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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Amanda
1/29/2009 11:44:42 AM
Hi Myrna and Amanda,  i notice theres a cold front all over the states now and i feel almost ashamed cuz i live here in San Diego where the warm air and sunshine is here today with temps in the 80s. I have some rounds to do with my CEO job so i will return of course, keep the lights on girls. :)
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Re: Amanda
1/29/2009 11:51:29 AM

Waiting your return, Thomas!!



Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Amanda
1/29/2009 12:49:09 PM
Good morning Tom,

80o is far too hot for me, temp gets up into the 90s here in Lincoln/Omaha area
during summer and I am just about wilting.  I can't stand it and look forward to
the cooler months.  We do not have air conditioner and had new double glazed
windows replaced downstairs last June which helped alot

At present James and I like our home inside around 50o - 65o (60o is good)and
we have a wood stove that heats our house, depending on the wind draughts we
can keep the doors open on the fireplace which makes the room more cozy, otherwise we have to shut the doors because the smoke drifts out into the room
as we place new firewood in the box these smoke drifts sets the smoke/ fire alarm
off then we are running around like 'chickens with their heads cut off' turning off the alarm, resetting the monitor and assuring the alarm people we are OK! *lol*  The alarm was placed right in the middle of the room on the ceiling in front of the fire
so this happens alot and is very annoying.  The alarm is very high pitched and shrilling to the ears!

It is a dry cold here and even with snow about, I dress warmly, hat, jacket and gloves
and can be outside for sometime with the animals to feed them, walk down to the
the mailbox and gathering barn wood (makes hotter fire) and fallen branches which we have a lot of.  We have a stock pile of firewood as well but like to get some of the smaller pieces too.
It has also been better for my health and have not had asthma attack or a cold
since moving to the cold areas.  My home town in NZ and Oregon was too wet and I caught a cold or two each year and in Oregon a couple of bad asthma attacks one of them I ended up in hospital.

Thomas Richmond

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Re: Amanda
1/29/2009 5:58:47 PM
Hi Amanda and Sara, thanks for stopping by. One of the things i miss in the colder climates was when i lived in two places, first one was a place called Bodfish, small town about 350 people at the time, a suburb of Lake Isabella 50 miles south of Bakersfield, it was a two room mobile home w/ shower and an out door patio with guest room or den where i kept my small $3000.00 dollar metal fireplace with a window face inside, there was a couch and a few chairs, outside was my 1500 gallon propane tank which you can peep through a small window next to the fireplace, out back behind that was my tool shed, this was all on a 2 1/2 acre of land which i purchased for a small fee of $5000.00, this i would call Tom's Palace was up in around the 6000 foot level, so in the winter there would be at least 3 inches of snow while in the summer it would get very hot to about 130 in the shade, i spent one year there, had great time playing mountain man for awhile but my facial hair and the 4 foot hair was getting to me LOL, i eventually moved to a place called Pahrump Nevada, the Mojave Indians called that place , water from the rocks. Anyhoot, the place was a rented garage type of house on these folks property who had 2 horses and a couple of chickens, during the day while there were working down the hwy in Vegas i would feed and wash these big puppies and there mascots daily in return of living there for free, but they had scorpions that would come out at night, bats and the surrounding houses few and far between would sometimes catch on electrical fires, i loved the outdoors but wasn't to fond of the heat at all nor the ice cold, i miss some of it, like the lakes i used to go fishing in and stuff like that, target shooting you know "men stuff" lol during those years is where i focus on my guitar playing the most, 1989 to 1999 was the years of my crazy world lol, it did however teach me of God's creation and his natural disasters too, so when i became his back in 1999 i became more sensitive or more aware of my surroundings, now living here in San Diego 1/4 mile from the Pacific Ocean im sort of losing sense of gratitude because i feel so comfortable here with a beautiful ocean, mountains behind me and the laid back surfer type attitude, since I've been here i have visited my old hometown of Burbank and visited my uncles working at the Disney and Burbank studios, same directors and writers still work there , when i was a kid i would visit and play ball or video games with actors at that time were unknown like Nick Cage, Corey Feldman and Drew Barrymore and other friends for a time, so living back in California has its ups and downs but at least i can take the heat or the cold LOL
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Myrna Ferguson

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Re: Amanda
1/29/2009 9:10:11 PM
Hi Thomas

Nice to hear more about you and the places you have lived. 
Yes it has been cold here, we have had 3 or 4 times this year of freezing rain.  I don't like it so much, but it is beautiful.  I am looking foreward to spring.  Of course, I am ready for spring as soon as October gets here.  I should move to southern Texas or Arizona to be warm all the time.
 I have lived in Waynesboro area all my live and I guess it is home.  I have so many super nice neighors and it is a good community, so I keep hanging around.


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