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Helen Elias

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4/4/2009 7:58:57 AM

Hello Peter

A while back you asked me where I had seen the 'news' about oil found in Israel.  I didn't know the exact place and I still don't.  But I found another site that has some news about it.  I didn't have time to read it.  Here's the link for it > >
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Peter Fogel

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4/4/2009 8:07:26 PM

Hi Helen,

Yes they do have us over a barrel or to be exact millions of barrels. The sad part is that was the decision of our governments. They had the choices and made the wrong ones. Unfortunately under BHO we'll just get more of the same.

Yes, I checked and we have a few new off shore drilling sites that show great promise.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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4/5/2009 4:05:07 AM
 Hello Friends,

Well it appears that the threats of Meshud last week about Taliban attacks in the United States is a fact and no longer a threat.

The Taliban claims responsibility for the massacre in N.Y. where 14 people were murdered. Radical Islam at its best.

And instead of attacking the problems of radical Islam within the USA BHO is sending envoys to "normalize" relations with the Sudanese who have murdered over 2 million of their people in Sudan and Darfur in the past 2 decades.




Taliban Chief Claims Responsibility for N.Y. Shooting Massacre

Saturday , April 04, 2009



A Pakistani Taliban militant leader has claimed responsibility for the attack on a U.S. immigration center in New York state in which 13 people were killed, Reuters reported.

"I accept responsibility. They were my men. I gave them orders in reaction to U.S. drone attacks," Baituallah Mehsud told Reuters by telephone from an undisclosed location on Saturday.

Click here for photos.

Click here for taped video from the scene from the Binghamton Press Sun & Bulletin.

U.S. officials were not immediately available for comment about Mehsud's claim, Reuters reported, and one Pakistani security analyst dismissed the claim as a publicity stunt.

Representative Maurice Hinchey, whose district includes Binghamton, told the New York Times that indications are the gunman was an immigrant from Vietnam.

Mehsud's claim comes as a suspected U.S. drone fired two missiles at an alleged militant hide-out Saturday in northwestern Pakistan, killing 13 people.

The U.S. is suspected of carrying out more than three dozen such strikes over the past year in Pakistan near the Afghan border, where militants often launch attacks against U.S. and NATO troops. The drone attacks have caused tension with the Pakistani government, which frequently complains about the U.S. carrying out strikes on its territory.

President Barack Obama has said he will step up the pressure on Pakistan to crack down on militants in its territory by making aid to the country conditional on the government's anti-terrorism efforts. Pakistan has said it is committed to the fight, but many Western officials suspect the country's military intelligence agency of maintaining links with militant groups.

Obama said last month the U.S. would insist that action be taken "one way or another" when the country has intelligence about high-level terrorist targets in Pakistan, a likely reference to the drone strikes.

Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari defended his country's commitment to fighting Islamic militants in a speech marking the 30th anniversary of the execution of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, an influential former prime minister who was hanged by a military regime on charges widely seen as politically motivated.

"People around the world say that our country will disintegrate. Some say that fundamentalists will rule the country," Zardari told thousands of people who assembled early Saturday morning at the slain politician's tomb in southern Sindh province.

"But we will not let it happen as long as we are alive," said Zardari.

Bhutto was the father of Zardari's late wife Benazir Bhutto, a former prime minister who was assassinated by militants at the end of 2007, not long after returning to the country from exile to run in national elections. Pakistan and the U.S. have blamed Mehsud for Benazir Bhutto's death and scores of other attacks in Pakistan.

Earlier this week, Mehsud claimed responsibility for a deadly attack on a police academy in the eastern city of Lahore that left at least 12 people dead, including seven policeman. He warned that his group would carry out more attacks in the country unless the U.S. stopped drone attacks against militants on the Afghan border.

The militant leader also threatened to attack the White House, although the FBI said he had made similar threats previously and there was no indication of anything imminent. The U.S. has offered a reward of up to $5 million for Mehsud.

Soon after Mehsud made his threat, a suspected U.S. drone fired two missiles Wednesday at the alleged hide-out of one of his commanders, killing 14 people, intelligence and local officials said.


The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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4/5/2009 8:48:55 AM

Hello Peter,

I wouldn't put much credence into this.  A lone gunman was involved a Vietnamese immigrant, that was taking classes there at the center.  He had just lost his IBM job and from what I have seen on FOX News, and you know it runs 24/7 at my house, there has been little mention of this reported story.  This Mehsud seems to be trying to make a name for himself and the movement. 

Thinking positively about this, it could mean that the terrorists are actually at bay and have been marginalized to the Afghan and Pakistan borders.  Which we have discussed, has been where the focus should have been all along and would have received more support had we finished the job in Afghanistan to begin with.  Maybe a lot would be different today had we not been misled by bad intel, causing bad decisions to be made.

Causing the focus to be taken off the initial problem, which makes you think... Why we didn't continue the pressure in Afghanistan, knowing that Bin Laden was in that territory is still a mystery.  Instead we jump into Iraq, which I was against all along.  However, once involved, we have to support our troops, because they are our defenders and deserve our support.  No matter what their mission, they are following orders of their Commanders.  And they are the ones guilty of this deception.  But that is another story.

I do not believe there is any terror related group involved in the tragedy in Binghamton.  This guy is trying to build a reputation.



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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Peter Fogel

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4/6/2009 4:54:33 AM

Hi Jim,

I thought of that when I posted the article but this was in the news and deserved mentioning.

If you remember quite a few years back when a Japanese terrorist gunned down many Israelis in the Lod Airport (International) in Israel. It was found that he belonged to a Japenese terrorist group that was working in concert with the PLO. The 2 organizations exchanged terorists in their respective areas to assist in maximising terror. I remembered that and didn't discount that something of this nature might have happened here too. Just a thought.

Thanks for sharing with us.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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