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Nick Sym

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Re: All about Stress
4/7/2009 3:36:11 PM

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Barb Doyle

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Re: All about Stress
4/8/2009 5:19:33 PM
Hi Roger and Sheila,

Roger you had mentioned in my forum to stop by here in regards to essential oils and stress. Essential oils are in my opinion one of the very best things to use when dealing with all types of emotional issues. I have seen them work within seconds to help people transition from negative emotions to more positive ones. Some of the ones that I have found that have worked especially well for stress are: Acceptance, Harmony, Joy, Peace and Calming, Tranquil, Trauma Life and Valor. Essential oils work well not only for people but also for animals.

Here is one experience I will share with you for the benefit of all:
I recently went through a significant change in a close relationship, which resulted in my having a lot of anger, fear and anxiety come up in my face. I used the oils of Release, Joy, and Gratitude to support me in my process of change. They helped me immensely, as I could feel in my physical body and my emotional body the assistance they gave me! I am grateful for these supports in my life!
- Russ

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.

Giving people hope!


Sheila Kennedy-Robinson

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Re: All about Stress
4/8/2009 5:37:16 PM
Dear Barb thank you so much for the  information and for the beautiful picture, the words truly do say so much.

When you think that you can't
 make a difference
remember that one raindrop
raises the ocean

I use Valor a great deal as recommended to me by a dear friend who is also a Naturopath, and in different ways. One is to place a drop on the front of the ankle of each leg and rub the bottom of the other foot over it to spread the oil, the other is to put a drop on the back of my neck, often referred to as the 'seat of the soul'.

I understand that the Valor oil is a combination used by Roman soldiers before battle to give them strength and courage, and as incorporated into Gary Young's Young Living Oils for those properties. Great oils by the way.

I also use Harmony and Joy.

Thank you again

Peace Love and Light

Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: All about Stress
4/8/2009 6:04:47 PM


Thank you for your prompt and useful contribution.

I have an aromatherapy colleague who uses these oils to wonderfull ends. I do not have the knowledge  but I trust my colleague's judgement.

I am sure that this will help somebody.


Sheila Kennedy-Robinson

115 Posts
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Re: All about Stress
4/9/2009 6:04:21 AM
I was thinking today about Oils and Crystals, both of which have been a large part of my early training in Vibrational Kinesiology, and although I use a specific range of Crystals I remembered making up a broader list of Crystals and their uses some years ago when I spent an afternoon speaking to a group of care workers who were involved in a fairly intense program with abused and neglected children.

The management of this group gave their team a regular 2 days away with a variety of speakers and modalities to assist them to 'de stress' at the end of the day.

I was invited to speak to them and spent a pleasant day travellng, lunching and speaking in a pretty part of Victoria Australia which was then my home state.

So these may be of use to you if you would like to work with / relax with Crystals. I am not an expert by any means and there is a good deal of information out there for any one who is interested.

As a practitioner I would often 'send' a client home with a specific crystal, or a recommendation to purchase one for their own use. For children I had a 'treasure chest' from which they could choose 'their' favourite crystal to take home.

One small boy used to 'bring' his crystals to visit with me when he came with his mother.

Crystals for Stress

Agate, physical and emotional balance, (health and long life)


Amazonite, balanced and calm emotions, (creativity and personal expression )


Amber, harmonious, cheering and soothing, (memory)


Amethyst, soothes mind and aids meditation

Adventurine, relief of anxiety and fear, (sincerity


*Carnelian, peace and harmony, (contentment)


Chrysocolla, (feminine stone, joy )


*Chrysopase, reduces stress, (balance)


Citrine, healing energy, worn at night to prevent nightmares, (clarity of mind)


Copper, balance of body and mind, ( energy flow)


Coral, physical and mental well being, ( understanding)


Emerald, physical, mental, emotional bodies, balance, (love)


*Haematite, grounding, (courage)


Jade, peace, serenity, emotional balance, (Friendship, confidence in love)


Jasper, balance on all levels, ( endurance)


Jet, calmness, sleep, emotional balance, (calm)


Kunzite, self love, calmness, ( feminine stone)


*Lapis Lazuli, balance on all levels, do not wear for long periods or even all day, (rebirth)


*Moonstone, calming, sleep, balance of male female energies, (Warmth and friendship)


Peridot, balances emotions,(happiness)


*Quartz, balances emotions, (energy purifier)


*Rose quartz, self love, calming, confidence, (love)


Sapphire, balance of mental, spiritual, physical planes, (truth and wisdom)


Selenite, calms nerves, energy,(awareness)


Silver emotional balance, (purity)


Sodalite, balance male and female energies, (truth)


Tigers eye, balance energies, (energy flow)


Topaz, energy level, relaxation, (fidelity)


*Turquoise, peace of mind, (prosperity)


Zircon, balances emotions, grounding, (energy)


* These are some of the stones which Sheila uses in her Vibrational Kinesiology work.

**Remember that you can keep a / your crystal in your pocket, hold it in your hand, for the ladies rose quartz for unconditional love inside your bra is a good place especially for the heart centre, put one under your pillow, or where you can see it eg your desk, window sill etc. Thay do not need to be huge, a small piece works very well and can be inexpensive.

Peace Love and Light

