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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK for the 181st POTW, ending March 24th:
3/17/2009 7:26:52 PM
Hello Pat,

I am sorry to ruffle your feathers and had you read all
my post you would have realized that I was not 'taking
your name in vain' but was in support of your being a
member for a long time.

I can read quite well with my new glasses, so there is no
need for you to 'shout at me' in bold print.

However, you may need the loan of mine because obviously
you have mis-read the rules, you are not eligible to nominate
nor be nominated because you do not use your surname.

Same rules as in the past 8 weeks, all NOMINATORS must have their first and last name in the title of their profile, photo of them self, at least one active forum, and have been here for at least 1 month from the date on their profile.

NOMINEES must meet all above requirements, but must have been here for at least 2 months from the date on their profile.


Jim Allen

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK for the 181st POTW, ending March 24th:
3/17/2009 7:41:51 PM


Chill out!  And while you are at, Follow the Rules!

Actually Amanda is making the argument for your participation.  But in your haste to be center of attention you keep sending out barbs.

Kathleen surely has the power to modify them.  Bogdan, accepted her proposal to run the POTW.  Therefore I am sure he trusts her judgement enough to modify the rules a bit to allow more particpation of folks like yourself, that are observing the rules as they are currently written.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day to All,



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Potw Team

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK for the 181st POTW, ending March 24th:
3/17/2009 8:47:19 PM
Hi Amanda, That's the same prize thats always been given to the POTW for the several years of the election.
Potw Team

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK for the 181st POTW, ending March 24th:
3/17/2009 8:48:59 PM
These are the same rules as the past 8 weeks, no modifications. It's just a shorter explanation but the same. Thank you fellow Republicans for visiting. I hope to see you participating in the POTW write-in Nominations/Election!!
Thomas Richmond

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK for the 181st POTW, ending March 24th:
3/17/2009 8:50:45 PM
The rules stay put! They have been read by Bogdan and agreed to them for which Kathleen set out. Pat agreed to these terms twice already in here why because one would'nt read the her reply first time. The rules stand. Prizes are added which is a plus for the members who partisipate. Thank you . POTW partner Thomas
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