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Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/2/2011 5:14:52 AM
Hey looks normal for the progressive jerks in charge.

I sat and watched most of the present debt action in Washington for the last few days. The career politicians have spent our retirements, and any other money they can get their devious hands on. They have a stack of useless treasury notes they cash in to pay out the benefits. There is no pot o gold. They have a big problem you see.

So now we have Mr Obama in charge. He is the socialist extension in chief of the Democratic Party. He believes that many have not been well served in the past by our capitalist economic system because of education and social economic position. Never mind that some people don't want to go to school or work for a living and as such will not contribute to society. Never mind tho as through redistribution Obama would level that difference by taking money from the workers and give it to non workers. They have either been wronged or qualify because they are still breathing.

The welfare system for many years rewarded single women with children and the amount of reward was based on how many children she has. Along with this since she had to be single they either didn't get married or got a divorced and have an ex-husband that doesn't work or pay child support. This whole program was designed by all those old career politicians that like to buy votes and thrive on their power. Oh and since they provide and support the system the recipients insure their welfare with their vote.

The democrat party is made up of a collection of special interest groups. Welfare recipients, teachers, firemen, police, auto workers, hospital, government programs, prisons, the UN, The World Bank, Acorn, SEIU and the list go on and on. So now put the needs of all these groups in the hands of our greedy politicians. Their job is to work with them to help them get their portion of the pie through project moneys and grants paid by the taxpayer. You might remember those shovel ready jobs that Obama had waiting when he passed the stimulus. Only 4% of nearly a trillion dollars went to these shovel ready jobs. Yes you are right (HE LIED).

So now yes most of us paid into the system and the money is drying up faster than we can collect it. It is true that if you had your own retirement account you might have a million or more at your retirement if you manage the money properly. On the other hand many in the last few years have experienced losses in those accounts. You might ask why.

The financial crisis start a few years back under the guys of the community redevelopment act which the politicians developed to assure that people who couldn't normally qualify for a home loan were given sub-prime loans that brought the our system down to a collapse which made TARP necessary. It would be helpful to know that when this was coming down the democrats had taken control of the House and the Senate 2 years before the collapse and the retreads from the Clinton administration were managing Freddie Mac and Fannie Mai. They were also cooking the books and had stood in the way of reforms to prevent the problem. Do a Google Search and you can verify this.

So now during the arms races with the Former Soviet Union President Reagan agreed to arms treaties to lower the number of bombs. He made the agreement but said we would trust them to do their part but we would have inspectors to verify their actions. "Trust But Verify"...........Now the answers to our paying into social security for years and not getting your benefits. First off they have lost my benefits too. Why would anyone knowing that any good democrat, any good newspaper, TV network, Cable Network, Union, Teachers Union are in the tank for Obama and the Democrats. Have you noticed that the only places that are not getting laid off or are hiring workers are from these same groups? On the other hand have you noticed that FOX news is the only and #1 rated network that tells the other side of the story. Sounds like a conspiracy to me.
My Aunt and Uncle a Teamster both died thinking that George Bush cheated his way through Harvard. Who cares? The last time this very same type of recession happen it was the savings and loan company failure that caused it for similar reasons.
Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/2/2011 4:41:34 PM
[if !mso]> Will Achmed-Obama Enlist the Gestapo?

He Has Already Got Herr Reid

David Limbaugh

Obama Is Fresh Out of Ideas

8/2/2011 | Email David Limbaugh | Columnist's Archive

One of the most striking facts about the course of the Obama presidency so far is that Obama has no constructive solutions for anything, which is one reason he campaigned on vague promises. It's why he established bogus metrics, such as "saved or created jobs."

It's also why he's always pointing the finger of blame on others for his policy failures. Everyone knows by now that Obama's reckless and corrupt stimulus package failed to restrain unemployment as he had promised and that instead of accepting responsibility for it, he blamed Bush.

He also played another familiar liberal card: He insisted his stimulus bill would have worked if he had been allowed to spend more money. So he started pushing for a second stimulus, all while increasing the government's regulatory stranglehold on business and cramming Obamacare down our throats.

All of which is to say -- with added emphasis -- that Obama is fresh out of ideas. Worse, he's the immovable force standing in the way of those who do have constructive proposals.

He didn't even submit a plan during the debt ceiling negotiations, and his party's Senate majority hasn't presented a budget for more than 800 days. We have a spending and entitlement problem, but Obama's ideology precludes him from addressing either. It drives him, instead, to insist on increasing taxes on the rich. But raising rates would further smother the economy and not significantly increase revenues.

The GOP is far from perfect, but it has presented serious proposals to address the debt crisis, which include capping discretionary spending, restructuring entitlements, passing a balanced budget amendment and reforming the tax code. These plans could work, but the Democrats have steadfastly and shamelessly opposed them and ridiculed their proponents, such as Rep. Paul Ryan.

During the debt ceiling negotiations, we've seen more of the same. Obama's Democrats are refusing to sign on to real cuts (only reductions on the rate of spending increases) and even more resistant to meaningful entitlement reform.

If a compromise passes, it will only be because Republicans have concluded, accurately or not, that it's the best they can get in their effort to reduce the bleeding until 2012, when they hope to regain firm control of both political branches. No matter how they spin it, it will not be a good deal; the only question is how bad it will be.

Republicans fear that if they don't take the deal and the budget ceiling is not lifted, disastrous economic and political consequences will ensue: Our economy will collapse and Republicans will be blamed and lose the 2012 elections, and then any chance of saving the nation from financial catastrophe will be lost.

I am not convinced that a debt ceiling impasse would result in the predicted Armageddon or that signing on to a dubious bill would enhance the GOP's 2012 electoral prospects. But I am convinced that if we don't start working this debt down -- as opposed to whittling away at the rates of increase while the debt continues to expand -- we will experience real financial collapse, and sooner than we may think.

I'm also concerned that if this deal goes through, Obama will try to make the case that Republicans own the compromise bill as if they wrote it (because in part they did) and thereafter the terrible economy and the continuously exploding debt. If Republicans are so worried that Obama would successfully blame them for fallout from a ceiling impasse, why aren't they worried about being blamed if the compromise doesn't stop the growth of the debt, which it won't?

Indeed, no matter how inept Obama is at many things, he is a master at propaganda and negative campaigning. That's all he's got. The only policies he can bring himself to support cannot work. So as 2012 approaches, don't look for Obama to emphasize his record. Look for more deflection and scapegoating.

There is a historical parallel to Obama's approach. History professors agree that during his rise to power, Hitler built a coalition based on a negative assault on the Weimar Republic instead of a positive set of ideas or programs. His propaganda gurus introduced the idea of perpetual campaigning, in which they would focus on technique, not content.

In no other way am I comparing Obama to Nazis, but I am struck by the propaganda and campaigning parallels. Obama has no ideas except to foment phony crises, exploit real ones and demonize and scapegoat business, corporations, "the wealthy," insurance companies, oil companies, Republicans in general and -- President Bush.

Unlike some conservatives, I am confident that most people now see through Obama and are prepared to reject him as divisive, destructive and wholly without any solutions to our very serious problems. Republicans need to overcome the fear that now appears to be paralyzing them.

Tags: Budget and Government , Debt , Barack Obama , Debt Deal

Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/2/2011 5:48:05 PM

This country needs to replace a number of our aging DEADWOOD POLITICIANS with morally based leaders like Senator Rubio! I just watched the defeated Achmed- Obama give his CONCESSION speech..................He started his recovery celebration last SUMMER!!!!! And he and his have been lying about recovery ever since. It looks as though the "CHICKENS HAVE COME TO ROOST" IN AHMED'S GARDEN OF EDAN.

Rubio Explains 'No' Vote on Debt Ceiling

Elisabeth Meinecke

Posted at 12:20 PM ET, 8/2/2011

Sen. Marco Rubio was one of several conservative senators who announced he would be a "no" vote on the debt ceiling deal. Rubio issued a statement of explanation before casting the vote.

"I cannot support this plan because it fails to actually solve our debt problem, fails to diminish the risk of a credit rating downgrade and is not a long-term solution to avert a debt crisis. This plan still adds at least $7 trillion to our debt over 10 years," the statement began.

It lists several additional points that make Rubio's case:

-- The plan fails to start downsizing government immediately and leaves 98% of the downsizing till after November 2012.

-- Fails to reduce spending by what the credit rating agencies say is at least $4 trillion to avoid downgrade

-- Doesn't address health care spending, "the biggest driver of our debt," and ensures Medicare's looming bankruptcy while allowing "ObamaCare's $2.6 trillion blank check" to remain.

-- No real structural reform to spending problem

WRITER'S NOTE: I must apologize for misspelling our fearless leader's name on numerous occasion's. I was corrected on this by my wife Marilyn. Personally I have little or no respect for the lying BASTARD and I feel as tho ACHMED is easier for most AMERICAN INFIDELS TO say. IF YOU SHARE MY PROBLEM PLEASE IT'S AHMED PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO GIVE PROPER PRONUNCIATION OF THE "c" IN THE MIDDLE OF HIS NAME.

Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/2/2011 8:20:39 PM
Hello Rick,

Excellent articles and I have to agree with you that Sen. Marco Rubio is the future and we need many more like him. If you watched the video I posted here he gave an excellent explanation for the debt crisis and fact that there's been no budget for over 800 days.

The fraud and great pretender had and has no plan other then to destroy America and the Western world. His true agenda has been to empower the Islamic world and we've seen that since his infamous Cairo and Turkey speeches. We've seen the teamwork between the progressive liberals and Islam world wide and also within the Unites States. So that's his plan and agenda and he hasn't got the time for a budget and reducing the debt. Oh yeah his frequent holidays, golf games, campaigning and shooting the hoops doesn't leave him much free time.

I believe you'll appreciate the below article by Daniel Greenfield.

BTW, for me Achmed was perfectly OK since I pronounce the name in the proper manner. Ahmed doesn't do it for me but either one is good.



The Emperor of Debt is Naked
Posted: 01 Aug 2011 08:02 PM PDT

When Benjamin Franklin was asked at the close of the Constitutional Convention, "What have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?” His answer was, "A republic, if you can keep it." What has come out of the debt ceiling talks is not a republic, but tyranny on the installment plan.

The choice today is whether we will have a nation or a pile of debt created by the uncontrolled spending of the ruling elites and their political machines. And the outlook isn't sunny. The mishandled budget battle has ended in a predictable deal with cosmetic cuts. The issue isn't just about right vs left. It's about whether we'll have a functional nation or a bankrupt welfare state. A nation that has gone so deep into debt to fund social and corporate welfare that it has no chance of recovery.

We have Two Americas, to borrow John Edwards' stolen slogan. The America of the worker and the America of the government. These two Americas are on a collision course. The debt economy will destroy the America of the worker and leave only the America of the government.

The same thing already happened in Europe. The EU put the eggs of the state into one giant basket. The spending went on and now it's up to the stronger economies to pick up the tab. But the stronger economies have their limits too. Germany can bail out Portugal and Greece, but sooner or later someone will have to bail out Germany.

And who will bail out America? Forget China. The Chinese economy piggybacks on our own. The Peeps aren't funding our economic disaster out of the goodness of their hearts. We're their ladder up. And the prospect of that ladder being sawed off by irresponsible policies frightens them more than anything else. If we go down, then China goes down with us. If Europe goes down, then Russia goes down with it.

The global economy is integrated. The dollar is a global currency. And American companies are the bricks and beams of globalism. For the Third World, America is a major market. For Europe, it's big brother. Still an isolated American collapse might be survivable, but it won't be isolated. The trends bringing down America, are also taking down Europe and Japan. So when the house collapses, everything goes.

The problem began when social welfare was used to buy political support and domestic stability. Then foreign aid was employed to do the same thing internationally. Behind these two rivers was a water empire run by the vast apparatus of government tasked with dispensing the money. The men and women who could turn on the tap or turn it off. The more the money flowed, the more their influence grew.

Post WW2 the choices were easy. Widespread death and destruction in Europe made reconstruction inevitable. On both sides of the Atlantic, millions of men returned to work. A wartime economy went back into its domestic mode. Guns were traded in for butter. The war had goosed a worldwide economic depression into an artificial debt funded boom. And post-war, there were fewer men and more jobs. Booming industrial machines looking for something to do crank out.

A wounded Europe turned to more socialism for social stability. Free social services and American GI's to keep the enemy out. And global trade under the Pax Americana. And so long as profits kept growing, the whole thing could be paid for.

But while revenues fluctuate, spending rises. Once you tie social stability to social spending and international stability to international spending-- pulling the plug means taking responsibility for social unrest and global conflicts. Since the problems never really go away, and if they do are replaced with new ones by those who have an interest in perpetuating spending, more money has to be thrown at them.

It's bread and circuses in reverse. A scam pulled off by the insiders who benefit, using the outsiders as their fronts, and everyone else as their cash cows.

Let's filter this through the Wall Street model. The American people are investors in a government that promises to pay out more to them than it takes in, through various direct and indirect benefits. The money is invested in various funds, such as welfare, defense, Social Security and the environment. But what if most of that money isn't actually invested in those funds, but are instead being pocketed by the broker and about a million of his friends?

The governments acts as the broker in our policy investments. And it pockets most of the investment and then only a fraction of the money actually goes directly to the policy. It doesn't matter what the policy is. Defense, the environment or studying the habits of bats. Most of the money gets spread around to insiders, who spread it around to their friends and their allies. Maybe 10 percent of it goes to the meat of building an airplane or protecting a forest or studying bats. The rest vanishes in fees, grants, payments, union gouging, cost overruns, marketing costs, lobbying salaries and assorted other ways that the insiders get paid.

This is what the economy of the other America looks like. Government America. And this is the economy that is consuming most of our economy.

Every decade has added another layer of complexity to it. More special interest groups, more lobbyists, community organizations, unions, consultants and consultants of consultants (yes they exist). And that adds more to the bottom line. Everyone has to get paid. And everyone does at the expense of the national debt.

Financial magazines gasp at Russia's culture of corruption, goggle in disbelief at officials openly asking for fur coats or the cost of a meeting with Putin. But we have a tamer version of the same system. We no longer have the grotesque 19th century corruption where everything was for sale, and government service was synonymous with bribes. What we have in its place is honest graft. A system that's far more expensive, but looks much cleaner.

We don't slip money to someone under the table for a government job. Instead we pay union dues. And the unions pay out money to friendly politicians. Who recommend people they know for government jobs. See isn't that clean?

You don't bring a briefcase with cash to a meeting with your congressman (unless he's the trashy sort). No, you hold a fundraiser in your house with some of your friends, who happen to be in your industry, and then you raise that same amount of money. Do it enough times and he might just be grateful enough to give your industry a grant, bail it out or just straight up make buying your product mandatory.

Rig elections? Why bother, when you can just rig entire districts, fill them up with a minority, keep that minority on the economic ropes, and make it clear that if they wander off the plantation, the aid gets cut off.

Raise taxes? Goodness no. People hate that. Instead you create environmental subsidies and regulations that companies have to pay to environmental consultants and green tech firms, who just happen to be your buddies and donors. And the companies grin and pass on the taxes to consumers.

This is what the economy of Government America looks like. It's an insider's economy. A parasite whose pile of debt is eating up everything in sight. The end result of this isn't Mao, it's south of the border. Economic and political instability, high crime and left wing and right wing dictators warring with each other. Gated communities for the rich, slums for the poor and a middle class barely hanging on.

The insiders don't have a problem with this. It's how they already see things. Their Two Americas is already here.

Their children go to private schools. Yours go to public schools. They live in segregated neighborhoods. They live off the inside track in big government. They know who to pass money to or get money from at the right time. If they need something done, they don't go through the system, they call in a favor. The law applies to them, but more erratically than it does to you. Every now and then one of them goes down in a big way. But there are countless more to take his place.

They are in their own way a meritocracy. Their ranks are drawn from the best and the brightest. The graduates of the best universities. The smartest people out there who are either dumb enough to believe or smart enough not to let on that they don't.

The scientists and engineers of yesterday, are the consultants and bureaucrats of today, The writers of yesterday are writing slogans. The artists are directing public information commercials. And it's only a matter of time until the doctors realize the real money isn't in medicine, it's in death panels and diet diagrams.

Like every corrputocracy, Government America is incompetent and deep in debt. It's also turning to the usual tactics, squeezing some of the rich, manipulating the currency and distracting the public. But the problem is just too big. The global economy runs through America. It can't afford this irresponsibility.

The insiders don't care how much they spend. They no longer think of the private economy as anything but a drain on the public economy. An obstacle that prevents them from maximizing public sector revenues. They don't care about debt either. They are clever enough to know that the global economy is unreal. And stupid enough to think that it means nothing they do matters. That it's just numbers being moved around.

The emperor is deep in debt and the crisis is approaching. The democrats think that the solution to the crisis is to increase revenues. Their only focus is to harvest more money, whether it's by borrowing or by taxing. They have no concern for the larger economic picture. If everything implodes, then they get a chance at creating a socialist republic. If it doesn't, they can keep on spending.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/3/2011 4:37:31 AM
Peter Where did we see this before,

Obama Following In Hitler’s Footsteps

July 26, 2011 by Robert Ringer

Watching the nonstop commentaries on television about the debt ceiling debate only reinforces the reality that most people — including many perceived conservatives — still don’t get it. If they did, they would not allow themselves to be diverted by a political circus.

It amazes me how the vast majority of conservatives — both inside and outside of the media — still take Barack Obama seriously and believe he is desperately trying to save the United States from economic disaster. Don’t get me wrong. Obama wants to do what is right for America, but his vision of “right” is wealth redistribution on a massive scale carried out by an all-powerful Federal government.

As Obama continues to toy with Republicans over raising the debt ceiling, he is well aware that the continuation of his policies will destroy the U.S. economy beyond repair. I believe his strategy from the outset has been to follow the Saul Alinsky model: Win the Presidency through a semi-legitimate election, then tighten your grip over everything and everybody, move swiftly to create economic chaos, and use the chaos you’ve created to establish a dictatorship.

Now don’t go giving Obama too much credit for originality. He’s really just a slick and clever copycat. Getting elected and then using your powers to eliminate all competition is an old trick used by power-hungry thugs throughout history.

Of all the dictators over the past hundred years, I believe Obama’s rise to power mirrors that of Adolf Hitler’s more than anyone else. I know, I know… I can practically hear readers chuckling. Enslaved people throughout history have a propensity for chuckling — until they wake up one morning and find themselves in chains. So, by all means, feel free to chuckle — but do hear me out.

Though most people don’t realize it, Hitler was legitimately chosen to be chancellor of Germany in 1933 by President Paul von Hindenburg. At his swearing-in ceremony, Hitler faithfully repeated the oath of office: “I will employ my strength for the welfare of the German people, protect the Constitution and laws of the German people, conscientiously discharge the duties imposed on me, and conduct my affairs of office impartially and with justice to everyone.”

Nice words… similar to those uttered by Obama when being sworn into office. Hitler was a charming, eloquent speaker who carried on incessantly about change. (Sound familiar?) Then, once elected, he moved quickly to establish a dictatorship, accomplishing that seemingly impossible feat in 52 days. Obama moved swiftly as well, but opposing forces in America made it impractical to establish a quick dictatorship.

The upstart Nazi Party (which was the commonly used name for the National Socialist German Workers’ Party… repeat, Socialist) staged a slobbering love affair between Hitler and the German people. (Sound familiar?) When Hitler spoke for the first time as chancellor, it was said that he “was greeted with an outpouring of worshipful adulation unlike anything ever seen before in Germany.” (Sound familiar?)

In The Road to Serfdom, F.A. Hayek explained the way countries travel the road from democracy to dictatorship:

It is important to remember that, for some time before 1933, Germany had reached a stage in which it had, in effect, had to be governed dictatorially… Hitler did not have to destroy democracy; he merely took advantage of the decay of democracy and at the critical moment obtained the support of many to whom, though they detested Hitler, he yet seemed the only man strong enough to get things done.

Under the Articles of Confederation, the central government of America was very weak — which was a good thing. It was true then, and it’s true now: You can have a strong government and a weak people, or a strong people and a weak government — but you cannot have both. Today, we have a draconian, out-of-control government and a very weak people.

Arguably, democracy in this country started to break down in 1787 when the Constitution created a strong Federal government. It got worse — much worse — under the fascist policies of Woodrow Wilson’s reign from 1912 to 1920. Then, beginning in 1932, FDR’s failed socialist policies took away even more individual freedom from American citizens. And the final disintegration of true democracy in the U.S. was catalyzed by the left-wing revolutionaries of the 1960s.

So if you’re wondering how Obama and his Marxist cronies have been able to violate the Constitution as though it didn’t exist, the answer is that they are merely taking advantage of the decay of democracy in the U.S. that was already present when they came to power. While Americans have been busy focusing on sports, reality TV, eating out three nights a week and trying to pay their mortgages, the fascistic socialists in Washington have been quietly working to establish a dictatorship based on the ruins of our democracy (which actually began as a republic).

Get it? I hope so. Because if a vast majority of everyday folks don’t get it soon, it will be too late. As I have repeatedly said, the debt ceiling debate is nothing more than a distraction from the real, underlying problem we all face: We are losing our freedom.

Our focus should be on stopping Barack Obama and his Marxist allies in Washington from establishing a communist dictatorship — politely referred to by conservative media commentators as an “imperial presidency.” But regardless of what one calls it, the important thing to understand is that under a dictatorship, everything else becomes irrelevant — including the debt ceiling “crisis” that political junkies are spending so much time fretting about.

To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

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