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Joyce Parker Hyde

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Re: Should the Lid be Raised or Lowered and by whom?
2/6/2009 11:10:07 AM
Ahhhhhh-the old lid controversy!
I have only fallen in once (that was enough!)
Of course it should be lowered-but-I take responsibility for my own safety, pick my battles carefully and trained myself to raise it before use.
It has been easier to train my kitty than my husband.

Re: Should the Lid be Raised or Lowered and by whom?
2/6/2009 11:18:47 AM
Hello Jim!  8)

Are you trying to start World War III!  LOL  ;-)

I always lower the seat, it doesn't take that long and I think it's the gentlemanly thing to do.

I don't believe I've ever forgotten to lower it, at least I can't remember forgetting to. I think my Ex wouldn't have let me forget it if I had. lol

Take care Buddy and don't forget to put the seat down. lol  ;-)

John R. Sanchez
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Valerie Clavin

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Re: Should the Lid be Raised or Lowered and by whom?
2/6/2009 11:24:06 AM


 Lowered, I can't handle the laughter when the cat falls in LOL Tooo funny! Of course, not so funny when I fall in. hehe

 Oh, and you must not have read the country living thread at my forum. I don't call the boys anymore!! I have a tractor!!



Valerie Clavin

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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Should the Lid be Raised or Lowered and by whom?
2/6/2009 11:36:06 AM
Ha Ha Ha hi Jim, what an old addige my friend. From my standpoint of view being raised in a household of woman the obvious thing to do is after using a toilet for some leavage of your own, its best to leave the seat down, now on the other hand being a man sometimes if not most times we forget. Best Regards Bizzy Thomas :) God_bless you and your families members.
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Peter Fogel

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Re: Should the Lid be Raised or Lowered and by whom?
2/6/2009 12:59:09 PM

Hi Jim,

I go according to the theory that logic prevails. when standing the seat is up. When sitting the seat is down.

The position of the toilet seat is a self service affair and each gender should position it in the desired position.

John, WW III cos of a toilet seat???? The silent treatment maybe but WW I sorta doubt.

Judy, even when you're in a rush I don't think lowering or raising the seat takes more then a second. You know us guys are in a rush sometimes too. :)



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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