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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK for the 181st POTW, ending March 24th:
3/17/2009 9:53:41 PM

I am particularly surprised by what you have written and
your stance in this matter!!!!.

No one else had this right of involvement and you and
Kathleen have treated us like children who do not have
a mind of our own or understanding.  How dare you.

You say there is no disrespect here - well Tom I strongly
disagree with you, because I have been told off, threatened
to be banned because of this new Power Trip..
And because I have asked questions about these rules
that do not read right, sound right nor are they fair, to
the participating members who are active in other members

This has been a day of surprises all around, the people
whom I thought would be above reproach are nothing
better than 'snakes in the grass'


Thomas Richmond

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK for the 181st POTW, ending March 24th:
3/17/2009 9:58:37 PM
Hello Gang, Thomas Richmond here, Pat you realize why you cant vote, but we let you only to be involved because we could not convince you otherwise until now. Amanda this is my business , because Pat is a long time member does not give her or anyone certain rights to what is written. This subject is closed!
AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK for the 181st POTW, ending March 24th:
3/17/2009 9:59:35 PM
Well Pat,

I mean this kindly, however Pat you are in the habit of
jumping in 'boots and all' before you have read and
comprehended all that is written.

I happen to read the rules, comprehend them and obey
them.  This is why I have such a lot of trouble when I see
other people 'flaunt the rules' and get away with it.  Because
you can be sure and the sun comes up in the mornings..
I am always caught if I break them.

I am still waiting for your apology because you were very
rude to me without provocation.

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK for the 181st POTW, ending March 24th:
3/17/2009 10:34:16 PM

I guess there is no point in waiting for an overdue apology
for supporting old standing members because they misunderstand my intentions.  Abuse and attack me then
when all done venting decide to block and remove me from
their friend list.

Thank you Pat for removing me, I am learning whom my
real friends are. 

Kim Stilwell

273 Posts
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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK for the 181st POTW, ending March 24th:
3/17/2009 10:46:02 PM

What I see here is that people are different and they feel and respond differently, and what may be nothing at all to one may hurt and upset another.  Words can hurt anyone sometimes, so that the real issue can often be feelings more than something like misunderstood rules.

No doubt that no one noticed that anything wrong was being done.  It was pointed out, and while it may be nothing to some, there are people who take detail's just the differences in people.  It's actualy interesting to observe how we (and I say we because I am sometimes reactive too) we react upon our feelings vs. the point of the issue.  For example, Kathleen has already endured other complaints and that has her already set up to feel either defensive or with anxiety if she hears any more. 

So understanding can help us all to understand what causes people to respond as they do, and it isn't always as personal as we may take it.

There's only one answer here, and it is not to think of giving up the program and it's not that "any one" gives up or leaves.  I don't want to see "any" one at all leave or quit or remain feeling hurt or offended. 

What reward do we have if we win any argument, unless we come out of it with mutual kindness?  It is possible and we "can" surrender our own hurt and make brotherly love a more important issue than being right or wrong or misunderstood or hurt.

There has been hurt here, and hurt does hurt, and it's not the rules that are the issue at this point...that issue has been brought to the table and there is awareness now....

The issue now is who can find the greatest power of love in their heart to come back in humility....whether I win or not....and try to cover up the hurts of the other?

Maybe this is a little test here...of faith, of love, of humility?  God does allow these to occur, does he not?

I do love you all...and do understand "why" each one of you feels like you all have reasons why...let's understand the other person's "why"....and then we may truly understand...and may find compassion in our heart for the other's "why."

You can do it!  Because you are all good people with heart....and when we do do it...we often find that love turns our enemies into allies....this is what love does.

I have confidence in all of Kim



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