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Person Of The Week
25 Random Things About Me
2/24/2009 6:20:15 PM


Apparently this is all the rage with the Facebook fraternity and reminds me of something similar which did the rounds years ago. Basically, it requires you to 'spill your guts' to your friends regarding 25 habits or personality traits. I'm game if you are! :) Make your answers as long or short as you like.

1. What time do you get out of bed?
    A: 5.30-6.00am in summer, later in winter.

2. What do you eat for breakfast?
    A: Muesli (homemade of course!)

3. Foods that you dislike?
    A: Oysters (but I love stout), eggplant, mushrooms.

4. The last film you watched at a cinema?
    A: The Changeling.
5. Where would you like to retire to?
    A: I'm already there, Sunshine Coast of Oz.

6. Favourite sport?
    A: Rugby League.

7. Favourite or current pet?
    A: German Shepherd

8. Favourite beverage?
    A: Fourex Gold beer.

9. Do you prefer summer or winter?
    A: Summer.

10. When was the last time you cried?
      A: When Adrianna was executed in The Sopranos.

11. What scares you the most?
      A: Not being healthy in my old (older) age.

12. Do you make friends easily?
     A: No.

13. A habit that sometimes annoys others?
     A: Making jokes in a tight situation.

14. Favourite TV program(s)?
     A: Criminal Minds and most stuff on the ABC (no ads).

15. Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
     A: Introvert.

Favourite food?
     A: Barramundi (Aussie fish) and chips. 

Favourite cake or pie?
Apple and cream turnover.

18. Favourite author(s)?
     A: Stephen King and Jeffery Deaver.

19. Favourite saying?
     A: People who live in glass houses shouldn't stand up in the bath.

20. What car do you drive?
     A: Holden Apollo.

21. Favourite actress?
     A: Patricia Arquette (she actually has a figure).

22. Favourite actor?
     A: Clint Eastwood.

23. Your partner's worst habit?
     A: My wife chomping an apple while watching TV (ARRRGGHH).

24. Something you must do, but detest?
     A: Stand in a queue.

25. Who wears the pants in your house?
     A: 50 - 50! (Diplomacy at it's best!)
Flag of Jo Anne Green

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Person Of The Week
Re: 25 Random Things About Me
2/24/2009 7:36:14 PM

Sunny Greetings from California, John!

Here is my list:

1. What time do you get out of bed?
    A: Who has time to go to bed?

2. What do you eat for breakfast?
    A: 5 fried eggs, 4 sausage patties, 1/2 loaf of
         French bread, 2 watermelon slices, 4 cups
         of black coffee, 2 tall glasses of witches'

3. Foods that you dislike?
    A: Butter & Cream

4. The last film you watched at a cinema?
    A: I don't go to the cinema. I hate going places
        where my feet stick to the floor.

5. Where would you like to retire to?
    A: Who has time to retire?

6. Favourite sport?
    A: Sky diving

7. Favourite or current pet?
    A: cougar

8. Favourite beverage?
    A: Witches' brew

9. Do you prefer summer or winter?
    A: Yes

10. When was the last time you cried?
      A: My pet cougar and I both shed tears when
          my pet pot-bellied pig died.

11. What scares you the most?
      A: When my pet gold fish sneaks up behind
           me and says "Boo!!!"

12. Do you make friends easily?
     A: Yes and No

13. A habit that sometimes annoys others?
     A: I smile a lot.

14. Favourite TV program(s)?
     A: Captain Kangaroo

15. Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
     A: Both

Favourite food?
     A: Bitter
melon soup

Favourite cake or pie?
Humble pie

18. Favourite author(s)?
     A: Thomas Jefferson and Dr. Seuss

19. Favourite saying?
     A: "If I studied all my life, I couldn't think up half
         the number of funny things passed in one
         session of Congress." ~ Will Rogers

20. What car do you drive?
     A: Hummer

21. Favourite actress?
     A: Bette Davis

22. Favourite actor?
     A: George Brent

23. Your partner's worst habit?
     A: Being so doggone sweet to me all the time.

24. Something you must do, but detest?
     A: Fill out questionnaires 

25. Who wears the pants in your house?
     A: Whoever gets to them first in the morning.

I hope that you are getting to know me at little bit better now.


Have an Awesome and Fun Day!!!

JoAnne Green
Principal / International Risk Management Advisor

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Flag of Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: 25 Random Things About Me
2/24/2009 9:51:43 PM
Hello John and *lol* at JoAnnes answers. 
I have not laughed so much in a little while.

1. What time do you get out of bed?
    A: when I wake up but usually mid morning in winter.

2. What do you eat for breakfast?
    A: Don't usually eat breakfast, but will have cereal when I am hungry
        Several mugs of white, one sugar coffee.

3. Foods that you dislike?
    A: Mexican, liver. Cold when it should be hot and hot when it should
        be cold!

4. The last film you watched at a cinema?
    A: Stone Cold Steve Austin starred in - can't remember the name of the
5. Where would you like to retire to?
    A: I do not know, James wants to retire in Florida, I am not sure if I
        will be able to tolerate the heat

6. Favourite sport?
    A: Watching horse riding, jumping and western style

7. Favourite or current pet?
    A: Koda, our mixed breed puppy, he is such a sweetie and nice nature
        I also like our two mares, 3 Llamas and one hen even though the
        hen will follow me and peck my heels.

8. Favourite beverage?
    A: Coffee, mellow yellow, moutain dew, flavoured water

9. Do you prefer summer or winter?
    A: only two choices winter.. what happened to Spring and Autumn?
        They are seasons too and I prefer them.  Summer is too hot.

10. When was the last time you cried?
      A: Less that week ago

11. What scares you the most?
      A: Not being healthy in my old age.

12. Do you make friends easily?
     A: No. I am friendly just our neighbours do not visit even though we
         have gone over to their place to chat.. they are a funny lot around

13. A habit that sometimes annoys others?
      A: Don't know, no one has come forward and said..??

14. Favourite TV program(s)?
     A: HGTV, NCIS, CSI, most drama's CMT channel..I surf though until I
         find something but there are lots of repeats, so only watch      spasmatically

15. Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
      A: Introvert.

Favourite food?
     A: Barramundi (Aussie fish) and chips. 
    I miss NZ fish and chips..
         Italian, steak, ribs

Favourite cake or pie?
Apricot and cream turnover and pie with icecream which you have
         to ask for and the cream is out of the can which I much prefer fresh

18. Favourite author(s)?
     A: Have not read for a long time other than magazines, I am addicted
         to my computer.

19. Favourite saying?
     A: People who live in glass houses shouldn't stand up in the bath. *lol*
         Don't have a favourite, but do have many sayings for specific responses and happenings.

20. What car do you drive?
     A: Pickup truck, Ford F150

21. Favourite actress?
     A: Don't have one

22. Favourite actor?
     A: Clint Eastwood he is nice.. but I really do not have one

23. Your partner's worst habit?
     A: Speaking too low for me to hear then will not speak up.. really gets
         my dander up!

24. Something you must do, but detest?
     A: Stand in a queue.  Drive around Omaha, too many drivers on the
         cell phone not paying attention to where they are going!!

25. Who wears the pants in your house?
     A: my husband and my pants sometimes too!!

Flag of Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: 25 Random Things About Me
2/25/2009 2:20:13 PM


I loved your answers.

Thank you.

Just now I don't have time to do justice to your questions.

I'll try to return.


Flag of Joe Downing

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Re: 25 Random Things About Me
2/25/2009 2:26:00 PM

Hahahaha John!!!  You have certainly started a forum of very brave people!  JoAnne and Amanda have some very good answers.  Ok... here goes for me...

1. What time do you get out of bed?
    A: 5:15 AM on weekdays and 6:15 on Weekends

2. What do you eat for breakfast?
    A: Fried runny eggs OR Pancakes w/Egg on top OR Oatmeal OR
        Creme O'Wheat   OR Green Chili burrito

3. Foods that you dislike?
    A: LIVER! and/or pasta... Yuck!

4. The last film you watched at a cinema?
    A: Gran Torino
5. Where would you like to retire to?
    A: Somewhere up north where it snows and rains!

6. Favourite sport?
    A: Action Pistol Shooting and Rodeo  Ok.. NFL football.

7. Favourite or current pet?
    A: Three dogs, 1 cat and a bird

8. Favourite beverage?
    A: Water!

9. Do you prefer summer or winter?
    A: Winter

10. When was the last time you cried?
      A: During Apollo 13 as they were reentering Earth's
         atmosphere... ah what a moment!

11. What scares you the most?
      A: Politicians!  I'd rather fead bears with my bare hands that
         shake a politican's hand, much less depend upon them.

12. Do you make friends easily?
     A: Yes, if they fit the profile of a 'friend'.  :)

13. A habit that sometimes annoys others?
     A: Hugging!

14. Favourite TV program(s)?
     A: I don't watch TV much, but maybe "How they make it" ???

15. Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
     A: I have been accused of being an introvert, but I'm in denial.
         What can I say, I sit in a room full of computers all day
         because people hurt them.  :(

Favourite food?
     A: Beef, Chicken, Salmon, EGGS, fresh vegetables and Pecan Pie.

Favourite cake or pie?
Haven't found one yet that I don't like EXCEPT for German
         Chocolate cake.

18. Favourite author(s)?
     A: I don't have a favorite, but I really like these:
            Robert Heinlein
            Louis L'Amor
            Napolean Hill
            James Allen
             Dr. Seuss (JoAnne and I have a lot in common :) )
            Ok... too many too list!

19. Favourite saying?
     A: "When you change the way you look at things, the things you
            look at change" ~Wayne Dyer
          "What you relfect upon is what you see" ~Me  :)

20. What car do you drive?
     A: Jeep - Grand Cherokee

21. Favourite actress?
     A: Hmmm.... No one can ever compare to these ladies:
         Carol Burnette, Julie Andrews, Raquel Welch...
22. Favourite actor?
     A: Clint Eastwood and John Wayne AND Mel Gibson AND
         Tom Selleck and... Hmmmm....

23. Your partner's worst habit?
     A: Constantly talking on the telephone (arrrgghhh) 
            Write some letters!

24. Something you must do, but detest?
     A: Drive through slow traffic!

25. Who wears the pants in your house?
     A: We both wear pants, but I wear THE pants... especially when
         she is on the phone or asleep or out of town... Hahahaha...
         What ever happened to skirts?

26. How often do you forget things?
     A:  I'm not sure.

***ADLAND BULLETIN BOARD*** What is Xtreme X2O? ###Get some X2O and Jerky RADICAL for the TRUTH! Laus Deo! ** HUG DEPARTMENT: Always OPE

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