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Peter Fogel

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4/19/2009 11:50:02 PM
 Hello Friends,

We've been reading for ages about the Somali pirates and for some reason it's never reported as another form of Islamic Jihad. Sorry, I forgot the MSM reports very little about Islamic Jihad in any case so they are at least consistent in their biased reporting or non reporting.

The piracy of the Somali pirates is Jihad on the high seas! It became front page news cos they "dared" to attack a US ship and take its Captain as hostage. We wouldn't have taken such an interest if it hadn't struck a personal chord and that's the shame of it all cos this is happening on a daily basis and up till now it was "their" problem.

The below Dry Bones and report by puts these acts in a different light and better understood by all of us.



Dry Bones

Somalia: Islamist Rebel Leaders Hail Pirate Attacks

Rebel leaders in southern Somalia associated with Islamist factions have hailed recent pirate attacks off the coast of the Horn of Africa region, Radio Garowe reports.

In separate comments, Al Shabaab spokesman Muktar Robow "Abu Mansur" and Ras Kamboni Brigade leader Sheikh Hassan Abdullahi "Turki" have hailed ship-hijackings by Somali pirates.

In Baidoa, capital of Bay region, Abu Mansur told reporters that the pirates are "protecting the Somali coast."

"Foreign powers want to divide the country [Somalia] and the pirates are protecting the coast against the enemies of Allah [God]," Abu Mansur said.

He condemned the interim government of Somali President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, saying the government "sold the sea" to the neighboring Republic of Kenya.

Abu Mansur said Somali Planning Minister Abdirahman Abdishakur signed the controversial Memorandum of Understanding between Kenya and Somalia after "pressure from Western governments."

'Pirates are Mujahideen'

Separately, Sheikh Turki, a notorious Islamist guerrilla leader accused of terror ties by the U.S. government, told supporters in the southern port city of Kismayo that Kenya "will not be allowed one meter of Somalia."

He criticized Somali pirates as "money-seekers," but praised pirate attacks: "I can say the pirates are part of the Mujahideen [religious fighters], because they are in a war with Christian countries who want to misuse the Somali coast."

Sheikh Turki specifically commended Somali pirates for kidnapping Mr. Richard Phillips, the American captain of the Maersk Alabama vessel that escaped a pirate attack last week. He is still being held hostage by pirates.

"We will fight against Kenya and any other country if they try to take away Somali territory or waters," Sheikh Turki said.

He accused the government of President Sheikh Sharif, the former leader of Somali Islamists, of "lacking funds" and "failing to get a grant from the Arab countries" as reasons for "selling the sea" to Kenya.

He condemned recent fighting between Al Shabaab and Ahlu Sunnah fighters in the central region of Galgadud, saying: "It is unfortunate but the other group is only using the Ahlu Sunnah name."

Sheikh Turki's Ras Kamboni Brigade merged forces with other Islamist factions in Jan. 2009, forming the new group Hizbul Islam [Party of Islam].

Al Shabaab and Hizbul Islam factions have rejected Somalia's new government and vowed to wage war until foreign troops withdraw from Somali soil.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

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Re: HSIG - Ahmadinejad - You Are Weak, Your Hands Are Empty And You Can't..........
4/20/2009 4:19:18 AM

In regard to Ahmadinejad and Obama.....

Isn't it interesting that when Geo W Bush was President, Bush told Ahmadinejad what he (Bush) would do and not do in regards to talks with Iran.  Now Iran is telling Obama what he (Obama) needs to do and not do if he wants talks with Iran and Ahmadinejad.

One of the 'conditions' laid out by Iran was that the US get rid of all nuclear weapons and bombs.  Another condition was that Iran be allowed nuclear power.  I don't remember the exact wording but you get my drift.

I did not always agree with every thing Bush did but now we are seeing that maybe Bush had the right idea least in this instance.  Mighty interesting!


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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Ahmadinejad - You Are Weak, Your Hands Are Empty And You Can't..........
4/20/2009 5:32:30 AM

Hi Helen,

You've made an interesting point. Bush made many mistakes but his policy about and against terrorism was known to all. He didn't try to appease the maniacs of the world as the great pretender is. All he's accomplished so far is to get slapped in the face time after time.

Around a month ago I posted an article in which Assad was quoted as saying that the United States capitulated to Syria and Iran. Since then he spoke in Turkey and bowed to his lord and master the Saudi King.

Now, Ahmadinehad tells him you're weak and can't tell us what to do but we will tell you what our terms are and if you know what's good for you you'll accept.

The great pretender is doing more damage in the short time he's in office then any one expected and he's compounding these mistakes over and over again.

The latest slap in the face was from Chavez when he gave him an anti America book as a gift. What's next????

Aside form calling him the great pretender we can add the great appeaser.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jo Anne Green

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Re: HSIG - Ahmadinejad - You Are Weak, Your Hands Are Empty And You Can't..........
4/20/2009 11:19:59 PM
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Sunny Greetings from California, Peter and Friends!

Some of you may have seen reports on Ahmadinejad's speech against Israel on April 20, 2009, at the UN "Racism" summit that caused the U.S., Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Italy, Germany, Poland, and the Netherlands to walk out of the Geneva summit.

Apparently Ahmadinejad's speech was so vile and repugnant that even U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and many of the U.N. delegates that are usually quick to side with anyone who criticizes Israel found Ahmadinejad's remarks offensive and intolerable. Maybe some of them are finally beginning to see Ahmadinejad for the loathsome slime he is.

I find it interesting, however, that France, Britain, and the Czech Republic decided to stick around. They seem not to have been as disturbed by Ahmadinejad's words as much of the rest of the civilized world.

Until next time--

Have a Blessed Day & Shalom!

JoAnne Green
Principal / International Risk Management Advisor

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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Ahmadinejad - You Are Weak, Your Hands Are Empty And You Can't..........
4/21/2009 1:20:07 AM

Hi JoAnne,

I too read the reports on the lunatics speech at the Durban 2 conference. He was his hateful self at best. Ironically this is a man that the great pretender wants to talk to. I was proud that there were Jewish students there that booed him and  US Attorney Dershowitz if memory serves me right who was removed when he protested Ahmadinejad's speech and his denial of the Holocaust.

On a personal level I'm appalled that so many western countries did participate and am thankful for those that refused to attend.

What is ironic but not surprising is B. Hussein's refusal to meet with Bibi Netanyahu at the upcoming AIPAC summit in Washington DC. Bibi canceled his plans to attend and is sending a taped recording to be presented there. The great pretender is willing to meet with Chavez, Ahmadinejad (and others) known enemies of the US but not with the Prime Minister of one of its staunchest allies and friends. I guess we know who he's appeasing and pleasing with that behavior.



Netanyahu won't attend AIPAC summit, asks Peres to represent Israel

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday canceled his plans to attend the upcoming AIPAC summit, after it became clear that US President Barack Obama would not meet him during the conference.

Netanyahu announced that while he will not attend the conference in person, he will send a video-taped message to Washington.

Army Radio reported that the prime minister asked President Shimon Peres to represent Israel at the summit, scheduled to take place in Washington in the beginning of May.

According to the radio station, sources in the president's bureau confirmed that Peres had received a request from Netanyahu and AIPAC officials to attend the summit, but noted that the president had not yet decided whether to accept the invitation.

Jerusalem Post

Here's a reminder of the great pretenders real friends.

The famous bow to his leader?

Bosom buddies!!! Look at the self satisfied smiles.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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