"Little Boy" needs to get a good job with dental/medical insurance or re-enlist in the military! That would help!
Thank you, Roger! I know some people have major dental phobia but I told him to just relax, he KNOWS the novacaine needle is part of it...he says the dentist HIDES the 4-foot long needle behind his back and then suddenly wields it like a light saber. HAHAHA!! I really doubt that!!
I'm not trying to belittle the situation, I know some people have serious issues, but you think they'd get used to it after a few times.
I have issues with regular needles, when the doctor tries to draw blood from my arm or check my cholesterol, they've never gotten it, not when I was 30 OR 40...I have small veins and have to put up with multiple pokes to both arms, then they give up! Then the doctor gave me directions on paper to drive downtown to the hospital and ask for the best phlebotomist (needle-poker!) Well, I took the paper, folded it and put it in my pocket, and drove home. They'll try again when I'm 50 or maybe 45, good luck with THAT!!
I went through that when I was 12 and had to have knee surgery, they couldn't find a vein to put the IV in my arm so they put it in back of my hand, and kept the end of the needle taped to my hand each time they changed IV tubes so they wouldnt lose the vein.
Guess who's gonna DIE from the doctors not being able to find a vein in an emergency?