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Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/20/2011 4:26:41 AM
Hey Peter and friends,
[if !mso]> Why Islam is NOT Protected Under the US Constitution!

Contrary to conventional stupidity, Islam is NOT protected under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. Is there anyone in the three branches of government that can interpret our most sacred document (the Declaration of Independence not withstanding) correctly?

Like in Christendom where the exegesis and hermeneutics of certain scriptures are often skewed to conform to a particular ideology, agenda or belief system, so too has the clear and concise language of the Constitution and the 27 Amendments progressively undergone exegetical attacks over the decades—depending on which party is in power—to conform to a particular political philosophy.

But this is one hermeneutical battle America can ill afford to lose. Our founding principles, i.e. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness hang in the balance. In short—our country’s very survival depends on it.

America faces a grave threat from Islam. Muslims are infiltrating our country in droves and they’re doing it under the guise of “Constitutional Protection.” And like England, if we don’t stand our ground now, it will be too late. Muslims are cunning, crafty and clever. They’re using our ignorance of the understanding of our own Constitution against us, and they are clandestinely and methodically spreading their tentacles in a quiet and unassuming manner.

Federal, state, and local governments on the other hand won’t acknowledge the imminent threat. They incorrectly claim that Muslims have “Constitutional Rights” to come here, proselytize people, build mosques, and implement shariah in their communities and in the public square. They’re dead wrong! And by and large, Islam is getting away with it just like they have in Europe. Only unlike Europe, and in Great Britain in particular, it’s not too late to stem the tide, but we have to act now. Time is not on our side. In fact, this may come as a shock, but there are more mosques being built on American soil than Christian churches. We are already well under way to being Islamized.

To understand Islam is to understand sharia. The religion of Islam is nothing short of a totalitarian political, economic, military, social and legal system that’s camouflaged in religious garb. Their mandate (not objective) is to incorporate our country into a global Islamic caliphate.

Sadly, they are making serious inroads towards their tyrannical mandate because America is not resisting. We are all that stands between freedom and a worldwide Islamic caliphate. The United States of America is the world’s last bastion of hope.

Yet, the dreadful message we get from ignorant and incompetent lawmakers is that our Constitution renders us powerless to do anything about it. On the contrary, the Constitution and Declaration of Independence—properly interpreted—actually give our federal, state and local governments justification and authority to stop Islam dead in its tracks!

Here’s How . . .

Islam is NOT a religion in the sense we understand religion. Islam—which stands for “submission” or “surrender”—is about COMPLETE DOMINANCE. It is a totalitarian form of government that controls every aspect of the lives of its adherents. It’s a barbaric form of life. It masquerades as a monotheistic religion rooted in Old Testament principles, but more appropriately follows the thievery and murderous thuggery of it’s founder, Muhammad, a descendent of Ishmael, who came on the scene 600 years after Christ’s ascension. Only their modern day tactics now include recruiting mentally ill, naive and gullible idiots who become suicide bombers. And Western countries indoctrinated with the lies of multiculturalism and political correctness—to their demise—have reluctantly turned a blind eye. But like Communism, Marxism and Socialism, the Constitution of the United States of America empowers us to defeat it.

Given that fact, we must understand our founding principles that (1) Rights come from God alone, (2) Muslims do not have the right to divest us of our Rights, and (3) the purpose of civil government is to secure the rights God gave us.

What are our rights, and where do they come from? The Constitution? The Bill of Rights? No! The Declaration of Independence says:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. —that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men . . .”

So, where do our rights come from? God. And what are those rights? Life , Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Liberty is the very essence of God’s model for civil government. Inscribed on the Liberty Bell is Leviticus 25:10 - “Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.”

Do Muslims respect the rights God gave us? Of course not! Sharia stands in stark contrast to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Let’s have a look . . .

1. Life: Islam is a culture of death, e.g., murder, honor killings and suicide bombers.

2. Liberty: Islam is a culture where women are slaves and prisoners, children are sex toys for old men, and conversion to another belief system is seen as a capital offense and met with a brutal death.

3. Pursuit of Happiness: Theirs is a culture of torture and sadism. How many times have we already heard of young Muslim girls in America who, after they talked to non-Muslim boys, were shot to death or run over by their father for allegedly bringing shame to their family? Public wife beating is commonplace. Women who don’t cover their hair are beaten on the spot. They’re often gang raped and mutilated and maimed on their faces, even in their own homes, needing multiple witnesses to testify against their male aggressors.

4. Freedom of Speech: Try criticizing Islam in Saudi Arabia—one of our Arab allies. See how swiftly justice is met with your head as the ornament of of an Opec member’s Mercedes.

For every right God gave us—not the Constitution or its Amendments—the Muslims seek to eradicate.

Do Muslims have the “right” to impose shariah in this country which strips us of our God-given rights? No! God did not give Muslims the “right” to take away from us, the rights He gave us!

Lawmakers tell us Muslims have a First Amendment “right” to build mosques, proselytize, and implement shariah here. But is that what the First Amendment says? No!

See for yourself . . .

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Now consider the verbiage very carefully. A lot of lawmakers and most Americans make the exegetical error that the First Amendment grants us rights. The First Amendment doesn’t grant any rights to anybody. All it does is prohibit Congress from making laws about religion, speech, the press, or assembly.

Therefore, Muslims do not have a First Amendment “right” to build mosques, proselytize, and implement shariah in our country.

Not only do Muslims claim the “right” to impose shariah in the Muslim communities that are rapidly spreading throughout our country, they also claim the “right” to impose shariah law in the public square. They demand shariah compliant financial institutions, foot baths in public places, and that such abominations as wine and pork be banned from their presence. Moreover, they demand that public streets be closed off for “prayers.”

So it begs the question: Do Americans have any Constitutional protection against the invasion of a foreign law being foisted upon us? Absolutely!

Article VI, Clause 2 of our Constitution states . . .

“This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the Supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.”

Did you get that? Our Constitution and laws are authorized by the Supreme Law of this Land. And anything to the contrary must fall.

The practice of sharia in the United States, at any level directly violates our Constitution. Muslims who therefore seek to overthrow our Constitution or otherwise usurp or circumvent it are guilty of Criminal Sedition. The federal government has the duty to prosecute them for sedition, or deport them.

The Declaration of Independence says the purpose of civil government is to secure the rights God gave us. Muslims seek to take away our God-given rights. Civil government is supposed to protect us from those who seek to divest us of our rights. Therefore it’s incumbent on every American citizen to insist that our federal, state, and local governments immediately STOP the Islamization of OUR COUNTRY—starting with an immediate cease and desist on the construction of all mosques! The purpose of our civil government is to protect our GOD-given rights.

The Declaration of Independence recognizes God as Creator, Supreme Judge and Regulator of the World—our Divine Protector.

In fact, Article VII of our Constitution recognizes the Lordship of Jesus Christ . . .

“Done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Seven . . . “

In Summary:

1. Our rights come from God. They predate and preexist the Constitution. Our Constitution doesn’t give “rights” to anybody. So Muslims don’t have “constitutional rights” to come to our Judeo-Christian established country and build mosques, proselytize, and impose shariah.

2. Muslims take away from people the rights God gave them. Since our Declaration of Independence acknowledges that the purpose of civil governments is to secure the rights God gave us, it is the duty and responsibility of civil governments at all levels to protect us from Islamization.

3. Article VI, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution—the “Supremacy Clause”—is the silver bullet that makes it unconstitutional for Muslims to practice shariah law anywhere in our Country.

Let me be perfectly clear. Islam is not a friend of America. It is our enemy. The very notion of “Chrislam”—a syncretistic fusion of Christianity and Islam—being promoted by such notable Christian celebrities as Rick Warren, author of the best selling book, The Purpose Driven Life, is an abomination. It’s anti-American, and antithetical to the Christian principles upon which our great nation was founded. It is imperative that you understand the inherent danger of multiculturalism, and the amalgamation of polarizing religions.

Your state senators and congressmen are completely oblivious to the imminent threat that Islam and sharia pose to the sovereignty of our nation. They are uneducated and weak. It’s imperative you demand they get informed very quickly and embrace the fight to stop the spread of mosques and sharia at the local level. The Center for Security Policy issued a report last year entitled: “Shariah: The Threat to America”. Demand they read it and take immediate action to defend your community from Islamization.

Are you curious to know what life is like when your community has been infiltrated with Muslims, especially after they outnumber the local citizens? Click here to listen to my radio show back on March 21st with Tommy Robinson, the leader of the EDL (English Defense League) in England. Since that time, he was nearly murdered and has had multiple death threats against him, his wife and children for having the guts to speak up.

Europe, in the interest of multiculturalism and political correctness, made a grave error. And now they are hopeless to reverse it, especially in England, without a civil and very bloody religious war. An entire country, even with it’s parliamentary government in tact, is now at the mercy of Muhammad and his warriors of death or submission.

Recently exonerated Dutch Member of Parliament, Geert Wilders, listed ten steps Western countries must take to stop the Islamization of their countries.

ALL ten steps are mandated by our Declaration of Independence, and consistent with our Constitution:

1. Stop cultural relativism: We must formalize the idea that we have one dominant culture that is based on Judaism and Christianity [Wilders adds "humanism"].

2. Stop pretending that Islam is a religion.

3. Show the true face of fundamentalist Islam. It is a brutal totalitarian ideology.

4. Stop all immigration from Muslim countries. For Muslims who are already citizens, tell them that if they adhere to our values and our Constitution, they may stay as equals. But if they deviate, we will expel them.

5. Outlaw shariah and deport practitioners.

6. Require Muslims to sign legally binding pledge of integration and allegiance.

7. Stop building mosques.

8. Seek reciprocity with Saudi Arabia for Western churches and synagogues.

9. Close all Islamic schools—they are fascist institutions teaching hate.

10. Remove our current weak leaders.

In closing, we are at war with a very evil and cunning enemy. An enemy that seeks to destroy everything that is good about the United States of America; Everything we value; Everything we cherish, Everything our forefathers and successive generations fought and died for, so that we could receive the torch of freedom and pass it on to our children and grandchildren. This is our moment. It is our time to boldly stand up for our God, our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and our beloved Freedom! Let us exercise our God-given unalienable rights and say “Yes to Freedom!” and “No to Oppression!” We owe it to our children, our grandchildren, and our grandparents.

Until next time . . . Wake Up America!

Kevin A. Lehmann

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Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/21/2011 10:26:10 AM
Hello Evelyn, Rick & Friends,

Evelyn Dick Morris' video and article are excellent and well worth watching and rereading for those that simply don't get it yet. Unfortunately there are still some diehards out there that support the fool, fraud and great pretender B Hussein but I have hopes for some of them ........ not all unfortunately they are still to blinded by the hopes of getting some freebies while by now they should realize there's no such thing.

Rick, excellent article and I'll respond to it in more detail in my HSIG thread.




Hello friends, here is another Dick Morris video discussing Obama’s campaign message in Iowa yesterday.

"As Obama campaigned in Iowa yesterday, he unveiled his rhetoric for this stage of the campaign and it was pathetic!"

By Dick Morris And Eileen McGann
On his “listening tour” of the Midwest, President Obama can mainly listen to the sound of himself complaining about his “bad luck.” In Iowa yesterday, Obama said “in the past six months, we’ve had a run of bad luck. He cited the Japan earthquake, the Arab Spring, and the European debt crisis. He also said, incredibly, that “we’ve reversed the recession, avoided a depression, and gotten the economy moving again.”

In our book Fleeced, we warned that “pessimism is the bodyguard of liberalism.” Liberals are always saying that the consequences of their own bad decisions are just the inevitable result of factors beyond their control. Times are tough and will continue to be, they say, we had better get used to it.

But Obama’s bad luck (Japan excepted) is his own doing. It was his misguided and naïve welcoming of the popular rising in Egypt that triggered the chaos of the Arab Spring and is now giving rise to Islamist regimes in countries once both loyal to the U.S. and at peace with Israel. Instead of stability in this oil rich region, he has helped to usher in war, chaos, and uncertainty that are driving up the price of oil.

Nor is he innocent in the Euro debt crisis. It has been his insane borrowing to fund his stimulus spending that has stretched global capital markets to the breaking point, making lenders nervous and less willing to accept debt from risky countries. If the United States had not increased its debt from $10 trillion to $14 trillion in two and a half years, the capital community might be more willing to cut Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal some slack.

But it is his comments about the economy that leave one truly breathless. He has “gotten the economy moving again?” He has “reversed the recession?” On what planet is he living? Economic growth has slowed to 0.8 percent in the first half of this year. Unemployment remains at 9.1%. He actually told his Iowa audience that “the economy is better off than when I took office.” Really? Back then unemployment was at 7.6%.

Continuing with his litany of accomplishments, the president said that he had moved closer than ever before to universal health care. Really? Has he read the Eleventh Circuit court decision striking down the individual mandate that lies at the heart of his health care law? Written by a Democratic judge it heralds the likely overthrow of his misguided legislation by the U.S. Supreme Court.

The paucity of achievements he can cite was evident to all who heard or read his remarks on the tour and who witnessed the muted reception he received. He literally has nothing to run on. Despite controlling Congress for two years – and the Senate with sixty votes for one year – he has passed no energy bill, no immigration reform, no program to cope with foreclosures, no real jobs program, no environmental legislation, and no real curbs on Wall Street excesses. His tenure is a nullity. All he has succeeded in doing is driving us further into impossible debt.

It’s not him. It’s just bad luck!

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/21/2011 10:28:14 AM
Hello Friends,

The fraud and great pretender has been a busy boy .......... not working in his capacity as president but on the campaign trail in his black hearse (made in Canada, guess American hearses aren't good enough) with no American flags on it. Well we heard in one of his stops in Iowa that he has a secret plan to repair the economy, cut the debt and boost employment. Said secret will only be revealed after he finishes his yep you guessed it his vacation in Martha's Vineyard. Busy as a bee isn't he. Campaigning on your dime not working as he should be but that's actually a good thing cos when he is around all he does is make things worse then they were before and his supporters are eating all his garbage and crying that all those bad conservatives are bad mouthing their boy. In any case his "secret plan" will most probably be blaming others for everything he's done in the almost 3 years he's been in office. Well I do pity his supporters cos when they finally realize how bad things are cos of him they'll be in worse shape then they're in now ....... much worse and it just might be to late.

Now here's an interesting thought for you all ...... especially his ardent and oh so loyal supporters. A few weeks back I posted that the Russians want B Hussein for another term. The reasons for that are obvious. He's bringing the United States down, actually doing their work for them. They know that the fraud's foreign policies stinks, hmmmmm, I actually should be asking what foreign policy aside from relinquishing American's rights to the UN, apologizing all over the world, demeaning the American people, bowing to foreign rulers, throwing loyal allies under the bus, h*ell the list is so long and I think you get the idea.

Next step in the above thought process is that RT - Russian Television a propaganda arm of the Russian government is supporting Ron Paul. One of their American commentators (Adam Kokesh) actually bragged that they collected $1,000,000 for his campaign. So they (the Russians) are supporting the kook Ron Paul in the current campaign for the Republican candidate for president. Read it all here. While Paul's economic theories are sound as is his fight against the Fed everything else he spouts and stands for is directly from the loony bin. That of course includes his recent rants that the Iranians are OK and why shouldn't they have an atomic bomb. As I said directly from the funny farm. BUT, the main reason for the Russian's support of his campaign is that he hasn't got a viable foreign policy. To be more exact he hasn't got a foreign policy. The Ronbots will probably get their bowels in an uproar about this but they'll get used to it.

Shall we tie the dots together now? The common denominator is that these two clowns the fraud and great pretender B Hussein and the kook and loony Ron Paul both get a D in their foreign policy or lack of any foreign policy and that is good for the Russians and all those that haven't got America's best interest at heart. So the logical outcome is that they support these 2 who will ultimately destroy the United States if the one gets reelected and or the other is elected.

How can anyone in his right mind support either one of these two when they know Russia supports both of them?

The below article reveals more about the fraud's "secret plan" that can only be revealed after he finishes his holiday (guess he's praying that someone will lay a golden egg for him by the end of his vacation). You gotta hand it to this busy beaver. Between his busy golf schedule, shooting the hoops, campaigning in his black Canadian hearse (on the tax payers dime) and his vacations that he has any time left to spend in the White House "working" for the United States or we the people.



Obama's secret plan

President Obama has a secret plan. He told Iowans Monday his “very specific plan” would boost the economy, create jobs, and control the deficit. What are the details of this plan? Sorry, Obama has to travel to Martha’s Vineyard for a ten day vacation first.

According to National Journal, Obama’s secret plan is part of a new White House strategy to counter the “growing perception that President Obama is a weak leader.” Apparently, the president’s senior advisers believe Libya, Egypt, and the debt hike debate “have done serious damage to his leadership image.” The polling backs this belief up. NJ reports: “In April 2009, Gallup found 73 percent of Americans who said that Obama was a “strong leader.” In May 2010, that had declined to 60 percent. In March 2011, Gallup had it down to 52 percent. There has been no more recent polling on that issue.” And that leadership fall all happened before Libya and the debt hike.

Obama’s solution? Blame Congress. But how can Obama blame Congress for his own leadership failures? That is where the “very specific” secret plan comes in. Obama hopes to convince Americans that 1) he has a plan to cut the debt and create jobs, and 2) only “unreasonable” Republicans in Congress stand between America and success. Will it work? That depends on how compliant the press is.

Obama has not submitted a specific plan to address the debt since he submitted his budget to Congress in February. That plan was rejected by the Senate 97-0. Obama has since given many speeches about the debt, but as Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Elmendorf testified to House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, “We don’t estimate speeches. We need much more specificity then was provided in that speech for us to do our analysis.”

If Obama does submit his “very specific plan” to the CBO so that it can be scored on an equal footing with the Republican budget, then the country will benefit from a great debate. But if Obama just gives another speech, backed up only by bogus economic projections from his Office of Management and Budget, then his secret plan should be exposed for the fraud that it is.

Read the rest here.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/22/2011 4:03:41 AM

Excellent post Rick, how true this is..........

we are at war with a very evil and cunning enemy. An enemy that seeks to destroy everything that is good about the United States of America; Everything we value; Everything we cherish, Everything our forefathers and successive generations fought and died for, so that we could receive the torch of freedom and pass it on to our children and grandchildren. This is our moment. It is our time to boldly stand up for our God, our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and our beloved Freedom! Let us exercise our God-given unalienable rights and say “Yes to Freedom!” and “No to Oppression!” We owe it to our children, our grandchildren, and our grandparents.

Until next time . . . Wake Up America

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/22/2011 4:09:26 AM

What a great, great commentary Peter. You outdid yourself on this one. Kudos! I always look forward to your posts because I know they will be not only interesting but factual too as your sources are always impeccable. Have a great week. :)


Hello Friends,

The fraud and great pretender has been a busy boy .......... not working in his capacity as president but on the campaign trail in his black hearse (made in Canada, guess American hearses aren't good enough) with no American flags on it. Well we heard in one of his stops in Iowa that he has a secret plan to repair the economy, cut the debt and boost employment. Said secret will only be revealed after he finishes his yep you guessed it his vacation in Martha's Vineyard. Busy as a bee isn't he. Campaigning on your dime not working as he should be but that's actually a good thing cos when he is around all he does is make things worse then they were before and his supporters are eating all his garbage and crying that all those bad conservatives are bad mouthing their boy. In any case his "secret plan" will most probably be blaming others for everything he's done in the almost 3 years he's been in office. Well I do pity his supporters cos when they finally realize how bad things are cos of him they'll be in worse shape then they're in now ....... much worse and it just might be to late.

Now here's an interesting thought for you all ...... especially his ardent and oh so loyal supporters. A few weeks back I posted that the Russians want B Hussein for another term. The reasons for that are obvious. He's bringing the United States down, actually doing their work for them. They know that the fraud's foreign policies stinks, hmmmmm, I actually should be asking what foreign policy aside from relinquishing American's rights to the UN, apologizing all over the world, demeaning the American people, bowing to foreign rulers, throwing loyal allies under the bus, h*ell the list is so long and I think you get the idea.

Next step in the above thought process is that RT - Russian Television a propaganda arm of the Russian government is supporting Ron Paul. One of their American commentators (Adam Kokesh) actually bragged that they collected $1,000,000 for his campaign. So they (the Russians) are supporting the kook Ron Paul in the current campaign for the Republican candidate for president. Read it all here. While Paul's economic theories are sound as is his fight against the Fed everything else he spouts and stands for is directly from the loony bin. That of course includes his recent rants that the Iranians are OK and why shouldn't they have an atomic bomb. As I said directly from the funny farm. BUT, the main reason for the Russian's support of his campaign is that he hasn't got a viable foreign policy. To be more exact he hasn't got a foreign policy. The Ronbots will probably get their bowels in an uproar about this but they'll get used to it.

Shall we tie the dots together now? The common denominator is that these two clowns the fraud and great pretender B Hussein and the kook and loony Ron Paul both get a D in their foreign policy or lack of any foreign policy and that is good for the Russians and all those that haven't got America's best interest at heart. So the logical outcome is that they support these 2 who will ultimately destroy the United States if the one gets reelected and or the other is elected.

How can anyone in his right mind support either one of these two when they know Russia supports both of them?

The below article reveals more about the fraud's "secret plan" that can only be revealed after he finishes his holiday (guess he's praying that someone will lay a golden egg for him by the end of his vacation). You gotta hand it to this busy beaver. Between his busy golf schedule, shooting the hoops, campaigning in his black Canadian hearse (on the tax payers dime) and his vacations that he has any time left to spend in the White House "working" for the United States or we the people.



Obama's secret plan

President Obama has a secret plan. He told Iowans Monday his “very specific plan” would boost the economy, create jobs, and control the deficit. What are the details of this plan? Sorry, Obama has to travel to Martha’s Vineyard for a ten day vacation first.

According to National Journal, Obama’s secret plan is part of a new White House strategy to counter the “growing perception that President Obama is a weak leader.” Apparently, the president’s senior advisers believe Libya, Egypt, and the debt hike debate “have done serious damage to his leadership image.” The polling backs this belief up. NJ reports: “In April 2009, Gallup found 73 percent of Americans who said that Obama was a “strong leader.” In May 2010, that had declined to 60 percent. In March 2011, Gallup had it down to 52 percent. There has been no more recent polling on that issue.” And that leadership fall all happened before Libya and the debt hike.

Obama’s solution? Blame Congress. But how can Obama blame Congress for his own leadership failures? That is where the “very specific” secret plan comes in. Obama hopes to convince Americans that 1) he has a plan to cut the debt and create jobs, and 2) only “unreasonable” Republicans in Congress stand between America and success. Will it work? That depends on how compliant the press is.

Obama has not submitted a specific plan to address the debt since he submitted his budget to Congress in February. That plan was rejected by the Senate 97-0. Obama has since given many speeches about the debt, but as Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Elmendorf testified to House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, “We don’t estimate speeches. We need much more specificity then was provided in that speech for us to do our analysis.”

If Obama does submit his “very specific plan” to the CBO so that it can be scored on an equal footing with the Republican budget, then the country will benefit from a great debate. But if Obama just gives another speech, backed up only by bogus economic projections from his Office of Management and Budget, then his secret plan should be exposed for the fraud that it is.

Read the rest here.


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