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Patricia Bartch

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK for the 181st POTW, ending March 24th:
3/17/2009 9:28:34 PM

 Amanda, you don't know what is going on.  I wrote Kathleen, offered my apology for not following the policy and asked her to drop my note.  I told her I would no longer be nominating anyone.  It is MY fault. Please just drop it please.


Please delete my note.  I will not nominate anyone again.

I will continue to support the POTW in my forum.


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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK for the 181st POTW, ending March 24th:
3/17/2009 9:44:13 PM
Pat is a Great Sport and she knew of this rules, she took them with a grain of salt, Pat wanted to be involved, we let her do that, there is no dis-repect here and she knows of the rules and why they will stand as they are. Love you Pat. Me?? well im keeping Bizzy, making my own rules, still need work over there especially in the forum sections, the members havent got a hold of me yet im just getting started. Thanks for the concern. God_bless you. :)
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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK for the 181st POTW, ending March 24th:
3/17/2009 9:46:23 PM

It would also nice if you apologized me too for jumping
all over me.

Because when I first started my post - you will read that
I was not against you but in support of you. 

You are a long standing member who has participated in
many forums yet you are being denied your membership
right just because you choose to use a letter for your


Patricia Bartch

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK for the 181st POTW, ending March 24th:
3/17/2009 9:48:49 PM

and she knows of the rules and why they will stand as they are.

Sorry Thomas, this isn't right.  I thought I was not eligible for the POTW, I didn't realize I could not nominate.  In all the times I did so, I didn't get a message etc telling me I wasn't eligible.

I is MY fault and I take responsibility. If I had read and comprehended, I wouldn't have done what I was not supposed to do.

Pat, sorry that I voted.

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Patricia Bartch

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK for the 181st POTW, ending March 24th:
3/17/2009 9:51:14 PM

And also, Kathleen and you thoughout this time have been working the kinks out of the new POTW. It's completely new with a new format.

Good format but somepeople didn't realize what was going on. 

Pat, still a POTW supporter.

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