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Alain Deguire

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Re: What about Respect in Making a Difference?
2/8/2009 9:50:09 AM

Dear Rinna,

Thank you for advertising this discussion on your forum My Friend; I just saw your post as I was writing this ;-)

What a good discussion are we having here all together...

I think that you bring another interesting aspect here, in saying...

"In respect, we seem to learn ability... able to.... that is funny somehow cause we are able to respect yet sometimes we don't."

What is the reason that we are not able to sometimes? I think that it must be closely related to what Roger expressed earlier...

"if I view it as a threat."

Due to my own personal experience, I can perceive the actual happening as a threat, and then I get into defensive action... and due to some physical metabolism, I am very fast reacting when feeling in danger... so, it becomes a real challenge to at least not react for a second, try to understand why I feel in danger and even go up to try show some respect in the actual situation... I think this is part of accepting our Humaness! Considering myself, it seems that I could be so much better in some occasion... falling very often!

Blessings to You My Friend,


Rinna Rani

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Re: What about Respect in Making a Difference?
2/8/2009 10:17:22 AM
Hi Alain,
I have to say what you have said is a good point made by Roger.  IF WE PERCEIVE IT IS A THREAT... Its always us who wants to perceive it as what we want to perceive and sometimes by doing so, we loose respect to people by our own terms and not by maybe rethinking - why do we perceive it as a threat?  Very logical and well said.

Thanks Alain for sharing and no problem about posting this thread in forum cause its educational and an interesting discussion.

Thanks for bringing this up.  I truly enjoy this discussion and the wonderful point of views.

Lots of love,
Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: What about Respect in Making a Difference?
2/8/2009 10:27:29 AM

Rina and Alain,

Thanks for making this such a well discussed subject.

Alain, I love the graphics you have found.


Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: What about Respect in Making a Difference?
2/8/2009 11:38:24 AM
Hello Alain,

Another angle of respect I just noticed, your name is spelt different to other Alan's, that it is a sign of respect that your name is spelt the way you have it in your profile even though
I have to think about how I spell your name

Yes I agree as I said earlier, this is a 'small word' with a very 'huge meaning' this topic could go on for quite some time
and also and excellent topic.

I looked up what one of the Dictionaries on line had to say:

  1. To feel or show deferential regard for; esteem.
  2. To avoid violation of or interference with: respect the speed limit.
  3. To relate or refer to; concern.
  1. A feeling of appreciative, often deferential regard; esteem. See synonyms at regard.
  2. The state of being regarded with honor or esteem.
  3. Willingness to show consideration or appreciation.
  4. respects Polite expressions of consideration or deference: pay one's respects.
  5. A particular aspect, feature, or detail: In many respects this is an important decision.
  6. Usage Problem. Relation; reference. See Usage Note at regard.

Rinna Rani

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Re: What about Respect in Making a Difference?
2/8/2009 11:49:58 AM
Hi Amanda dear,
Now, you are one observant person..... great point brought up and thanks for the dictionary meaning of respect.

Just wanted to share what I found in Wikipedia:

Respect is esteem for, or a sense of the worth or excellence of, a person, a personal quality, ability, or a manifestation of a personal quality or ability. In certain ways, respect manifests itself as a kind of ethic or principle, such as in the commonly taught concept of "[having] respect for others" or the ethic of reciprocity.

What do you think dear friends?

Love, Rinna

Ps. Alain, I have to say this is becoming interesting like Amanda said.  Amanda is a wonderful person who has sharp observation.


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