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La Nell !

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Re: Jim Allen III
1/28/2009 4:30:32 PM
Hi Thomas, All your pictures look great! Hugs,LaNell ;-)
Thomas Richmond

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Re: LaNell
1/28/2009 5:14:36 PM
Thanks for love, i think this thread has taken its toll lol. I just wanted to feedback to know if it suits my position as CEO and it does, i found that out awhile ago this morning. Thanks Pat for your imput too!
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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: LaNell
1/28/2009 6:05:25 PM
Hey Tom,

When you started this thread, you probably did not even entertain the
idea of how many members would pop along to give you their opinions,
as this thread has turned out to be quite a nice topic and easy question
to leave a comment on. 
A very K.I.S.S. thread.

Thomas Richmond

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Re: Amanda
1/28/2009 6:12:43 PM
No i didnt know how many would respond but i knew i had members who do come in, about 300 Encourage my Soul members , not all post but i have posts where there are 1000 or more views to one page
AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Amanda
1/28/2009 6:50:55 PM
One of the reasons I have found this particular thread appealing - after members
had come in and voiced their opinions on your photo.  It did not just stop there and
the thread fade away like so many of our threads do. 

This has become kind of a social cafe' where different members have come back
in (like myself *lol*) to chat because there is no particular topic now to stick rigidly
to so it has become quite flexible to me and very refreshing to just pop back in
from time to time as members come in and it has just been evolving.


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