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Re: It's Time to Congratulate LUKA BABIC, the 182nd POTW:
4/1/2009 12:18:48 PM

When have had a chat with mother, I asked her if she knows Ms Beverly Armstrong, and she told me : "YES, HER STEPDAD ALSO WAS BABIC!"

I was glad and happy.

Dear Ms Bev, I thank you for the warm words, and praises, and so great wishes.

I wish to all to have "a happy, healthy and abundantly close relationship with our creator!"

Bless you,



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Re: It's Time to Congratulate LUKA BABIC, the 182nd POTW:
4/1/2009 12:24:02 PM

Dear Lydia,

If you look at those "3" guys at the Kathleen`s first post here, you`d see "3" CAPRICORNS :) (Luka, Georgios, Luka :) ).

As always, ARIES is so generous, and rewards not only his heard, but seems all with the horns :) .

Thanks for the congrats my JUST PERFECT FRIEND!



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Re: It's Time to Congratulate LUKA BABIC, the 182nd POTW:
4/1/2009 12:26:37 PM

Lydia, of course I meant "his herd" :) ...

Forgot to mention that Geo and I share the same date of the birth, January 10th :) .

I will congraulate Georgios when he`d come here.



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Re: It's Time to Congratulate LUKA BABIC, the 182nd POTW:
4/1/2009 12:36:28 PM

LOL JAYSON!!!! YOU ALWAYS FIND THE WAY TO MAKE ME LAUGH. I HAVE NEVER SEEN YOU BY MY EYES, BUT REALLY CAN IMAGINE YOUR FACE, WHEN YOU WROTE ABOUT "HAVING SOMEONE CONSTANTLY HEN-PECKING YOU ABOUT LITTLE THINGS". SO, YOU MUST CHANGE SOMETHING. IT WOULD NOT BE NICE AND FRIENDLY ADVICE IF I SUGGEST YOU TO MAKE THEM HEN-PECKING ABOUT A BIGGER THINGS :) ... If my compassion can help you - you really have it. Specially because I have my grandad - who is A BIG FLOCK OF HENS WRAPPED BY HUMAN SKIN :( ... He is doing his job even in dream-time. Each morning he reports about the issues he had with someone when was sleeping. I suffer when I forget my another ear : right receives and left throws out.

I thank you for so nicely said congrats and wishes.

Be happy,


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Re: It's Time to Congratulate LUKA BABIC, the 182nd POTW:
4/1/2009 12:39:39 PM

Hello POTW Team,

Congratulations to this week’s nominators Georgios and Luka.

Dearest Luka,  

Person Of The Day, Person Of the Forums, Person of Adland! 


You surely know that I’m veeeery glad for your reign. You deserve to be honored every day. You’re the rainbow of Adland! You bring joy and hope in this community.


     Enjoy your week.

Love and hugs, 



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