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Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/1/2011 5:24:54 PM
Hi Peter,

Looking at the deal that they have hammered out over the weekend is a brave new adventure into the future. It really takes a lot of courage to plead with the "Users of America" to forgo the loss of 100 billion dollars per year for the next ten years while asking for another couple of trillion dollars of credit limit over this coming year. Meanwhile this comes while our productivity is grinding to a serious halt. Another portion referred to as a trigger would kick in if a 12 member comity cannot find another trillion in cuts by December which would allow them to raise taxes or cut defense spending up to 50%. At present following our campaign to throw our traditional allies under the bus, election of a Muslim to our highest office and his world tours to destabilize every third world country ruled by tin horn dictators to further his own agenda. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? He even wanted to become a blood brother with Achmed-Bin-I-Am-A-Nut in Iran. He was basically told to go screw himself. HUH?

So the world is in peace and harmony now. Egypt, Syria, Iran, Libya, Darfur, Lebanon, North Korea and others have had a change of heart and are no longer a Threat to themselves or world peace. REALLY? Yes mission accomplished MR. ACHMED- OBAMA!

So back to the cuts. The military has already been worn down by more than 50% in numbers of ships, airplanes, tanks and personnel. In addition due to over use much of our military equipment is 3 to 5 decades old. This doesn't look to be a wise move. It might be a better idea to give China our Nuclear missile stockpile knowing they won't take out all of their Wal-marts. And who knows they may take out Russia in a mutual exchange thus making Achmed-Obama happy.

Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/1/2011 5:38:05 PM

Peter after watching this young man talk, it gives me hope that maybe there are more young people like him who will become our future leaders and set America back on the right path and yes it is a shame he is ineligible to become president.

Hello Friends,

I wanted to share this video with you in order to set the record straight for some who are clueless about the financial crisis the United States is in and the absurd claims of the liberal socialists on the hill and in the MSM.

Reading the ridiculous claims different people are posting here and elsewhere you'd think the debt crisis is the fault of the Republicans and not the administration that's doing all the spending with his party backing him every step of the way. I wonder when they'll understand that claiming it is all Bush's fault is nonsensical and ridiculous when during the Bush administration both houses were controlled by the Democrats who passed the laws and created the climate of spend, spend, spend. No sense in reminding you what the unemployment was when the fraud and great pretender took office. Nor is the size of the deficit or the debt ceiling and that B Hussein spent more in two and a half years then Bush did relevant for them cos the fraud can do no wrong as far as they are concerned. Need I remind them that Freddie Mack and Fanny Mae were the cause of the financial crisis and the Dems said no problem there.

So, maybe if they listen to this young Senator from Florida Marco Rubio and hear simple to understand explanations about the situation as it stands now the truth will start to seep in. Shame this Senator is ineligible to run for President since his parents weren't citizens at the time of his birth even though he is American born. He would certainly have been a worthy contender. Oooops, the fraud and great pretender's father wasn't a citizen at the time of his birth either so what the h*ell is he doing in the White House???



RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/1/2011 5:47:45 PM

Peter thanks for this post. When Dry Bones made this comment "For much of the world America was a goal, a symbol of the future, the one world power, the world’s policeman." I thought how true are those words and it makes us stop and take stock of just how far we have strayed from being the hope of the world. It still angers me everytime I see someone bashing America, who with all our faults, is still the greatest country in the world even now that a lot of its own citizens have lost hope.



Hello Friends,

We've been watching the drama in Washington with abated breath to see what agreements the 2 parties can come up with. What we forget is that the whole world is watching as well and the outcome can and will effect the world in different ways ....... most in a negative manner. And of course effect the United State's standing in the eyes of the world as a world leader.

Here's Dry Bones take on this issue.



Watching the U. S. debt limit crisis from outside of America is scary. The collapse of the American economy would pull us all down.

But watching America’s crisis from outside of America is scary for another reason. For much of the world America was a goal, a symbol of the future, the one world power, the world’s policeman. No matter how many times she disappointed us or frustrated us, we assumed that America would be there to lead the world.

It looks like “them days are gone forever."

What do you think?

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/2/2011 12:09:53 AM
Hi Gaby,

Excellent video but this should be posted in the President That Hates His Country thread and I'll post it there for you.



This guy is saying what we all have been thinking......

Peter Fogel
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Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/2/2011 12:42:46 AM
Well worth watching!

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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