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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/15/2011 6:48:34 PM
Hi Peter and friends. In this video Dick Morris evaluates what the Eleventh Circuit decision means for the fate of Obamacare, and remember this decision was handed down by a Democrat judge.
And here for those that don't know, a bit of a bio of Dick Morris.
"Probably the most prominent American political consultant, Dick Morris is almost universally credited with piloting Bill Clinton to a stunning comeback re-election victory in 1996 after the president lost Congress to the Republican two years before. Called "the most influential private citizen in America" by Time Magazine Morris helped steer Clinton to the center and away from the liberal policies he had pursued in his first two years in office. Morris is also credited with advising Clinton to sign the welfare reform bill of 1996 and getting him to back a balanced budget, both key centrist positions.
He is well known for hard hitting, nonpartisan, objective commentary about the U.S. political scene."
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/16/2011 8:34:50 AM
Hello Friends,

The articles and videos are excellent and show the direction the fraud and great pretender B Hussein is dragging America into. I too would have called his bluff and said so in previous posts. All the cards were in the Republican corner and all B Hussein had was a no to all the proposals and had nothing to offer in return aside from gimmee the money and higher taxes or else we default on our debts and our credit rating will plummet. The fool got the money and the credit rating plummeted cos not enough was done. In my opinion we lost this round. Yet there is still hope cos many of the American people who supported the fraud in the past are seeing the light. The fact that his approval ratings are at an all time low is proof of that. See the below graph.

The fools who are still supporting him and believe the lies the MSM and the fraud's administration are spreading will always be blind followers of promises of freebies and will be dependent sheeples to the bitter end. Thank God many are seeing the light and are abandoning the sinking ship of this administration.

The article below will give those deaf, dumb and blind followers an idea of what's in store for them in a future under B Hussein. In the end they'll thank the Tea Parties for their sanity and eventually saving the United States from the grasp of the fraud.



Obama States of America, Super Congress

Welcome to the OSA (formerly USA), Fellow Slaves!

- Sher Zieve Tuesday, August 2, 2011

imageToday, it all changes. Everything we have known is being transformed. The Obama States of America is officially being established by the former Democrat and Republican parties. Today, we are all Obama-Stalinists and will now happily give everything we own over to the Obama government. In other words, we will embrace our slavery with smiles on our faces—or else.

Despite our efforts to stop it, both Republicans and Democrats voted to give Dictator-in-Chief Obama trillions of dollars more (which we no longer have) in this reality-show marking the end of the manufactured and phony “debt crisis.” Note: There wouldn’t be any crisis if Congress and the illegal POTUS would agree to stop spending and sending our money to their globalist friends overseas. But, they refuse.

The agreement to add additional trillions-of-dollars to our debt—which will now destroy and gut us completely—gives Obama the means to help his reelection campaign and does NOT provide any substantial cuts to spending…if any at all. Where did you think the Tyrant Obama planned to use a great deal of it?

The rumors that this was all a game between the Democrat and Republican parties to try to fool We-the-People into believing they are really working for us were and are true. Boehner and McConnell have just turned the country over to Obama, their planned super committee and Obama’s dictatorship. Neither Establishment Republicans (RINOs…Democrat plants) or the now totally Marxist-Leninist Democrats are working for us or the country. They are working for themselves, against the United States of America and we now fully work for them.

And now US Congressional members have decided—since they haven’t followed the US Constitution for decades—to put into place a “Super Congress” committee that will consist of 12 members; six Marxist-Democrats and six Go-Along-to Keep-our-jobs Republicans. As Paul Joseph Watson writes, the unconstitutional establishment this Super Congress” will command that “legislation decided on by the Super Congress would be immune from amendment and lawmakers would only be able to register an up or down vote, eliminating the ability to filibuster. The Speaker of the House would effectively lose the power to prevent unpopular bills from making it to the House floor.”

Congress now finally realizes the US electorate wants to get rid of all of those who oppose the will of US citizens and Congress members on both sides of the aisle have no intention of leaving their offices due to the votes of the “stupid little people.”

One of the first plans of the Super Congress is to dissolve or severely limit the Second Amendment. Congressional members will cede all authority over the Second Amendment—and therefore the entire Bill of Rights—to themselves and we presume the planned never-to-be-unseated Tyrant Obama. They know that what they are doing will eventually cause a real bloody American Revolution. So, now the entire US government plans to remove our ability to fight them back. Virtually everything Obama and Congress are doing, these days, is illegal.

In October 2008, I wrote the following in my column Is the USA ready for an American Stalin?: “After Obama is elected, all of his programs and people to keep him in power indefinitely — and to rid him of any and all opposition — will be firmly in place. You will not be able to vote him out of office. By the time he assumes the position of President of the United States it will already be too late. A democratic republic will last only so long as people of good will allow and fight for it. After they are gone — or removed — it is ended.” It appears this now, also, applies to Congress.

So, welcome to the new and revised (aka “transformed”) world of dictatorship, severe coming suppression, poverty and early death to all US citizens. The Obama syndicate tested our mettle when it commanded its TSA to sexually grope us and our children. We failed. Welcome to your and our abject slavery.

Sometimes, I really hate being prescient.

Super Congress To Target Second Amendment:
Is the USA ready for an American Stalin?:
Definition “transformed” in ObamaSpeak: The state of being destroyed.

Sher Zieve

Sher Zieve Most recent columns

Sher Zieve is an author and political commentator. Zieve’s op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Sher is also a guest on multiple national radio shows.

Sher can be reached at

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/16/2011 10:13:29 PM
This is the real Commander in Chief.......

God Bless Everyone
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/17/2011 6:12:15 AM
Hi Gaby,

Thanks for this video. It sure shows the difference between the fraud and great pretender's attitude to the military, vets and the wounded. Throughout his presidency you could see the connection Bush had with those serving their country and the disconnect B Hussein has with the same men of valor. Way back in this thread there are videos showing the difference between these 2 men and the military. I'd post them here again but since the search function no longer exists I'll have to do a manual search for them.

Thanks for this inspiring video and for showing what a mensch George Bush is.



This is the real Commander in Chief.......

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/18/2011 12:35:48 AM

Hello friends, here is another Dick Morris video discussing Obama’s campaign message in Iowa yesterday.

"As Obama campaigned in Iowa yesterday, he unveiled his rhetoric for this stage of the campaign and it was pathetic!"

By Dick Morris And Eileen McGann
On his “listening tour” of the Midwest, President Obama can mainly listen to the sound of himself complaining about his “bad luck.” In Iowa yesterday, Obama said “in the past six months, we’ve had a run of bad luck. He cited the Japan earthquake, the Arab Spring, and the European debt crisis. He also said, incredibly, that “we’ve reversed the recession, avoided a depression, and gotten the economy moving again.”

In our book Fleeced, we warned that “pessimism is the bodyguard of liberalism.” Liberals are always saying that the consequences of their own bad decisions are just the inevitable result of factors beyond their control. Times are tough and will continue to be, they say, we had better get used to it.

But Obama’s bad luck (Japan excepted) is his own doing. It was his misguided and naïve welcoming of the popular rising in Egypt that triggered the chaos of the Arab Spring and is now giving rise to Islamist regimes in countries once both loyal to the U.S. and at peace with Israel. Instead of stability in this oil rich region, he has helped to usher in war, chaos, and uncertainty that are driving up the price of oil.

Nor is he innocent in the Euro debt crisis. It has been his insane borrowing to fund his stimulus spending that has stretched global capital markets to the breaking point, making lenders nervous and less willing to accept debt from risky countries. If the United States had not increased its debt from $10 trillion to $14 trillion in two and a half years, the capital community might be more willing to cut Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal some slack.

But it is his comments about the economy that leave one truly breathless. He has “gotten the economy moving again?” He has “reversed the recession?” On what planet is he living? Economic growth has slowed to 0.8 percent in the first half of this year. Unemployment remains at 9.1%. He actually told his Iowa audience that “the economy is better off than when I took office.” Really? Back then unemployment was at 7.6%.

Continuing with his litany of accomplishments, the president said that he had moved closer than ever before to universal health care. Really? Has he read the Eleventh Circuit court decision striking down the individual mandate that lies at the heart of his health care law? Written by a Democratic judge it heralds the likely overthrow of his misguided legislation by the U.S. Supreme Court.

The paucity of achievements he can cite was evident to all who heard or read his remarks on the tour and who witnessed the muted reception he received. He literally has nothing to run on. Despite controlling Congress for two years – and the Senate with sixty votes for one year – he has passed no energy bill, no immigration reform, no program to cope with foreclosures, no real jobs program, no environmental legislation, and no real curbs on Wall Street excesses. His tenure is a nullity. All he has succeeded in doing is driving us further into impossible debt.

It’s not him. It’s just bad luck!


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