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Re: 25 Random Things About Me
2/25/2009 9:20:14 PM

1. What time do you get out of bed?
    A: 6:30 am

2. What do you eat for breakfast?
    A: Corn flakes

3. Foods that you dislike?
    A: Anchovies

4. The last film you watched at a cinema?
    A: WALL E
5. Where would you like to retire to?
    A: Here, where my family is

6. Favourite sport?
    A: Don't have one

7. Favourite or current pet?
    A: Mixed mutt

8. Favourite beverage?
    A: Coffee

9. Do you prefer summer or winter?
    A: Summer.

10. When was the last time you cried?
      A: This afternoon, stubbed toe.

11. What scares you the most?
      A: Out living my family.

12. Do you make friends easily?
     A: Yes.

13. A habit that sometimes annoys others?
     A: Laughing at something that strikes me funny, but not always funny to someone else.

14. Favourite TV program(s)?
     A: CSI, all of them, The Eleventh Hour, most things on TRU TV and Animal Planet.

15. Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
     A: Introvert.

16. Favourite food?
     A: Turkey 

Favourite cake or pie?
     A: Cheesecake

18. Favourite author(s)?
     A: Agetha Christy

19. Favourite saying?
     A: A day without laughter is a day wasted.

20. What car do you drive?
     A: Chevrolet Cavalier

21. Favourite actress?
     A: Sally Field

22. Favourite actor?
     A: Clint Eastwood.

23. Your partner's worst habit?
     A: Hard candy clanging on his false teeth!!!

24. Something you must do, but detest?
     A: Cleaning dog dung out of yard.

25. Who wears the pants in your house?
     A: Both, until he ticks me off! LOL!

Happy Hump Day!

Flag of Peter Fogel

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Re: 25 Random Things About Me
2/26/2009 4:08:09 PM

Hi John,

Very interesting, let's give it a try. Won't be able to compare with JoAnne's "about me" (so revealing :) ) but never the less here goes.

1.  What time do you get out of bed?
A. Difficult to say, depends when I went to sleep. don't sleep 3-4 hours a night and the internet does havoc with a normal schedule.

2. What do you eat for breakfast?

A. Coffee

3. Foods that you dislike?
A. Can't think of any.

4. The last film you watched at a cinema?

A. Haven't been to the movies in years but the last play I saw was "All The wives Of King Solomon".

5. Where would you like to retire to?

A. That's an easy one. In the northern part of Israel in the Golan Heights.

6. Favorite sport?

A. Tennis and basketball.

7. Favorite or current pet?

A. Nikita my standard black poodle.

8. Favorite beverage?

A. Coffee and water.

9. Do you prefer summer or winter.

A. All the seasons except winter.

10. When was the last time you cried?
A. When my mother passed away.

11. What scares you the most?

A. Not much scares me but what worries me the most is the creeping Islamization of the world. Not a politically correct answer but a true one.

12. Do you make friends easily?

A. Yes and no. I meet many and am easy to be around in groups and parties but am choosy about my friends.

13. A habit that sometimes annoys others?

A. My sarcastic humor.

14. Favorite TV program(s)?

A. Don't watch much TV. would rather read in my free time.

15. Are you an extrovert or an introvert?

A. Hmmmm, I'd have to say both. Depends on the situation but mostly an extrovert.

16. Favorite food?

A. I like many foods but I'd have to say a good rare steak. Love fish too.

17. Favorite cake or pie?

A. Cheese cake

18. Favorite author(s)?

A. Ayn Rand, Tom clancy, Robert Ludlum (and many more) and then history books, biographies etc. I love to read.

19. Favorite saying?

A. Not much for sayings prefer logic but a good one to go by is. "where there's smoke there's fire".  Lotta smoke out there now.

20. What car do you drive?

A. Mazda 6

21. Favorite actress?

A. Meryl Streep

22. Favorite actor?

A. Clint Eastwood, DeNero.

23. Your partner's worst habit?

A. Always cleaning up.

24. Something you must do, but detest?

A. Paying income tax.

25. Who wears the pants in your house?

A. Depends. I'd rather wear shorts but most of the time I do. In my dreams. :)


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Flag of John Leal

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Re: 25 Random Things About Me
2/26/2009 6:23:33 PM

Hi Mary

Very interesting expose'. Over here we call a mixed mutt a "Heinz" (57 varieties). Has your partner even sneezed his false teeth across the table, lol! Cheescake is nice, although most women seem to shy away because of weight issues (or mind issues). I hope your poor toe gets better soon.

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Re: 25 Random Things About Me
2/26/2009 6:35:28 PM

Hi Peter

Yes mate, the creeping Islamic plague is a major worry. We have a bit in common. I love sarcasm as well. Meryl Streep isn't straight up and down so that's a plus (why do they think men like rail-thin women?). And I'm also a shorts and t-shirt man.
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Re: 25 Random Things About Me
2/27/2009 10:00:51 AM
Hi John,

Okay this looks like fun, so here goes.

1.  What time do you get out of bed?
     A.  Usually about 8 or 9 AM CST.

2.  What do you eat for breakfast?
     A. Creme of Wheat with milk and toast.

3.  Food that you dislike?
     A.  Pigs feet, chitterlings, and anchovies.

4.  The last film you watched at a cinema?
     A.  Shrek 2

5.  Where would you like to retire to?
     A.  Anywhere near my son and grandchildren.

6.  Favorite sport?
     A.  Tennis

7.  Favorite or current pet?
     A. German Shepard and tropical fish.

8.  Favorite beverage?
     A. Pepsi and Mountain Dew

9.  Do you prefer summer or winter?
     A. Summer (but actually spring, as summer gets so hot

10. When was the last time you cried?
     A.  Saturday at my cousins funeral.

11. What scares you the most?
     A.  Spiders and snakes.

12. Do you make friends easily?
     A.  Yes

13. A habit that sometimes annoys others?
     A.  Crunching on ice cubes.

14. Favorite TV programs?
     A.  Old reruns on TV Land, and old westerns.

15. Are you an extrovert or introvert?
     A.  Introvert mostly.

16. Favorite Food?
     A.  Fish

17. Favorite cake or pie?
     A.  Cheesecake

18. Favorite author's?
     A.  Stephen King and Sydney Sheldon

19. Favorite saying?
     A.  This is the day the Lord hath made, Rejoice in

20. What car do you drive?
      A.  Chevrolet Cavalier

21. Favorite Actor?
     A.  Denzel Washington,Eddie Murphy, and Tyler Perry.

22. Your partner's worst habit?
     A.  I don't have a partner.

23. Favorite actress?
     A. Halle Berry, Queen Latifah

24. Something you must do, but detest?
     Driving long distances.

25. Who wears the pants in your house?
     A.  I do.

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