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Re: It's Time to Congratulate LUKA BABIC, the 182nd POTW:
4/5/2009 1:24:04 AM

My dear Sara Gardner Blow !!!

Your warmth



constantly keep me in AWE.



is important and precious



You made it beautifully and I like it very much !

May God bless and reward you my Old Dear Friend!

Hugs to Wilson!


Flag of Luka Babic

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Re: It's Time to Congratulate LUKA BABIC, the 182nd POTW:
4/5/2009 1:33:35 AM

Dear Nick G.,

Finally we have to discuss who is who`s fan here :) .

Because I became your fan firstly ... I`d prefer to continue that way :) .

Haven`t seen you much around last time.

In my response to Sam Sunday, I have mentioned Sara and you, as so very deserved for "opening my mouth". Your poetry last August ... and the way Sara have featured it ... helped me so much to change my mind and to "redirect" myself in a total unexpected way.

Sam Sunday encourages me to write, write, write ... The truth is that I enjoy doing that more and more, and if one day I`d really become the writer, as I already said a several times, THAT WOULD BE SARA`S AND YOUR DIRECT AND UNDENIABLE :) :) GUILT.

Thanks for taking the time to spend a few moments with me.

Many blessings and thank yous my friend!



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Re: It's Time to Congratulate LUKA BABIC, the 182nd POTW:
4/5/2009 2:23:41 AM

Thank you awesome POTW team...........we love you!!!!!!!


You just amaze me with your talents and caring for humanity.  You so deserve this wonderful honor and I am so happy and proud for you.

Your story of TOMORROW in beyond words.  You wisdom is priceless......every word, but one sentence stands out especially to me: 
"Look around you. Don`t have fear. FEAR IS JUST A HIDDEN FACE OF OUR OWN LAZINESS."

Wow!  I literally cannot tell you how much I admire you.  You have a gift and we are all blessed to know you and to have you as our Adland friend.

ENJOY YOUR WEEK.........YOU DESERVE to party all week!   :-)

Flag of Luka Babic

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Re: It's Time to Congratulate LUKA BABIC, the 182nd POTW:
4/5/2009 2:55:55 AM

Dear Jill,

You lady surely know how to make even a dead one, to rise up from death, sending so powerful love and encouragement. YOUR LOVE IS SO STRIKING AND THE WAY IT COULD BE FELT is very uplifting.

Yesterday, for the moment, I sensed that critical point which knows to be discouraging.

Jaun Paul Sartre has one special character in his incredible great novel La Nausée . One man who spent whole life collecting an  encyclopedic knowledge. So, he was a very diligent, but Sartre sets him up as a good example why to desire to gain more the wisdom than a pure knowledge. I was near to try to avoid the Self-Taught-Man (only name an author gave him) in myself. At the moment I felt like I am paying too much attention to the facts and the knowledge. But, I pray and work on myself, not to turn my life that way.

This my impression that we have any fear because we are lazy (or just inert, but in my opinion it should be synonym) is one longlasting impression. When I say "lazy" I mean : lazy to UNDERSTAND how great beings we are and what we are really able.

In those matters, you Jill surely may be considered as a very diligent. As well as the fear is synonym for the laziness, diligence would be synonym for love and appreciation.

I hope you agree.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all what you do for this world and specially for this Community.

I greatly appreciate you.

Blessings and hugs,


Re: It's Time to Congratulate LUKA BABIC, the 182nd POTW:
4/5/2009 3:15:48 AM

Dear Luka,

My heartiest congratulations to you. Let days shine and let Adlandpro have more people like you as her members.


Wilfred Coorya

Wifred Cooray 483/2,Enderamulla Wattala Sri Lanka

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