubio

The Ticket Obama Fears Most

Bruce Walker / August 29, 2011

The talking heads on Fox News Special Report this Friday concurred that Marco Rubio will be on the Republican ticket next year as the vice presidential nominee. I agree.

There is virtually no downside to Rubio and the advantages to the ticket are prohibitive. He is youthful, attractive, and articulate. Rubio won a tough three-way race in Florida last year. His life story is compelling as the child of Cuban parents who worked up the hard and legal way. His conservatism on social and economic issues is unwavering. Rubio is slightly too young and inexperienced to run as president, but eight years as vice president would make him ideal presidential timber.

If Senator Rubio becomes the running mate of Governor Perry, which I believe is increasingly likely, President Obama could face his worst electoral nightmare. At the outset, both men are excellent campaigners -- articulate, likeable, attractive, and accustomed to winning elections in the diverse and large populations of Texas and Florida.

Unlike Republican nominees since Reagan, Rick Perry knows how to work crowds. Perry, like Rubio, has never lost a political race. Although it is a relatively small section of his resume, his time successfully selling Bible reference books door-to-door may be as important as background in running for president.

Both Perry and Rubio have life stories, which demonstrate that the American Dream really works. Perry grew up on a cotton tenant farm in the middle of nowhere and worked hard up every step in his path to success. Rubio's parents worked in menial jobs so that their son could have a better life.

Imagine Rubio campaigning in Las Vegas, where his parents worked like so many Hispanics today, cleaning rooms and tending bars. The greatest impact of these life stories is that the Republican ticket could say just how poor people need not stay poor if government gets out of the way.

Perry and Rubio are both social and economic conservatives.The left tries to downplay the appeal of social conservatism, but to take just a single social conservative issue, abortion, the latest Rasmussen Poll shows that 55% of Americans believe that abortion is morally wrong while only 30% believe that abortion is morally acceptable and 41% of Americans believe that it is too easy to get an abortion in America while only 14% believe that it is too hard to get an abortion.

The vanilla question about whether Americans are "pro-choice" or "pro-life" is meaningless, if Republican candidates have the gumption to ask Obama in a debate whether he believes abortion is moral or immoral -- leaving the question of federal policy on abortion aside.

This particular ticket would also have profound appeal to Hispanic voters, whose support for Obama has dropped a dramatic 36 points since he took office. The impact of Rubio on the ticket, of course, is obvious: he would be the first Hispanic on a major party ticket in American history. Big chunks of Hispanic voters in 2008 voted for Obama because he was a "person of color." Reelecting a black man president has much less psychological value to Hispanic voters than electing a Hispanic who could easily be president in eight years.

The impact of Rick Perry is real, but underestimated by Beltway punditry, which listens more to high-ranking Hispanic organizational leaders rather than ordinary Hispanics. Perry has won many statewide elections in Texas, including three as governor. Almost 40% of the state is Hispanic. Governor Perry speaks Spanish, but more than that, just as a New York City or Chicago politicians grasp the nuances of European ethnic differences, so Perry understands the largely Mexican-American minority and has steadily improved his percentage of the Hispanic vote in Texas elections.

Politically savvy Perry with the first Hispanic on a national ticket as his running mate could disarm the traditional skittishness that some Hispanics have had about voting Republican. Combine that with the very real success that Perry has had in creating jobs in Texas -- compared with Obama nationally or California Democrats -- and he could make a strong argument that Perry-Rubio is precisely what most Hispanics really want in Washington.

This could be complemented by the rise of Hispanic Republicans in 2010. Susana Martinez, the conservative Republican governor of New Mexico, next door to Texas, is a prime example. The first female Hispanic governor in American history could travel throughout the Rocky Mountain region touting a Perry-Rubio ticket. It is not just Hispanic "people of color" that could connect with Hispanics. Bobby Jindal and Nikki Haley, both articulate and strongly Republican governors could both show that conservatives welcome immigrants from lands as distant as India.

Black voters will go overwhelmingly for Obama, but black voters vote overwhelmingly for Democrats no matter what Republicans have tried. If Hispanic voters, already accustomed to conservative Republicans senators and governors, vote in substantial numbers for conservative Republicans at the national level, then not only is Obama in trouble, but so is his party. That is why Perry-Rubio could be the ticket Democrats fears most.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/19/2011 8:54:49 PM
Hello Friends,

Much ado about this so called "Day of Rage" that took place on 9/17/11 on Wall Street. I saw in some threads that they seem to think it was a rousing success while in fact there were barely a 1000 people (some claim 2000+) rambling around the streets and parks in the area. The call was for 20,000 to show up and "occupy" Wall Street for months with tents and all the necessary accessories. Instead they got a bunch of left wing progressives up to and including union goons and worse. Some even proclaimed they were anarchists and are hoping for a government based on anarchy. Sounds really great and something to look forward to.

I'm all for transparency and justice but against all those looking to redistribute the wealth which is all these people are interested in. There are also those that hope for these people to grow into a movement similar to the Tea Party but I sincerely doubt that'll happen. In any case the so called "Arab Spring" that turned into the "Arab Street Mobs" all over the Arab countries hopefully won't happen in the United States cos I really don't think any right minded person would want the mobs on the streets attacking women (and raping them too... remember Lara Logan?) nor do you want to see the rabble in the "Arab street mobs" copied in the United States. Those that do have their own agendas and we're witness to that all over the net and even here in Adland. Namely the weakening and downfall of the United States.

Below are a few videos with some of the people who participated in the Day of Rage. Personally I wasn't very impressed to say the least.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/20/2011 2:42:58 AM

Hello Peter, how interesting that you posted these videos and this article was posted today by Yahoo!News which backs up what you say about the number of protesters. :)

Protest dwindles after bid to 'occupy' Wall Street

Hello Friends,

Much ado about this so called "Day of Rage" that took place on 9/17/11 on Wall Street. I saw in some threads that they seem to think it was a rousing success while in fact there were barely a 1000 people (some claim 2000+) rambling around the streets and parks in the area. The call was for 20,000 to show up and "occupy" Wall Street for months with tents and all the necessary accessories. Instead they got a bunch of left wing progressives up to and including union goons and worse. Some even proclaimed they were anarchists and are hoping for a government based on anarchy. Sounds really great and something to look forward to.

I'm all for transparency and justice but against all those looking to redistribute the wealth which is all these people are interested in. There are also those that hope for these people to grow into a movement similar to the Tea Party but I sincerely doubt that'll happen. In any case the so called "Arab Spring" that turned into the "Arab Street Mobs" all over the Arab countries hopefully won't happen in the United States cos I really don't think any right minded person would want the mobs on the streets attacking women (and raping them too... remember Lara Logan?) nor do you want to see the rabble in the "Arab street mobs" copied in the United States. Those that do have their own agendas and we're witness to that all over the net and even here in Adland. Namely the weakening and downfall of the United States.

Below are a few videos with some of the people who participated in the Day of Rage. Personally I wasn't very impressed to say the least.




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