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Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/13/2011 4:31:18 AM
Peter, Evelyn and Jim,

Here are a few excerpts written in a new book about Barack Obama the sperm donor that secreted our imposter in chief.

Typically, he was disappointed by Hawaii but started dating a 17-year-old classmate called Ann Dunham. Soon they were married and had a son, also called Barack — but he never mentioned the wife and two children left behind in Kenya.

He told university officials he was divorced and intended giving the new baby away. Then he abandoned his second young family to gain a doctorate at Harvard, but was ejected before completing his studies because of his complicated private life.

Even so, the very fact of having been at Harvard marked him out in newly post-colonial Kenya, where there were only 600 nationals with degrees from overseas.

As the hated ‘No Africans or Dogs’ signs were ripped down at hotels, such a talented economist could have worked almost anywhere shaping his nation’s future.

Instead, he turned down a government planning job because the pay was too poor, watching with envy as the man who took the post became one of the country’s most prominent people.

He drifted from job to job while carousing, crashing cars and picking up women. Despite his Harvard failure, he insisted upon being called Dr Obama and would endlessly put down others.

‘Where were you when I was getting my training at Harvard?’ he would demand loudly. Generous with his own money, the bar-room bore ended up borrowing from friends as funds ran out. Some would avoid him rather than listen to the bitter rants.

Meanwhile his personal life was in disarray, his second American wife fleeing after he attacked one of their sons. She had stood by him even after he held a knife to her neck.

‘One day he was charming and loving and wonderful. He was just the way a woman wants a man to be. And then the next day he’s beating you and abusing you,’ she said.

By the time of his early death, smashing his car into a tree stump, he was about to get married again, this time to a 20-year-old woman who had just given birth to his latest child.

A wasted life in both senses, made all the worse for the flashes of genius through the blur of alcohol and the bravery with which he confronted the tightening grip of Jomo Kenyatta, Kenya’s first president who inflamed the tribal divisions that still plague the country.

But not entirely wasted. For as Jacobs’ concludes in this meticulously-researched book, his impact proved far greater than even this bombastic man could ever have predicted by fathering the man who reinterpreted the American dream for the 21st century.

Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/14/2011 7:50:54 PM
Hey Peter, [if !mso]> Debbie Wasserman Shultz didn’t admit that Obama basically told them it’s my way or I’ll VETO IT.

Personally I would have called his bluff and make him eat it.

Obama Team Sharpens Attacks on Republican Field, Defends President

Published August 14, 2011


Not knowing who the eventual Republican presidential nominee will be in the 2012 election, President Obama's supporters are taking the opportunity to blast all of the GOP candidates, using aggressive language to argue that the crop of contenders is either uninterested or incapable of helping Americans.

Much of the criticism is focused on describing the candidates as lackeys to the Tea Party, which establishment Democrats have classified as right-wing zealots bent on destroying the U.S.

"While protecting tax breaks for the wealthy and big oil while proposing to end Medicare, slash Social Security and pile additional burdens on the middle class might win plaudits with the Tea Party, it's not remotely what the American people are looking for," Democratic National Committee Communications Director Brad Woodhouse said in a statement Sunday after Tim Pawlenty dropped out of the race.

"In a Republican field that has already pledged allegiance to the Tea Party and failed to present any plan that will benefit the middle class or create the jobs America needs to win the future, Governor Perry offers more of the same," Obama campaign spokesman Ban LaBolt said Saturday after Texas Gov. Rick Perry jumped into the race.

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz noted that Obama asked for compromise on a debt reduction plan but all the presidential candidates at the Fox News-Washington Examiner debate on Thursday night agreed that they would not back a deal that would be 10-1 cuts to revenue.

"That's how strangled by the Tea Party that they are, and that's not what Americans are looking for. They're looking for solutions," she said.

"If anyone is in trouble, it's the Republican Party," continued Wasserman Schultz, who was appearing on CBS' "Face the Nation." "Right now, they have a collection of candidates for president who are busy out -- trying to out-right-wing each other. Essentially, they are all so similar that they might as well be Legos; they're that interchangeable."

The latest offensive comes as the president prepares a three-day Midwest bus tour this week aimed at shoring up Obama's dissipating approval ratings. The latest Fox News poll shows just 44 percent of voters would reelect Obama while 42 percent approve of his job performance and 48 percent disapprove. The three-day rolling average last posted by Gallup on Friday put the president's approval-disapproval rating at 42-51 percent.

Those numbers are particularly pertinent as Obama heads to the key swing states of Minnesota, Illinois and Iowa, where his approval, while still above 50 percent in the latter two, including his home state of Illinois, have dropped by 12, 14 and 17 percent, respectively since he entered office.

With unemployment at 9.1 percent or about 14 million unemployed, and 13.5 million people now relying on food stamps, Obama Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said the president's road trip is not a rebuttal to the attention focused on Republicans as a result of the debate and straw poll.

"We sort of have a rule, which is just because Republican candidates are campaigning in a certain state, that doesn't prevent us from going there. Because otherwise we would probably travel nowhere," he said.

Wasserman Schultz added that the president is doing well, but the falling approval numbers reflect anxiety Americans feel as a result of the steep climb the administration has had to pursue to turn around the economy.

"President Obama inherited a huge problem, the worst recession that we've had since the Great Depression, created by the policies, the failed policies of the previous Republican administration, where we went from a record surplus to a record deficit. ... And so working our way out of that problem is incredibly challenging," she said. "I think Americans are appreciative of the hard work and effort and accomplishment that President Obama has made."

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Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/14/2011 8:30:35 PM
It is a sad state of affairs and I would have called his bluff too. Unfortunately many of the so called Tea Party members of congress caved and gave this President a blank check up to 2.4 TRILLION dollars to buy his re-election. If he is not defeated in 2012 he will be the first American Dictator and will do as Chavez has in Venezuela.

Unfortunately we have too many folks worried about their next government check to notice.

Hey Peter, [if !mso]> [endif]Debbie Wasserman Shultz didn’t admit that Obama basically told them it’s my way or I’ll VETO IT.

Personally I would have called his bluff and make him eat it.

Obama Team Sharpens Attacks on Republican Field, Defends President

Published August 14, 2011


Not knowing who the eventual Republican presidential nominee will be in the 2012 election, President Obama's supporters are taking the opportunity to blast all of the GOP candidates, using aggressive language to argue that the crop of contenders is either uninterested or incapable of helping Americans.

Much of the criticism is focused on describing the candidates as lackeys to the Tea Party, which establishment Democrats have classified as right-wing zealots bent on destroying the U.S.

"While protecting tax breaks for the wealthy and big oil while proposing to end Medicare, slash Social Security and pile additional burdens on the middle class might win plaudits with the Tea Party, it's not remotely what the American people are looking for," Democratic National Committee Communications Director Brad Woodhouse said in a statement Sunday after Tim Pawlenty dropped out of the race.

"In a Republican field that has already pledged allegiance to the Tea Party and failed to present any plan that will benefit the middle class or create the jobs America needs to win the future, Governor Perry offers more of the same," Obama campaign spokesman Ban LaBolt said Saturday after Texas Gov. Rick Perry jumped into the race.

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz noted that Obama asked for compromise on a debt reduction plan but all the presidential candidates at the Fox News-Washington Examiner debate on Thursday night agreed that they would not back a deal that would be 10-1 cuts to revenue.

"That's how strangled by the Tea Party that they are, and that's not what Americans are looking for. They're looking for solutions," she said.

"If anyone is in trouble, it's the Republican Party," continued Wasserman Schultz, who was appearing on CBS' "Face the Nation." "Right now, they have a collection of candidates for president who are busy out -- trying to out-right-wing each other. Essentially, they are all so similar that they might as well be Legos; they're that interchangeable."

The latest offensive comes as the president prepares a three-day Midwest bus tour this week aimed at shoring up Obama's dissipating approval ratings. The latest Fox News poll shows just 44 percent of voters would reelect Obama while 42 percent approve of his job performance and 48 percent disapprove. The three-day rolling average last posted by Gallup on Friday put the president's approval-disapproval rating at 42-51 percent.

Those numbers are particularly pertinent as Obama heads to the key swing states of Minnesota, Illinois and Iowa, where his approval, while still above 50 percent in the latter two, including his home state of Illinois, have dropped by 12, 14 and 17 percent, respectively since he entered office.

With unemployment at 9.1 percent or about 14 million unemployed, and 13.5 million people now relying on food stamps, Obama Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said the president's road trip is not a rebuttal to the attention focused on Republicans as a result of the debate and straw poll.

"We sort of have a rule, which is just because Republican candidates are campaigning in a certain state, that doesn't prevent us from going there. Because otherwise we would probably travel nowhere," he said.

Wasserman Schultz added that the president is doing well, but the falling approval numbers reflect anxiety Americans feel as a result of the steep climb the administration has had to pursue to turn around the economy.

"President Obama inherited a huge problem, the worst recession that we've had since the Great Depression, created by the policies, the failed policies of the previous Republican administration, where we went from a record surplus to a record deficit. ... And so working our way out of that problem is incredibly challenging," she said. "I think Americans are appreciative of the hard work and effort and accomplishment that President Obama has made."

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/15/2011 12:34:22 AM

Hello guys, interesting reading. I think you all will enjoy this Andrew Klavan video I got from my brother today. Have a great week. :)

Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/15/2011 3:54:35 PM
[if !mso]> American Institute for Social Justice

7398th Street SE
Washington, DC

Phone :(202) 546-3499
Fax : (202) 546-2483
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URL: Website

American Institute for Social Justice (AISJ)'s Visual Map

  • Trains community organizers who can “transform poor communities” by agitating for increased government spending on city services, drug interdiction, crime prevention, housing, public-sector jobs, access to healthcare, and public schools
  • Closely tied to ACORN

The American Institute for Social Justice (AISJ) is one of four national affiliates of the community organization ACORN. (The other three are the ACORN Housing Corporation, the ACORN Institute, and Project Vote.) Founded in 1972 as the Arkansas Institute for Social Justice (the name change took place in the late 1990s), AISJ today describes itself as a “provider of training and technical assistance in organizing principles and methods, and a center for research and public policy development on issues of concern to low and moderate income people.” Its goal is to produce skilled community organizers who can “transform poor communities” by agitating for increased government spending on city services, drug interdiction, crime prevention, housing, public-sector jobs, access to healthcare, and public schools. AISJ trainings include on-site consultations, small- and large-group sessions, and one-day or weekend seminars. The tactics taught at these forums are modeled on the organizing blueprint developed by the late Saul Alinsky.

Between 1993 and 2005, AISJ collected $32,497,575 in contributions from individuals and foundations nationwide. The organization's leading donors in recent years have included the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Open Society Institute, the Rockefeller Family Fund, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Wallace Global Fund, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the Arca Foundation, the JEHT Foundation, the Bauman Family Foundation, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the Sandler Family Supporting Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Ford Foundation, and the Tides Foundation.

AISJ has also received numerous large grants from the federal government, including $17,665 in 2000; $100,000 in 2001; $170,000 in 2002; $70,000 in 2003; $132,000 in 2004; $107,488 in 2005; and $53,870 in 2006.

AISJ, ACORN, and ACORN's other affiliates and front groups routinely funnel large sums of money to and from one another's coffers. Between 2000 and 2008, for instance, AISJ paid at least $8,563,303 to ACORN (including a $4,952,288 grant in 2006), plus another $258,593 to ACORN Associates Inc. and $362,464 to Citizens' Services Inc. (also an ACORN affiliate). Conversely, AISJ was on the receiving end of nearly $4 million from the ACORN Housing Corporation between 2000 and 2006. According to Matthew Vadum, a senior editor with the Capital Research Center:

“The money flowing to AISJ from ACORN Housing should be a huge red flag for investigators because almost all the federal money that the ACORN network receives goes into its housing affiliate. So it’s entirely possible that when money was being transferred to the national ACORN organization from AISJ, taxpayer money designated for nonpartisan purposes might have been used for blatantly partisan purposes. These transfers are extremely suspicious. This is the type of financial activity that we see with organized crime and it should be investigated.”

The ACORN-AISJ alliance was also in evidence in 2002, when the latter made a $9,637 loan to another ACORN affiliate, SEIU Local 100, based at 1024 Elysian Fields Avenue in New Orleans, the official address of many ACORN allies and front groups.

In collaboration with the ACORN Institute, AISJ publishes Social Policy magazine, whose content is steeped in leftist political and social values. In a 2003 article, this periodical effusively praised then-state senator Barack Obama, who was a former ACORN employee, as an “old frien[d]” who had been “a very good organizer” when ACORN and AISJ first “noticed” him during his days “organizing on the far south side of the city with the Developing Communities Project.” “Since then,” said the Social Policy piece, “we have invited Obama to our leadership training sessions to run the session on power every year, and, as a result, many of our newly developing leaders got to know him before be ever ran for office. Thus, it was natural for many of us [in AISJ and ACORN] to be active volunteers in his first campaign for State Senate and then his failed bid for U.S. Congress in 1996....”

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