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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: It's Time To Honor the Winner of the 2008 PERSON OF THE YEAR:
1/14/2009 9:16:20 AM

Hi Tom, Congrats to you on creating a secondary tie with Nick, he's a tough one to beat!!  I'd like to see the competition between you two without any POTW team leaders in front of you.

Thanks for visiting and for the beautiful graphic!  I need to get more graphics!!  There are tons of parties going on, I wonder if Peter is reading his congratulations even without being able to log in.  I hope so!!

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: It's Time To Honor the Winner of the 2008 PERSON OF THE YEAR:
1/14/2009 9:18:35 AM

Hi Mike and Shirley,

I think celebrating the Top 12 highest-vote getters (the top 1 from each month of the previous year) would be a great idea.  That would also create more weekly traffic to the weekly POTW elections.

Pauline Raina

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Re: It's Time To Honor the Winner of the 2008 PERSON OF THE YEAR:
1/14/2009 9:26:55 AM
Hi Kathleen,

I see you have made some very good suggestions, and I have nodoubt being a senior member here at Adland, you along with a suitable team would do a great job of running the potw and bring it back to its old glory as John would have it be !! A Person of the month...and then honoring all 12 at the end of the year sound very fair and practical.

Pray this will be a fresh start and a new era for the POTW :-)

All the best

Jim Allen

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Re: It's Time To Honor the Winner of the 2008 PERSON OF THE YEAR:
1/14/2009 9:36:03 AM

We made that option available and you, "the community"  chose to keep it weekly, then had to be begged for nominees. 

I am relieved that I no longer have that weekly duty. 

Best of luck to all that aspire to run the POTW.  It is no where near as glamorous as you think.

Thanks for all the love, peace and harmony I see glowing from this crowd.

I need an Alika seltzer to settle my stomach.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: It's Time To Honor the Winner of the 2008 PERSON OF THE YEAR:
1/14/2009 10:28:32 AM

I don't expect it to be glamorous or a "duty", it's a leadership role. 

I would like to keep it as a weekly election or nomination celebration, and promote more involvement in the entire community to get more people here on a regular basis.

Maybe your negativity was a big part of the reason the popularity dropped like a rock.  The responses you choose to type to people aren't always as cordial as you could be.  You're supposed to be a positive representative of the community, therefore, they reflect back toward you what you give to them, and you're not always positive.  Why do you expect posititivity to come back to you?

I've been at Adlandpro since 1998, many years before this community started.  Advertising for years, no glamor, no friends list, no forums, all advertising, maintaining a top 1% status among the 1,000's and then 10,000's of Adlandpro affiliates.  I know how to draw in business or draw in a crowd for non-business. 

You don't see any of the other top Classified people here at the community area because they WORK, not PLAY.  The POTW needs a leader who leads with focus on the POTW election, not just hoping to make themselves next January's POTY, or to play cronyism, or to kowtow to butt-kissing.

The only headache in that job would be the people who make it a headache, either with their negativity or unwanted fawning.  If the leader has an enthusiastic approach toward promoting the election just for itself, other people will see that and join in enthusiastically.



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