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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Video Showing Hamas Usage Of Human And Physical Shields
4/22/2009 11:56:40 PM

Hello Friends,

Once again we're back to basics and the initial reason I started this thread to begin with. The blatant disregard of Hamas for all human life and in particular their own people.

Their use of women, children, innocent civilians, public buildings, Mosques, schools, hospitals etc. as human and physical shields is well known but the IDF came out with proof that most are aware of (the Hamas don't deny it quite the opposite) that shows their tactics for the world to see even if again the MSM ignores this completely. Skeptics and there still might be a few out there can see for them selves.

Hamas is only one arm of the radical/extreme Islam and their Islamic "code" allows them to use any subtrafuge to win. This is Israels fight according to many that fail to realize that Hamas and other arms of the Islamic Jihad have reached your shores where ever you might live and they affect all your lives.

This is not Israel's fight alone but the worlds fight against Islamic Jihad's plan for world domination.

They've seeped into the infrastructure of all European countries and are the backbone of the great pretender. Their numbers are multiplying in the US government and their influence way beyond their numbers within the US of America.

Islam has their man in the White House that is doing all in his power to advance their cause.

the infamous bow to his leader.

((youtube id="hRQa5-gmqys&feature"))((/youtube))

The next video I've shown on the first pages of this thread and shows how Hamas actually brags about using human shields.

((youtube id="g0wJXf2nt4Y&feature "))((/youtube))



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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4/23/2009 1:36:35 AM
Hello Friends,

There are many articles I can post here (and will) showing B. Hussein Obama's intentions regarding the peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. In my humble opinion after seeing and reading all that is published and said by BHO and his administration not much is to be expected from them in favor of Israel, quite the opposite.

Dry Bones golden oldie today shows what we can expect. We all know how Jimmy Carter turned out and what his preferences were and are till this day and he wasn't raised as a Muslim nor did he have the affinity  B. Hussein Obama has to all that is Islam nor the devotion and loyalty he has to the Islamic leaders and Kings (re: his infamous bow to the Saudi King).

Dry Bones shows that "there is nothing new under the sun". But this time we have an adherent to Islam to deal with even if he doesn't openly admit it.

Today's Golden Oldie is from 1977. The new Israeli Prime Minister (then it was Menachem Begin) was summoned to Washington to meet with the new American President (then it was Jimmy Carter).

It's now 32 years later and the new Israeli Prime Minister (now it's Bibi Netanyahu) has been summoned to Washington to meet with the new American President (now it's Barack Obama).

So will Obama turn out to be just another Carter, with his secret plans for our future hidden in his map room? Or will Obama surprise us all? Nu?

What do you think?

Dry Bones


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Geketa Holman

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4/23/2009 11:04:15 AM
Hi Peter,

A wise man once said," there is nothing new under the sun." There is not difference with the exception of Carter being a White  open anti-Semite and Obama being a Muslim Arab one.  p.s. you might enjoy my comment on Dry Bones :)



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Peter Fogel

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4/24/2009 12:37:12 AM

Hi Geketa,

Thanks for your comment here and on the Dry bones blog. Very appropriate. I was there too but was longer winded (as usual :) ).

Don't forget that Jimmy's claim to fame was being a successful peanut farmer. Hussein hasn't even got that to his credit. You could say that the common denominator is their love and support for Islam and the word peanut which broken down is pea (brain?) nut (actions!).



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - When Will B. Hussein Obama Finally Get Tough?
4/24/2009 12:44:45 AM
Hello Friends,

I've tried not to discuss the apparent (at least to me) lack of friendship this administration has for Israel. It can be seen in so many ways by the different statements made, softening up to the terrorist group Hamas (and Hezbollah- re: US OK to Turkey to sell arms to Hezbollah), statements made by Hillary and so much more.

Bowing to the Saudi King, becoming bosom buddies with Chavez (a known enemy of the USA and Israel) who is also a great friend of Ahmadinejad that B. Hussein is trying to butter up to (he's not buying though - he says my terms or hit the road - you're to weak to make demands). There are to many to mention and that includes padding the White House with Muslims.

So, what's left for BHO to show he can be "tough"??? Israel of course and he already made the first step by refusing to meet with PM Netanyahu during the AIPAC Summit (but he met with the US's enemies - hmmmm). I'm glad that Prime Minister Netanyahu canceled his trip and I'm quite confident that he will have the capabilities to meet with B. Hussein and defend Israels rights in the face of all the demands that will probably be made when they meet.

What I found most disturbing was a statement made by Hillary Clinton this past week. I found myself surprised and not by the demands that totally ignore all the steps Israel is taking to facilitate the peace talks but by the stupidity of the dangers implied in her statement. She said:
"For Israel to get the kind of strong support it is looking for vis-à-vis Iran, it can't stay on the sidelines with respect to the Palestinians and the peace efforts. They go hand in hand," Clinton told the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee. This woman is ignoring the fact that a nuclear Iran isn't only a danger to Israel but to the world. I think that she and her boss should check and see all the concessions that Israel's made in all the peace talks and the lack of concessions on the part of the Palestinians and their inability to uphold the majority of the agreements made to date.

They (BHO/Clinton) are showing total ignorance in this regard since the PLO and Hamas both Palestinian groups can't seem to come to any agreements between themselves.  A pathetic situation and one that is being used by Iran, Hamas, PLO to disorient the weak US government that is a supporter of the greater Islam with BHO in the White House.

And now to Dry Bones.

Having drawn Dry Bones for thirty-six years now, I've done plenty of cartoons about the meetings between our Prime Ministers and the powerful occupants of America's White House. ...and here comes another one!
* * *
For the cartoon to work it had to be set in America. The script would not work as an Israeli dialogue. So to get that across, I did not use any of my stock characters and wrote the punchline as Netanyahu is coming to Washington, and not that Bibi is going to Washington.
Dry Bones


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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