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Helen Elias

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2/7/2009 8:54:11 AM

Hello Rini

The children and civilians would not have been killed if Hamas didn't use them as human shields not just for the Hamas leader but also for the storage places where the weapons are stored. 

Children and civilians would never have had a worry in the world if Hamas had not been firing on Israel for the last 3 years.  Many Israeli children and civilians have been killed over those 3 years but not much is said about it because it happened just a few at a time.  What was Israel supposed to do?  Should they just let Hamas keep bombing Israel without trying to do something to stop Hamas?  You must remember that over half of the world is against Israel ....without good cause and believing the lies from the Palestinians; so much of the reporting is biased against Israel or altogether absent.

Israel is mostly interested in destroying Hamas weapons.   I don't see where Israel is looking for revenge or retaliation.  Unfortunately these weapons are stored in private homes, hospitals, schools and mosques where children and civilians are.  Israel does not want to shoot civilians and especially not the Palestinian children.  Israel even PHONES the Palestinians ahead of a bombing to give the people time to get out of the line of fire.  Have you ever heard of such a thing in a war?   Usually the element of surprise is used to try to win a seige or a war.  But imagine if you can, the decency of Israel to call them to let them save their lives. 

What does Hamas do when they get the call?  They use the children and civlians as human shields to try to stop Israel from bombing their weapons storage places.  I bet that Hamas doesn't stick around.  Hamas knows that Israel doesn't want to bomb where children are. What does that tell you about Israel?  Does it say that Israel has more decency than Hamas and the Palestinian leaders?  Yes, it does!

What do you think would happen if Israel used children as human shields where Hamas was bombing?  I can tell you!  Hamas would fire on them children or no children. 

People ask what can be done to stop this war.  All it will take is for Hamas to stop firing on Israel.  That's all! The moment that happens, Israel will stop firing on the Palestinians.  If Israel were to stop firing, do you think Hamas would stop firing?  Anyone who has been following this knows the answer to that!  And yet they blame Israel.   It is Hamas who has to stop the firing.  Israel is willing to stop when they do.  If I was a betting woman, I'd bet it will only be Israel who is big enough to stop and say, "Enough is enough!"

Not only that, Israel will help rebuild the land occupied by the Palistinians and help them to become self-sufficient ...if they want Israel's help.  Remember that if it was Israel that needed help, it would never come from most of their Muslim neighbors. 

Remember, too, that Georgios is not a nice sweet man that some like to say he is. He is a racist, an antisemitic, a liar who propagates hate.  When he is not lying, he is leaving out important information that keeps people from making a fully informed decision.  He offers nothing to the solution.  He needs his eyes opened.  He needs our prayers.

More than that the Palestinian children and all the children of the world need our prayers.  Praying is something we can do.  Even if we can do nothing else, it is a lot.

Almost half of the children in the world are starving and suffering in one way or another.  If anyone can afford to sponsor a child, please sponsor JUST ONE CHILD through World Vision or an organization of your choice.  If the millions of us who are eating every day could sponsor just one child, then millions of children would be eating, too.  To find the World Vision office nearest you,
Google "World Vision" and you will find it if you want to find it bad enough.  If you live in a poor country and have hardly enough food for yourself, then pray that many will sponsor a child.  Thank you.  God will hear your prayers, I know it!

Helen Elias

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2/7/2009 10:15:07 AM

Dear Georgios,

(tell your wife, I send same message to her also!)



Bogdan Fiedur

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2/9/2009 12:02:04 PM
Hello all,

I was asked to shut down this thread based on the fact that it promotes hate.

I have looked through the posts here and see mostly material from other sites otherwise available throughout the internet to the world.
It is a discussion of substance and supported with facts and sources available to everybody.

I believe that today's entire world is affected by current mid-east conflict and although this topic is very explosive it can't be ignored or hidden under the carpet.
If not here, it will take place anywhere else.
Shutting down topic like this would be equal to shutting down any discussions which took place before any major world-wide conflict which ended in tragedy.
We are heading towards it.
We need to hear all sides of the story and promote ways to avoid any escalation of the problems which we are already facing.
As long as this discussion is civil and no community terms are violated, there won't be any involvement from administration.
This thread will be now closely monitored for any possible community terms violations.

Discussion should be founded on well supported sources and nobody should make any assumptions.
Criticizing any actions caused by any of the supported sides, should not constitute a reason to call the other person names or use an assumptive judgments.

An intelligent participants finds well researched and well supported contra-arguments to prove that other person is wrong and continues discussion for as long as it finds it appropriate.
Bogdan Fiedur
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

5965 Posts
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2/9/2009 1:48:01 PM
Hi Bogdan, CEO of AdLandPro!

With much appreciation and satisfaction I read your post in Philoxenia. I did not know that this forum thread was reported or accused for any violence.

This thread started as a reply to "Human Shileds In Gaza", a thread where the author makes a "joke" of a war of global interest, giving out comics to make the whole conflict between Israel and Palestine a funny thing, while hundreds of defenseless children, woman and civilians were killed. The information was one sided and it would be  a shame for a community like Adlandpro to get a view of this conflict only from on satyric side. Wars are not jokes and not games neither laughters to make people feel happy.

I tried to give the Israeli-Palestine conflict from a second perspective which was not represented here. We have no Palestinian members in Adlandpro to speak for their rights.

I appreciate your view of free speech, giving all sides right to tell their view and opinion.

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With love and Respect,

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
2/9/2009 2:12:16 PM

Dear Bogdan and Georgios, thank you much for your statement Bogdan.  Why would anyone want you to close this thread?  There are many others doing nothing but spreading hate in our community.  At least this one is just giving another viewpoint of the mid-east conflict.

Thank you for the forum, Georgios, and the right to give your opinion.


